Warship of Great Power

Chapter 244: five hundred million and five million

  Chapter 244 Five hundred million and five million

  The technical details were discussed until late at night. On the second day, the Belgian customers had to go to the steel factory for inspection accompanied by Qin Baoshan.

  Qin Tao, who was quarreling with Qingmeng, was quite dissatisfied, but when he heard the voice inside, all the complaints disappeared.

   "Honey, why are you calling me when you have time?" Qin Tao was very curious, his wife is a workaholic, when will he remember to call him? The sun did not come out from the west either.

"The technical experts from the Bincheng Diesel Engine Factory have arrived. If you have an idea, you should take the time to go there, otherwise you may miss that machine-building fairy. I have nothing else to do, just let you know. I'm off to work."


  Qin Tao listened to the busy tone on the phone, and he didn't feel sorry for these expenses. His wife, who was at work, dared to hang up his phone. It was too much, too much!

Qin Tao was extremely upset, but it also showed that Zhao Ling was thinking of herself even in the midst of her busy work. The last time they came back together, Qin Tao was worried about the diesel engine factory, so Zhao Ling When Ling got the news, she immediately told Qin Tao.

Well, forgive my wife for once. Next, go to Bincheng Diesel Engine Factory to see. After returning, I will go to Huating to see my wife. Go to the factory to make the parts needed for the diesel engine to be combined, and then coordinate the turbocharger. Compressor items.

  With this in mind, Qin Tao embarked on the road to Bincheng.

  If the motherland is likened to a rooster, Bincheng is located at the beak of the rooster. The location here is very important. The Beiyang Navy set up its station here. It has been an important military port ever since.

  As for the shipbuilding industry here, it has also developed rapidly. In 1890, the first dock was built here, and various shipbuilding-related industries have gradually developed.

  China's first 10,000-ton ship in the 1950s, China's first conventional ballistic missile submarine in the 1960s, China's first guided missile destroyer in the 1970s, and China's first export ship in the 1980s all came from here.

  The Sulzer diesel engine technology introduced from abroad was sent to Bincheng Diesel Engine Factory. Since then, it has been able to produce world-leading diesel engines.

   It's just that, if they want to continue to increase production capacity, they rely on machine-building experts from island countries!

   "Mr. Yantian, you have been investigating here for a few days, have you come to any conclusions?" said Lin Bin, the director of the diesel engine factory.

  These technical experts were specially invited by them, hoping to give them some valuable advice.

  Shishio Hikota nodded: "We are looking at the factory area during the day and studying it at night. Now, we have come to a conclusion."

  Lin Bin opened his eyes wide and watched the other party take out a thick stack of manuscript paper. These people are really good at their work. They have already written so much manuscript paper in such a short period of time!

  In particular, what the other party handed to Lin Bin had already been translated into Chinese. Lin Bin took the manuscript paper and looked at it carefully. Every piece of equipment gave suggestions for improvement, with quotations and so on.

  When he saw the end, the biggest one became O-shaped: "What? If we want to adjust and improve our production line here to increase the production capacity of 200,000 horsepower per year, we will spend 500 million US dollars?"

   (This data sounds like very little, but the data of 1997 found by Huadong Zhixiong, the factory only produced 250,000 horsepower a year.)

"Director Lin, you have read it from front to back, and every suggestion for improvement is necessary. Therefore, if you add it up, you will need so much money. Although you have introduced a full set of technology from Sulzer diesel engines, However, you have not changed your production equipment accordingly, so these equipments have been outdated for a long time, and if you don’t update them, your production capacity will not increase.” Hikoda Shishio said.

  They are not only here to inspect, but also to sell equipment. If they want to improve their technology and produce more marine diesel engines, they must upgrade their production equipment!

  Although they came to do business, they didn't ask for extravagant prices. The improvement of every equipment is necessary. This money must be spent.

"Director Lin, I'll give you a day to think about it. We're just the first stop. Next, we'll go to other marine diesel engine factories." Hiroda Shishio said, "If you want to increase production capacity, you have to contact us as soon as possible. Signing the contract, after all, the production of these devices also takes time."

  In the past few days, Toshio Hikada has been very busy, but the next day will be his most relaxing time.

  Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Lin Bin's face was full of entanglements.

   "Notify all middle-level leaders to come to the conference room for a meeting."

   Soon, the conference room was full of people.

   "Everyone, today's meeting is related to the life and death of our factory. Since we separated from the shipyard a few years ago and operated independently, this is our most severe challenge." Lin Bin said.

In the past, they were all mixed together. It was fine in the planned economy era, but with the deepening of the market economy, each factory needs to be responsible for its own profits and losses. Even if it belongs to the same CSIC, it still needs to be settled by brothers. .

   Therefore, the diesel engine factory has become independent. Although it is still supporting the shipyard, it has to bear the risks and benefits by itself.

"Our factory has been engaged in mainframes since 1958, until 1978. For the whole 20 years, it has been hovering at a low level. A total of more than 100,000 horsepower has been produced, and some of the mainframes are even too poor to be used. It was not until the introduction of the full set of Sulzer diesel engine technology that our products achieved a leap forward. However, the production capacity is still not enough. The goal of our factory is to produce more than 200,000 horsepower per year, which requires improvement of our production line. We have invited the famous Mechanic Immortal to give us a pulse, and the conclusion has come out."

   Speaking of this, Lin Bin glanced at the people present, and everyone's eyes showed anticipation.

   "What conclusion?"

   "That's right, factory manager, please don't be a fool."

   "We need to invest 500 million yuan to improve our production equipment."

   All of a sudden, the conference room exploded.

   "Our annual technological transformation funds are only about one million yuan. Now it costs 500 million yuan, which is five hundred times! Where can we get so much money?"

   "Your math is taught by the physical education teacher, why is it five hundred times?"

   "Five hundred times a million, not five hundred million?"

   "500 million dollars, not RMB!"


"What the hell, 500 million US dollars, where can I get so much money? Even if we can get a loan, then our factory will have to work for the bank for the next ten or twenty years! After twenty years, the money owed to the bank will be repaid. It's over, our equipment is behind again!"

   "Go and live your dream, 500 million US dollars, which bank will lend us? It is estimated that the approval process will take several years!"

   "Five million at most, no more, otherwise we simply can't bear it!"

  Looking at the messy conference room, Lin Bin smiled helplessly. He had already guessed this kind of result, but he had no other choice!

   "Director Lin, Mr. Qin from Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is here." At this moment, Lin Bin's secretary walked in gently and whispered in his ear.

  Mingzhou, President Qin of the Shipbuilding Industry Group?

  Lin Bin was overjoyed: "Quick, invite him over!"

"come over?"

   "Yes, come to our conference room!"

  Qin Tao was in high spirits. When he walked into the meeting room, he saw countless eyes looking at him.

What's wrong? Dirt on my clothes and writing on my face?

   "Mr. Qin, welcome to our diesel engine factory for inspection." Lin Bin strode forward: "I'm sorry, because there is an important meeting, so I can't go out to greet you. Now, please take a seat."

  Qin Tao just came here to join in the fun, originally he didn't intend to make a big show of it, and it was even more unlikely that he would be dissatisfied because the other party did not greet him in advance, but now, seeing Lin Bin's attitude, Qin Tao is still very curious.

what happened?

   Amidst his doubts, Qin Tao refused, but finally took the main seat. Lin Bin sat next to him and said, "Mr. Qin, please help us to solve the problems in our factory!"

   "What problem?"

  Lin Bin quickly explained the problems they encountered.

   "500 million U.S. dollars?" Qin Tao was also speechless: "The islanders are too good at doing business, right? This is killing you as sheep."

   "Yes, Mr. Qin, it will be easy when you come. Can you get us some cheap equipment from Lao Maozi?" Lin Bin said to Qin Tao.

   "I get cheap equipment from Lao Maozi?" Qin Tao shook his head again and again: "This is impossible."

  If I can get it, then I might as well build a marine diesel engine factory myself, for you? Will you give me half of the shares?

  Qin Tao couldn't say this complaint, otherwise the atmosphere would be too embarrassing.

"The equipment at Lao Maozi's is also very backward, not necessarily higher than ours, otherwise, Lao Maozi would not have to rack his brains to buy Toshiba machine tools." Qin Tao explained: "The few advanced production equipment they have on hand, It's not something I can get here. Don't pin your hopes on me."

  Qin Tao's words were correct, and the eyes of the people present dimmed.

"It's a pity, we just don't have money. If we had money, everything would be easy." Lin Bin said: "Back then, no matter if you were from the island country or from the Kimchi country, after the introduction of the relevant marine diesel engine production patents, all A large number of people have been excluded from going abroad for training, and a large number of production equipment have been introduced, so that when the personnel return from training, they can directly produce according to the drawings, how about it?"

  Lin Bin smiled wryly.

  After buying back the technology, they were also excited. After the excitement, they had to find a way to use their outdated equipment to produce.

  The domestic basic equipment is not good enough, the precision of the processing equipment is poor, and the efficiency is low. These problems are constantly exposed in production, but they are helpless because they have no money at hand!

  When Lin Bin said this, he was very depressed.

"Yeah, we can't follow the road of island countries and kimchi countries, but we can tailor clothes according to our own specific situation." Qin Tao said: "As long as we give full play to our subjective initiative, we can still solve the problem. We were poor and white back then. We have created the atomic bomb, and now our conditions are much better, how can we bow our heads in the face of difficulties? I have always believed that man can conquer nature!"

  Since I have come here, it is only natural to help improve the domestic marine diesel engine industry.

  Qin Tao's words boosted Lin Bin's confidence. He looked at Qin Tao and asked again full of expectation: "President Qin, what should I do specifically?"

Although this is the first time Lin Bin has seen Qin Tao, he has heard of some things about Qin Tao a long time ago. Among other things, just bringing Mingzhou Shipyard back to life and going to glory is enough to make people admire that's it.

  Qin Tao is not a big talker, but a man of action.

  Qin Tao picked up the thick proposal document, and then began to introduce it.

"Let me give you some advice. After all, I learned to build ships, not diesel engines." Qin Tao said, "For example, in order to make large crankshafts better and faster, the island people suggested to introduce a A special high-efficiency, high-precision crankshaft special processing machine tool, the price of this machine tool is 5 million. However, I think this is not necessary. If our existing crankshaft machine tool is installed with a rotary produced by the island country The tool holder and the corresponding operating system, then, only half a million dollars is enough."

  Modify an ordinary machine tool into a CNC machine tool?

  Everyone is excited.

   Doing this seems to be really possible!

   "President Qin, will the islanders allow us to do this?" Lin Bin asked.

  The islanders have a big appetite, and they offered a sky-high price of 500 million U.S. dollars at one time. Now, if our own side wants to reduce this cost, will the islanders be willing?

"We produce all diesel engines for civilian use, so we won't face the problem of banning sales. As for whether the islanders agree?" Qin Tao smiled: "Then let them know our determination and current situation, let them know, and earn some money." That's enough, don't be too greedy."

   "President Qin, the islanders are here, can you represent us and negotiate with the islanders?" Lin Bin asked.

   "I represent you?" Qin Tao was a little surprised, I was just a guest.

   "Yes, please help us once. If you are willing to help, then I am willing to give you the position of factory director." Lin Bin said.

   He really doesn't have much confidence in asking him to negotiate with those islanders. Qin Tao is different. Qin Tao is best at dealing with foreigners!

   "That won't work, I can't occupy the magpie's nest, but if the islanders are here, I can communicate with the islanders. Let's do it tomorrow, tonight, let's add up."

  In the guest house of Diesel Engine Factory.

  Shishio Hikoda is discussing with his companions enthusiastically.

   "If they want to increase production capacity, they must follow our plan. A civil project worth 500 million dollars is a big deal!"

   "Your Excellency Yantian, based on the situation in their factory, can you come up with 500 million US dollars?" The companion on the side said: "Even if they go to borrow money and mortgage the entire factory to the bank, it is not worth so much."

"That depends on their superiors. They are vigorously developing the shipbuilding industry. They will never tolerate importing our marine main engines. If they want to expand production, they must transform their production lines and purchase our equipment. "Yan Tianshixiong said: "They don't have so much money for a single factory, but as long as their superiors agree, they have a way to spend so much money. After all, they have never had a real market economy. Such a big project , they have to rely on their government to come forward. Tomorrow, maybe some government leaders will come to us."

Yantian Shishixiong is in a good mood. With his reputation as a machine-making fairy, he came here to guide the upgrading of the production line and gave such a detailed plan. It is definitely an honor for Bincheng Diesel Engine Factory. He is an expert. If an expert, they must listen!

the next day.

   "Your Excellency Yantian, Director Lin invites you to workshop No. 3."

  Shishixiong Yantian was a little surprised: "Go to Workshop No. 3? Shouldn't it be their government agency?"

  Although he was surprised, since the other party invited him, he just went there.

  Workshop No. 3, beside a BJ2150 planer, a group of people are busy.

   "Your Excellency Yantian, you are here, please come here to have a look." Seeing Yantian Shishixiong approaching, Lin Bin immediately waved to him and shouted.

  Shishio Hikota walked over and looked at the equipment: "This equipment is of poor quality. According to the plan I gave you, it must be thrown away and repurchased. What are you doing?"

Hikota Shishio has a very good memory, and he can remember it after reading it. This gantry planer produced in 1968 is the key equipment for the factory to manufacture diesel engine parts. You can know from the production year. There were no qualified products in that period. Taiwan is no exception, its working condition is extremely unstable, the worst one, shut down for half a year.

  So, in the plan of Shishio Hikoda, it is necessary to re-purchase, this one will be sold as scrap iron, but now, these people are busy with this equipment, what are they doing?

"It's like this. After some analysis, we feel that this equipment can still use the waste heat. We only need to modify it. For example, replace it with a hydrostatic guide rail slide, and then buy a large milling head. Milling Substitute planer can not only improve the accuracy, but also increase the work efficiency by four times. We have checked that even if we purchase the best large milling head from you, it only costs two hundred thousand dollars. In this way, we can save hundreds of dollars. million dollars."

  Shishio Hikada’s face became ugly, and he looked at the people who were under construction angrily: “No, you can’t do this! You have to buy a new, separate milling head, and we won’t sell it.”

  Yesterday I was still dreaming of a big order of 500 million, what about today? It was shrunk like this? Hikoda Shishio has become a little angry from embarrassment.

  At this time, Qin Tao, who was directing the transformation of the Longmen planer, jumped down.

"If the island country doesn't export it to us, it will buy it from Germany. In fact, when it comes to processing equipment, Germany is the first-class. Even a lot of equipment in the island country is imported from Germany. We just because the island country is closer to us. They are both yellow-skinned and black-haired, so that’s why they feel closer.”

  Yan Tian Shishixiong almost spit out a mouthful of blood, where did you come from? What's more, he can speak fluent island dialect and communicate with him directly. The words are so offensive that he almost loses his temper.

  He still can’t refute it, but if you want to talk about industrial processing equipment, the ones made in Germany are really excellent!

Hikoda Shishio took a deep breath, trying to keep him calm, his face returned to normal, and then said: "You can think of such an improvement plan, it is also possible, this project, you can modify it, the relevant milling head, We'll provide it."

"Thank you for your compliment." Qin Tao continued: "Actually, if we have money, we are also willing to purchase new equipment, but now, we don't have so much money, so we can only use our ingenuity and wisdom, based on the present If possible, make improvements.”

  An ominous premonition rose in the heart of Hikoda Shishixiong. Do all the items have to be revised?

   "Old equipment can be turned into advanced equipment by adding advanced parts and components. Old equipment plus advanced knives is modern equipment, and old equipment plus a computer is also modern equipment. Your Excellency Yantian, what do you think?"

  Shishio Hikoda did not speak.

   "It's not poor, there's no way." Qin Tao continued: "We can't accept the 500 million project improvement plan you proposed, we can only accept..."

"How many?"

"five million."

   "Impossible!" Shishio Hikoda was furious. The project of 500 million has shrunk to 5 million? He turned around angrily, intending to leave here, hmph, five million dollars, it doesn't matter if you don't earn it!

  However, his movements were slow, and it didn't seem like he was really walking.

"Hmph, machine-making god, is this level?" Qin Tao looked at the back of Yan Tian Shishixiong leaving, with disdain in his mouth: "Let's go, let's go to the technical director of German MAN company marine diesel engine Carl Misha El, the order of five million dollars, who is it for?"

   "What is Carl? His experience in marine mainframes is simply incomparable to mine. I am the genius of machine building!" When he heard the name of this person, Hikoda Shishio became angry.

"Then how can you prove your strength?" Qin Tao said: "As long as you can use five million dollars to complete the equipment upgrade of our factory, then I apologize for what I just said, you are stronger than Karl. "

   This is of course a radical method. Yan Tian Shishixiong has been shrewd all his life, so of course he can know Qin Tao's intentions, but he has no other way.

  500 million is destined to be ruined. Although 5 million is a little less, it is still a business. If you have money, you have to make it! It's better than cheap Germans!

   "Okay, I promise you, we will provide a new plan, but all purchases must be placed from the island country!" Hikoda Shishixiong said.


   "Also, don't mention that **** Carl in front of me!"

   "Didn't he just abduct your son? Do you need to hate him so much?"

   PS: Thanks to book friends 20220815163854700, Scarlet Hummer, Yi Dan Fengqing, Ironic Romance, l599xl and other friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting! Continue to ask for a subscription, a reward, and a vote!

   Regarding the update, let me briefly introduce it. In the past few days, it has been updated twice a day. At 14:00 on the 20th, there will be ten updates at once. They are all chapters of 6,000 words. I hope you can enjoy reading them.



  (end of this chapter)

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