Warship of Great Power

Chapter 443: Leading the world's shipbuilding technological change

  Chapter 443 Leading the World Shipbuilding Technology Revolution

  What did Sanxing Heavy Industry send workers to do? They are definitely not here to be teachers, they are here to be apprentices!

  These people came here to learn the welding technology of Invar Steel. In this way, when they master the technology, they can go back to weld natural gas ships. The shipbuilding industry in South Kimchi Country is about to enter the era of membrane natural gas ships!

  In China, Mingzhou Group trains welding talents of Invar Steel for other fraternal units, and they have to pay tuition fees. Sanxing Heavy Industry did not pay the tuition fee, which was also the condition reached at the beginning: the establishment of a joint venture shipyard. Of course, these are secondary, the important thing is to introduce the production line of semiconductors.

  In Pudong, Zhangjiang Industrial Park, these construction projects are also in full swing, and the chip experts invited by Qin Tao are watching the construction progress there every day.

  However, although the technicians of Sanxing Heavy Industry do not have to pay tuition fees, there is a condition that they have to work here for two years, and they can only go back after they have completed their work. In this way, I can also do a lot of work here, which is considered as compensation for tuition fees.

  It’s like accepting apprentices in cross talk, you don’t have to pay tuition fees, and you will have room and board with the master, but after you finish your studies, you have to work for the master for a few years.

  How could these people leave?

  They are unbalanced in their hearts, so they can only think of some other ways. Now they are asking for a higher salary, just to find a balance.

  Qin Tao put it bluntly, you just don’t come here, it’s a balance.

  Can they not come? Sanxing Group has invested so much money in order to master the technology of membrane natural gas ships!

"For them to come all the way, they have to endure low wages, no travel subsidies, and even the work system that often exceeds eight hours, and there is no afternoon tea." Qin Tao said: "Why let them suffer, forget it , Let’s forget it, don’t come.”

   What if you don’t come?

   "President Qin, according to our original agreement, we must send some technicians over. If you find a reason to refuse them to come over, it will violate our agreement!"

"Huh? What did I hear just now? Did I hear wrong? How could I find a reason to refuse them? Didn't you propose this? You despise low wages and it's not worth it. If you want to raise wages, you say no." If you want to make money, don’t come here at all, then you can tell me, it’s the way to provide it!”

  What can they do?

   Zheng Xianyu's face turned red and then turned pale. After thinking for a long time, he finally spoke: "Okay, we won't ask for salary, and we will follow yours. We will be responsible for their travel subsidies."

Zhang Yang's eyes are full of envy, Mr. Qin is amazing, because of the salary, this Zheng Xianyu has written with him many times, and today he is going to tell Mr. Qin that he is extremely annoyed. Just started to swear.

   Now it seems that there is no need at all. It can be changed in another way. In the future, I have to learn more from Mr. Qin.

"How can this be done? We can't let them be wronged! When we are busy with work, we often work overtime until late at night. They must not be able to bear the hardship, so they should not come. Come and suffer." Qin Tao continued to refuse .

   "No, since they are here, they should work with the people here, and they can't be special." Zheng Xianyu continued.

  Mingzhou Group never treats workers badly. There must be overtime pay for overtime work. However, for workers in developed countries, even if overtime pay is paid, they are unwilling to work more. They work to enjoy life.

   Now, Qin Tao has been asking the other party to leave, but the other party just insists on not leaving, and can agree to various conditions, which makes Zhang Yang feel extremely emotional.

After settling this trivial matter, Qin Tao continued to move forward. Looking at the built-up slipway and the gantry crane installed on it, with the words Zhenhua Heavy Industry on it, he felt very emotional. This is too powerful. In a few years, you can make a gantry crane!

   "Boss Qin, we at Sanxing Heavy Industry have another idea." When Qin Tao finished his inspection, Zheng Xianyu suddenly spoke.


   "In order to take advantage of the human resources here, we want to build some ship sections here, and then assemble them in our country."

   "Of course." Qin Tao said: "The specific price can be discussed with Director Zhang. It is beneficial to us."

   Zhang Yang is a little anxious, we are a large shipyard, not soy sauce! Why can only create segments?

However, after hearing Qin Tao's words, he suddenly understood, yes, it can be made, but the price is up to him as the top leader, and the big deal is to ask for more money at that time, as long as it makes money, if the other party thinks it's not worth it, of course will not continue.

   "Well, we'll talk about it later."

   At that time, I will ask for a high price, the first number will remain unchanged, and the latter will be replaced by US dollars! Zhang Yang has already made up his mind.

   "Mr. Qin, a young man came to the aircraft carrier park next door. He was very interesting. He made a request to our staff and wanted to meet you, saying that he had a great idea."

  Qin Tao got into the car, and Xu Zhengyang told him the funny thing he just heard. In his eyes, it was indeed interesting. A young man, wants to see Mr. Qin? What great ideas could he have?

   "Is it funny?"

   "Yes, because he said he is a descendant of Zheng He."

  Zheng He was the greatest navigator in ancient times. There is no shipbuilder who does not know Zheng He, so everyone knows that Zheng He was a eunuch. After he was captured at the age of ten, he became a eunuch. Before the age of ten, he should have no chance to leave offspring.

   "Then what great idea does he have?"

   "He said he would put sails on the tanker." Xu Zhengyang said: "This idea is so funny."

   "Well, let's go, let's take a look."

   "What? Mr. Qin, do you want to see this person?" Xu Zhengyang was very surprised. Mr. Qin was always dealing with all sorts of situations, and he was dealing with major issues. Such a far-fetched fantasy would actually fall into Mr. Qin's eyes?

   "Yes, his idea is very creative. I have thought about building a sail training ship before. If he has this idea, let's see how the sail training ship he designed is up to him."

  So, the car drove to the aircraft carrier park. In the park service center at the gate, a young man was still talking to the staff.

   "Qin is always a very discerning person. He must be able to see the great effect of the sail. As long as you help pass the news, he will definitely meet me."

"Mr. Qin has a lot of things to do every day. We staff may not be able to see him. If you really want to find Mr. Qin, you should go to the Mingzhou Shipyard and report to the designers there. Maybe they are interested. I'll report it to Boss Qin for you." The staff member said, looking up at the door, he was shocked.

   "Boss Qin?"

  President Qin?

  The young man stood up, his eyes full of excitement: "Mr. Qin, you must have heard my genius plan and came here specially, right? My plan is ahead of the entire era!"

  Xu Zhengyang was a little speechless, you young man, are you too arrogant? How could our President Qin come here specially for you? We just stopped by to have a look.

   "You say you are a descendant of Zheng He?"

   "Yes, my name is Ma Wenming, and I am the 32nd generation descendant of Zheng He's ancestors."

   "Nonsense, your surname is Ma, and your surname is Zheng, how can you misidentify your ancestors?" A staff member couldn't help but speak.

   Facing this subordinate, Qin Tao was also a little speechless: "Let's find an office to talk about."

   To save so many outsiders from bothering me and asking some idiotic questions, I don’t even know that Zheng He’s real name is Ma Sanbao.

  Beside the staff member who spoke, a person whispered to him, and he immediately flushed with shame, feeling ashamed.

   "At that time, in addition to adopting the elder brother's eldest son, the ancestor also adopted two nephews. My ancestor was one of the adopted nephews."

   "What evidence do you have?" Xu Zhengyang asked.

  Actually, Qin Tao didn't care whether this person was really a descendant of Zheng He. After all, he was a person who had passed away and had nothing to do with this era.

   But Xu Zhengyang is concerned, he has to confirm the true identity of the person in front of him, if it is a fake, then he will educate the other party well, and use lies to deceive President Qin, how bad this kind of behavior is.

   "I have the blueprint of the former treasure ship."

   "The blueprint of the treasure ship?"

The treasure ship is the main treasure ship that Zheng He took on his voyages to the West. According to the records of the Ming Dynasty, it is 44 feet long and 18 feet wide. In conversion, it is 146.67 meters long and 50.94 meters wide. It is definitely a 10,000-ton ship. Those European ships were much larger.

  However, no one knows what this ship looks like.

   After all, after the seven voyages, the Ming Dynasty began to close the country, and the craftsmen who built the treasure ships also changed careers. After hundreds of years of history, everything was covered up.

  In 1985, the 580th anniversary of Zheng He's voyages, the China Shipbuilding Association manufactured a model of a treasure ship with a pointed bottom. Afterwards, if all places wanted to commemorate Zheng He's voyages, the models used were all modeled after this.

   What it really is, no one knows.

   Now, the person in front of him actually has the blueprint of the treasure ship?

   "Did you bring it?"

   "No, the drawings are at home."

   If there is, then this kind of drawing is definitely a precious cultural relic of the national treasure level, and he cannot carry it with him.

  Then what are you talking about? Xu Zhengyang's eyes were filled with disdain again.

   "Then do you remember? Can you draw it?" Qin Tao asked.

   Ma Wenming nodded, and began to draw with a pen and paper.

   "Is this a boat? It doesn't look like it!" Xu Zhengyang was curious.

   "This is a sail." Ma Wenming said, "The only drawing handed down from my family is the drawing of this sail. Because the ancestors of my family used to supervise the making of sails."

I see!

   "In the future, if the blueprint is handed over to me, I can donate it to the museum in the Aircraft Carrier Park." Ma Wenming said: "Now the blueprint is in my grandfather's hands, so I can't take it over."

   This guy is postponing again!

  Xu Zhengyang didn't believe this young man.

"I was very interested in this drawing when I was young, so I started to study various sails." The young man said: "After I went to Huating University, I also studied shipbuilding. After my research, I found that modern ships, Sails are still needed, for example, sails can also be used on oil tankers with hundreds of thousands of tons!"

   "A tanker with hundreds of thousands of tons uses sails? Can it blow?" Xu Zhengyang dismissed the young man's words.

  In the previous era, there was no way to use sails. After all, there was no engine, so this method could only be used. Now, with all kinds of engines, who would value sails?

  Especially, if an oil tanker with hundreds of thousands of tons can be carried away with sails, then Xu Zhengyang absolutely does not believe it.

"It can't be blown, but it can save fuel." Ma Wenming continued: "I have calculated that if you insert four sails on the tanker like the treasure ship, you can save 5% of the fuel. For the tanker, it means It can reduce fuel consumption by about five tons a day, which is 150 tons a month! For the ship owner, it can save a lot of money. If it can be further carefully arranged, it may save 10% of fuel. "

  Big monsters like tankers, even if they use the cheapest fuel, they will consume a lot and save fuel, which is what all ship owners like to see.

   "In this way, carbon emissions can be greatly reduced, which can be regarded as our contribution to environmental protection." Qin Tao said.

  Compared to the fuel-saving reason, the shipowner certainly doesn’t care about reducing carbon emissions, but it’s nice to say it, so it suddenly looks taller.

   "Mr. Qin, you agreed to my plan?" Ma Wenming was very happy.

  Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "I have to listen to your specific plan, do you still plan to use the original treasure ship sails?"

   Ma Wenming shook his head: "Of course not, we have to keep pace with the times. In college, I have been researching these things. I think we should use carbon fiber composite materials at present."

  In terms of materials, the old canvas sails have long been outdated. Carbon fiber is tall, lightweight, high-strength, and highly resistant to marine environments.

"Since our oil tankers are relatively large, the sails of this kind of ships will be relatively large. After being raised, the height must be at least 40 meters. The area of ​​such a sail is several hundred square meters. Of course, the most important It’s still its control system, we don’t need a sailor to operate it, it’s fully automatic.”

  The sail can be raised and lowered with one button and rotated automatically. It can automatically adjust the control strategy according to real-time data such as the sailing environment and motion status, so that the sail can automatically find the optimal angle, realize intelligent and fine control, and effectively improve the boosting efficiency of the airfoil sail.

  When these lofty terms were spoken, even Xu Zhengyang put away his doubts just now and began to think seriously. If this plan is successful, maybe it will really become a new technological revolution.

  Thinking about the huge guy on the sea in the future, with more than a dozen sails on it, he finds it a little funny. Will there really be such a thing?

   "Boss Qin, what do you think of my plan?" Ma Wenming asked Qin Tao.

  Qin Tao nodded: "Overall, it's pretty good."

   "That would be great!"

   "How old are you?"


   "Graduating soon, after graduation, do you want to work in our Mingzhou Group?"

  In 1996, the state began not to assign work to college students after graduation. This year's college students still don't need to worry about work, but times have changed.

Package assignment sounds very cool. As long as you go to university, you can have a solid job. In fact, you can’t choose your job, and the relationship network will also play a big role. Therefore, some people are unwilling to be assigned to remote places. place, but chose to choose their own careers. At the same time, there are also some employers who are dissatisfied with the students sent by the university, and the rate of return can reach 10%.

  So, those who have the ability but no network will choose to make a career on their own. This is an era full of challenges.

   "I want to, but I have to rely on my own ability, and I want to work in the design department of Mingzhou Group."

  He is a college student, and he cannot be engaged in production on the front line like those technical school students. He wants to work in design!

"Then prove it to me." Qin Tao said: "You design a three-masted fully equipped fast sailing ship for me, with a displacement of 1,200 tons, a length of 85 meters, and a width of 11 meters, using conventional sails. If your design If you can get our approval, you can enter the design office of Mingzhou Group."

   "Yes!" Ma Wenming became excited.

Other students looking for a job always submit their resumes. Ma Wenming did not take the usual path. He went directly to the boss of Mingzhou Group and put forward his idea. Now, he has achieved his goal: he has attracted Qin Tao's attention, and , also got a design task!

   "Boss Qin, the workload of this design is a bit heavy, can I complete it with my classmates?"

  Even if it is a graduation project, it is too difficult for one person to complete it, which obviously requires a team.

   "Of course." Qin Tao said: "If the design is excellent, you and your classmates can join the Mingzhou Group together."

Mingzhou Group does not accept assignments, and they do not have the qualifications. They are all directly on the road of recruitment. Those who want to come to Mingzhou Group must apply with their resumes. Only those who are truly capable can stay .

  In the past few years, Mingzhou Group has become more and more popular. Even if everyone gives up their assigned jobs, they still have to come to Mingzhou Group for a try. The salary is high and the future is bright.

  It is really rare that you don’t need to recruit, you can join the job as long as you complete the design, or directly enter the design department.

  Leaving a contact number, Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang left.

  "President Qin, Ma Wenming is really interesting today." Xu Zhengyang said with emotion: "Now, I am willing to believe that he is really a descendant of Ma Sanbao."

   "The blessing of ancestors is meaningless. What we want is a capable person. See how his sail training ship is designed. If it is suitable, we will stay. In the future, we will indeed develop sail power."

   "President Qin, there is no precedent for this in the world, right?" Xu Zhengyang was a little surprised.

   President Qin really did what he said! However, Mr. Qin mentioned the matter of the sail training ship before.

   "Well, there is no precedent, so we will be the first to eat crabs." Qin Tao said: "We will launch a sail-powered yacht first, to see how the market is, and at the same time test the performance of the sail."

  Yachts are exclusive to the local tyrants, and the local tyrants must be able to afford oil. However, using sails will still make the local tyrants feel tall.

  The main thing is to test the manufacturing process of the sails. Make small ones first, and then build larger ones. On cargo ships such as tankers, this kind of device is really needed. It saves 5% of fuel, and it will also make shipowners flock to it.

  With the development to the present, it is time for Mingzhou Group to lead the world's shipbuilding technological revolution!

  One day passed like this, and when I got home, it was already evening. Since she had a child, Zhao Ling didn't work overtime, and always came home on time, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

   "I was able to come back at noon, but I met a college student who claimed to be a descendant of Zheng He and said that he had great ideas, so we chatted for a while." Qin Tao said to Zhao Ling.

   "The descendants of Zheng He, a great idea?" Zhao Ling was also curious.

  After hearing the idea of ​​the sailing boat, she also found it very interesting.

"Not to mention navigating at sea, even flying in space, there is also the idea of ​​using sails, which are propelled by the light pressure of sunlight, also called light sails." Zhao Ling said: "Although the thrust is small, it takes a long time. After a long time of accumulation, it can be increased to an extremely high speed."

  The missiles Zhao Ling researches belong to the aerospace field, and the unit she works for also belongs to the Aerospace Corporation, so when I talk about it now, I think of these aerospace ones.

  Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, you always have to have an idea. If you don't even dare to think about it, then let alone realize it. Sigh, time is too tight, there are still many good things, and it's too late to get it."

   "What good thing?" Zhao Ling asked curiously.

   "For example, Lao Maozi's liquid oxygen kerosene engine." Qin Tao said: "If you want to explore space, you must have a powerful engine. Lao Maozi's good things are too wasteful to put in the warehouse."

"Yes, the relevant units are said to have this idea. After all, our current Long March 2 rocket with the highest thrust still has a very small carrying capacity. If we want to explore space in the future, we need a rocket with greater thrust. However, this will all be slow. Slow down, after all, these require a lot of capital investment, and our country doesn't have that much money yet."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Ling glanced at Qin Tao: "Your Mingzhou Group is very rich."

   "You wouldn't say, you want us to do it? We are a private enterprise, how can we get involved in the aerospace field?"

  When Qin Tao finished this sentence, he suddenly froze for a moment. He seemed to be wrong. Private enterprises can also get involved in aerospace, and some companies even achieved great success!

  Do you want to try it yourself?

   This idea flashed in his mind, but Qin Tao didn't think about it seriously. After all, it's too early to say these things. The most important thing for them is to do a good job in the shipbuilding business!

   "Where are you going tomorrow?" Zhao Ling continued to ask Qin Tao.


  Qin Tao shook his head: "There is no arrangement for tomorrow."

   "Recently, the outfitted 054 frigate is installing a weapon system, and our institute plans to send people to watch it." Zhao Ling said lightly.

   "Okay, let's go together." Qin Tao immediately agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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