"What kind of play?" before the female doctor spoke, the Dean rushed out angrily.

The woman doctor repeated, "the man is gone."

The Dean was one and the first two were big, "what are you doing here when you're gone! Go find it! Go find it!"

"Dean," the female doctor took a deep breath and reminded, "do you directly adjust the monitoring to find it faster?"

The Dean has this authority.

"Oh, you're right!" the Dean hurriedly opened his light brain.

Then a picture was released.

Ling xiaodai, who had been pushed into the operating room, suddenly jumped up when she was about to inject anesthesia. She grabbed the anesthesia needle and stabbed her backhand into the anesthesiologist.

The anesthesiologist fell down without struggling.

Ling xiaodai quickly peeled off the anesthesiologist's white coat, hat, mask and ID card and left the operating room.

Then just now, the doctor went into the operating room fully armed. He was going to have an operation, but he suddenly found that he was missing.

They know everything after that.

"Block all the entrances and exits of the hospital! She should not have gone far now! In addition," the Dean operated and saw a box with the word "complete" jump out, "well, I have locked the authority of anesthesiologist Anna. As long as the girl passes through any door with Anna's ID card, I will receive a message right away."

As soon as the Dean finished, the light brain "didi" rang twice.

"Coming!" the Dean was excited and immediately checked the next position, "gate 13 in area C! But this gate has been blocked because of her wrong identification information. She should look for the nearest other exit to leave."

"OK! I see. Let's find someone now!" the female doctor rushed out in a rage.

The Dean quickly contacted Luo Yunran.

Luo Yunran was surprised when he received the news from the Dean, and then suddenly had a plan, "Dean, do me a favor."

"Ah?" the Dean suddenly had a bad feeling, "what do you... What do you want me to do?"

Luo Yunran whispered for a while.

The dean's face was terrified and very embarrassed, "do you have to do this?"

His heart refused.

Luo Yunran nodded. "Of course, I think you saw the scene in the court just now. We still don't know Ling mubai's purpose, and we don't know how many Zerg are hiding around us. Ling xiaodai is a breakthrough. President, you can cooperate. It's no problem for you. We sacrificed for the happiness of all mankind at that time."

The Dean struggled.

The woman doctor over there sent him a message, "see someone! Wait, we'll catch her right away!"

Dean, "wait!"

The female colleague who was about to rush out with her companions was stunned. Weakly sent a message to the Dean, "what's the matter?"

The dean's heart was horizontal, "tell me the location. Look at the good people, I'll go right away!"


Luo Yunran heard what the dean said. Knowing that he had promised, he hung up with peace of mind.

Now most people are cleaning the bloody courts, and the whole country has entered a state of martial law. They check whether the other party is a Zerg mixed with the crowd.

Especially senior leaders, who are the key targets of investigation.

At least none of the people who have died so far is little Luo Luo.

Dongjinlin came to her, "it's like a way to distinguish between humans and Zerg. You can't cut everyone's brain open. If you kill wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the whole empire will fall into chaos."

At present, their identification method is still very simple, mainly to see if this person is different from his usual performance.

However, in view of the fact that these highly intelligent Zerg can inherit part of their memory when swallowing the human brain, it is still very difficult to distinguish if the other party deliberately pretends.

Luo Yunran nodded. "I really want to help, but this is not my special session. At present, only one person should be able to help."

Dongjinlin frowned, "Ling mubai?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, this person is really him." Luo Yunran said, "he has always been a genius in this regard, and he has always had close contact with the Zerg. As far as I know, he has never been a person who doesn't leave a way for himself. If he dares to hide from the tiger, he must have a way to save himself."

Now, the other six generals of the group army, together with the king and his son, have died.

But they only left the queen in the cover and Ling mubai.

"His attitude is very uncooperative. I'm afraid he won't cooperate with him no matter how much I tell him." dongjinlin is not optimistic about the expectation of cooperation with Ling mubai.

Luo Yunran agreed, "it's true, and there's another point. We still don't know why he developed Lingshu. Maybe if we find this reason, we can know why he colluded with the Zerg."

"General!" the adjutant came and saluted dongjinlin, "all the personnel have been transferred!"

Dongjinlin nodded, "retreat. Shut Ling mubai in a separate cabin. Don't let him contact anyone."


"I'll see the queen," Luo Yun ran said.

Dongjinlin didn't agree. "It's too dangerous. I don't know if it has been completely imprisoned now. I have to strengthen protection. In case it escapes, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Luo Yunran glanced at him and smiled.

Dongjinlin touched his nose and felt uneasy. "What are you laughing at?"

"You don't want to kill the queen like this, do you?" Luo Yunran suddenly asked.

Dongjinlin covered her mouth and pulled the man to the corner.

His face was serious. "Who did you listen to?"

I don't know how terrible the effect would be if others heard that just now.

Luo Yunran kissed the palm of his hand. The soft waxy touch made dongjinlin's palm numb. It was like being electrocuted, and he quickly withdrew back.

The palm of the hand held it uneasily, as if it could still feel the burning heat.

He was not willing to erase the feeling.

Luo Yunran, who regained his freedom of speech, spoke calmly and solemnly, "because I think so, too."

Dongjinlin opened his eyes in surprise, "what do you think?"

According to the usual practice, as long as the Zerg Queen appears, mankind will try every means to eliminate the queen as soon as possible.

Just like they didn't hesitate to blow up the whole planet.

However, dongjinlin does have some other ideas now.

It's just that no one has done this before them. It's very risky.

Luo Yunran raised his hand and pointed to the Lingshu system in the form of light brain on his hand. "I want to use the Queen's spiritual power for myself and serve us."

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