Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 2491: Give you a jump show

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"Big bug ..."

The seal insects jumped from the big bed immediately, and the cheerful plexus just hugged past.


Cong Gang simply hummed and blocked the thumping little guy with his arm, then sideways to avoid it.

The signal released was obvious: I just didn't want to get too close to the bug.

"Go help your father put on his clothes."

Cong Gang had a circle of clothes in his hands, which had just been washed and dried.


The little guy had just taken the clothes from Cong Gang and heard the arrogant voice of his dear father.

"Laozi wants you to serve!" Feng Xinglang hummed.

"Daddy, aren't you embarrassed by showing your P shares? Don't be embarrassed by the big bug ... the little bug wears it for you!"

The little guy didn't want to embarrass his father.

"Stinky boy, don't you want to see Cong An'an?"

Feng Xinglang whispered as a threat. He couldn't see his own son closer to Cong Gang than to him.

"..." The little guy clenched his mouth and didn't dare to answer.

"Little worm, go out and find some fruit, you need fresh." Cong Gang said warmly.

"Received! Little worm here!"

The little guy in Deling ran out and went to Feng Fifteen to find the fruit. The first thing to look for is, of course, the apple that Big Worm loves to eat. Big Bug is happy, he can see Xiao An'an.

After watching the little guy leave, Cong lowered his eyebrows and approached the unruly guy on the bed.

"Look at you ... obviously not convinced?" Feng Xinglang asked quietly.

Cong Gang didn't speak, kneeling on the edge of the bed on one knee, and didn't dare to lift the silk quilt, just groping in the silk quilt, he wanted to put on the clothes inside for Feng Xinglang.

Although Feng Chongchong is Feng Xinglang's son, it is not so good to be naked.

Feng Xinglang's stiff legs overlapped, quite uncooperative.

"Feng Xinglang, if you don't feel relieved ... Then I'll give you a jumping performance! I'm smashed with flesh and blood, broken pieces of corpses ... how ?!"

Cong Gang has been tossed by Feng Xinglang. He wanted Feng Xinglang to make himself happy.

"Do you want to die? There are no doors! I tell you Cong Gang, from the moment I was robbed, it was the beginning of your humiliation! You have no freedom, no ego!"

Feng Xinglang snorted angrily, "You are now mine from the inside out!"

Inadvertently, while Feng Xinglang was inattentive, Cong Gang quickly put on his clothes. The movements are clean and tidy, all in one go.

"No need to say so loudly ... I'm not deaf, I can hear you!"

Cong Gang leaned over to check on the stitching of Feng Hanglang's scalp, "Don't let the thread bounce off ... otherwise you will have to be old and ugly when you marry your daughter ... Maybe you will be compared by your relatives ... ... what a shame! "

Cong Gang's words didn't fall, and there were two more rows of blood-stained teeth marks on the waist of the mermaid.

This pain is not worth mentioning to Cong Gang at all; but he is so sensitive that the whole person softens in seconds!


This night, **** wine almost stayed up all night.

Seeing her mother-in-law Lin Xueluo playing so lovingly with the two children, Jiang Jiu's heart couldn't settle down.

It was because of his own selfishness that Feng Xinglang had this accident; only this kind-hearted woman in front of him lost her most beloved husband ...

After more than half an hour of silence, Jiang Jiu got up from the tatami and hugged her from behind Lin Xueluo.

Jiang Jiu didn't speak, but hugged Lin Xueluo quietly.

"Jiu'er, what's wrong? Can't sleep? Am I arguing with you?" Lin Xueluo asked softly.

"Auntie, sorry ... I ..."

Ginger wine is like a scorpion in the throat. She really can't say anything.

"What's wrong with wine? Is Feng Linnuo bullying you again? Or is it because of Feng Tuan Tuan and Bai Yaya?"

Lin Xueluo patted Jiang Jiu's shoulder, "It's me and Feng Linnuo who failed to take good care of you and your two children ... let you be wronged!"

"Auntie, you are the best mother, the best mother-in-law, the best grandma ..." Jiang Jiu murmured Lin Xueluo gently.

"It's you who made my mother-in-law so distressed! Mother-in-law worked hard to be a good mother-in-law!"

Lin Xueluo and Jiang Jiu hugged together, and the mother-in-law and two daughters said intimate words.

Early the next morning, Lin Xueluo, who had gotten up early, was just going upstairs to supervise his daughter to get up late at night, and Hetun rushed to the scene.

"Lin Xueluo, did Alang have an accident?" He Tun was irritable and irritable.

"Dad, what are you talking about? What happened to Xinglang?" Lin Xueluo frowned.

"When are you still going to hide me?" Hetun angered.

"Dad, early in the morning, why are you so angry? I concealed you from me?"

Lin Xueluo was inexplicably suspicious of the Xing teacher who came to Hetun early in the morning.

"Lin Xueluo, do you really not know it, or do you not know it? Or do you not want me to know at all? I am Alang's father!" He Tunyue said more and more excited.

"What's really fake? Why are you so nagging this early?"

Lin Xueluo thought Hetun was just plain old confused, "Feng Xinglang is your biological son, no one will rob you for this credit! No one can rob you, right?"

"Lin Xueluo ... Are you pretending to be silly with me? I already know that Nono drove to Turkey with 17 last night to collect Alang's body !!"

Hetun's eyes were bigger than those of Tong Ling, "Who was Alang murdered?"

The **** wine that came out wanted to stop Hetun, but it was still a step late. Hetun and Pantuo have been released.

I thought that my mother-in-law Lin Xueluo would be anxious to faint or something, but I didn't think her mother-in-law looked particularly calm.

"Hetun, what are you talking about? Are you cursing your own son?"

Lin Xueluo certainly does not believe Hetun's words. Just yesterday, she also called the younger son by phone, saying that his dear Feng Xinglang was asleep! Why was Hetun suddenly said he was dead? !

"The flight from Munich to Shencheng landed in Turkey ... Alang was robbed by the refugees. It was the worm who witnessed Alang being killed by the refugees." Hetun's eyes were filled with anger and bloodshot eyes.

"Oh ... Dad, who are you listening to? I called the bug yesterday!"

Although Lin Xueluo did not believe the unlucky remarks of Hetun, he was indeed old and did not want to argue with him, "Well, I will call your baby son now! Heart! "

Immediately, Lin Xueluo began to call her husband's phone. Can be called several times in a row, the husband's mobile phone is turned off. "Hey, he's turned off! If you don't answer the phone, your father thinks you are dead!"

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