Warship of Great Power

Chapter 138: Oil tanker conversion floating dock

  Chapter 138 Oil Tanker Transformation to Floating Dock

   "Zhao, you have changed a lot recently." Vitalia walked over: "You used to dare not do this kind of intimate action at all, but now you are very open."

  Zhao Ling blushed again, this is not a good word, it is simply saying that you are very dissolute. However, Lao Maozi's thinking is relatively open. If two people scold each other, and one person says that the other's mother is his sweetheart, then the other party will not feel ashamed. On the contrary, he will be very happy, thinking that his mother is very sweet charming.

   "Qin, something happened to you recently." Alexander also came over and said to Qin Tao.

  At this time, Zhao Ling had already pulled Vitalia, and the two walked to the beach, playing on the sand with their bare feet. Qin Tao looked at Alexander who was carrying the wine bottle, and said, "What's the matter?"

  "In the waters of Huating, an oil tanker named Voyager collided with a container ship during the voyage. In order to avoid sinking, the captain directed the oil tanker to rush to the beach and ran aground on Chongming Island."

   "What?" Qin Tao was taken aback for a moment: "This is a big accident, did the oil tanker cause a fuel leak?"

  Qin Tao was very worried.

  In the world, ecological disasters caused by the sinking of oil tankers have occurred many times. Those viscous crude oil floated on the sea, and all the seabirds and fish in the surrounding area suffered.

   "No, the tanker has finished unloading its fuel oil and is returning. If it is full of fuel oil, it is estimated that the container ship will not be able to hit it."

   Empty tanker? Qin Tao let out a long breath. Fortunately, if a serious oil spill occurs at the mouth of the Yangtze River, it will be a disaster.

   "It's such a pity. That tanker was built in 1974, with more than 200,000 tons. It has only been in operation for more than ten years. It is said that it can no longer be repaired and sailed."

  During the chats these days, Alexander knew that Qin Tao was engaged in shipbuilding in China, so he told Qin Tao about the news. At this time, Qin Tao's eyes lit up when he heard what Alexander said.

  The ship is more than ten years old, and it is still very brand new. However, after the collision, the hull was deformed, and the owner did not dare to use it anymore, so he could only sell it at a low price.

  If an oil tanker with more than 200,000 tons is purchased at a super low price and then transformed into a floating dock, it will be at least a 100,000-ton floating dock!

  In the current Mingzhou Shipyard, the largest dock is only 5,000 tons. If you get a 100,000-ton dock, you can repair and build larger ships.

   When you arrive, bring Varyag back, there must be a shipyard to transform it!

(The previous writing is a bit confusing, so let me introduce it to you now. The slipway is a platform, next to the water surface, and ships can be built on the slipway. Just set up the scaffolding and weld it. After the construction is completed, use various methods to push the ship into the water Go. If this is the case, it seems that only the berth is enough for shipbuilding. However, if there is a failure in launching, or there is a problem with verifying the ship after launching, for example, some ships have been outfitted after launching and sailed for a circle. What should I do if there is a problem with the nose and bow of the ship, improper installation of the propeller, etc., and cutting and re-welding operations are required? Can’t it be done in the sea? At this time, you have to drive to the dock. Therefore, the shipyard must have a dock. Build the ship directly in the dock, so that it is more convenient to launch, and you can also repair the ship in the dock. Ship repair is the most important thing.)

  Since you have met it, you can't miss it!

  Qin Tao has already changed his mind.

   Just then, Zaitsev came over.

   "Qin, I received a message from Your Excellency Nicholas. He is very satisfied and wants to ask where you plan to go next and arrange an itinerary for you."

  Qin Tao nodded: "I want to go home."

The domestic action is still very fast. In such a short period of time, all the materials have been prepared and sent to Nicholas. As for how to transport them, it is not Qin Tao's concern. Now he is already a Homecoming is like an arrow.

   Two days later, Chongming Island.

  The torrential river was flowing continuously, and the scene was very magnificent. Qin Tao couldn't help singing a song.

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero…"

   "Qin Gong, you are so versatile!" said a gray-haired man who was following him, and he was Zhao Gangqiang, the representative of the ship's owner.

   This oil tanker named Traveler belongs to the Yangtze River Ship Industry Development Company established a few years ago. It can be regarded as a domestic shipowner, which saves Qin Tao the trouble of dealing with foreigners.

  At this time, Zhao Gangqiang looked at Voyager with some reluctance in his eyes. That gaze was like looking at a child who died before he was a child.

"It's so-so." Qin Tao said casually. At this time, he had checked the status of the entire ship and was in a good mood, so he hummed this song that became popular all over the country with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in 1995. out.

  Zhao Ling looked at Qin Tao with admiration. Brother Tao is so amazing that he can compose and sing this Linjiang Immortal.

  The breeze blew, and the reeds made a rustling sound.

Zhao Gangqiang sighed: "Qin Gong, you are the third wave of people who came to see the ship. The first two waves were also the heads of the domestic shipbreaking yards. They offered a price of 8 million, but our company is really not worth it. I have the heart to sell this boat to them for dismantling, so..."

  So, if Qin Tao increases the price, the company can still bite the bullet and sell it. This is what Zhao Gangqiang did not say.

   "The price of 8 million is more appropriate. After all, the transportation here is inconvenient. This ship can no longer sail." Qin Tao said, looking at the big hole in the bow of the ship.

Dismantling a ship is also very particular. If it is a cargo ship that has been eliminated, it can still float, and even has its own power. Come to dismantle, there is a road next to it, and the dismantled scrap iron is directly loaded and transported away.

What now?

  This ship is no longer sailable, it has to be dismantled on the spot, and everything has to be transported from outside, which is very costly. It costs money to ship things for dismantling, and the dismantled scrap iron has to be shipped away, which is very troublesome to and fro.

  So, after estimating the price of selling scrap iron and subtracting these additional costs, eight million, no more.

   "But, but..." Zhao Gangqiang didn't finish his sentence, and he started to choke up. He couldn't bear to sell such a good ship at such a low price.

   "However, don't worry, we will not dismantle this boat, it will be reborn from nirvana." Qin Tao said.

   "What?" Zhao Gangqiang was stunned: "Isn't your Mingzhou Shipyard just for breaking ships?"

The matter of the Mingzhou Shipyard has long been spread in the circle. The scrap ship was bought from abroad for dismantling, and the scrap steel was handed over to the local steelmaking furnace. , Now, the other party bought this boat, but they didn't come to dismantle it?

   "We only dismantle high-value ships." Qin Tao blocked the opponent back with a word. Ships like yours are just ordinary civilian ships, and there is nothing to dismantle.

   "Then what are you going to do with it?" Zhao Gangqiang was confused: "Many experts have evaluated it. Even if it is repaired, it cannot continue to sail on the ocean. If it encounters bad weather, it may be dangerous."

   "We decided to transform this ship into a dock." Qin Tao said.


  Zhao Gangqiang's eyes widened even more: "Dock? Can an oil tanker be transformed into a dock? It seems that you have never heard of this in the whole world, right?"

   "Yes, it didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. We are about to create a miracle."

   This Voyager cargo ship is 252 meters long, 53 meters wide, and 25 meters high. If it is modified, the length can be extended to 280 meters, the width can be extended to 60 meters, and the height can be reduced to 20 meters.

If compared with the size of the Varyag aircraft carrier, it seems not big enough. After all, Varyag is a behemoth with a length of 302 meters and a width of 70.5 meters. However, these are the largest data of the aircraft carrier. If the waterline is counted, then its The length is only 281 meters, and the width is less than 60 meters. It can be driven into the dock, so that it can be repaired. Even if the two sides of the dock are slightly extended, the Varyag can be built, and even scaffolding is saved.

  It will be even easier if it is used to repair other 100,000-ton freighters.

  So, Qin Tao has made up his mind.

As for the transformation of oil tankers into floating docks, it seems that there is no such thing in this era. However, Qin Tao in his previous life has done a lot of similar work. Abandoned oil tankers use the waste heat to transform them into floating docks, semi-submersible ships, container ships, offshore oil depots, Offshore oil and gas factories, etc., in the era of oil recession, there are many renovation projects for various tankers.

   Now it's just a small test.

  Technically, there will be no problem at all.

   "Uncle Zhao, we are serious. You have also said that you don't want to see this ship being dismantled. So, how about letting it be in our hands and regain a new life?" Qin Tao asked.

  The price is also 8 million. Why should the ship be handed over to Mingzhou Shipyard instead of others? Of course, it is because Mingzhou Shipyard has the ability to give this ship a new life!

  At this time, Qin Tao's face was very sincere.

Zhao Gangqiang nodded: "If you can transform this ship into a dock, then I can report to the company and sell this ship to you, but if you dismantle it into scrap iron in the end, it will be a violation of the law." If we break our contract, we need to pay an additional two million fines."

  The country has been open for more than ten years. Sure enough, these people have started to do business realistically, and they will be fined every now and then.

  Qin Tao rubbed his nose: "Of course it's no problem. After the dock is remodeled, you are welcome to visit."

  The agreement was reached in this way. Facing the sea breeze, Qin Tao continued to sing: "Success and failure turn around, the green hills are still there, and the sunset is red..."

  It's a pity that it's morning, there is no sunset, only the rising sun, Qin Tao's lyrics are not very suitable for the occasion.

   "Brother Tao, should we go back?" Zhao Ling said to Qin Tao.

  After returning from Lao Maozi's place, they immediately contacted Huating, and they didn't bother to go back. Now, they came to Chongming Island by the same boat as Zhao Gangqiang. Now that the matter has been finalized, it's time to go back.

   "Okay, I'm going back. Alas, after I go back, I have to become a monk again."

  At this time, Zhao Gangqiang walked in front, Qin Tao and Zhao Ling walked behind, and when she heard what Qin Tao said, Zhao Ling blushed slightly, and said, "How about I move to your house?"

   "Of course not, we are not married yet, how can we live together, we have to avoid suspicion." Qin Tao said.

   At the beginning when Zhao Ling was invited to live with Nie Shiyu, she was living with Nie Shiyu. Now, she wants to avoid Nie Shiyu. Qin Tao doesn't want to cause trouble. Nie Shiyu is a smart sister!

   At Lao Maozi's place, the beautiful life of touching during the day and having **** at night is coming to an end.


   "Let's find a good day and go to the capital together, and I'll go to your house to propose marriage." Qin Tao said.

  Since they are all together, they have to be given a title. This matter cannot be delayed.

  Zhao Ling was very happy, with a smile on her face, just like eating honey.

  Mingzhou Shipyard.


  Qin Baoshan slapped the palm of his hand on the table: "Little brat, why don't you come back to discuss such a big matter with the factory first?"

   "Didn't I inform you, old man, get the finances ready, and the contract will probably be signed in the next few days." Qin Tao said.

   "You, you, okay, your wings are stiff! Who is in charge of this factory?"

  Just after listening to Qin Tao's notice, Qin Baoshan was annoyed.

   Eight million yuan was spent just like this. This is a big deal in the factory. Qin Tao actually made up his own mind. This is against the rules!

For Qin Tao, on the one hand, he was very excited, so he ran over to see it when he came back; What should I do after signing the contract?

  Of course he can talk to Qin Baoshan calmly, but when the old man heard eight million, he immediately blew his beard and stared at him. Qin Tao was very upset, and of course he was about to resist.

"Old man, of course you have the final say." Qin Tao replied casually: "Also, I will take away a group of our boatmen to form a team and go to Chongming Island for on-site improvement. We have to take a lot of them away. These people are considered business trips, and the wages in the factory should be higher.”

   "What? Little bastard!" Qin Baoshan became even more angry, did he decide on his own?

   At this time, Qin Tao had stood up and walked out.

   "You son of a bitch, why are you going?"

"Of course I'm coordinating the boatmen and arranging a business trip." Qin Tao said: "Old man, think about it, what is wrong with what I have done? You have to put yourself in the position of factory director, and don't lose your temper every now and then. .”


   At this moment, the outside door was pushed open. Before Qin Tao could see clearly, a figure rushed over and bumped into his chest.

   "Brother, brother, you are back!"

  (end of this chapter)

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