Warship of Great Power

Chapter 248: Old Maozi has a big plane there

  Chapter 248 Lao Maozi has a big plane there

  The threat of the stealth machine is coming quietly!

This kind of aircraft uses the shape of a polyhedron to reflect the irradiated radar waves to other directions, and then through the wave-absorbing coating and other schemes, it realizes the stealth in front of the radar. Its radar reflection area is similar to that of a table tennis ball. Therefore, ordinary radar cannot detect it at all.

  American technology is very powerful. The first stealth attack aircraft, the F-117, was publicly displayed for the first time in 1988 after many years of service. Everyone was shocked by its sci-fi appearance.

As for the specific strength, it has also been verified in the past two years. In 8*9, this kind of stealth aircraft participated in military operations for the first time, air raids on Panama, and in 1991, it even showed its talents in that war. Even though there are only a few dozen planes, the attack effect is better than thousands of ordinary fighter planes. They are always the first to go on various dangerous missions.

  The threat of the stealth machine has come!

  Institute 14 studies radar, and stealth aircraft is an important opponent for them. However, until now, they still have a headache for how to find stealth aircraft.

At this time, when Qin Tao said this, Old Ben looked serious and nodded: "Yes, it is difficult to find stealth aircraft with our Sea Star radar, although according to our idea, all the radars can be concentrated The beam is used to detect the stealth machine, so the echo may be larger, but that also requires knowing where the stealth machine is in advance."

   This is an infinite loop.

Active phased array radar can detect stealth aircraft, which is determined by its unique principle. The flat-panel radar antenna can scan the surrounding airspace by changing the phase of radar waves, and it can also capture all radar waves. Concentrate on one airspace to focus on scanning.

  The stealth ability of the stealth machine is realized through reflection and absorption, so that there are very few radar waves returning to the radar antenna. However, if a large number of radar waves are concentrated, the stealth machine can still show its original shape.

  It’s like a flashlight hits the past, and you can’t see something in the dark clearly, then use hundreds or thousands of flashlights to shine the light together, and that’s it.

  However, there is a prerequisite for this, which is to know in advance that there is a stealth aircraft in that airspace, and then the radar waves can be irradiated. However, how to know in advance? It is impossible to detect the stealth machine by scanning the radar waves separately!

"If you want to detect stealth aircraft in advance, you have to use meter wave radar." Qin Tao said: "So, even if we have a shield ship composed of four-sided phased array radar in the future, we still need to deploy meter waves on our warships." Wave radar, through the meter wave radar to find the approximate orientation of the stealth aircraft, and then pass the target data to Haizhixing, and then let Haizhixing concentrate the radar beam to scan."

  The eyes of the radar experts present all brightened: "Meter wave radar?"

   "That's right, it is the meter wave radar. In front of it, the stealth capabilities of various stealth machines will be reduced by 80%."

  Meter wave radar was used in the era when radar first appeared, and was gradually eliminated later.

Although this kind of radar can see far, its accuracy is very poor, with an error of several hundred meters at every turn, and it cannot guide missiles to attack at all. Therefore, meter wave radar can only be used for long-range early warning. Radar waves with shorter wavelengths.

The various well-designed surfaces of the stealth machine are used to reflect radar waves such as centimeter waves and millimeter waves. In front of the meter wave radar, the shape design of the stealth machine has no effect, because the meter wave radar Cataract, looking at the stealth machine is just a blurred point. I don't know what shape this point is.

"Our radar institute not only needs to develop advanced radar equipment, but also to continue to improve the meter wave radar of the ancient Yagi antenna, for example, to digitally transform its processing system, so that it can directly transmit the targets it captures to the sea. Star radar, and when our new destroyer starts to be built, these two radars can be used in combination."

  What Qin Tao said was common sense.

In later generations, advanced Aegis battleships were launched one after another. The four-sided phased array radar and vertical launch system looked so dazzling, but the ancient Yagi antenna squatting on the sub-mast behind the chimney The meter wave radar antenna is like going back to the past era. This kind of 517 radar is already very old, and it will continue to serve. Why?

Sea Star radar consumes too much electricity, so it can’t be turned on at ordinary times. This kind of 517 radar can work continuously for 24 hours. It is usually used for early warning. Most of them are explained in this way, but this is only one aspect, another important purpose is this. An ancient meter wave radar, after being transformed with digital equipment, can easily search for stealth machines!

  This kind of radar has been improving. Later, the Yagi antenna became a fly swatter, which looked more beautiful, and Mrs. Niu also became Britney Spears.

   Now that Qin Tao was asked to say something, Qin Tao said the direction.

  The radar experts present all began to think.

  Stealth machine, why is it stealthy? How do we discover it?

   Meter wave radar!

   Soon, they will be able to think of the key technology. Using meter wave radar to find stealth aircraft is a perfect match!

  Although Qin Tao didn't mention the technical details, it is more important for them to talk about these technical routes.

   "Our 14th Institute has built L-band phased array radar before. This technology can also be developed. In the future, we can also put this radar plane on warships."

In fact, the first phased array radar built by the 14th Institute was L-band, and the current S-band radar also has the basis of this L-band radar technology. However, hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Ben asked curiously : "You mean, let's integrate two different band radars?"

"Well, the radars of different bands are integrated, but this is not just two. Isn't our original S-band radar embedded with a part of the C-band radar antenna to guide missiles? Then integrate the L-band, that is three Bands, combined in this way, is the integrated radio frequency technology.”

   Anyway, it was just talking, Qin Tao simply said the technology on the 10,000-ton large drive.

  For a warship, a lot of radar antennas need to be installed on it to solve the problem of electromagnetic compatibility. Therefore, the layout of various antennas must be spaced apart, and finally the top of the entire warship is quite messy.

  The integrated radio frequency mast is to solve this problem. All kinds of different antennas are phased arrays, and the electromagnetic wave emission and absorption of all electronic equipment are integrated into several phased array antennas!

   Such informatization capabilities have been greatly enhanced. Different radar antennas do not work independently, but directly communicate with each other, transmit signals to each other, and comprehensively process them.

  For example, if the L-band radar detects the stealth aircraft, it can immediately transmit it to the S-band radar, mobilize more antenna components to radiate radar waves, accurately locate, and then guide the missile attack.

  L-band is not a meter wave. Its band frequency is 1 to 2 GHz, and its center wavelength has reached 22 cm. It is already in the ranks of long-wave radars. Therefore, it also has a good ability to discover stealth machines.

The capability of this kind of integrated radio frequency is quite strong, and the technical difficulty is also very high. In later generations, only the warships of the United States and China have this capability. In other countries, the most is to cover the mast with a beautiful cover. In fact, The internal equipment is still doing its own thing, and it has not been integrated.

  Qin Tao's words opened a new window for these radar experts. They would never have imagined that the electronic equipment on the warship can play like this!

"Of course, what I said is very far away. Our 14th Institute can complete the integration of these devices in 20 years, which is already very powerful. After 20 years, I will be in my forties. At that time, it would be great if our Mingzhou Shipyard could build this kind of warship."

  Qin Tao is only in his twenties now, so he has enough time and patience to wait, he needs to eat every bite, and he needs to do a little bit of work.

  When thinking of this, Qin Tao's stomach suddenly groaned.

  At this time, everyone was thinking about the great prospect Qin Tao had drawn, even the leaders of the navy were thinking about it. No one spoke. In the quiet meeting room, the sound of stomach growling was outstanding.

  Ben Lao smiled: "I'm only concerned about the meeting, it's already past dinner time, let's go eat!"

  The 14th Institute is an authority in domestic radar. The radar developed in the institute has sold well, so their benefits are not bad, and the canteen can smell the smell of meat. If it is another place, such as 611, the treatment will be very different.

   "Leaders, there is a private room over there. I'll go to the cafeteria to cook some dishes." Elder Ben greeted everyone.

   "Don't eat small stir-fries, let's eat big pot dishes." Wu Shengli said with a smile, Qin Tao had already taken the lead, and ran to the window to check.

   "Well, the chefs in this cafeteria are pretty good, so give me some of this, this, and this!"

   Soon, Qin Tao sat down in front of an ordinary dining table with a plate in his hand, and began to eat.

  Qin Tao likes to eat like this. Sitting in front of a big table, everyone is drinking together, and that kind of scene makes him uncomfortable. It's better to eat like this.

   Then, someone sat opposite him with a dinner plate.

  Qin Tao looked up and saw an old man who was about the same age as Ben. His eyes were also looking over, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

   "President Qin, do you have any research on early warning aircraft?"


  Qin Tao's eyelids twitched. He looked carefully at the old man in front of him and said, "You are Mr. Wang?"

  In the 14th Institute, there has always been a soft spot for the early warning aircraft, and then he was appointed as the person in charge of the early warning aircraft project, isn't it Wang Laoyao?

   "President Qin, do you know me?"

   "Well, I read your deeds in the newspaper." Qin Tao said: "You participated in Air Police One before. Now, if our aviation is to be modernized, we need advanced early warning aircraft."

Seeing Mr. Wang sitting opposite Qin Tao, Mr. Ben also came over with a plate and sat next to Mr. Wang, while Wu Shengli sat next to Qin Tao. There were four people at the same table. After eating, we discussed again.

"Yes, we have worked on Air Police No. 1 before, but the performance was too poor, especially the ability to find targets in the complex echoes of the ground, so the project was forced to stop, but now, our technology has also developed. The flat-panel slot radar antenna is also being developed, so we should be able to make a plan similar to the E-3 early warning aircraft in the United States." Wang Lao said.

  Ultra-low-altitude penetration is a common method used by aviation units. They use the curvature of the earth to cover themselves. No matter how high the ground radar is set up, it cannot detect targets beyond the horizon. The only way is to put the radar on the plane and look down from a height.

   In this way, all ground targets are invisible. This is the airborne early warning aircraft.

However, this kind of aircraft is very difficult. If it is only scanning on a calm sea, it is okay. If it is land with complex terrain, the ground echoes of various mountains and valleys will make the radar screen full of snowflake.

  In the 1960s and 1970s, the Air Police No. 1 was developed in China, but it was unable to overcome this problem and had to give up in the end.

  Time has entered the 1990s, and the technical foundation is slowly being established.

   "We are already developing active phased array, why not directly use active phased array technology?" Qin Tao said: "In this way, we can have better performance."

"Active phased array?" Wang Lao shook his head: "Currently, in the world, the only early warning aircraft using active phased array radar is Israel's Phalcon, but this type of aircraft uses a nose plus radar on both sides. With the antenna method, there is still a blind spot at the tail of the aircraft, so it is not easy to use!"

"Then continue to make the plan of the big plate on the top." Qin Tao said: "It's a big plate similar to the American E-3 early warning aircraft, and our radar antenna is inserted into it. Such a big plate does not need to be rotated. It can scan the entire airspace without any blind spots."

   "This is an idea, but..." Mr. Wang shook his head again when he said this, there are too many problems!

   "We have many problems, some on the radar and some on the aircraft." Qin Tao said: "Our civil aviation airliner cannot be used. The most suitable platform is the Il-76 of the old man."

  Western AWACS are all refitted with passenger planes. The passenger planes are more comfortable, and the living conditions of the people on the AWACS are very good. But it doesn’t work in China. All domestic airliners are imported and can only be used by civilians. If a Boeing 707 is refitted, Boeing will use this as an excuse to stop the supply of parts, and all domestic Boeing airliners will have to lie down.

  The strategic early warning aircraft has to be a big guy, so I can only find a way from the old Maozi's Il-76.

  Hearing what Qin Tao said, Wu Shengli suddenly thought of something: "Taozi, can you get us a batch?"

At the beginning, Qin Tao brought back eight Tu-104 passenger planes, all of which played a role in the navy, and converted them into maritime patrol aircraft, anti-submarine aircraft, naval transport aircraft, etc. Anyway, there are a large number of spare parts, serving in the navy For ten or twenty years, absolutely no problem.

   It's a pity that the foundation of Figure 104 is not good enough, and the AWACS cannot be modified, otherwise, it will be enough to modify it with this product.

  Can Qin Tao do the same and get the Il-76 back?

  Qin Tao thought for a while.

   "Well, there is still a possibility. But now, it's not convenient for Lao Maozi to exchange daily necessities. It's better to use US dollars."

During the period of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi was short of domestic supplies, so Qin Tao could dump a lot of daily necessities in the past. Now, the Red Empire has collapsed, and those Western businessmen have entered Lao Maozi's territory with great strides. The goods have already begun to be placed on Lao Maozi's counter.

  Although the downtrodden men in the country can still make money, the profits are not that great anymore, and the old Maozi's people in power have also begun to raise their demands. They look down on all kinds of daily necessities, and if they want to bribe, they have to use dollars.

   It can also be seen from the import of Su-27, the first batch of Su-27, Lao Maozi also agreed to exchange for daily necessities, but when it came to the second batch, Lao Maozi wanted US dollars, and daily necessities were not accepted.

  Wu Shengli nodded: "Of course, the Air Force is currently planning to update their transport fleet. The Il-76 should be the best choice. Even if it is settled in US dollars, the Air Force also has this capability."

At present, the main force of domestic transport aircraft is Yun-7 and Yun-8. Needless to say, Yun-7 has the largest transport capacity, but it is copied from Lao Maozi's An-12 transport aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of 60 tons , the maximum transportation capacity is 20 tons, which is really too weak.

  Looking at the Il-76 again, the improved model has a maximum take-off weight of nearly 200 tons and a maximum transport capacity of nearly 60 tons. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

  The Air Force needs strategic transportation capabilities and needs large aircraft!

   "Now, Lao Maozi's side is in a chaotic period. The aircraft that are in production on their production line can be sold at a low price." Qin Tao said: "As long as we have enough money, we can go there to find leaks."

  During the period of the Red Empire, the aircraft factory only produced aircraft, and Moscow had the final say on who would equip them. But now? They have already separated, and the equipment still left in the republics is of course the wealth of their own country!

  However, those weapons and equipment cannot be eaten or drank, and they must be sold to exchange for money. Now this gap is the time for the old men to sell the property of the Red Empire, and it is all at the price of cabbage!


  Qin Tao suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said to Wu Shengli: "Leader, does our navy still need a batch of aerial tankers?"

In the past, there was no aerial refueling capability in the country at all. Since the domestic Qiye Baye had short legs, they could only hang around the sea for a while, and did not dare to go deep into the ocean at all, so that the naval battle a few years ago , although he won the battle, he had to run away quickly.

  Faced with this situation, the navy is also thinking about countermeasures, and aerial refueling has become a necessity.

Therefore, taking advantage of the international conditions at that time, we purchased an aerial refueling device from the United Kingdom, converted the existing H-6 into a tanker, and converted the J-8 into a refueling aircraft, and carried out aerial refueling experiments. At the end of last year, The first docking was successful, a big step forward.

  With the aerial refueling technology, Baye can go around the southern waters. However, the performance of the modified H-6 air tanker is too poor, and the fuel it carries is too little, which simply cannot meet the needs of long-distance voyages.

  If there is an advanced aerial tanker, then the combat effectiveness of the naval aviation will definitely be able to rise to a higher level.

  When Qin Tao asked, Wu Shengli nodded immediately: "Do you have a solution?"

"That's right, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory in Tashkent has a batch of Il-78 aerial refueling tankers, and they should have already been built. As long as you have money, you can buy them back!" Qin Tao's heart thumped when he thought of this incident. Plop straight.

  Now that I have been reborn, of course I can’t afford to be cheap. Third brother, the six Il-78 tankers at the price of cabbage have to be bought back for our naval aviation!

  Even, Qin Tao has already made up his mind, if the navy has no money, then Qin Tao will buy it back by himself, and open an airline in the name of the army!

Speaking of large transport aircraft, first people think of Ermao. After all, Ermao has the world-famous Antonov Design Bureau there. The An-225 transport aircraft is the transport aircraft with the largest take-off weight in the world. It was used to carry the space shuttle Blizzard on its back. It was designed, and many miracles have been created since then.

   This transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more than 600 tons and the ability to transport more than 200 tons of large cargo is the overlord of the entire sky and a miracle in the history of aviation. It even flew to China several times, causing a sensation.

   However, the final fate was to be destroyed at the airport. It is embarrassing to think of that once powerful country.

  The fate of the Antonov Design Bureau is even more tragic. This kind of tragic figure will always attract people's attention.

  Many people have overlooked that there is also a heavy-duty transport aircraft production plant supported by the Ilyushin Design Bureau, which is equally sad but unknown. It is located in the capital of Uz, and there is also a heavyweight aircraft factory!

  This country is located in Central Asia and is rich in cotton. It is the third largest cotton production base in the world, so it is also known as the country of platinum. (Hereafter, it will be directly called Platinum Kingdom.)

  The capital, Tashkent, is the largest city in the country, and it is also an ancient city. The Silk Road used to pass through here.

  After the establishment of the Red Empire, in order to balance industrial development, Moscow decided to build a specialized heavy transport aircraft manufacturing plant here.

  From this point, it can be seen that the old Maozi at that time really considered the overall situation, coordinated development, and would never favor one another and strive for too many benefits for Da Mao. It's really a game of chess across the country.

  So, in the ancient city, a modern aircraft production plant appeared in this way. In 1941, transport aircraft began to be produced here. It was not until later, after the separation of the family, that Da Mao produced the Il-76 at the Ulyanovsk Aircraft Factory. Good things have to be in Da Mao's own hands. Anyway, this factory was producing An-76 in the 1980s. 124 transport aircraft, and the production of Il-76 is also appropriate.

  (end of this chapter)

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