Luo Yunran kindly explained.

Ling mubai's legs were soft, and his voice was so sharp that he changed his tune, "female! Emperor?"

He immediately shook his head. "No, it's impossible. I've been staring at it all the time. It's the appearance of human. How can it become a Zerg! No!"

"It's because I know you're not easy to cheat, so I really work hard. When I say it, I have to thank Lingshu. I have to say that Lingshu is really the most powerful thing you've made in your life." Luo Yunran actually has some pain in his chest and buzzing in his ears from time to time.

But from her performance, I can't see anything.

"Lolo!" Ling mubai shouted, "since you know the value of Lingshu, you should be able to understand what I did. How can you stand against me on their side!"

"I don't understand." Luo Yunran interrupted him coldly. "The tool is not good or bad. The only difference is the person who uses it. Lingshu is indeed a great invention. If used properly, it can have a very good impact, but look what you have done with it? Kill! Create chaos! Do everything!"

Luo Yunran has been bound with Lingshu for such a long time. She knows what Lingshu is like better than anyone.

She felt that this thing would be bound to herself.

It may also be because in continuous evolution, it has its own view of right and wrong, and it doesn't want to be controlled to do things that kill people and steal goods.

In luoyunran, it has always been a medical system based on treating patients and saving people!

How can a medical system be willing to kill?

"Ha ha! Ha ha!" Ling mubai suddenly laughed. "Since no one can understand me, let's destroy them here today!"

Ling mubai suddenly opened a small secret door behind him and patted the black button inside!

Everyone panicked!

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

The air condensed for three seconds like death, but nothing happened in the past three seconds.

The crowd was a little uncertain, and even their stiff body moved unconsciously.

"I'm sorry," Dong Jinlin raised his left hand and motioned the light brain in his hand. "The central laboratory is state property. I can't allow anyone to damage it without permission, so I cancelled your dangerous instruction just now."

There was a long exhalation around.

Obviously nothing happened, but they seemed to have just experienced a major ordeal and survived.

"You!" Ling mubai stared at dongjinlin in disbelief. "How can you cancel my instruction! I'm the highest authority here!"

Dongjinlin shook his head, "no, it hasn't been."

"Impossible! I know everything here!" Ling mubai's voice was ferocious to the breaking sound.

Dongjinlin still shook his head. "Before you came back here, another level had been added to your authority. I'm really sorry. I'm telling you now. It's really because you, Dr. Ling, are not a trustworthy person."

"Ah!!" Ling mubai tore his hair hard and couldn't bear the huge blow. In fact, when the robot suddenly didn't listen to him just now, he was already aware of it.

But when he was really told that he was fooled, his pride as a genius destroyed his psychological defense in an instant.

Suddenly he grabbed something from his pocket and threw it at them!

"Be careful! Get down!" shouted Dong Jinlin.

People have already grabbed Luo Yunran and pulled her under her to protect her.

A burst of white smoke exploded in front of us, blocking everyone's sight. The smell was also very pungent. As soon as I smelled it, I couldn't help coughing, and my eyes were so hot that I couldn't stop crying.

When the smoke dispersed, there was no human figure on the ground where Ling mubai was just located.

"People are running away! Hurry! Hurry up!" the Dean pointed out the direction, with tears and runny nose, but he insisted on providing clues. It was really touching.

Following the direction he pointed, Dong Jinlin strode across.

"Dean, are you wrong? There's no way over there." someone expressed doubt.

There is really no road or exit, just thick walls, and there is no other place to hide around.

No one will run in that direction unless he is out of his mind.

The Dean sucked his nose hard, his throat and nasal cavity were very uncomfortable, "I... cough, I'm not sure!"

He just saw people going that way at the last glance.

Luo Yunran came over, handed him a wet handkerchief and patted him on the shoulder to show comfort.

The Dean rushed over and wiped his face.

Immediately before that kind of choking and uncomfortable feeling, it was much better all at once.

As if he had been saved, he covered his handkerchief and took a hard breath.

Suddenly I heard a bang.

Everyone couldn't help looking in the direction of the sound. Dongjinlin raised his hand and motioned, "it should be from here."

A secret door appeared on the thick wall just now.

Others couldn't see clearly, but when they saw Ling xiaodai's sudden appearance of Luo Yunran with Dong Jinlin in area a, they immediately understood what it was.

"Can you see people?" Luo Yunran asked.

Dongjinlin put his head in and took a look. He quickly stepped back and shook his head. "I can't see it. It's dark inside and I can't see five fingers."

No wonder Ling xiaodai was dizzy inside and had to find an exit to retreat first.


Ling mubai is not Ling xiaodai.

Ling xiaodai used this channel for the first time, but Ling mubai has worked in the central laboratory for so many years.

He probably knows the structure inside.

The adjutant immediately stood up and volunteered, "I'll take someone to chase!"

"Ah!" Luo Yunran just shouted.

Dongjinlin stopped the man. "No, we don't know what's going on inside. If you rush in, you may be lost inside. If something happens, others won't have time to support, but it will cause trouble."

Luo Yunran breathed a sigh of relief.

That's what she's worried about.

The adjutant was at a loss. "Then, what shall we do? Can we block the exit?"

"I'm afraid it's useless. This channel should be outside the scope of the channel laboratory." Luo Yunran pinned his hope on dongjinlin. "How about you now have the highest authority to view the route map of this secret road?"

Dongjinlin had already started to check after stopping the adjutant. When Luo Yunran asked, he already had the result.

Shook his head, "this is not a common route. It may have been stopped many years ago. I only have the latest data from the laboratory, and I don't have this secret way."

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