Luo Yunran opened her mouth and nodded a moment later, "OK, I see what you mean. Since you don't want to help, I won't force you. I'll just come by myself."

But after all, she doesn't know Lingshu as well as Ling mubai, and she must spend more time than Ling mubai.

I wonder if dongjinlin can wait until then.

She will go to talk to dongjinlin first and ask him not to put all his hopes here.

Be prepared.

Although the Empire does not want to start a war, it is absolutely not afraid of war!

If we really want to fight, the people of the alliance will not benefit.

"You come by yourself?" Ling mubai looked at her in surprise.

Luo Yun dyed his chin. "Yes, I'll do it myself. Anyway, I came out of the same school with you. I don't believe I can't do what you can do."

Ling mubai smiled, "it's really rare to see you have such a great determination in scientific research. I always thought that we two took two completely different roads."

He is more focused on research, but Luo Yunran is not. She prefers to treat patients and save people.

It seems that they all belong to a big category, but in fact, in many ways, the two people are opposite.

Just as Ling mubai believes that since we want to achieve something, the sacrifice along the way is inevitable.

But Luo Yunran is trying hard to save every life she can save.

So after graduation, although Ling mubai once warmly invited, Luo Yunran refused the invitation of the central laboratory and went directly to the Imperial military academy.

"I'm not determined to do scientific research, I'm just determined to do it," Luo Yunran said more righteously.

The goal she pursued was never the same as that of Ling mubai.

Ling mubai stared at her for a long time, turned his head and vomited out a mouthful of turbid air, "since you don't like it, there's no need to waste your energy on it."


"It's better to give it to professionals." Ling mubai kicked his foot and slid his chair to the comprehensive workbench opposite. "It's also a torture for me to watch you half ignorant people toss here."

Luo Yun ran was stunned, and then suddenly responded, "did you promise?"

"I don't want to help you, but I don't want to be upset." Ling mubai immediately called back Luo Yunran's words.

Correct your attitude severely.

In the distance, Xiao nochaoluo Yunran made a "no problem" gesture.

Luo Yunran was a little surprised.

Xiao Nuo and Ling mubai didn't spend much time together. It seems that they know each other very well.

Is this the blood that binds you?

When little nobby finished his gesture, he lowered his head again in silence.

Ling mubai quickly called out the information about memory remodeling and said, "I modified your memories before because you are all in a coma and the spiritual world is completely under my control, but your requirement now is that they should be able to keep moving freely, which is different from before me."

"Is it very difficult?" Luo Yunran thought and thought it was right. They can't send the people of the alliance back one by one.

Even if they say these people are okay, they are still alive.

The alliance can't give up.

"If not, I'll try hypnosis." Luo Yunran narrowed her eyes and had a direction under her heart.

Ling mubai glanced at her obliquely, "hypnotize so many people at the same time. Be careful that you are doomed. Moreover, even if your hypnosis really works, it can't guarantee that they haven't been awakened from hypnosis, can it?"

Luo Yunran really has no confidence in herself.

Hypnosis is applicable to those who are not very strong in their willpower, and such guidance has the best effect.

But if you have strong willpower.

Like dongjinlin.

She can't hypnotize at all.

Even if some people can hypnotize temporarily, it won't take long for those people to get rid of hypnosis by themselves.

"Fortunately, your request is not high. As long as they lose their memory, you can try the same principle of repair fluid to restore the brain tissue to the state before this memory." Ling mubai withdrew his eyes and continued to quickly browse the data in front of him.

Luo Yun was stunned. "Repair solution?"

Can it be used to modify memory?

"I just said this principle. I didn't really immerse the repair solution into my mind. Please, Luo Yunran, are you stupid in love? They all said that the IQ of women in love has fallen terrible. I didn't believe it. Look at you, stone hammer." Ling mubai swept her up and down and despised her.

Luo Yunran stared at him. "I think the idea of this repair solution you said is OK. Why can't you soak your brain? You can also soak your brain."

Ling mubai was incredible. "Are you crazy?"

This man is even crazier than him?

Luo Yun frowned. "What are you thinking? I'm sure I won't kill them. If I can, will I bother to find you to find a way?"

Ling mubai was not sure. Intellectually, he felt that Luo Yunran could not do such a cruel thing.

But he always felt that what Luo Yunran just said was clearly meant to take out his brain.

Did he have any key information that he didn't catch?

"I have a general idea. I want to experiment." Luo Yunran suddenly said.

Ling mubai instantly thrilled, "you can find anyone, don't find me! My brain is the most valuable thing I have now, and no one is allowed to touch it!"

He has a special identity. Although he is now in the laboratory, he is actually a prisoner.

When it comes to finding someone to do the experiment, he is a perfect object.

"Who said he was looking for you?" Luo Yun ran was speechless, turned and waved to Xiao Nuo in the corner, "Xiao Nuo, come here."

"Buzz" in Ling mubai's head!

The body was faster than the brain, flew out and hugged Xiao Nuo, who was really obedient and had come this way.

The hugged Xiao Nuo looked confused.

Ling mubai's arms could not stop shaking slightly, "don't go there, you stay here honestly!"

"..." Luo Yunran took a breath. "Don't you think I'm going to experiment with Xiao Nuo?"

Ling mubai didn't speak, but looked back at her. Her eyes were asking - isn't it?

Luo Yunran was patient and explained seriously, "I just want Xiao Nuo to bring me some white mice. I don't have the habit of doing experiments with living people."

Ling mubai was still very vigilant. "What's the use of mice if you want to experiment with the human brain?"

"I can't tell you clearly for a while and a half. You'll know if I do it then?" Luo Yunran thought Ling mubai was too sensitive now. She didn't intend to tell him too much. She directly said to Xiao Nuo, "just find me three."

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