Ling mubai looked back seriously, "you mean, I'm living entirely on him now?"

"I mean, it's his presence that helps you maintain this delicate balance and creates a living space for you," Luo Yunran said.

The Empire was also a divided authority.

Wherever there is power, there must be struggle.

But this part of the struggle may be invisible to others.

Dongjinlin is now the symbol of the supreme power of the Empire, and he also carries great responsibilities.

He can make Ling mubai do whatever he wants on his own. Similarly, he must be ready to bear it. Once Ling mubai makes any trouble, he must be ready to bear it on his own.

The reason why those senior leaders can agree to dongjinlin's doing so is not only because dongjinlin's status is higher than theirs.

Many people are waiting for Ling mubai to have problems.

In other words, they are very much looking forward to seeing such a scene.

As soon as the problem arises, they will immediately jump out and stand on the moral commanding height to accuse Dong Jinlin of dereliction of duty.

This is the delicate balance.

But once dongjinlin is gone.

Are others willing to put Ling mubai, a time bomb that may kill themselves at any time?

"Very reasonable." Ling mubai pondered for a moment and nodded approvingly, "so really, as you said, I may be the one who should most want him to be okay. Yes, ha ha."

Some irony.

He clearly hated the linyst.

But I have to admit that Luo Yunran is right.

Ling mubai has always been up-to-date in scientific research, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand these power checks and balances at all.

He has always been a smart man. Even if he didn't think of it at first, he can understand it quickly with a little mention.

"I don't hope it's all right. He must be all right." Luo Yunran was calm as usual. "I have a small monitoring device installed on him. If there's anything wrong with him, I'll know soon."

Ling mubai was speechless, "no wonder you are so calm."

From beginning to end, he was the only one here worried and angry.

Suddenly, a prompt sound of "didi" sounded in my ear.

The conversation between the two suddenly stopped.

At the same time, he quickly got up and walked towards the dozens of neatly arranged repair cabins.

Xiao Nuo also came a little slowly.

There lay the hostages of the alliance in a stream of water, sleeping quietly with their eyes closed in the clear light blue liquid.

"Go and see if all the yellow lights in their repair cabin are on!" Luo Yunran picked up a row and began to check.

Ling mubai and Xiao Nuo are also in a row.

Soon the three men quickly and carefully inspected all the repair cabins.

Xiao Nuo raised his hand. "It's on my side."

Ling mubai said, "it's all on."

Luo Yunran slowly showed a smile on her face, "my side is bright."

"Does that... Mean we succeeded?" Xiao Nuo said weakly, but his big blue eyes were full of expectations.

This is the first time he has devoted so much energy and concentration to doing something he likes.

He really likes it.

And I think I'm leaving here soon.

He hopes this last thing can be done well.

Luo Yun ran nodded in the child's expected eyes, "it should be."

Ling mubai pushed down his glasses and showed disgust. "What should be? Your attitude is too lax."

Luo Yunran sighed and said helplessly, "what can I do? I haven't used a real person to do experiments before. I can only have reservations about the results. I say 'should be' is rigorous. If I say 'no problem', it's a problem."

"Therefore, we should first carry out real-life experiments and find some volunteers." fortunately, Ling mubai now knew how to restrain his crazy and direct way of thinking, and said to find volunteers.

Put it in the past. This man directly catches the experimenter.

Look at the X experiment.

Luo Yunran said, "it's impossible. There's not enough time."

Their relationship with the alliance is already very serious.

It was to cope with the pressure of the alliance that she came up with this way to trace back the brain tissue.

If there were enough time, it wouldn't be so risky.

Ling mubai went to the No. 1 repair cabin. His lens glowed coldly and stared at a hostage lying inside. "If your experiment is successful, you can try to cure brain diseases in the future."

Luo Yun Ran's eyes brightened in an instant. "It makes sense! Why didn't I think of it!"

If the brain tissue can be traced back, some complex and difficult surgical lesions can be traced back to directly return the brain tissue to a healthy state.

"But this backtracking may be as limited as gene remodeling." after all, the number of cell divisions is limited.

Ling mubai glanced at her and shook his head. "You are really too optimistic. Shouldn't the first consideration be the problem of memory loss? After all, patients are not these hostages. If they lose a large part of their memory, it may have a significant impact on their life and work."

"Let's think about it later. I don't know for a moment and a half. Let's see if the experiment is successful." Luo Yunran waved her hand and felt that she thought deeply about the problem accidentally.

Ling mubai's divergent thinking is really terrible.

Ling mubai's hand was beside the button, "I'm on?"

Luo Yunran raised his hand and said "open!"

Ling Mu pressed his slender white finger.


The imperial aircraft came and left in less than 24 hours.

After hearing the news of their departure, the alliance head of state came out of the air raid shelter under the protection of many guards.

Looking up at the sky, the silvery white flight group has become a small point.

If it hadn't been for the reflection, they wouldn't have been found.

"My Lord! The imperial army has really withdrawn!" his men excitedly reported to the head of state.

The head of state himself was also excited. On the surface, he pretended not to be a big deal and calmly said, "of course, since I can let them come, I can let them leave. If I can't even do this little thing, how dare I open the route to the capital star to them?"

His men praised him!

"Your Excellency is wise!"

"Your Excellency is really powerful!"

"It must be right to follow adults!"

"No wonder your Excellency has been calm as usual. It turns out that this time we let the imperial army come here for free and become a tool man!"

All kinds of rainbow farts continue. The head of state is immersed in this atmosphere and feels that the air behind the ruins has become fresh.

"What methods did adults use to make them obedient?" someone asked curiously.

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