Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1116: Three voyage routes, the Pacific is at my disposal

Chapter 1116 Three voyage routes, the Pacific is my choice

In the past, the country had not worried about this problem. After all, there were not many nuclear submarines in the country, and they had not been in service for long, so there was no need to worry about the disposal of them after decommissioning. However, in recent years, this problem has become more and more serious. The urgency grew.

091 is the first generation attack nuclear submarine. This kind of nuclear submarine was developed in the late 1950s. The first one was put into service in 1974. It has been more than 30 years now. For nuclear submarines, it is the age to retire.

If you continue to serve, you don't know what accidents may happen. Those who retire are the safest.

 What to do with nuclear reactors after decommissioning? This is a big problem.

 It is not just Lao Maozi who has this problem, even Americans are no exception. The United States also has many nuclear submarines. After being decommissioned and eliminated, many nuclear reactors are also waiting to be disposed of. After all, it costs money to make weapons, and it also costs money to dispose of weapons. If you are willing to spend money when making them, you may not be willing to spend the money after retirement.

“Taozi, what do you think we should do after our nuclear submarine is scrapped?” Wu Shengli asked.

Countries have different ways of dealing with it. Lao Maozi is the simplest and crudest, throwing it into a port and letting the nuclear submarine fend for itself. Although he also promised to dismantle the nuclear reactor, the speed of dismantling it cannot keep up with the speed of decommissioning and obsolete nuclear submarines. Save more.

The Americans used the most complicated three-stage method to dismantle and remove the nuclear reactor and bury it in the soil. However, this method was too slow. Later, they simply dug a deep trench in the ground and buried the entire submarine in it. Washington State There is a special land of several hundred square kilometers used as a cemetery for burying nuclear submarines and other nuclear weapons. Four of them were buried one after another. Compared with their huge number of nuclear submarines, it is only a drop in the bucket. This is also easy to understand: it is easy to put thousands of tons or even It is not easy to drag tens of thousands of tons of nuclear submarines to land and bury them.

In addition to these methods, there is also the bottom sinking method. After the nuclear reactor is dismantled, the nuclear submarine is directly sunk to the bottom of the sea. Of course, there are also those who do not follow martial ethics and throw it into the sea without dismantling the nuclear reactor.

Like Lao Maozi, Britain is also a stocking type. It puts decommissioned nuclear submarines directly in a certain shipyard, and some nuclear reactors are not dismantled.

 Lao Maozi is acting bravely. If the British do this, they will be criticized by environmental experts.

These are common practices around the world, so what should we do?

“Our practice should be to seal it up, right?” Qin Tao said.

Three years for new equipment, three years for old equipment, and another three years for repairs. Dongfang has always adhered to the style of diligence and frugality. Old equipment is usually sealed away and can be unsealed when needed in the future.

 It makes sense to do this. Look at the old Maozi in later generations. When the weapons on hand are used up, why not take out the sealed weapons from the cemetery?

“Other weapons can be sealed, but how can we seal our nuclear submarine?”

"Yes, you can't just seal it up casually. Like Lao Maozi, it will rot when soaked in the port, and it won't be able to be dismantled when the time comes." Another naval leader said.

“Yes, we must be a responsible big country, or we must follow formal procedures, dismantle and dispose of them. Even if it costs a lot of money, it is a necessary expenditure, and we cannot damage the environment.”

“Okay, dismantling it is fine, but it doesn’t necessarily cost money. If you dismantle the nuclear reactor and put it out as an exhibit, and collect tickets or something, you should be able to get your money back.”

 Charge tickets!

 Everyone’s eyes lit up.

The Mingzhou Group is a master at this. In the past, they transformed Lao Maozi's aircraft carrier into an aircraft carrier park and even towed it to Huating. It is now a famous tourist attraction there and is a must-see when going to Huating. Attractions!

The pier over there is big enough, so it will be no problem to berth another 091 submarine.

Some people talk about nuclear discoloration. In fact, sailors on nuclear submarines live on them all year round without any major problems. As long as the problem of radiation protection is solved, now that the nuclear submarine is decommissioned, the nuclear reactor is dismantled for further processing, and the remaining parts It is still very safe. After passing the test, it can be used as a tourist attraction.

As for the issue of leaks, the technology on nuclear submarines built in the 1970s has long been outdated, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Our navy won't charge you any money. We just need to dismantle the nuclear reactor or something and let you do it."

 Originally, it would cost a huge amount of money to dispose of decommissioned nuclear submarines, and the Navy had to pay for it. Now, the Navy does not pay and can just give it directly to the Mingzhou Group and let them handle it.

Qin Tao was stunned for a moment: "Dad, I didn't say it would be handled by our Mingzhou Group. Wouldn't it be better to put it in our Naval Museum?"

What Qin Tao said are all things that happened in later generations. After the 091 nuclear submarine was decommissioned, it was put on display at the Naval Museum. Why is it his turn now?

 There is no place for me either.

“No, our Naval Museum can’t charge too high admission fees. It’s better to leave it at your place. You can open it and collect it.”

"However, we do not have a place specifically for dismantling nuclear reactors. It is not safe here at Mingzhou Group. We also need a remote port. The place where we build 091 and 092 domestically should also be responsible for replacing nuclear fuel midway and hand it over to They are the best."

 It doesn't matter if you build a nuclear submarine. The nuclear reactor is assembled in Daleshan. It is very safe after assembly. There is no need to worry about any nuclear leakage. People here have long been used to it.

 However, dismantling is different. No one knows the condition of a nuclear submarine that has been used for thirty years. What if the condition is not good and an accident occurs during dismantling?

 This requires a remote place to avoid harming others.

The Mingzhou Group has never done this and has no plans to do it in the future. After all, the nuclear submarines built by the Mingzhou Group use highly enriched uranium as fuel. The life of the nuclear reactor is almost the same as the life of the hull. There is no need to change the fuel midway. The Navy's 091 And 092 does have this need, and there are specialized shipyards to do this kind of thing.

“Our navy will coordinate for you.” Wu Shengli said, “Isn’t it just a remote dock? Let’s find a military port for you to use!”

Qin Tao is helpless. His father-in-law really likes to cheat his son-in-law. However, since he has already said this, how can he refute it?

“Okay, let’s take over the job.” Qin Tao said, “However, if you want to visit in the future, you will have to buy tickets.”

"no problem."

After saying another important thing, Wu Shengli let out a long breath: "That's about it for today, let's stop here. We will come back when the 095 is launched another day. From now on, each aircraft carrier formation will be equipped with two 095s."

This is only the second one, and it will continue to be built in the future. The submarine production workshop here will continue to be busy.

“Dad, do you want to go to the aircraft carrier outfitting dock?”

“Yes, we are here to participate in the aircraft carrier launching ceremony. Look, let’s go over and have a look!”

 After watching the aircraft carrier and then watching the submarine, after watching the submarine and then watching the aircraft carrier, after watching the aircraft carrier, the day is over!

 At dinner in the canteen of Mingzhou Guest House in the evening, Wu Shengli was in high spirits and picked up his wine glass.

“Today is really a day worth celebrating. Our navy’s third aircraft carrier has been launched, and our navy’s strength has been greatly enhanced! Come, let’s drink to the strength of our navy!”

“Taozi, what’s going on? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Dad, the doctor said you are not allowed to drink alcohol.”

“What’s the point if you don’t drink?” Wu Shengli said, “Don’t stop me, or I’ll get in trouble with you.”

 “Okay, let’s drink, but only one drink.”

 “At least three glasses.”

“Dad, with this glass of yours, you have already toasted to the strength of the navy. Why are you toasting the rest?”

"This second cup, in order to strengthen our naval aviation, we have established the first J-20 carrier-based aircraft squadron. For the navy, this is a major event of great significance! This carrier-based aircraft squadron is also for 003 It was formed to build an aircraft carrier, shouldn’t we have a drink for this?”

The J-20 has completed the take-off and landing test flight of a carrier-based aircraft, proving that there is no problem in taking off and landing on a catapult-type aircraft carrier. Its appearance represents another carrier-based aircraft for the Navy. When the British Navy is still preparing for When worrying about the lack of carrier-based aircraft, the Eastern Navy has already suffered from difficulty in selecting carrier-based aircraft.

The J-20 is a twin-engine heavy-duty stealth carrier-based aircraft that is used as a fist and a sharp knife. The J-15 is a twin-engine heavy-duty non-stealth fighter that is used as a bomb truck. The J-32 is a medium-sized carrier-based aircraft that is cost-effective. Better than ever, there is no one on the G-11, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the pilots. With so many aircraft, how should you choose and match them? But no matter what, the J-20 has been launched, and the first carrier-based aircraft squadron has been formed.

"So fast?" Qin Tao was very curious: "Isn't the Air Force also in urgent need of carrier-based aircraft like the J-20? Will they allow Chengdu Aircraft to produce them for you?"

Chengdu Aircraft has limited production capacity, so the J-20 is given priority to the Air Force. After all, this aircraft was developed by the Air Force with investment. It would be great if the Navy could have one as a modification verification aircraft. It is absolutely impossible for them to mass-produce it, and it is still a squadron!

"Yes, they built a third pulse production line last year, and their production capacity continues to increase. Of course, they have the ability to provide carrier-based aircraft to our navy. In recent years, the national situation has not been optimistic, and military construction must be stepped up, so our fighter aircraft production is also We continue to increase production capacity, and the price is not expensive. The J-20 produced by Chengdu Aircraft is cheaper than the J-16 produced by the Northern Research Institute. It is also an urgently needed equipment for our navy and air force, and of course it must be produced in large quantities."

 Qin Tao nodded. He hasn’t paid much attention to the aviation industry recently. The scale of Chengdu Aircraft Co., Ltd. is getting bigger and bigger. With three production lines running at the same time, the speed is of course very high.

After Wu Shengli finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

 Wait a minute, why is there water in this wine glass?

Wu Shengli looked at a figure who was walking away: "Xiao Ling, how could you do this?"

Zhao Ling didn't say anything and continued to walk away quickly. It would be good to drink a glass of water. Don't drink too much wine. One glass is enough.

“Dad, let’s drink less and eat more vegetables. Come on, try our specialty squirrel fish.”

Qin Tao started to pick up food for Wu Shengli while continuing to divert his attention: "Dad, has the navy's voyage plan been made?"

 A voyage?

Wu Shengli was indeed attracted: "What's the voyage plan?"

"There are three routes." Qin Tao said: "If you go north, you can pass through the strait near the island country, sail all the way north to near Alaska, and come back in a circle. If you go east, you have to drive through Hawaii. Continue eastward, one or two hundred kilometers away from the continent, and then return. If we go south, we will drive to the vicinity of Australia and come back in a circle. Our navy has become stronger, and it is time to sail freely in the ocean."

 Everyone present fell silent, thinking carefully about what Qin Tao said.

For a long time, the Eastern Navy has always adopted a policy of near-shore defense and almost never made long-distance voyages. Later, 052, that is, after the construction of 112 and 113, began long-distance voyages. The 112-ship was also called a diplomatic star ship because of its many long-distance voyages.

When the Mingzhou Group began to exert its power, the navy had more and more warships and the number of voyages became more and more, but almost all of them went to the Somali waters to fight pirates and conduct joint exercises with a certain country. Although it was a Pacific coast country, But it has never penetrated deep into the Pacific Ocean.

 This plan proposed by Qin Tao is definitely the first time! The Eastern Navy wants to go deep into the ocean, and the Eastern Navy wants to show its power to the world!

 This is an important plan and must be considered carefully.

"Mr. Qin, what you said is somewhat..." a leader said, while thinking about the words, trying to find a suitable word to describe Qin Tao's plan.

"Bold? Our strength is already so strong, why should we be cautious? If we are cautious, others will not exaggerate our threat?" Qin Tao said: "We should change our thinking. By showing our strength, Come and gain more living space, cheer for what we want to do in the future, and maybe we can defeat others without fighting, what do you think?"

Qin Tao didn't say it clearly, but of course everyone knew what Qin Tao was talking about, and everyone's expressions immediately became serious.

If you don't show your strength, some clowns will not know that the sky is high and the sky is high, and you have to use your sword when it's time to show it!

"Yes, it's time for us to organize a long-distance training." Wu Shengli nodded: "Our 003 aircraft carrier is still being outfitted, and it will probably take a while. Our two aircraft carriers, 001 and 002, can form a dual aircraft carrier formation. Sailing eastward.”

 For that goal, it must be sailing eastward so that it can show its power.

“However, we can’t go too far east. When we reach the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s almost time to return.”

"Dad, since everyone has gone, why can't they sail farther? Or, the main force is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the detachment is sent there?" Qin Tao began to come up with an idea: "If that's the case, then we have to wait, this kind of It is best for the detachment to be led by 055, one 055, one or two 052DL, plus a comprehensive supply ship will be enough."

  If there is no aircraft carrier, a 10,000-ton cruiser like the 055 is most suitable to lead the team.

“Well, let’s wait a little longer. Our dual aircraft carrier formation can first operate in the Western Pacific.” Wu Shengli nodded.

055 is still being outfitted. After outfitting, it still needs sea trials. Since this is the first 10,000-ton large-scale propeller, it will take some time, and the equipment and troops also need to be adjusted. We cannot rush this.

“For the expansion of our navy, I want to drink another drink. This third glass of wine is to celebrate the expansion of our sailing area. Where is the wine? Where is the wine?”

Wu Shengli still wanted to drink, but no one paid attention to him.

Qin Tao picked up another dish and said, "Dad, please try this braised lion's head."

“President Qin, thank you Mingzhou Group. Now our navy is fully equipped, ranging from frigates to aircraft carriers,” a leader said.

Qin Tao was complacent and wanted to nod just now, but then he thought of something: "No, we still have a warship that needs to be upgraded."

 “What warship?”


 At one time, 054 was the first advanced warship in the East equipped with a vertical thermal launch system, and it also shouldered an important mission as a link between the past and the future.

This kind of frigate has a displacement of 4,000 tons, which is the same as the 052 destroyer. After it was produced, it quickly became the backbone of the navy. For example, the southern fleet, because it could not allocate main destroyers, has been relying on it for several years. 054 is here to take the lead.

054 uses a top-plate radar to search and guide. It has a simple and reliable structure. It is driven by four diesel engines and is cheap. Therefore, this frigate is welcomed by the navy. Many warships were replaced by 054 after being eliminated.

 However, with the expansion of the navy's scale, 054 has increasingly shown its decline.

 The displacement is still not large enough, so the comfort during ocean sailing is not good enough.

 The speed is not fast enough. Once the main fleet wants to sail at full speed, 054 will fall behind.

In the past few years, the main warships have been continuously improved step by step. Take the main 052 destroyer as an example. The displacement has increased from 4,000 tons to 6,000 tons, and 7,000 tons. The latest 052DL is already a big one with 7,000 to 8,000 tons. However, the Navy felt that it was not enough, so it had more than 10,000 tons of 055.

This is especially true for aircraft carriers. From ski-jump take-off to electromagnetic catapult, from heavy oil boilers to nuclear power, aircraft carriers are running in small steps.

 There is only 054, the sword guard, which has not been upgraded yet.

Everyone thought it was enough at first, but after Qin Tao said this, everyone felt that it really needed to be upgraded.

“Mr. Qin, how do you plan to upgrade?”

“The first is the displacement. If we want to make the 054 have better seaworthiness, the displacement must be expanded to 6,000 tons.”

Everyone's eyes lit up: "Mr. Qin, aren't you talking about 052B?"

"Of course not." Qin Tao said: "A frigate is a frigate. We have to pay attention to economy and need to be able to build in large quantities. Four small shields are used on the 052B. Even if our production costs have dropped, it is still not low. , we still have to use cheap products for our 054."

Frigates are positioned lower than destroyers. It does not mean that they are destroyers because their displacement has been expanded. The purpose of expanding their displacement is to improve comfort and better adapt to maritime navigation, but the top priority is still to be cheap.

 For warships, the shell is not much, and the equipment is the most expensive.

 (End of this chapter)

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