"Sir, do you want to bring the box in for you to check immediately?" asked the captain.

The Fuehrer held his eyebrows and hesitated.

But how can it be worse when you think of your current situation?

Maybe it's a turn for the better. Make a quick decision and nod, "come in!"

"Yes!" the captain ran out at once.

Soon he came in with a silver box.

Respectfully presented his hands to the head of state, "there is an identification lock on it, which has been destroyed by our people. Adults can open it directly."

"I see." the Fuehrer solemnly put it in front of him, clenched his teeth and his heart crossed, "Shua" opened the box.

The box has the function of refrigeration. When it was opened, the cold air came to my face, which inspired the Fuhrer.

When the cold dissipated, I saw an unknown medicine preserved in transparent glass. The medicine was also completely transparent, and I couldn't find any explanation.

"What is this?" the Fuehrer was confused.

The captain shook his head. "I don't know... Otherwise I'll go to a professional to test it?"

"At this time, where else can you find professionals?" asked the Fuehrer.

The captain was speechless.

Their people have long dispersed in the chaos. Now it's too late for everyone to run for their lives. Who else has time to do other things.

The Fuehrer took out the glass tube and looked at the light. "Forget it, put it first. I'll contact the people on the other side of the Empire."

People in the Empire are so nervous. It must be baby.

Maybe you can trade this for an aircraft.

This is what the Fuehrer is thinking.

"Your Excellency is wise!" the captain's Rainbow fart came.

The head of state initiated a communication request with dongjinlin for the first time.

The signal is sent out, but it has been waiting

Wait, wait.

Wait, wait.

I can't wait for any response.

"What's the matter?" the Fuehrer checked the signal he dialed. That's right.

There's something wrong with linyst!

As soon as the idea came out, the head of state did not know whether he was happy or afraid.

Lin Easter is so strong. If even he has an accident, isn't it more dangerous for others?

Capital star really can't stay in this place. If you stay a little longer, you will die faster!

At the same time, dongjinlin, they have just ended another battle.

"Who's the third?" the captain of the third team looked a little embarrassed, but the whole person was still energetic and radiant.

"The third one," said Dong Jinlin.

As soon as he said this, he received the news from the leader of the second team that they had successfully captured a Cangyuan Mantis together with the fourth team.

Dongjinlin praised "well done". Looking at the distribution map in his hand, you can see that four very bright green dots flicker in different coordinates.

This means that the Cangyuan Mantis they want to catch has been imprisoned in the net.

This is much better than expected.

Dongjinlin had thought that more or less he would always break several experimental bodies. He had been ready before he came and gave Ling mubai a preventive injection.

"Assemble according to the coordinates I sent, and the big army will come to finish soon." dongjinlin sent a message to each team leader.

The other three team leaders soon heard the "yes" message.

The lines of the underground base are intricate. Although it is a well-trained assault team, it will not be assembled here until half an hour later.

As soon as people arrived, dongjinlin's eyebrows frowned.

The team leaders of the four teams each carried a silver box, but the team leader of the fourth team didn't.

"Why, did you use medicine?" dongjinlin asked the captain of the fourth team.

The captain of the fourth team immediately blushed and hesitated, "I'm sorry! I lost our team's box!"

Dongjinlin was a little stunned. He just wanted to say something when he suddenly received a communication request.

When he just carried out the task, he only opened the internal channel and blocked the contact with the outside world.

Now that the team has assembled, he has just lifted the shielding. He didn't expect a communication request to come in so soon.

Look at the source, it's actually the head of the alliance.

Dongjinlin made a gesture to the others and walked aside.

The signal is on.

"Hello, sir. What's the matter with you so anxious to find me?"

The head of state, who originally thought that no one would answer this time, suddenly heard the voice of dongjinlin and was startled.

As soon as the body tilted, he quickly helped it. After sitting straight, he coughed as if nothing had happened and said, "Oh, you're fine. I just contacted you many times and you didn't respond. I thought something had happened to you. Cough! Of course, I don't mean to curse you. I really have something to tell you."

"Please speak, sir." dongjinlin didn't bother to explain why he didn't get through just now.

When Yuan Shou was about to speak, he suddenly changed his mind and changed the topic, "did you catch the four Mantis?"

Dongjinlin nodded, "we're all under control. Our people will come to clean up immediately. Before dark, we should be able to send them all to the aircraft and take them away from your capital star."

The Fuehrer was surprised, "really?"

Dongjinlin said firmly, "naturally, I don't have to lie to you, so you just want to ask about it, don't you?"

"No, no, no, no," I heard that the scourge had been solved. The Fuehrer relaxed all over the body for a moment, relaxed back and leaned back to the back of the chair, "Your Highness, in fact, what I want to tell you is that I just got something very important to you --"

The Fuehrer's meal was very skillful. How could a smart man like dongjinlin not hear it.

"What?" dongjinlin said quietly.

The head of state was really annoyed when he saw the young and beautiful face opposite him. He was so determined that he didn't even have a ripple.

This boy is more difficult to deal with than his father. He is more cunning than the last marshal.

He himself was obviously very reluctant to deal with such an opponent.

As soon as the Fuehrer was attached, he took a silver box from behind the chair on his side and smiled, "do you know? Is this your thing?"

Dongjinlin's purple eyes narrowed.

That's the box he distributed to each team leader before they landed, and now they happen to lose one on their side, which is right with this matter.

He noticed that the original authentication lock on the silver box was gone.

Without answering, he asked, "how can this... Be in your hand?"

As soon as the Fuehrer heard this, he was immediately happy. "Coincidentally, your people were lost and just picked up by our people."

"Do you want to return it?"

The Fuehrer immediately said, "ah - how can such an important thing be returned to you as soon as it is returned to you?"

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