Warship of Great Power

Chapter 994: Industrial hollowing out

Chapter 994 Industrial Hollowing

 Before leaving the aviation base, Qin Tao met another acquaintance.

I saw him holding a camera and taking pictures of an Air Police-600 in the aviation base. Looking at his figure, Qin Tao couldn't help but become curious.

 Since when did Lingshui Base, which is highly confidential, allow others to take photos?

"Mr. Qin!" At this moment, this old acquaintance turned around and saw him, so he immediately ran over excitedly.

“Zhang Zhong?” Qin Tao was very curious: “Why are you here?”

"I have been here for several days." Zhang Zhong said: "We originally planned to do an episode of Zhang Zhong Talking about the 002 aircraft carrier, but the navy leaders did not agree. After some persistent efforts on my part, this episode of the program It turned out that Zhang Zhong said Air Police 600, I will take a few photos first, and then do an exclusive interview with the crew of Air Police 600."

Qin Tao hesitated for a moment: "You should know why the navy leaders disagree, right?"

“Of course we know that when we develop our own, there are always some people who want to compete blindly.” Zhang Zhong said: “They still come to see us with a Cold War mentality, but this time it is very strange.”

 “Why is it strange?”

"Before we had it, they were always showing off and saying how powerful the aircraft carrier was. Not only the United States, but also the United Kingdom was showing off how powerful their aircraft carrier was. But now, when we really have it, they started again. Extremely contemptuous.”


"Yes, they will say that even if we have an aircraft carrier, it will be nothing. We have no operational experience. It takes decades of accumulation to build a powerful naval carrier aviation force. We are still toddlers. We Even if the 002 aircraft carrier is a catapult aircraft carrier, it is not something to be afraid of, and even our strength is not as good as Ah San."

Qin Tao smiled: "That's good to say."

This is in line with the style of those guys. They show off what we don’t have, and belittle what we have.

"Very good?" Zhang Zhong was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, it is very good. This can make some people stop paying attention to us. We have built a powerful navy without knowing it, but , there is still some truth in the views they put forward.”


“Yes, one of the most mainstream views is that our aircraft carrier fleet has serious flaws.”

defect? Qin Tao became curious: "What other flaws can they find for us? Doesn't our aircraft carrier have nuclear power?"

“No, they suggested that our biggest shortcoming is that we do not have advanced nuclear submarines.”

The aircraft carrier formation is a water strike group and can compete for air superiority with the carrier-based aircraft it carries. Therefore, the aircraft carrier formation is the strongest on the water and in the sky, but what about underwater?

Submarines that appear silently underwater will pose a huge threat to aircraft carrier formations. Especially modern submarines can not only carry torpedoes, but also anti-ship missiles, even anti-ship missiles like Harpoon with a range of more than 100 kilometers. , will also bring a huge threat to surface ships, which means that it can launch anti-ship operations outside the anti-submarine circle of surface ships!

If an aircraft carrier formation relies solely on surface ships for anti-submarine warfare, there will inevitably be omissions, even if there are carrier-based anti-submarine helicopters.

Therefore, when an aircraft carrier formation goes to sea, it must be followed by one or two nuclear submarines underwater. There will always be one or two Los Angeles-class submarines lurking underwater in the U.S. aircraft carrier formation.

Oriental conventional submarine technology is already very powerful. The 039 submarine is considered the best conventional diesel-electric submarine and even broke through the anti-submarine circle of the US aircraft carrier formation during the exercise.

However, conventional submarines also have weaknesses, that is, the speed is too low. They can operate for a long time at a speed of a few knots underwater. However, once they reach more than 20 knots, the power system they carry will quickly consume energy. They could originally operate at low speed for a month. Yes, it can only drive at high speed for an hour now, and even if it uses all its strength, conventional diesel-electric submarines can rarely reach more than 25 knots underwater.

For aircraft carrier formations that often need to take off carrier-based aircraft at full speed against the wind, diesel-electric submarines are not enough, and the best option is nuclear submarines.

"Even the British are laughing at us for not having advanced nuclear submarines. Our 091 is like an underwater tractor." Zhang Zhong said: "They think that our aircraft carrier has too many underwater vulnerabilities. If necessary, their The Trafalgar-class nuclear attack submarines can complete the mission at any time, not to mention their newly built Astute-class submarines, they have absolute underwater superiority."

"Really?" Qin Tao smiled: "I think that in your Zhang Zhong talk show, there is no need to talk about our aircraft carrier-based early warning aircraft. There is nothing to say about this. If you say it, people will say that ours is A replica of Hawkeye Sky, it’s better to talk about the British nuclear submarine.”

Dongfang's aircraft carrier-based early warning aircraft is newly developed. Many inferences from the outside world say that this early warning aircraft is related to Mao's Yak-44, and Yak-44 is also called Hawkeye Ski. Dongfang's is a copycat Hawkeye. base.

Of course there are many differences between Dongfang's Air Police-600 and E-2. It is larger, heavier, uses an active phased array radar, and the engine is still more than 10,000 horsepower. However, people say it is scary, Qin Tao feels It is better to keep this early warning aircraft mysterious.

Let’s try to introduce our own equipment as little as possible, but we can introduce more of other people’s equipment.

“British nuclear submarine?” Zhang Zhong was a little curious.

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "The last Trafalgar-class nuclear submarine of the British was built in 1987 and formed into the army in 1991. In 2002, the last one had begun to replace its nuclear fuel. It is said that this was already It’s overdue. According to their design, the core life is only seven years. How advanced is this?”

 Zhang Zhong’s eyes lit up.

"Besides, the design of their Astute-class nuclear submarine began in 1987, but the tender was not issued until 1994. The design and construction began in 1997, but the final assembly was only started in 2002. Until now, the first The Astute has not completed the final assembly, their work has been delayed, and their finances have seriously exceeded the standard. At the end of last year, BAE and their government negotiated to increase funding, but failed and it has already collapsed."

 Zhang Zhong nodded: "That's right, a declining empire is still gesticulating all day long. This issue is called Zhang Zhong said that the sun never sets on the Imperial Nuclear Submarine!"

Zhang Zhong said that the Queen-class aircraft carrier had already been said. At that time, the decline of the British shipbuilding industry had been fully explained, which made the British extremely angry, but they could not refute it. After all, that was the fact. The aircraft carrier plan was seriously overrun. The segments cannot be closed. With so many low-level mistakes, is it still the powerful Great Britain?

 Now, let’s talk about their nuclear submarines. Even if I think they are awesome, the sun is actually setting on them!

 Zhang Zhong is the type who does what he says. He packed up his things and returned to the capital. The next night, Zhang Zhong said the program would be launched.

"Hello everyone in front of the TV, our program today is called Zhang Zhong Talks about British Nuclear Submarines. We will first take a look at Britain's most advanced Astute-class nuclear submarine. This nuclear submarine was actually called Trafa at the beginning. Plus 2, but the British felt that this could not show the advancement of their nuclear submarines, so they renamed it the Astute class and listed it separately."

 Originally it was a modified version of the previous-level nuclear submarine, but it turned out to be a completely new model.

"It turns out that this agile class is not agile at all. Starting from 1987, it was not until 1997 that the Royal Navy and the GEC announced the contract for the first three ships, with a total agreed value of 2 billion pounds. By 2002 , the first Astute was transported from the factories of various sub-contractors to the Brown Factory dock responsible for final assembly. At this time, GEC Company had become BAE Company. They could no longer hide the delay in the construction period. Most importantly, their money It’s already been spent, so I’m asking for an increase in the budget.”

 Get straight to the point and just pull off the opponent's pants. Such an expensive nuclear submarine not only delays the schedule, but also overspends the budget!

"Now, we have invited Professor Wang, a domestic expert in the research and development of nuclear submarines, to analyze the specific situation for us." "Hello everyone, I am Professor Wang from Capital University. I am honored to be here. After receiving the invitation, I made some preparations, and then I discovered that the astute-level plan was seriously lagging behind, and the key issue was that they used CAD software for the first time."

“What, this is the first time to use CAD software? Shouldn’t they have been using 3D drawing software for a long time? Did they still use drawing tablets before?” Zhang Zhong was very surprised.

"We don't know this, but we can look at some of their commercial procurement contracts. In April 1997, just a dozen days after the alert-level contract was signed, they purchased CAD software. Originally they planned to use this software to The design time was improved and the construction process was shortened, but this resulted in the processes of both the design and construction departments needing to be significantly modified, which in turn wasted a lot of time.”

"Yes, if you transition from a drawing board to using computer-aided design, it does take some time to adapt. This reminds me that our domestic shipbuilding companies, especially our Mingzhou Group, have already begun to develop related software. Later, after being taken over by Goose Factory, various algorithms were further improved and the most advanced eCAD software was launched. This software has advanced performance and has functions such as three-dimensional modeling, animation and rendering. In particular, it has advanced mesh subdivision generation The smooth surface algorithm can not only design sketches, but also have advanced rendering functions. It can produce everything from industrial hard surfaces to various soft fabrics, etc. It is the best 3D software, and it can be used even more with Loongson computers. With its strength, a set only costs 999, which is an absolute bargain!”

 After some advertising, Zhang Zhong returned to the topic: "Is their construction delay just because of the software?"

"Of course not. Software is only one aspect. There are many other issues, such as the nuclear reactor. For the first time, they have adopted a self-designed nuclear reactor. Compared with the previous direct purchase of nuclear reactors from the United States, the time will naturally be greatly delayed. Of course, The biggest problem is the defects caused by the hollowing out of their manufacturing industry.”

“Hollowing out the industry? What does it mean?” Zhang Zhong expressed curiosity.

"We can give an example. There used to be a village. The people in the village were hard-working and capable. They planted a lot of land. By selling food, everyone developed. People made more and more money, and the population increased. Then the population grew. I found that there are too many people and not enough land to plant crops! What should we do at this time?"

 “Grab land from other villages?”

"Yes, this is a way. However, suddenly there was an inventor in the village. He tinkered with a machine that could make his own clothes and farm his own land. So, a large number of people began to make these machines, and the people needed for farming Fewer and fewer."

“I understand, this is the rise of industry, can it continue to develop like this?”

"If the development continues, the village chief and others will be happy, but the workers will not be happy. They have to ask for a wage increase. Wages continue to rise. The cost of building machines is getting higher and higher. Moreover, some people in the village are starting to use other ideas. , for example, Lao Zhao opened a KTV, Lao Wang opened a store, and Lao Li was even more awesome. He invented the Internet and made money directly on it, and actually made more than the village chief. At this time, the big guys will find that there are Once you have money, you have to enjoy life comfortably and have various service industries.”

"At this time, the manufacturing bosses in the village found that they had only two choices, either to move the manufacturing industry to other villages. After all, the villagers there were still very poor, with low wages and did not even have to pay taxes, or to transform and invest. In the service industry, profits are higher here.”

"Capital is profit-seeking and will definitely not stay. Therefore, the manufacturing industry in the village has moved outside. If the village is compared to a country, then the country's manufacturing industry will be hollowed out." Zhang Zhong took over the conversation. .

"Yes, that's it. The cost of manufacturing in many developed countries is too high and the products are not competitive. Moreover, they have low added value, high pollution, and high energy consumption. The service industry makes money easily and has high profits. So, to sum up , the attributes of capital and human nature will most likely determine that when a country’s economic development reaches a certain level, industrial hollowing out will occur.”

 “High probability?”

"At this period, the country has two choices. One is to upgrade the secondary industry, develop high-tech products, increase selling prices, and continue to earn high profits from the secondary industry. The other is to transfer to other countries." Professor Wang He looks more like an economics professor: "Everything has exceptions. When it comes to upgrading industries, Germany and island countries have done very well."

When he saw this, Qin Tao shook his head: "This Zhang Zhong, I'm off topic!"

 I taught him about the British shipbuilding industry, and he actually started up the entire industry!

“By saying this, will he remind the United Kingdom and the United States to pay attention to the return of the secondary industry?” Zhao Ling became nervous on the sidelines.

Qin Tao smiled: "That's not true. It's not like there are no smart people in Britain and the United States. Of course they have noticed this, but they can't change it at all."

 “Can’t change?”

"Capital is profit-seeking. When they find easy ways to make money, how can they make hard-earned money? The British want to build London into a global financial center. They have had enough of the hard days in the foggy city. Even if they They want to transfer the industry back, but those who shout environmental protection slogans every day will not agree."

People in the village are used to making money while enjoying themselves. Who will continue to sell their labor force to make money? This is the nature of capital and human nature. They can't wait to move all the highly polluting enterprises away, leaving themselves with green mountains and green waters.

Zhao Ling nodded. The hollowing out of industry will make these countries suffer the consequences. They cannot create it themselves. They talk about the global supply chain every day. As long as there is an accident one day and the industrial chain is broken, they will be blind.

 Our country has never had those sweet dreams. No matter what we do, we are pursuing a complete industrial chain. From small steel plates and screws to large gantry cranes, we must be able to produce everything ourselves and have everything in our own hands. This is the only way.

“Brother Tao, it’s almost time, we should go back.”

In a blink of an eye, I have been visiting Qiongzhou for half a month. I have had enough rest and it’s time to go back and do whatever I need to do. I can’t just hang around like this all the time.

“Well, it’s time to go back.” Qin Tao nodded: “These foreigners despise our aircraft carrier fleet for not having advanced nuclear submarines. When we go back, we should make up for this shortcoming.”

 After several years of construction, 095 is finally going to be launched!

Mingzhou Group was already able to build nuclear submarines back then, but the Navy wanted to be on the safe side and built a 093 first. That nuclear submarine was just an upgraded version of the 091. Although its performance had improved a lot, it still did not satisfy the Navy. .

The Navy is most looking forward to the 095, which is the real underwater weapon!

The construction of nuclear submarines is carried out in the workshop, and the outside world cannot spy at all. If it is launched in the dark, then the sea trials and service of nuclear submarines will be a secret. The outside world can only accidentally discover the nuclear submarines in a floating state. , or accidentally hearing a sound that has never appeared in the sonar before guessing that a brand new nuclear submarine has come out.

Everything is like holding a pipa and half covering your face.

Just when Qin Tao brought his family back to Mingzhou, Wu Shengli hurried from the capital again, and the family met again in Mingzhou. Of course, they were not for a party, but for important work.

 In the huge nuclear submarine production workshop, the 095 nuclear submarine is already standing there quietly.

A layer of black silencer tiles has been pasted all over its body. The entire submarine looks black. Only the bottom layer is deliberately painted red. This is to prevent the bottom of the hull from being plastered by some marine life during a long voyage. , do free travel.

 At this time, the most excited person was not Qin Tao or Wu Shengli, but Kvasa.

 As the best submarine designer, Kvasa's dream is to design the most advanced nuclear submarine in the world. However, after the collapse of the Red Empire, in addition to continuing to build a few strategic nuclear submarines, the Mao Navy has almost stopped making progress in attack nuclear submarines, and his dream will not be realized.

Now, after coming to the East, he finally realized his dream. This submarine is definitely the most advanced in the world!

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, for the heroes of East China, there is no holiday, happy coding!



 (End of this chapter)

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