He was not sure of linyst's intentions.

But in the same way, it is impossible for the other party to fully understand his mind.

This may be a trap, but it may not be an opportunity for him.

Ling mubai has always been very good at seizing opportunities.

Dongjinlin narrowed his eyes imperceptibly, "what conditions do you have?"

"I need to get the highest authority of imperial central laboratory," said Ling mubai.

The central laboratory was where he had been before.

Since the last kidnapping of Luo Yunran failed, the laboratory has been closed and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

Ling mubai, who has worked there for so many years, knows everything there like the back of his hand.

Whether it's in the open or in the dark.

Over the years, the Empire has been paying great attention to scientific research, and has invested unimaginable amounts of funds, human and material resources in this regard.

When he gets there, he is the king!

"The highest authority..." dongjinlin hesitated.

Ling mubai spread his hand, "this is necessary. You know, Lingshu is the most complex system developed by the laboratory so far. It involves many aspects of operation and knowledge. When I first made it, I mobilized the whole central laboratory. Now it is also necessary to separate it from Lolo."

Sounds reasonable.

Dongjinlin thought for two or three seconds and nodded, "yes, but I have another question."

"You say!" just now dongjinlin agreed to the highest authority. Ling mubai is in a good mood and can't answer anything.

"Who was the Lingshu originally bound to?" dongjinlin asked.

Ling mubai's eyes pricked. I really can't underestimate him.

Accidentally, he asked such a sharp question.

"No one." Ling mubai shook his head and looked very sincere, "People engaged in scientific research like us don't have to do anything for what they want, but do what they think. Lingshu is my concept product. I think this topic is very interesting. The strong in the world now respect, but talent is born. Are some people doomed to be inferior to others if they don't have talent? I think otherwise, in order to promote the fairness of the world, In order to give people who are not so talented more opportunities to compete with others, that's why I became a spiritual pivot. "

"It sounds very ideal," said Dong Jinlin.

Ling mubai had some unexpected joy. "Don't you think my practice is great, don't you?"

Dongjinlin mercilessly interrupted him, "no, your idea is really good, but the way you use to change the fate of the weak is to rob other people's possessions. The robbed things are not your own after all, and you opened the head and take all this as correct. Of course, I'm sorry, I really can't agree with your three views."

If Ling mubai seriously wants to study how to improve the ability of the weak and how to make more people stronger.

Don't say dongjinlin. Even if the whole empire stood up, I'm afraid no one would deny his idea.

And worship him as a God.

But the problem is that Ling mubai's approach is not aboveboard.

And once his approach is recognized.

Then everyone thinks it's understandable to rob others of their spiritual power.

The weak want to be strong, the strong want to be stronger.

Then the civilization order that human civilization has not easily established for tens of thousands of years will be in vain.

Everyone can do without means.

This is not progress, this is destruction.

Ling mubai glared at dongjinlin and gritted his teeth, "but the world is energy conservation. There is no spiritual power born out of thin air. If you want to get it, you must snatch it from those who have spiritual power!"

Dongjinlin raised his hand and interrupted, "I'm not interested in listening to you talk about your great concept and authority. I'll help you do it as soon as possible."

As soon as Ling mubai heard about the authority, he immediately shut up.

He was afraid that if he didn't know which words he would offend dongjinlin, his authority would be in vain.

Dongjinlin stood up, nodded slightly, and turned away.

On the other side, the Dean has led Ling xiaodai straight here.

Almost at the same time that dongjinlin left this floor, the two men emerged from the corner.

The Dean looked down at the light brain, "it should be here. The mark my friend gave me is nearby."

He was about to boast when Ling xiaodai pulled him back behind him.

The Dean stumbled, "what's the matter?"

Did the girl find any clues?

Ling xiaodai looked around nervously. "Do I think it will be too smooth? We didn't see anyone along the way. Is my brother really here? If so, shouldn't it be heavily guarded?"

"Who still uses people to stand guard now? Isn't there a security system?" the Dean immediately broke it.

While complaining about Luo Yunran, the play was really unprofessional.

At least send two groups to play against them.

How does the Dean know that if Luo Yunran doesn't send people to act with them, he really doesn't value their combat effectiveness.

When you said it, people asked. They panicked and wanted to run. Did the soldier catch it or not?

If you catch it, there is no situation that you can't catch it at all.

If you don't catch it, it's too fake.

"Security system!" Ling xiaodayton was like a frightened bird, "have we been found long ago!"

"Don't worry, we came here with ID cards. The security system won't call the police. And look, who can see what we look like now?" the Dean pointed to his full armed body.

There are white coats, white hats, masks and glasses.

Two people are also pinned with a badge, which says "health and epidemic prevention station".

Ling xiaodai looked at the Dean, who couldn't recognize the original appearance at all. Her heart was finally put down, "you're right."

"Well, let's go!" the Dean directly took Ling xiaodella out.

After a turn, the door that dongjinlin had just left was in front of him.

Ling xiaodai took a deep breath, "how do you get in?"

The Dean went up directly and "didi" on the recognizer on one side, and the door opened with a bang.

Ling xiaodai is happy!

The dean said, "go in quickly. I'll watch the wind at the door. If anyone comes, I'll lead them away immediately."

Ling xiaodai was very moved, "thank you!"

He strode in.

Ling mubai inside raised his head when he heard the news. He thought it was dongjinlin who came back again.

As a result, he looked up and was stunned!

"Brother!" Ling xiaodai shouted, then thought that no one could recognize her now, and quickly pulled off her mask and hat.

The two eyes looked at Ling mubai with red.

Ling mubai frowned in an instant!

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