Isn't this a dead question?

"Do you feel very disappointed?" Ling mubai has seen what Luo Yunran is thinking.

He smiled. "In fact, there is a way to greatly shorten this time."

Luo Yunran, "what can I do?"

"X experiment."

Luo Yun dyed a thrill, and his eyebrows turned up in an instant. "What are you talking about? Have you forgotten why you are locked up here now?"

"Of course I didn't forget." Ling mubai was very calm and grabbed people's eyes and then shot, "but don't forget how the Lingshu was activated in the first place. It was only activated in the process of X experiment that it had its own consciousness and bound with you! Without x experiment, it would always be a secret lying in the dark."

"If you want to activate the Lingshu, you must have enough nutrients. It's because you took away all the nutrients it depends on for survival! It's suddenly gone, isn't it?" lingmu's white words and sentences are like a knife in Luoyun's heart.

Intellectually, she clearly felt that he was talking nonsense.

But emotionally, I actually think what he said is very reasonable

Indeed, that's how Lingshu first appeared.

What's wrong with making it come back and go the way it used to go?

"Lolo! You can see that the Empire has developed so well because of the Lingshu. Facts have proved that my invention is very valuable! If Lingshu can come back, it will certainly overflow the Empire in the future! There is no need to pay for success? These are the bumps that must be experienced on the road to success. In the future, we will remember those who sacrificed for it Yes, it's also a glorious death, isn't it? "

Ling mubai's voice seems to be naturally bewitching, which makes people unable to help but be convinced.


Suddenly a low voice answered Ling mubai.

Low, but determined.

Ling mubai raised his head in surprise and saw that Luo Yunran had recovered from the panic just now.

She looked at herself with deep eyes, but the darkness stretched out and there were two amazing lights, "Lingshu told me that absorbing other people's spiritual power is not its original intention, because you set it up early that it can't resist. Since it was bound with me, it has never taken the initiative to absorb other people's spiritual power. Therefore, if it is allowed to choose, it will not be willing to revive in the way of X experiment."

Luo Yunran strode over. "Thank you for everything you've done for Lingshu during this time. However, I think I may no longer need your help in the future." Tao was different and did not conspire.

She walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Ling mubai suddenly shouted behind him.

Luo Yunran stopped and looked back.

"Is there anything else? Don't worry, they shouldn't wear gravity bracelets for you anymore."

Ling mubai laughed, "at this time, you will still think of others. I don't know whether you don't have a long memory or are too kind."

Luo Yun ran frowned. "I didn't. I'm just talking about things. You don't have to feel indebted to me."

Originally, Ling mubai could not wear a gravity bracelet.

His physical quality is also much worse than that of others. Wearing a gravity bracelet for a long time will cause irreparable damage to his body.

"You don't have to pick yourself so clean. If you didn't open this mouth, do you think they would take the initiative to take off my gravity bracelet?" Ling mubai waved to her, "come back. Since you don't want to do another x experiment, we can go another way."

Luo Yun ran was stunned. "What other way?"

"I didn't say that there is only x experiment, but it's the quickest and most effective way. Who am I? I'm the person who created the Lingshu. Even without x experiment, I can pull it back!" Ling mubai's last sentence was resounding.

Luo Yunran was overjoyed and immediately ran over, "really? Why didn't you say it earlier? Just say what I can do."

Ling mubai snorted, "I advise you not to be too optimistic. I just said there are other ways, but after all, it's a road you haven't walked before. No one can guarantee what will happen."

"It doesn't matter!" Luo Yunran doesn't mind at all. Instead, she is much more cheerful than before.

Ling mubai looked at her like this and sighed, "sometimes I really don't understand what people like you think."

In his mind, he felt that Luo Yunran had no less talent than himself.

If she would cooperate with herself.

Their career will get twice the result with half the effort, and even change the world!

But Luo Yunran doesn't seem to have the ambition.

The towering power that was readily available before Mingming, she said she gave all her spiritual power out.

Now I work so hard for a small system.

It's impossible for Ling mubai to tell Lingshu how deep his feelings are.

After all, in his place, Lingshu can't speak or think. He's just a tool.

The reason why he always wants to get it is that he is unwilling to let his research results be stolen by others. He wants to change his life!

But Luo Yunran's feelings for Lingshu really don't seem to be understandable to him.

"Since you absorbed the Zerg queen before, I now have a new idea," Ling mubai turned his wrist, turned out a chip from his light brain and inserted it into the console in front of him. "I can try to change the way Lingshu absorbs spiritual power and see if I can set the object specifically as Zerg."

Luo Yun ran was surprised. "Can you do it? But the spiritual power of ordinary Zerg is not high. Only the queen has very outstanding spiritual power."

Luo Yunran thought about this before, but it got stuck at the beginning.

"But the Zerg are numerous and multiply very fast. Usually, if there are no natural enemies, they can occupy the whole planet in a week," Ling mubai said, "I want to try to build a bridge between humans and Zerg, equip a Zerg with a similar spiritual pivot, let it absorb the spiritual power of its companions, and then transfer the spiritual power it obtains to you when it reaches a certain degree."

Luo Yun's eyelids jumped and said in some uncertainty, "are you... Going to recreate a queen?"

The birth of the queen was to constantly feed on the same kind and accumulate her own strength.

How similar is this idea to what Ling mubai is saying now?

"The concept is as like as two peas, but you need not worry that the queen is made by us, so its actions are within our control. And we don't need to look too high on the body. If I have the ability to really create a same spirit, will I still be here?"

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