WARNING! Tsundere President

Chapter 226: 226, greedy people

She casually made an egg fried rice, and sat alone at the table, silently finished eating, and silently packed the tableware.

When I returned to the hall, only Xue Yuxi was left alone on the sofa.

"Come here!" she said with a harsh voice.

Lu Chaoyang walked slowly, did not sit down, but stood a meter away from her, "Is there something?"

"Do you still have a face crying?"

Xue Yuxi noticed the red blood of her eyes, but did not say anything.

Just because Lu Chaoyang, she was told by Mrs. Huo! Now the gas has not disappeared!

Originally thought that this child and Huo Yunqi's relationship is good, can help themselves, but what?

Give up the mess, actually come up with this kind of thing!


Lu Chaoyang’s heart is left with a bitter taste. Her mother, the only relative of her family, actually helped others to do this to her.

"You and Huo's things don't think about it. I said it's impossible. If you still want to stay in Huo's family, you will break your thoughts. Who does this soul look like?" In the army, can you still protect you? At home, the old lady has the final say, she doesn't want to see you now, don't think about your life, you know!"

Xue Yuxi said seriously after he got up and left. In the end, he is his own biological daughter. She still feels distressed by Lu Chaoyang.

Can be distressed again, and can't because she ruined her current life.

"I didn't want to stay with him. I have other reasons to leave, not what you think."

She escaped from Huo Yunzhen, a dilemma and entanglement between him and Xue Yuxi.

"The other skills of the work in the past few years have not been learned, and the back is awesome. It is the chief secretary of Yunxiao!" Xue Yuxi stopped and gave her a look. "You better be honest, who is the second man?" It’s a major general, a soldier! Even if you don’t consider your own reputation, do you want to consider him? Or you are so selfish, just think of yourself!”

Lu Chaoyang has nothing to say, if she only considers herself, she will not come back.

She stood in the same place watching Xue Yuxi leave, heard the whispering voice of the maids in the hall, turned around, and slowly walked upstairs.

When she returned to the room, she held the phone and didn't know who to call.

Leaning on the bed, Lu Chaoyang finally fell asleep.

She seems to be dreaming, dreaming of jealousy, they are still in France, and they live together in a dull and comfortable life.

He is riding a bicycle, she is sitting in the back seat, holding a small basket in her hand, which contains the lavender just taken, ready to go home to decorate.


When he heard the ringing of the mobile phone, Lu Chaoyang almost immediately woke up, looked at the strange numbers above, and picked up the phone without hesitation.

There is an instinct in my heart, this is Huo's phone!

"Is it you..." she asked cautiously.

"Yangyang." The familiar voice came, and her heart almost missed a beat.


"How is your injury? Is it better?"

"You can rest assured that I am very good now, but how are you doing, are they embarrassing you?" Huo Huo is alone in the office at the moment.

Someone has been guarding him before, and he is not allowed to call and contact the family.

Knowing that it was the old lady's inspiration, he was even more worried about the current situation of Yangyang.

"You don't have to worry about me, they won't be like it, and you cover me!"

Lu Chaoyang said, while slowly retracting into the quilt, the cold wind whistling outside, it sounded like a creepy feeling.

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