"What about that? We've all come here. Can we turn back?" someone scratched his head.

Someone hesitated and spoke slowly, "Although it is said that we must contact them first before we go to the emperor star, it is a special case. There may be something wrong with their communicator. Moreover, they should also know that we were supposed to send the experimental body of Cangyuan Mantis? It's just that we don't know the time of the prop body. I think we'd better go directly..."

The journey has been more than half. It's really frustrating to return at this time.

Few people want to.

This statement obviously makes most people excited.

The highest ranking commander hesitated. "Go straight?"

Others responded, "let's inform us in advance, that is, they are afraid that the defense line will hurt us by mistake, but when we arrive, can't they recognize that we are our own? They won't attack us, will they?"

"It's reasonable to say that we can prove our identity with such an obvious imperial symbol on our airship. It's a big deal to slow down when we get close. Let's take the initiative to explain first. I don't think it's a big problem."

Although you are talking to me, we actually have a common trend in our hearts.

The commander nodded, "OK, keep moving, slow down, and continue to try to get in touch with the Empire on the way."

In fact, he doesn't want to return.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly the airship swung violently!

Everyone panicked and grabbed everything around him in a hurry.

The commander yelled, "what's going on!"

"No, sir!" the messenger pointed out, stunned.

After others turned their eyes, they copied the expression of the messenger one after another

Twenty or thirty combat airships were suspended in mid air outside the transparent side window.

Surrounded their little airship like a chicken

The airship was forced to land.

The commander took people out.

Waiting for them outside are the armed and fierce allied forces.

The leader of the Alliance Army whistled, "it's good luck. I can catch several imperial dogs whenever I go out. I'll remember a great achievement again!"

"Keep your mouth clean! Scold who is a dog!" the people on the side of the Empire were not calm immediately.

But as soon as they made a move, the Confederate army came right at the muzzle.

They froze there.

The leader of the Alliance Army spat, "be sensible! It's not good for you to annoy me. Say! What do you do! What's on the airship!"

People on this side of the Empire don't speak.

The commander stood up and said nothing. "We are ordinary people. We went on a business trip not long ago. As soon as we were about to go, we met your officers on the way. Please make it convenient and don't embarrass us. We'll take it as if it hasn't happened today. After we go back, I promise no one will mention a word to the people of our empire."

The people in their airship wear civilian clothes, not uniforms.

It's actually a smart way to lie that you are ordinary people.

Now the relationship between the Empire and the alliance is tense.

However, if the Convention is observed, the scourge of war will not affect the ordinary people.

"Bah! I don't care who you are. As long as you are imperial, you won't want to leave today!" unexpectedly, the leader of the Alliance Army is a completely unruly man.

Directly sprayed the commander back.

Raise your hand, "lock them all up!"

The people of the Alliance Army immediately rushed up, and there were a large number of people. The people on the side of the Empire had no room to resist, so they were trapped.

The Allied troops rushed into the airship, searched and found several huge boxes in the cargo hold.

The leader of the Alliance Army had shining eyes and wiped his beard with his fingers. "Take it out! It must be a good thing. It's so tightly hidden. Tut! These imperial people just don't cry when they don't see the coffin. They didn't mention anything just now. There's still something hidden in it!"

The Allied troops showed their excitement at seeing their prey one by one.

After pulling out several large boxes, the leader of the Alliance Army questioned the people on the side of the Empire, "what is this!"

There was no response from the Empire.

The leader snorted, "it's no use not to say! It's all ours!"

The commander was in a hurry, "no! You can't take it!"

"Ha ha! I knew it was a good thing! Take it away! I want you to stay, hum! There's no door!"

The more anxious the people on the side of the Empire were, the more determined the leader was his original guess.

In the big box, it must be baby!

Big baby!


A group of people returned with great success.

On the other hand, dongjinlin received the news that several Cangyuan Mantis that had been cultivated had disappeared on the way.

The whole group of staff disappeared.

"What to do, marshal!" the adjutant was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Now he only told his Highness the news, and has blocked the news.

It would be another bloody storm if other imperial leaders knew about it.

They have had enough trouble now. Why did they come together!

"Find out the scope of their loss, find out if there are any clues, and keep their communication signal, maybe they will send a message." dongjinlin quickly made a decision.

The adjutant nodded quickly, "the scope has been determined. I'll take someone out now. I'm afraid those Cangyuan Mantis have lost control. Look..."

Dongjinlin raised his hand. "I'll go to the central laboratory to see if Dr. Ling has any method to find or control the experimental body. If it can't be controlled and the experimental body poses a threat to your life, kill it."

The adjutant's worry suddenly settled, "OK! I'll take someone out now!"

He just wanted to let the seven halls go down and ask what should happen to these little queens who were hard to cultivate.

There are seven words, your highness. He has got the life card.

Dongjinlin nodded and asked, "be careful on the road. If you need reinforcements, please contact me at any time. Also, the news should be blocked."

"I know!"

The adjutant took the order and ran away quickly.


"Done!" Luo Yunran stretched.

Ling mubai glanced at this side, bowed his head and continued to do what he was doing.

Xiao Nuo didn't lift his head.

Luo Yunran looked at them and reacted. He didn't bother them. He knew that they needed to concentrate now.

"OK." Ling mubai almost finished his several tasks with front and rear feet.

Xiao Nuo also stopped.

As soon as the three stopped, the door opened.

Ling mubai stared at the past with poor eyes, "didn't he say that no one is allowed to come in and disturb?"

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