Warship of Great Power

Chapter 285: F-35 version of J-31

  Chapter 285 F-35 version of J-31

"Taozi, this trick of yours is really effective. The Air Force must make up its mind to develop it on its own. By the way, we can get a smaller early warning system and install it on the Yak-44. Our navy can test it. " said Wu Shengli.

   On the return car, Wu Shengli was in a good mood, while Qin Tao, looking at the snowflakes outside the window, was in a complicated mood.

  There is a long way to go, and the development of various weapons needs to enter the fast lane. However, the country's economy is limited now, and it is not easy to give each project a development period.

   Making money is the top priority, but Qin Tao seems to be thinking too much. These things cannot be solved by him alone.

   "Dad, I have another idea."


"The people from Lao Maozi will come soon. I will bring them to the 611 Institute. First, we will start the project and conduct pre-research. However, we also need to have a name. Give this project a name. What's a good name?"

   "Jian 11?" Wu Shengli quickly realized that it was Eleven's turn to line up according to the model.

  Qin Tao shook his head: "Let's grow up."

   "Twelve and Thirteen are available, how about destroying Fourteen?"

   "No, that's an unlucky name."

   "Then what do you say?"

   "How about J-31?" Qin Tao said.

  Generally speaking, any aircraft project must be approved by the relevant department, so that it can be regarded as justified. Now, it is too casual to give it a name casually.

  However, Wu Shengli didn't say anything: "Okay, as long as you like it, it won't conflict with our other projects, so this is it."

  Qin Tao smiled. When he said this name, he still had a special pleasure.

   Three days later, 611.

  Elder Song and Elder Tu are all here, Wu Shengli and Qin Tao are here together, and even Elder Lin ran over to join in the fun after hearing about it.

"Everyone, welcome to the Land of Abundance. From now on, this will be your home. We very much welcome you to join us, and we have made a special building for you." Elder Song said, pointing to a small gray three-story building. , and repainted.

Plesakov’s mood is complicated. He traveled thousands of miles and came here hoping to start a new life. It’s already winter, but there’s not a single snowflake to be seen here, but there is some mist all around. , giving people a gray feeling, and his heart became a little depressed along with the mist.

"Everyone has just come here and is quite tired. Let's go to rest first, and then we will hold a welcome banquet. We have prepared enough fine wine here, and you can drink as much as you want. We will start working after everyone has rested." Qin Tao said road.

   It should be very easy to use good wine to attract Lao Maozi.

  But this time, Qin Tao's fooling failed, and Plesakov shook his head: "No, we want to get into work right away, we need to have a meeting first."

  This guy, is he worried that he will fool him?

   This idea came to Qin Tao's heart, thanks to him being a man of his word.

   "Okay, then let's go to the conference room first."

  Old Lin walked quickly and followed. Although it was a naval project, at his level, it was no problem to attend in the past.

   Song Lao, Tu Lao and others also followed in. When everyone was seated, Qin Tao began to preside over the meeting.

   "First, let me introduce to you." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Mao Duanzhang is a senior engineer who developed the Yak-141. He will also be fully responsible for our new J-31 project as the chief engineer of this project."

   (The previous Mao update, the comments are very interesting, so this pseudonym, let’s call it Mao Duanzhang. There are also Mao Tuanwei and so on. Anyway, this name sounds like Mao Duanchang.)

   There was applause below.

"Mr. Mao, your subordinates, besides the group of people you brought, we have also prepared a capable research and development team for you. They have also studied vertical take-off and landing fighters for a long time, and have accumulated a large amount of rich experience." Qin Tao said: "Please introduce Song Lao."

Mr. Song nodded: "This project, our representatives are in charge of Comrade Zhao Dangsheng. At present, there are fifty-three representatives in this team, plus the thirteen people brought by Mr. Mao, a total of sixty Six people, although the number of people in the team is not many, but, I believe, you will be able to create miracles!"

  There are more than 50 people from the 611 Institute, which is already a lot. These people are all squeezed out from the research and development personnel of the No. 10 Project, which is already a lot. The initial research team can be considered to be set up.

  Plesakov sat there without saying anything. For him, these people must not be many, but since he just came here, there are quite a few of them, and he cannot force it.

"Now, let me introduce our project." Qin Tao said: "J-31 is a key project of the navy, and the navy has high requirements for it. First of all, there are three types of it. "

   Three models?

   This project aroused the interest of Plesakov.

   "First of all, it is the vertical take-off and landing version." Qin Tao said: "This version is also the focus of our research and development. Since our energy is limited, the first thing to overcome is also the technology of this version. This is the biggest premise."

"However, on the basis of this version, we can further develop it. We only need to remove the front lift fan and the tail vector nozzle, and strengthen the front landing gear. carrier aircraft."

   "On the basis of naval carrier-based aircraft, reduce weight and only meet land use, then it can be used as the most common fighter."

  One machine, three types! Of course, Qin Tao plagiarized the design concept of F-35. However, unlike F-35, which first studied the simplest land-based fighter, they developed the most complex vertical take-off and landing fighter. Simplification on this basis is more in line with their In this way, other models can be modified at any time in the future.

  However, his theory moved Plesakov.

   How powerful their Yakovlev Design Bureau used to be. During World War II, the Yak fighter was the best! However, after entering the jet age, they were sidelined.

   In terms of aircraft design skills, they are no worse than Mikoyan and Sukhoi! It's just that they don't have a stage to show.

   Now, coming to the East, they finally have this opportunity, and Pleshakov is already excited.

  Who likes a VTOL fighter? They also want to engage in advanced fighter jets!

Now, the opportunity has finally come. First develop the vertical take-off and landing fighter, and then develop the ordinary model. If the vertical take-off and landing fighter has the ability to compete with other third-generation fighters, then their ordinary model will definitely be able to overwhelm others. ah.

  Excited, excited, happy!

  Elder Lin also felt emotional there. If others don't know, how can he not know? With the navy's small budget, it would be difficult to build a Flying Leopard, and you can return one aircraft and three models, so just blow it up!

  Of course, he was only present at the meeting, so he couldn't tear down Qin Tao's platform, otherwise, how could he have the face to ask Qin Tao for help in the future?

  Wu Shengli sat there, full of anticipation.

  One machine, three types, this is a good idea! In the future, the navy will also have its own advanced carrier-based fighter jets, without having to pick up leftovers from the air force, and this will also facilitate versatility.

At this time, Qin Tao is just laying the groundwork. He doesn't know how far he can develop in the future, but he knows that the price of the J-15 purchased by the Navy is more expensive than the J-20 of the Air Force. Non-stealth fighters are more expensive than fourth-generation stealth fighters, and the Navy can only accept it with gritted teeth because there is no other choice.

"Now, let's talk about the vertical take-off and landing fighter." Qin Tao said: "I drew a design drawing. Of course, due to my limited skills, the drawing must be full of mistakes. The role of throwing bricks and attracting jade."

  The projector was turned on, and the image on the projection screen slowly became clear. When seeing this design drawing, everyone's eyes widened.

"The era of stealth aircraft has arrived, so our newly developed vertical take-off and landing fighter must have stealth capabilities." Qin Tao introduced: "Now, these are my personal ideas. At first glance, the first is the nose with a rhombus section. This layout can reflect the frontal radar waves to other directions and reduce the frontal echo. In this way, the lower sides of the nose can also be arranged in parallelograms. air intake."

Although the F-22 project was carried out very early, the prototype did not start its first flight until 1997, so now, professionals' understanding of stealth aircraft is just a flying brick like the F-117, which depends entirely on the engine Niubi.

   Now, seeing this kind of shape design, they are extremely excited, especially Song Lao, with a radiant look in his eyes.

"After the nose, there's the lift fan, then the main engine, and between the two, we can tuck in the built-in bomb bay, which extends rearwardly from under the air intake, at an angle so that it avoids Drive the propshaft and the lift engine."

  If you want the aircraft to achieve stealth capabilities, you must have a built-in bomb bay. However, the built-in bomb bay will occupy the precious space of the aircraft, resulting in shortened range and fewer weapons. It depends on how to choose.

At this time, when he heard this, Plesakov couldn't bear it anymore: "If it is designed in this way, then the original design of our Yak-141 is almost to be overthrown and restarted. We need to start from the hair dryer. The hole begins."

   Nonsense, we need to reinvent the wheel and start over from the blowing tunnel. If you use the technology of Yak-141, you are now required to build a prototype and then test it. How can you burn so much money!

  Do you know that Project No. 10 has remained on paper since its establishment in the 1980s until now? It's not because of money. Without money, it can only be talk on paper.

   Now, Qin Tao proposed so many high-end technologies just to delay the time. After a few years, the country will have money.

   No, it's for technology!

"With all due respect, the original design of the Yak-141 is already outdated. If this aircraft wants to adapt to the future sky, then it must be improved!" Qin Tao looked at Plesakov solemnly: " Do you want to build an aircraft that is outdated as soon as it comes out, or do you want to use advanced concepts to make your aircraft not outdated in the next thirty or fifty years?"

   How to choose, needless to say?

Pleshakov calmed down: "That's right, although it can't be called the Jacques series aircraft anymore, we all came here to realize the glory of the Jacques Design Bureau. Now, this aircraft entrusts all our efforts Hopefully, it must have more powerful performance, the sky of the future belongs to the era of stealth, even if we start from scratch, we have to develop this aircraft!"

"Okay, then I will continue." Qin Tao continued: "In the selection of the wing, a butterfly wing is used, that is to say, the rear of the wing should be swept forward, which can further reduce the radar reflection wave. , is the best choice for a stealth aircraft, with the full-moving horizontal tail next to it, so there is no need for the extended shelf at the tail of the Yak-141, and the two vertical tails are tilted outward, which can further reduce the radar reflection area."

   "However, this will greatly increase the difficulty of flight control." Song Lao said.

  The vertical tail is very simple to handle. Just turn the rudder to whichever direction you want to turn. However, after the vertical tail is tilted, the aerodynamic effect is not linear, which greatly increases the difficulty of control.

  The biggest problem in the research and development of their No. 10 project is the exploration of the flight control rate and the writing of the flight control program. Now, this kind of aircraft is even more extreme.

"That's right, but we have no choice. All these problems must be overcome." Qin Tao said, "Even if the pre-research time is longer, we have to calm down and do research. As long as we work hard Grind it into a needle."

Plesakov nodded: "That's right, the Mikoyan Design Bureau's products use this kind of thinking. The two slanted double vertical tails can play a role in stealth. Since we need to make major changes, then we will do it. Be thorough."

   See it? This is the ideal, this is the power of faith!

  Qin Tao felt emotional in his heart.

   "Next, there are several subsystems, and I will introduce the power system part, which is also our core." Qin Tao switched to the next slide.

"I have already introduced it with Alexander, but many people here may not have heard of it, so I will introduce it again here. It is inappropriate to use a turbojet engine as a lift engine. Starting from the Yak-38, The problem of the flames scorching the flight deck from the nozzle of the lift engine has never been really solved." Qin Tao introduced: "So, we have to change it to use the rear engine to drive the lift fan."

  The design drawing clearly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. They looked at it carefully and understood the mystery.

"This can greatly reduce the fuel consumption of vertical take-off and landing, which is equivalent to the relationship between turbofan and turbojet." Qin Tao introduced: "Of course, there are many difficulties. For example, the drive shaft must be able to With an output of 20,000 horsepower, the speed must reach more than 8,000 revolutions per minute, and there must be a clutch to undertake the coupling task, especially, its weight should not be too large."

  The people present are all professionals, and they all took a breath of air, Nima, can this thing be done?

   "This technology is very difficult, so the Navy can hand over this subsystem to our propeller factory in Huating."

  The propeller factory in Huating?

  This factory is producing high-precision marine propellers and has advanced equipment. As long as the materials are qualified, maybe they can really be fiddled with.

   "That's right, I can leave it to you." Wu Shengli made the decision.

   "Next, let's talk about the flight control. For this kind of aircraft with complex operations, it is necessary to use a four-redundancy digital telex system to ensure flight safety. In this regard..."

   "You can leave it to me, I am engaged in flight control." Zhao Dangsheng said.

  When it comes to the flight control system of the No. 10 project, Mr. Yang is the most likely to come to mind. After all, he is the chief designer of the J-20, and his brilliance began when he wrote the J-10 flight control.

   However, this has to be the credit of the entire team. Zhao Dangsheng is also engaged in flight control. Before being assigned the task, Zhao Dangsheng was working with Yang on the flight control of J-10.

  The duck-style layout, the statically unstable J-10 flight control can be done, of course, there is nothing to say about the flight control of this vertical take-off and landing fighter.

   In this way, several important parts of the fighter jet can be arranged.

The team led by Plesakov mainly works on airframes, Zhao Dangsheng leads people to work on flight control, Qin Tao helps lift engines, whether R-79 is imitated and produced according to the imported technology, or continues to improve at the core, then it is not Qin Tao was worried.

  The four major aspects of fighter jets, as well as avionics, don’t worry about this for the time being, just use the counterweight to replace it. Later, it’s enough to transplant the J-10’s fire control. Anyway, it’s a research institute’s product.

   Now, with such an arrangement, it looks like the real thing.

   "If we want to redesign the aerodynamic shape, then we need an advanced wind tunnel and a special electromagnetic laboratory." Plesakov raised the last question.

"This is no problem." Qin Tao nodded immediately: "We have a 1.2-meter transonic wind tunnel in China, which can fully meet our needs. We can also find a special room in this small building for the electromagnetic laboratory. , We can purchase any equipment we need, by the way, how much money is the navy expected to allocate in advance?"

  Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli.

  In 1984, a 1.2-meter transonic wind tunnel was built in China. Without this thing, J-10 really couldn't be built.

   "First of all, there is a start-up capital of 10 million." Wu Shengli said.

   In China, of course, it is not the dollar, but the renminbi. What can I do with this tens of millions? The navy is really good enough!

Qin Tao said to Plesakov while feeling emotional: "The navy first provided 10 million yuan, which is just the start-up capital. Now it will be 93 years. As long as the new year arrives, the navy will be able to have more More funds will be allocated.”

  Plesakov nodded.

  The meeting was over, and the old men present also let go of a big stone in their hearts. Qin Tao didn't fool them, they came here, and they can continue to do what they want to do!

  After the work is arranged, the mood is relaxed. When they arrived at the cafeteria and saw the dinner specially prepared for them, these people were even happier. Holding the wine bottle, they regained their normal image of old men.

  Qin Tao also carried the wine bottle, toasting to the old men.

"Qin, I have a question." Preshakov looked at Qin Tao seriously: "Are those designs of yours really designed by yourself? Although we haven't tested it yet, we can have a hunch based on theory alone. , this design will be very good.”

  Of course I didn’t design it. I’m a shipbuilder, not an airplane builder. These shapes and design concepts are just copied mechanically. This is the advantage of the reborn.

  Qin Tao thought secretly in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Old Mao, you shouldn't ask this question. You also know that I have many secrets about me. Well, it's also a secret."

  Qin Tao was so foolish.

   That's right, it's a secret!

   After a few years, Plesakov suddenly discovered one day that Qin was so capable that he was able to get out the secrets of Lockheed. How did he do it?

  Of course, the space-time machine helped, and now Lockheed has not designed it, so how could Qin Tao get these things?

  Plesakov smiled: drink, drink more!

  Old Maozi relieved his hunger that day. He poured wine bottle after bottle, and it didn't take long for them all to collapse.

  Although they have to be strictly disciplined in the future, they can't be allowed to drink like this, but now, these people are newcomers, so they have to drink to their heart's content.

   After all the old men were carried away, the atmosphere in the cafeteria became very strange.

   "President Qin, where did you get that design drawing from?" Elder Song asked.

   "Yeah, you want to build three models, and you also have the ability to stealth. If this plane comes out, will our project continue?"

  The big guys feel a deep crisis.

"Although I don't know what our project is, but after using the Su-27's engine, it should be able to come out soon and enter the stage of prototype flight test." Qin Tao said: "Within ten years, Our project here may be successful, but what about Lao Mao’s project? It will take several years to develop the blowing hole and shape. The engine technology and flight control technology are all mature. It is estimated that it will take ten years. In the past, ten years later, it would be good if the prototype can fly into the sky, and it is still too early to enter service! What are you anxious about, what are you afraid of?"

   "This project belongs to the Navy, not the Air Force. Now, Mr. Lin is here. You can ask him, what will the Air Force choose?"

   "Taozi, you big pie, I'm a little greedy for drawing." Elder Lin said, "If the land-based fighter that doesn't need any enhancements can be developed, our air force is really interested."

  Mr. Lin actually wanted to add insult to injury?

Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, you can't eat ready-made ones either. Since you want it, then from now on, allocate funds for this project. We don't want too much. The Navy will allocate as much as the Air Force. If you don't To allocate funds, hehe, go to the side to cool off!"

  (end of this chapter)

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