Luo Yun was stunned.

Dongjinlin coughed and stopped Luo Yunran behind him. "She can represent me. In fact, what she just said is what I want to say."

Ryan burst into tears and snivel again. "What should I do? You don't want me to die to thank you, Lin? I'm your brother! I promised you that I would leave the imperial capital forever and never appear in front of you! Isn't that ok? I can even give up my identity as an imperial family!"

Dongjinlin was speechless.

How to put it?

Although he wanted to settle with Ryan, it was not easy to kill him. After all, there was no eye death on their side.

Plus, Ryan is still his own brother.

But it's much easier to let a person die than to let a person live.

So he planned to exile Ryan to the barren star and have a hard time for more than ten years.

But now... Ryan actually proposed that he was willing to immediately, and he has always been very concerned about his royal status, and now he is willing to give up.

Once he gave up his royal status, he didn't believe Ryan didn't know.

In fact, Ryan did nothing.

He can have today's good life, all because he cast a good baby.

If he gives up his identity, he may live worse than any ordinary person.

Because he has no means to make a living.

Dongjinlin seemed to have no idea how to severely punish him, "well, if you can give up your identity and publicly apologize to all the soldiers of the third group army, I can forgive you."

He said to the third army, not to all imperial citizens.

Because dongjinlin knew that Ryan had never done anything like colluding with the alliance.

But before, the aircraft of the third group army had problems and the star navigation failed. It was Ryan's pen.

Ryan's eyes glowed and nodded hurriedly. "Okay, okay! I promise! I promise!"

As if he was afraid that if he slowed down, dongjinlin would regret his decision.

Then he hugged dongjinlin again the next second, "would you do me a favor, too?"

Luo Yun ran picked the tip of his eyebrows and felt that Ryan had finally entered the topic of this trip.

Dongjinlin asked with an eyebrow.

Ryan said, "give me back Ling xiaodai! As long as you give me Ling xiaodai, I will leave DIDU star and never come back!"

"Ling xiaodai? Why do you want Ling xiaodai?" Luo Yunran was very vigilant.

Ryan became very impolite as soon as he glanced at her.

Dongjinlin turned Ryan to face himself for the first time, "why Ling xiaodai."

He asked. Ryan's attitude was much better at once.

In front of Luo Yunran, he is a big tiger. When he faces dongjinlin, he becomes a little cat.

Ryan burst into tears again, "I love her! Ling xiaodai is my girlfriend. You know, we've been together for a long time. I can't live without her!"

He began to wipe his nose with dongjinlin's sleeves again. "Lin, give me back Ling xiaodai! I've been thinking at home for a long time. I really can't lose her, so I'll risk coming to you today. Ling xiaodai didn't do anything bad!"

Luo Yunran chuckled. "Ha ha! She gave his highness Qi coffee mixed with something. Isn't it harmful?"

Ryan curled his mouth, "Didn't you drink it? Since you didn't drink it to your stomach anyway, she didn't really hurt you, and I know that she did all this for me. She was afraid you would embarrass me, so if she helped me out, I wouldn't be able to leave her! Lin! You grew up with Xiao Dai. She's a person you know. She doesn't even dare to kill a chicken. How can she dare What about hurting you? It's not her intention! "

Luo Yunran felt that he had been stuffed with dog food in his throat.

The expired one.

It's very cramped. Don't mention it.

Obviously, Ryan spoke about his feelings with Ling xiaodai, but it was disgusting.

They are only true, good and beautiful men and women in their own world, but once they break away from their own centered world, they jump out to see.

They will find that they have been hurting and sacrificing others in order to safeguard their own interests.

The people they hurt and sacrificed don't owe them anything and have no obligation to contribute to them.

"Lin! Give me back Ling xiaodai! I want to take her away right away! OK, Lin! Give her to me!" Ryan dragged Dong Jinlin more and more vigorously, and almost shook Dong Jinlin later.

Dongjinlin quickly held him down.

When he was pressed by dongjinlin, Ryan immediately burst into tears and tore his heart and lungs!

"We are brothers! How can you do this to me! Ling xiaodai doesn't like you at all! What do you mean by forcing her to stay with you! How many wives do you want! You're so hateful! You're so cruel!"

Ryan cried so loudly that even the soldiers outside the door were alarmed. Thinking that something earth shaking had happened, he hurried into the door.

As a result, when he came in, he saw his highness, who had just ordered outside, crying like an abandoned woman holding dongjinlin.


What is this?

They didn't know what to do for a moment.

Ryan himself didn't care about the image collapse. When there were more people, he cried louder.

"Give Ling xiaodai back to me! Give it back to me! She's just a woman! Why do you hold on to her! You're too much! I love her! I love her so much! I want Ling xiaodai! Give her back to me! Give it back to me!"

"Get out!" dongjinlin yelled.

The stunned soldiers finally got back to their senses and quickly withdrew.

Ryan had cried so much that he knelt to the ground and kept shouting, "Ling xiaodai... Ling xiaodai... Give it back to me..."

Dongjinlin really had the impulse to strangle his brother.

Ryan suddenly looked up. "I just ask you this! You don't promise me this! What kind of brother!"

Luo Yunran coughed softly, "otherwise, wait a minute. We'll arrange for you to meet Ling xiaodai?"

Ryan turned his head with a Shua.

From entering the door to now, I have a good face for Luo Yunran for the first time, probably to show "gratitude", but in fact, I smile very darkly.

Luo Yun asked Ryan to wait here and went out by himself.

Dongjinlin followed.

They went outside the door and began to discuss.

Dongjinlin, "do you really want him to see Ling xiaodai?"

Luo Yunran asked, "why, are you reluctant?"

Dongjinlin frowned, "that's not the case at all. I think he took so much effort just to get back a Ling xiaodai. It really subverts my previous understanding of him. I don't think he will compromise for anyone except himself."

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