But dongjinlin still saw the suspicious moment.

The mouse's reaction just confirmed the correctness of dongjinlin's guess.

"You mean... These highly intelligent Zerg are queens?" Luo Yunran felt that things were getting worse and worse.

One queen is big enough for their heads.

Don't you see that they all need to mobilize an entire group army to destroy them?

If there are several at once

Feel human pills.

Dongjinlin shook his head, "no, I mean, these highly intelligent Zerg should be made by the queen, and it's not easy to make such eggs. If you can, the queen would have produced such eggs in large quantities. The Zerg will be invincible, but the queen doesn't."

"You mean, we still have a chance?" Luo Yunran thought of going with Dong Jinlin very tacitly.

Dongjinlin suddenly mentioned another person, "I think Ryan might have something we are interested in."


Dongjinlin explained, "assuming that Ryan has been invaded by the Zerg, it can explain why he would save Ling xiaodai regardless of the danger. Ryan was a romantic person who never took women seriously, let alone give up his royal identity for a woman."

"You don't want me to... Cut Ryan's head?" Luo Yunran's expression was a little subtle.

It's not that she doesn't have that technology, but.

If this knife goes down, Ryan doesn't have

So, are they murdering Ryan?

After all, Ryan is dongjinlin's own brother. She doesn't know if he can bear killing his own brother accidentally

"I know it will be faster to cut open his brain directly, but considering the overall situation, I think I'd better keep his brain first. I'm going to give him a chance to see how far he can play freely." dongjinlin seems to have a relatively complete plan in his heart.

Luo Yunran felt very uneasy. "Is it okay to let him go?"

Dongjinlin patted the back of her hand, "I have discretion. Freedom is relative. No freedom is absolute. I still need your help."

"What can I do to help?" Luo Yunran clenched his fist, but he was full of energy.

Dongjinlin pointed at her.

Luo Yunran hesitated and put his head close to him.

Dongjinlin whispered in her ear.

The little white mouse in the cage was very quiet at this time, just like falling asleep.

When the two finished their discussion and left one after another, the mouse immediately screamed.

Luo Yunran saw the crazy little white mouse in the monitoring and sighed, "good little mouse, it's pathetic to say crazy."

"You see, from this little white mouse's behavior, we can see that it has maintained some contact with the Zerg queen. It may not be able to deliver specific information, but at least it can tell whether it is a good thing or a bad thing." Dong Jinlin looked dignified. "This is terrible enough."

Luo Yunran, "fortunately, I put up a barrier in advance. If it breaks my throat, I won't get in touch with the outside world."

"Poof! Cough! Cough!" the adjutant who had just come to report to dongjinlin felt as if he had heard some bad lines, so he coughed violently to cover up.

The two people who were talking turned back and gave the adjutant a strange look.

Luo Yunran also cared, "adjutant, your voice is uncomfortable?"

"No, no! Just choked by saliva. It's all right!" the adjutant was a little confused. The two parties were quite calm. Was he too conservative?

He cleared his throat and confessed to dongjinlin, "report! I have arranged the room for his highness Ryan. Will you take his highness there now?"

"Where is the arrangement?" asked Dong Jinlin.

Adjutant, "area C 13!"

Dongjinlin, "change it."

Adjutant, "yes!"

The next second is "ah?" came out, "where to change?"

Dongjinlin pretended to think and paused for two seconds before he said, "isn't the marshal quite empty? It's not crowded for more people. Ryan is used to enjoying it. The conditions are ordinary. He will complain. It's too noisy."

"Arrange your highness to the marshal?" the adjutant couldn't help reminding dongjinlin how important the marshal was to them, but he didn't dare to take the risk.

But dongjinlin has directly interrupted him, "just do as I say. In addition, call all commanders over and have an emergency meeting."


The whole third group army quickly became busy quietly.

Luo Yunran suddenly received a message from Ling mubai.

She was a little surprised. She walked away a few steps and opened her head.

Ling mubai only said a few short words.

"There are defects in the Lingshu. The system will be upgraded automatically and faster. In the later stage, the host bound to it will no longer have the power to dominate the Lingshu. Instead, it will be dominated by the Lingshu and become a tool for it to absorb its spiritual power. I am the creator of Lingshu. If you don't want things to become irreparable, you have to come to me!"

Luo Yunran's mood suddenly became dignified.

She could not judge whether these words said by Ling mubai were true or false.

If it's true

"What's the matter?" he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

It turned out that dongjinlin had explained to the adjutant. When he found that she was missing, he found her.

Luo Yunran struggled and showed Dong Jinlin Ling mubai's news just now.

"What he said may not be true. It may be a means to deceive you out. Last time, he kidnapped you directly in order to separate the Lingshu from you." dongjinlin analyzed it rationally.

Luo Yun ran said, "but we can't completely deny that there is no such possibility, right?"

What else does dongjinlin want to say.

Luo Yunran has made a decision. "To be cautious, I have to talk to a strong man who can subdue me at any time. If something happens to me, don't be merciful."

Dongjinlin thought seriously, "your request is a little difficult. I'm afraid the whole group army can't find a second more suitable person except me."

Before Luo Yunran could speak, he hammered, "so from now on, you have to follow me."

Luo Yunran has at least the illusion that she has sold herself.


The third group army station suddenly gave an alarm and went crazy!

After the signal of the first group army flashed a few times, it suddenly connected to a communication channel, and the Marshal's face appeared on the screen.

"Come on! Come on! I just locked linyst in the super surveillance cabin! Now the third group army is under my control!"

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