Warship of Great Power

Chapter 991: Puncture the window paper

Chapter 991 Breaking the window paper

Qiongzhou is not very big to begin with, so the Navy did not build a naval aviation base specifically next to the military port, and the original naval aviation base was not far from the military port.

In order to accommodate the aircraft carrier-based aircraft, the entire Lingshui base has been expanded again. The aircraft carrier can carry more than 80 carrier-based aircraft, which means that more than 80 new hangars are needed, as well as maintenance sites and warehouses. , need to provide food and accommodation for the extra people.

 So, the base was almost doubled in size, and four new buildings were built to accommodate these personnel.

Haipan landed first, and the leadership of the aviation base was already waiting below. Although it was not far from the naval port, they had to be greeted separately.

Tang Yiping had a smile on his face. Their base had briefly accommodated Air Police-500s before, but they were not included in the establishment of their base. Now, these sea dishes actually belong to their navy. How could he be unhappy?

 The planes slid down one by one and then slid directly into the hangar. Even Haipan had a special hangar. When the planes were parked, the pilots got off and lined up.

"Everyone, welcome." Looking at the neatly arranged pilots, Tang Yiping was very happy: "On behalf of the Lingshui Base, I welcome you. From now on, you are members of our base, and we are a family."


Before Tang Yiping finished his speech, he saw Delano raising his hand. Of course he knew Delano's reputation and immediately said: "Comrade Xiang De, please speak."

 “Is there a beach near here?”

 “Of course.”

“So, can we go there and play beach volleyball?”

Xiang Jing looked at Delano curiously. You are here for the first time. Shouldn't you first go see where the dormitory is, where the canteen is, and get familiar with the environment? Are you going to play beach volleyball now?

"Of course." Tang Yiping said: "I will send engineers to arrange it for you. In fifteen minutes, you can go over to play volleyball, but are you sure you want to go now?"

"Yes, now." Delano said: "I haven't played beach volleyball for a long time. As long as we pilots land and complete the mission, the rest of the time belongs to us."

 What is the base? The base is their home. Now that they are home, of course they have to relax.


The order Tang Yiping received was to coordinate the lives of these pilots and try to meet their requirements. The accommodation and canteens were of the highest standard. Of course, these entertainment activities must also be provided. After all, this is not a big city in Qiongzhou, so these people are inevitable Will be lonely.

 Subsequent planes landed one after another, and Tang Yiping went to greet the second and third batch of planes.

 When the plane all landed, Wang Wei was the last one to land. After he got off the plane, he asked, "What are the two groups in front of you?"

“The second wave of people went to the dormitory to clean up housekeeping, and the first wave of people went to the beach.”

 “What are they going to the beach for?” Wang Wei frowned.

"Play volleyball."

Wang Wei was stunned.

 Once upon a time, Wang Wei walked out of the Lingshui base, and now he is back. He is very excited. He originally planned to have a good tour of the base.

While waiting for landing in the air, he had already seen the big changes in the base. For example, there were more hangars in the base. He also saw some huge hangars. If nothing unexpected, the H-6K should be parked inside. , this advanced bomber is already the main force of long-range bombing by naval aviation.

He also planned to chat with the pilots of these bombers to discuss future cooperation tactics, but now, he could only go to the beach to take a look first.

  Needless to say, it must have been Delano who was responsible. This guy never follows any rules.

It would be a problem if Delano suddenly became honest one day.

However, he didn't know that a large number of leaders from the navy were coming.

After the aircraft carrier commissioning ceremony was over, Wu Shengli and others took a bus to Lingshui Airport to see the naval aviation.

After all, the power of an aircraft carrier must be reflected by carrier-based aircraft. These dancers on the tip of the knife are the embodiment of the strength of the navy's aircraft carrier. When these carrier-based aircraft pilots land, they must gather together and hold a celebration meeting.

The backbone of the aircraft carrier, the captain, first mate, etc. also came together, so Qin Tao naturally wanted to join in the fun.

 However, when the car drove to the airport, they were surprised to find that there were only planes and no people!

"These hangars are designed in accordance with the standards to prevent ground-penetrating bombs." Tang Yiping was glad that he did not leave with the others. Now a group of leaders came over to introduce them: "However, our method is to defend the enemy from the outside. If we let the enemy fly over our heads, we have already lost half the battle."

"Yes, no matter how good the hangar is, it can't stop bombs. The best defense is offense." Wu Shengli nodded: "We destroyed the enemy's planes on the runway and sunk the enemy's aircraft carriers in the ocean. We It’s naturally safe.”

In the past, the navy did not dare to say this. After all, the navy has always been for self-defense and did not have the ability to attack at all. It is different now. Now the navy has developed and grown, and it can completely defend against enemies!

Everyone walked along the hangar, passed rows of parked aircraft, and watched the ground crew perform routine maintenance. They were very satisfied with the orderly operations here.

“The farthest place from here is the pilot’s dormitory, which has better sound insulation.”

"This is not necessary. Our pilots all like to listen to the sound of planes. If the plane stops one day, they will not be able to sleep." Wu Shengli said with a smile: "Where are the pilots? In the restaurant or in the dormitory?"

Going to the restaurant is to eat, and going to the dormitory is to clean up the housework. After all, they have just moved here and need to decorate their rooms.

 However, he received an unexpected answer.

"at the seaside."

 “The seaside? What are they doing at the seaside?”

People from inland areas like to blow the sea breeze and step on the beach to pick up shells when they come to the beach. However, naval aviation pilots are with the sea every day, what else have they not seen?

 What are they doing at the beach?

 Wu Shengli was very curious.

"Play volleyball."

“Play volleyball? When they get off the aircraft carrier, the first thing they do is play volleyball?”

 “Yes, I’m also weird about playing volleyball.”

"This is too ridiculous. They are all elites of the naval aviation force. How can they play such a dangerous confrontational game? What if something happens and they get injured?" A naval leader immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

Qin Tao smiled.

“It must have been Delano who suggested it, right?”

“Well, Mr. Qin, how do you know?”

“This is a tradition of the U.S. Navy. During their breaks, they like to play volleyball on the beach, and there are many double-player games.”


 “Cultivation of a spirit of collaboration and a sense of tacit understanding among crew members.”

If you have watched "Top Gun", you will know that the U.S. Naval Aviation Corps likes to play beach volleyball, and they always form a group of two on each side. This group happens to be two crew members.

The U.S. Navy's most powerful Tomcat fighter jet has a two-person piloting system. The pilot is in the front and the radar officer is in the back. The two must cooperate tacitly, which means they must be familiar with each other. They will live in the same dormitory, eat together, and sleep together. , train together and play games together.

Playing volleyball is not just about playing volleyball, but also about training the tacit understanding between them.

 “Let’s go and have a look!” Wu Shengli became interested.

 “Come on, come on!” From a distance, you can hear shouts from the beach.

 “Quick, pass the ball!”



 “Can you catch this ball?”

 The pilots have taken off their flight suits and are wearing quick-drying physical training suits with half-sleeves on the upper body and shorts on the lower body.

Anyway, the climate in Qiongzhou is very suitable all year round. There is absolutely no need to wear cotton-padded clothes here. It is completely different from the wasteland village they were in before.

On the beach, a volleyball net has been erected long ago. On both sides of the volleyball net, there are two players, one male and one female, playing mixed beach volleyball.

 I saw Delano leaning back and making a cool serving move, and the volleyball flew to the opposite side.

 The male player on the opposite side caught the volleyball and flew it directly into the sky. The female player caught it again and adjusted the direction, giving the male player the best opportunity to attack.

 The male player raised his hand and slapped the volleyball to the opposite side.

Seeing that the volleyball was about to hit the ground, Xiang Jing had already pounced on it, almost crawling there before hitting the volleyball into the sky.

 Delano has received the ball calmly and swatted it into the sky again.

By the time she landed, Xiang Jing had already taken the attacker's position. She tried to jump up and attack, attracting the attention of the two people on the opposite side, but she was able to feint.

The two people on the opposite side had already jumped up to defend, but they watched helplessly as Xiang Jing passed the volleyball to Delano. Delano jumped up and slammed it into the empty space on the opposite side.

 Another goal scored!


 The two of them clapped their hands together and looked at each other, both satisfied.

  There was no discussion in advance, but they were able to cooperate tacitly. The two of them had a tacit psychological understanding!

"Danger, too dangerous, you can get injured at any time, this kind of beach volleyball must disappear from our base!" At this moment, a dissatisfied voice came from the side.

Delano looked over with an ugly look and winked at Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing understood and served again, but the ball was slightly deflected. Delano tried his best.


 The volleyball flew out from the beach and towards the crowd. The next second, there was a scream from the crowd.


The naval leader who just complained covered his face and sat on the sand.

“Hey, Leader Wang, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Xiang Jing came over and hurriedly explained: “We didn’t know that we might accidentally injure others. This beach volleyball is too dangerous. If you want to watch it, you have to stay away.”

 “Who said I wanted to see it?”

 “If you don’t want to see it, what are you doing here?”

"I..." Before Leader Wang could answer, Delano's voice came from the other side.

 “Xiang Jing, pass the ball back! There are still three minutes left, let’s score another goal!”

“Yes.” Xiang Jing replied, then turned away and made a naughty face as she ran towards Delano.

“It’s too much, it’s too much, it’s lawless!” Leader Wang’s face turned red, he stamped his feet, and then left. The big guy turned his head and glanced at the back of Leader Wang as he left, and then continued to watch the game.

 At the end of the game, the team of Delano and Xiang Jing won with an absolute advantage.

 After hearing the ending sound, the two people on the other side sat down on the ground.

“Delano, Xiang Jing, you are so awesome, have you cooperated in advance?”


 “So it’s still so powerful?”


“Okay, it’s almost time, let’s go to the pilot’s restaurant together and hold an induction celebration banquet there!”

 Other people were not allowed to enter the pilot restaurant originally, but this time was special after all. It was the commissioning ceremony of the aircraft carrier, so there had to be a high-end place to eat, and this pilot restaurant was just right.

 Furthermore, since the base has a large number of aircraft, the pilot restaurant is also very large, which can fully meet the needs of holding celebration banquets.

The guys just left, returned to the base, changed into regular clothes, and came to the restaurant.

 In the restaurant, many senior naval leaders, officers from the aircraft carrier, etc. were already here.

Delano walked in, glanced at it, and ducked into the corner.

 “Delano, why don’t you stand forward?” Xiang Jing suddenly appeared in front of him.

“I don’t like this kind of situation, where a bunch of leaders speak stinky and long words. In our Eastern dialect, it’s called…”

Delano couldn't remember it for a moment.

 “An old lady’s foot-binding cloth?”

“That’s right, it’s the old lady’s foot-binding cloth.”

 The two of them had a clear understanding of each other, their eyes met, and they both saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

 “How about we sneak out?”

Xiang Jing shook his head: "No, we are soldiers, and it is our bounden duty to obey orders. I can't leave, and neither can you!"

Delano, who has always liked to disobey orders, actually nodded this time: "Okay, then I won't leave."

 “That’s pretty much it.”

 On the rostrum, Leader Wu began to speak.

“Today is the most important day for our navy. Our 002 aircraft carrier has officially entered service. This represents the further enhancement of our navy’s strength! Our navy has the ability to fulfill the sacred mission entrusted to us by the motherland and the people!”

"The construction of the Navy is changing with each passing day. The current aircraft carrier fleet is still small. At the end of this year, we will have two more 052Ds joining us, and next year we will have 055s join us, which will make the aircraft carrier fleet even stronger. Next, we will add more ships to this fleet. Each aircraft carrier prepares a comprehensive supply ship to meet the needs of the aircraft carrier formation, and its displacement is equivalent to the aircraft carriers of some countries!"

“Yes, there should be a comprehensive supply ship.” Delano nodded.

“Next, let’s toast to the strength of our motherland. Let’s eat and drink well!”

 It’s over so soon?

Delano was a little curious. He originally thought it was the old lady's foot binding, but he didn't expect it to be so short, so he started to eat?

 Okay, I just played a game of volleyball, which exhausted a lot of energy and I need to replenish energy.

Delano grabbed a hairy crab on the table and just got a piece of crab leg meat when Xiang Jing beside him spoke.

 “Is this meat delicious?”

 “Of course it’s delicious.”

 “Can I have a taste?”

“Okay, here you go.” Delano glanced at the other hairy crabs on the plate. He didn’t know why Xiang Jing was interested in his own, but since he was interested in it, he gave it to her.

 Delanor still has this awareness.

"Don't give it directly." Another voice came from the side: "Xiang Jing was playing ball on the beach today. Her hands must be in pain and she can't peel the hairy crabs. Xiang De, you have to help. After peeling them, feed them to Xiang Jing's mouth. Here."

Xiang Jing's face turned red and she turned to see Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, what are you talking about? We are all soldiers. We do our own thing. How can we trouble others?"

“Okay, okay.” Qin Tao nodded: “I’m too talkative. Alas, when will the window paper between the two of you be pierced?”

Xiang Jing’s face turned redder.

Xiang De was a little curious: "Mr. Qin, there is air between us, there is no window paper. Also, what is the window paper?"

“Xiang De, why are you playing volleyball when you come down?”

“It was agreed on the aircraft carrier.”

“Then are you going to be opponents or teammates?”

Delano thought about it for a moment. Yes, he was on the aircraft carrier and planned to be an opponent. How did he become a teammate when he got off?

 Whether he is a teammate or an opponent, playing volleyball is just for fun.

Delano didn’t think much about it.

 “Come on, Mr. Qin, let’s drink a toast!”

Seeing the wine glass raised by Delano, Qin Tao smiled: "Delano, I won't drink your wine today."


“It’s boring. When you pierce the window paper, I will drink your wedding wine.” After Qin Tao finished speaking, he left with the wine glass.

Even if Delano doesn't know what window paper is, at least he knows what wedding wine is. When he heard Qin Tao say this, Delano reacted instantly. Qin always said that it was time for him to fall in love with Xiang Jing.

Since the first time he came into contact with airplanes, Delano has always thought that the lover of his generation is airplanes, but now...

Delano looked at Xiang Jing: "Xiang Jing, do you have time tonight?"

"what you up to?"

 “I’d like to treat you to a movie.”

 “Okay.” Xiang Jing’s face was filled with joy, and she looked at Mr. Qin’s leaving figure, full of gratitude.

This Xiang De is really stupid. If Mr. Qin hadn't pointed it out, I'm afraid Xiang De would have continued to be confused.

Qin Tao came back with a wine glass, and Wu Shengli asked curiously: "Taozi, what did you just say to Xiang De? Why do I see Xiang Jing blushing all the time?"

"I didn't say anything, I just broke the window paper." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at Tang Yiping who was walking over: "Old Tang, we meet again. Your base has changed so fast over the years."

"Yeah, when we talk about the changes here, even we ourselves can't believe it." Tang Yiping said: "When we equipped the J-8, we were still very satisfied. We thought the J-8 was enough, but now , our base has completely eliminated the J-8."

When Qin Tao came to Lingshui for the first time, he saw the J-8 fighter. Wang Wei and his partners were serving here at that time. Qin Tao even went to Wang Wei's home and saw Wang Wei's J-8 fighter jet taking off from the aircraft carrier. oil painting.

Now, several years have passed, and naval equipment has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

  The former Eighth Master was already very old and was despised by the navy.

"Yes." Wang Wei came over: "At the beginning, we thought the J-8 was the best aircraft because we did not have advanced fighters at that time. Now, we have the J-5 and the J-32. The J-8 is indeed the best aircraft. It’s time to eliminate.”

 At least at Lingshui Airport, the old J-8 must be eliminated. After all, the performance of this aircraft is seriously backward, and Lingshui Airport needs a large number of advanced fighters to protect the skies over the southern sea.

“It would be a pity to have such a good aircraft eliminated.”

“It’s so good. This kind of aircraft has a lot of flaws. If it wasn’t useless, why would we have used the J-8? This aircraft is simply immature.” Another voice spoke.

The history of Baye is very long. It was designed in the 1960s and was finally finalized in the 1980s. It only had air intake at the nose. Later, the air intake on both sides was changed to the mid-to-late 1980s. Later it became a model of peace. , and later there was the Su-27.

 In fact, there were many opinions about the finalization at that time, such as that it could not meet the finalization requirements, etc. In short, the navy and air force had no choice at that time and could only make do with it.

What now?

 There are now a large number of advanced fighters, so it is finally time for the J-8 to be eliminated.

J-8 was eliminated earlier than J-7. There is a reason for this. After all, J-7 is more mature and reliable than J-8.

"It's not a pity to eliminate them. Moreover, we have to build an aircraft cemetery like the United States and put all the obsolete aircraft there. In the future, if all the advanced fighters are used up, we can still use these old fighters. "Another leader spoke.

Qin Tao shook his head: "If all the advanced fighter planes are used up, it means that the situation has reached a critical juncture. If it really comes to this time, why not use the old fighter planes? Just grow mushrooms. I remember the leader of Da Mao said But if Da Mao is gone, then why is there still a world left?"

The expressions on everyone's faces were stagnant. Yes, this sentence makes sense. If all the fighter planes are really destroyed, what would it be like? At that time, why not use backward fighters? Just grow mushrooms and let the opponent regress to the Stone Age.

“Then our batch of J-8 fighters will be useless after they are retired?”

“The J-6 can be converted into a drone, the J-7 can be sealed, but the J-8 is really not of much use.”

 “It seems we can only go back to the old ways.”

"If the navy is willing, it can give away our batch of J-8s."

 Give it away?

 Everyone’s expressions became serious.

The Navy is not yet rich, and it can still make money by recycling the equipment, but if you give it away, you will lose everything. The Navy is not yet rich and generous, so if you want to give it away, who should you give it to?

This second-generation machine is already considered the tatters of tatters. Who would want it?

“Taozi, who do you want to give it to?”

 “Northern Kimchi Country.”

Hearing Qin Tao say this name, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then started thinking.

At that time, the Northern Kimchi Country relied on the assistance of Lao Maozi, and its life was very prosperous. However, when the Red Empire collapsed, the Northern Kimchi Country was suddenly in trouble. Domestic cars had to be burned with firewood, which shows how poor it was.

Northern Kimchi Country is used to reaching out to ask for things. We planned to let Dongfang replace Lao Maozi and continue to ask for things from Dongfang, but we were rejected. Our things are not brought by strong winds, so why should we give them to you for free?

 They came to Mingzhou Group several times to ask for it, but Qin Tao deceived them and left.

Now, Qin Tao suggested that the navy give the J-8 to the Northern Pickle Country. Isn't this generosity to others?

 (End of this chapter)

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