Warship of Great Power

Chapter 448: Oil pipeline agreement with Damao

  Chapter 448 and Da Mao's Oil Pipeline Agreement

   Vitalia called and let herself go to the capital?

  Why do these sound like two irrelevant things? Vitalia is either in Mingzhou or Magang. When did she go to the capital?

  If you only travel in the capital, it can be justified. The problem is, if you travel, you don’t need Qin Tao!

  Inviting Qin Tao to go to the capital together, there must be other things.

  Proposals about electric vehicles can only go so far. Anyway, this is an idea. It will take a lot of time and preparation to implement it.

  Leaving the Second Design Institute, Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang took the train to the capital.

   "Berezovsky came to the capital, and Yalevsky, who is in charge of their domestic energy projects, has only one purpose for coming here." Xu Zhengyang introduced the information he had just gathered to Qin Tao.

   "Laying of oil pipelines." Qin Tao said: "This project must be completed as soon as possible, otherwise, there may be accidents."

  It has been 95 years now. After the negotiation this year, it is best to start construction. It will take two to three years to complete the construction. There should be no major problems. If it drags on, there could be big problems.

   Xu Zhengyang has experienced Qin Tao's unreasonable worries many times. Although he didn't know why at the beginning, in the future, he will find that Mr. Qin's worries are correct.

   President Qin doesn't say anything, and he doesn't need to ask, he will naturally know in the future.

   "What about our country? Do you have any ideas?" Qin Tao asked.

  "The domestic oil companies are very happy, and they are all looking forward to the project being negotiated as soon as possible, but there is one key issue."

"what is the problem?"

   "Mr. Berezovsky only believes in you, so the partner he wants to cooperate with is Mingzhou Group." Xu Zhengyang said: "Our domestic oil companies want to make themselves the main body."

  Qin Tao nodded, he finally understood the problem.

  He just wants to be in charge of matchmaking, but his old friend Berezovsky, if you don’t trust others, just trust yourself!

  Qin Tao became a middleman.

  In this era, it is really possible.

After all, in the past, the motherland has always been an oil-exporting country, and even the foreign exchange earned from oil exports has helped the country solve some foreign exchange shortage problems. However, in 1993, the motherland's economy continued to develop and needed more and more energy. , and finally transformed from an oil exporter to an importer.

   So, how to import oil?

   It is still a chaotic period. It is not like later generations, only two barrels of oil can be imported. Especially in the south, there are many private oil companies.

  So, this also brought an opportunity to Qin Tao.

  Qin Tao originally didn't want to get involved in the energy field, but since he needs to contribute, he is obliged to take on this responsibility.

   (This is not nonsense, the hero of East China. In the 1990s, there were many domestic private oil companies, such as the famous Xue, whose Brightoil Petroleum was called the fourth barrel of oil.)

"At present, in the international market, each oil-producing country belongs to the upper end of the entire industrial chain. They control the pricing power of oil by adjusting production. Those energy giants in Europe and the United States belong to the middle end of the industrial chain. They use capital to interfere. The price of oil, profit from it, as for the two barrels of oil in our country, it mainly has a large number of sales channels, they are at the lowest end, and our Mingzhou Group can be inserted into the middle link."

  Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang talked about their ideas.

  The capital, the railway station.

   "Qin, you came so fast!"

  Seeing Vitalia who came to greet her on the platform, Qin Tao had a strange feeling, as if the identities of the two had been switched, Vitalia became the host, and he became the guest!

   "Weina, when did you come?" Qin Tao asked.

   "Me? An hour ago." Vitalia said: "I heard that you are coming soon, so I came here to wait for you, and then we will go to see my father together."

   "This, okay!"

Qin Tao is the negotiator of the Chinese side, and it is said that he should meet with the people from the oil company first. However, Berezovsky is his good friend after all. Zovsky also helped a lot, so Qin Tao must go to see this old friend.

  The car drove to the Capital International Hotel, in the most luxurious presidential suite, Qin Tao saw the radiant Berezovsky.

   "Boris, my old friend, I'm glad to see you." Qin Tao extended his hand enthusiastically.

   "Yes, I am also very happy, Qin, we haven't seen each other for two years, your career is getting bigger and bigger, have you forgotten about me?"

   As Berezovsky said, he gave Qin Tao a warm hug.

   "Of course not." Qin Tao smiled and hugged the other party: "I received the call, didn't I just come here?"

   "Qin, come, let me introduce you, this is Yalevsky." Berezovsky smiled and introduced another companion to Qin Tao.

   "Hi, nice to meet you." Qin Tao shook hands with Yalevsky.

   "Qin, you are a celebrity now. In Moscow, everyone is commenting on your methods. You sent Ermao's warship back to the East, and you played the West several times." Yalevsky said.

  Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "No, no, our company is responsible for the modification of that ship, and those things are done by Chuanglv Company. My old friend's daughter is the most capable."

  Vitalia smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Berezovsky began to get down to business: "Qin, I am currently the largest shareholder of Siberia Petroleum Company and own 51% of the company's shares. Our company currently wants to To build the Anda-Da pipeline and sell oil to the east.”

"This is a very good idea." Qin Tao said: "Your country has a lot of oil resources, and you can't use that much oil. Therefore, selling these oils can increase your foreign exchange income and increase your income. Gross domestic product. For us, the output of Daqing Oilfield has been decreasing, and it is very important to receive your oil."

When the Daqing Oilfield was first exploited, most of them were self-flowing wells. When a hole was dug, the oil was sprayed up. When the spraying stopped, the oil was pumped with a kowtow machine. When the pumping was no longer produced, the oil was injected again. , and more and more water injection, even developed to the chemical reagents with washing function, everyone knows that Daqing Oilfield will go downhill day by day.

  Of course, later generations of Daqing people continued to use various methods to maintain Daqing's production. Compared with the peak annual output of 50 million tons, it was reduced to 40 million tons, and it is still the largest oil field in China.

  The flow of oil pipelines heading south from the Daqing Oilfield will decrease year by year, so it would be great if they could take over Damao's oil.

   "However, there are still some problems with this project." Yalevsky said.

  Even if Berezovsky controls the Siberia Petroleum Company, he can't do whatever he wants. If he wants to build an oil pipeline, he still needs the consent of the state.

  National negotiations between domestic oil companies and Yukos have not progressed because the relationship between Yukos and Moscow is not good.

"what is the problem?"

   "First of all, according to the original plan of the Anda Line, it will pass through the southern end of Lake Baikal. In this way, if crude oil leaks, it may pollute Lake Baikal."

  The Anda Line is the simplest. From Angarsk Oilfield to Daqing, it is almost a straight line, but it turns a corner to the south in order to go around Lake Baikal. It is all west of Daqing.

  Lake Baikal is very famous. The fresh water it stores is said to account for one-fifth of the freshwater lakes in the world. Therefore, Da Mao attaches great importance to this lake.

   However, this is only one of the reasons, or even just an excuse.

  Qin Tao smiled: "If that's the case, then you can continue to go south and completely bypass Lake Baikal."

"Yes, we also conceived the same way, but after we expressed our position, the black hand behind it finally appeared." Berezovsky said: "They said that since the oil pipeline to the east is going to be built, then It should not only consider China, but also consider other countries such as Kimchi and island countries to maximize the benefits of this oil pipeline."

   Sure enough, there are other countries disrupting the situation.

  The island country is also a resource-poor country, completely dependent on maritime transportation. Seeing that China and Damao are going to cooperate to build oil pipelines, how can you not be jealous?

  They encouraged the spokesperson in Moscow to raise objections to this pipeline. To build it, it is necessary to take into account the overall interests of Da Mao in the Far East.

  Berezovsky called Qin Tao over, in fact, he wanted him to help solve this problem.

How to deal with it?

  Qin Tao waved: "Zhengyang, spread the map!"

   After Xu Zhengyang spread out the map, Qin Tao picked up a pen and began to draw on it.

   "If you want to maximize the national interests of Damao, then you need to completely negate the original plan and push the oil pipeline 400 kilometers north." Qin Tao's hand began to extend from the Angarsk oil field.

   "We followed the Baikal-Amur Railway, starting from the oil field, heading to Skovorodino, and then extending along the border between our two countries to Nakhodka." Qin Tao said. On the map, this line is almost walking along the cockscomb.

   "In this way, a branch line will be connected here in Skovorodino, and it will pass through our Mohe River and be built all the way to Daqing."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Yalevsky was silent for a while, and finally said: "Qin, you are really a good friend of Boris, and you not only consider your interests, but also our big Mao's interests. In fact, the island country The plan given by the side is also like this, this is the Anna line."

   It was the first time for Yalevsky to deal with Qin Tao. He only heard from Boris that Qin Tao was a good friend, but he never saw it with his own eyes. Today, he finally saw it.

  Qin Tao did not insist on the An-Da line, which is the shortest oil pipeline that is most beneficial to China, but chose another route for them, taking into account the national interests of Da Mao, which is really good!

"Yes, as good friends, we must think from the perspective of each other." Qin Tao said: "For now, this route should be the most suitable. Of course, considering the complexity of the construction period , I suggest that you divide the construction into two phases, first build the pipeline from Angarsk Oilfield to Skovorodino, and then build the pipeline from Skovorodino to Nakhodka after this section of pipeline is completed. "

  Xu Zhengyang has fully understood.

   It is impossible to say that Mr. Qin is not a sinister person. The current arrangement clearly does not intend to leave a mouthful of crude oil for the islanders, and it also makes it impossible for the islanders to express their objections!

"Your funds should not be sufficient. To build the first phase of the project, you need to invest a lot of money. After repairing it, you can make money by transporting oil to our country. It should be most appropriate to use the money you earned to continue to build the second phase of the project. .”

Berezovsky nodded: "Yes, you are right, our plan will definitely be passed in Moscow, as long as the oil company on your side agrees, then there will be no problem, Qin, you can represent you The oil company?"

  Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not."

  The smile on Yalevsky's face froze immediately, what did you say? After a long time, your words don't count!

"However, I don't think there will be a big problem. After all, with this construction, our domestic lines will be one or two hundred kilometers longer than the original Anda-Dalian line. As long as we can get a lot of oil, it is worth a few hundred kilometers more." of."

  In the original shortest path, it was about 700 kilometers in China, but now with this design, it will rise to more than 900 kilometers.

  In China, the distance is only increased by one or two hundred kilometers, and the old Maozi will increase by four to five hundred kilometers. They are willing to play this way, so they can play by themselves.

This kind of project has risen to a strategic level. Even if Berezovsky is in charge, it is impossible for everyone in Moscow to listen to him. Therefore, the Anta Line is destined to be impossible to pass, so it is better like this Go around it.

"Yes, you have a lot more, and we have to build a lot more in our country. To build this oil pipeline requires a lot of money." Yalevsky said: "This is a new challenge we are facing. question."

Oil export is not something that can be decided by a private oil company. The construction of a pipeline needs to pass through a large amount of land. These are projects that need to be promoted by the state. And this oil pipeline requires not only the shares of Siberia Petroleum Company, but also There must also be shares in Da Mao State, which means that they also have to invest funds when building.

  However, they have no money!

  How to build without money?

"Money is indeed a big problem." Qin Tao said: "Without funds, pipelines cannot be built, and pipelines cannot be built, which means that oil cannot be exported to make money, and pipelines cannot be built if they cannot make money. Therefore, you need A seed money."

  Qin Tao looked at Yalevsky: "If we Mingzhou Group contributes capital and at the same time enjoys the shares of the pipeline, I guess you will not agree."

  Yarevsky nodded: "This pipeline belongs to the state."

   "Then, we have to think of other ways." Qin Tao said: "Isn't the island country making a lot of noise? Then you might as well ask them to provide loans!"

  Although the island country is not as deep as it was in the late 1980s, the foundation is still there. Now that there is a shortage of money for the construction of oil pipelines, of course it is necessary to ask the island country for money.

Yalevsky nodded: "Yes, we are negotiating with the island country, hoping that they can provide us with a loan of 10 billion U.S. dollars. However, after our calculations, the money is still not enough, and there are still 5 billion U.S. dollars. The dollar gap."

  Qin Tao is not a god. What he can think of, Da Mao can also think of. Moreover, Da Mao will probably think more about how to ask for money.

  Da Mao has already thought of borrowing money from the islanders, but he can't ask for it endlessly, right?

  Ten billion US dollars is already a huge debt, but it is not enough.

  Qin Tao is also speechless, why is there not enough, I guess you have to do something, the lack is not enough to stuff your own pockets, right?

   With the construction of pipelines, Siberia Petroleum Company can sell oil to the Far East more conveniently, which is beneficial to Berezovsky, the major shareholder. But what about Yalevsky? What benefits can he get as a government official?

  He came here with Berezovsky to promote this project, in order to stuff part of his own pocket, and many people in the chain with him, right?

   "Five billion U.S. dollars is really a sky-high price." Qin Tao said: "Even if it is our Mingzhou Group, we can't pay so much money."

  Mingzhou Group's profitability is very strong, but it is not bad for them to have hundreds of millions of liquidity in their accounts. Five billion US dollars is an astronomical figure for Qin Tao!

   "Yes, this is a big problem." Berezovsky said: "However, if the funding problem is not resolved, then the construction of this oil pipeline will be out of the question. Qin, you must have a solution."

Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "We can sign an oil purchase agreement. From now on, in the next few years, while your side is building oil pipelines, you can also provide us with a steady stream of oil through railway transportation. Oil, to pay our debts by exporting oil."

  Da Mao has no money, but Da Mao has oil, so he can use oil to repay his debts, so that construction can start.

"As for the price of oil, there are two ways. One is that we negotiate an appropriate fixed price. No matter how the crude oil market changes, we will trade at this price. The other is to keep floating according to the international price until it is still there until all debts are settled."

   Berezovsky and Yalevsky thought about it, and then nodded. If this plan is followed, it is still feasible.

   "Is there any bank in your country that will give us a loan?" Berezovsky became worried about this matter again.

  After all, this is five billion dollars!

"Of course there is no problem. With the guarantee from our Mingzhou Group, there is nothing wrong with it." Qin Tao said: "Besides, you can borrow 10 billion from the island country, and we don't need to borrow 5 billion all at once. Once it’s in place, we can definitely lend more than a billion yuan a year, so that the oil transported by rail every year can offset the debts of that year.”

   "I think it can!"

   Just like that, all obstacles are cleared away!

  Qin Tao is also very satisfied. Even if Mingzhou Group guarantees it, it is worth taking a little risk. This oil pipeline is too important to the country! Because this is an important channel to get oil from land.

  According to the design plan, the annual oil output is 30 million tons, which is already a drop in the bucket for the motherland of later generations. However, if there is an energy problem, the oil can at least ensure the normal operation of the country's main institutions.

"Since everyone agrees, I will coordinate this plan with our domestic leaders." Qin Tao said: "After both parties are satisfied, we can sign the agreement as soon as possible. We can also start construction as soon as possible. After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced at Berezovsky and said, "Boris, my old friend, I can't clean you up now. After the project is signed, I'll serve you a celebration drink!"

  Qin Tao was busy with travel and dust. After meeting with Da Mao's old friend, he went to find the relevant leaders of the oil company.

   "Boss Qin, how is Da Mao?" Leader Zhao was very eager after seeing Qin Tao.

   "There are many problems over there. After discussing with me, we have a preliminary plan. Let me introduce it to you."

   After Qin Tao talked about the agreement just reached, it was Zhao's turn to frown.

"Mr. Qin, according to your design plan, we have to go one or two hundred kilometers more pipelines. This is not a big problem. The important thing is that we have to pass under the HLJ. The old man is afraid that their Lake Baikal will be polluted. Aren't we afraid of polluting our own white mountains and black waters?"

"Yes, in this case, it is necessary to have a length of 1.5 kilometers to pass through HLJ, but for us, this is already the best result." Qin Tao said: "If we lose this opportunity, then , The future negotiations will waste more time, and it will definitely not be as straightforward as it is now, Da Mao will continue to use this channel to threaten us and link with other projects."

Now the negotiation is smooth because Da Mao's oil company is privately owned. These bigwigs can play a big role. In the future, Da Mao will nationalize the oil. Such conditions are constantly raised.

  Require China to import their nuclear power plant equipment, require investment in refineries and gas stations in China, require how much coal to export to China each year, and so on.

"President Qin, isn't 30 million tons of oil a lot? Last year we imported a total of 12 million tons from abroad, and this year we will import at most 17.8 million tons." Leader Zhao asked again to the second question.

"When this pipeline is completed, our domestic import demand will reach more than 50 million tons, or even 70 to 80 million tons. At that time, everyone should think that this pipeline is not enough." Qin Tao said: " If you still have any hesitation in your heart, then I will not intervene in this project, and I don't want to end up complaining."

   "Mr. Qin, we trust your judgment. Now, we have one last question." Leader Zhao said, "Do domestic banks dare to lend to the five billion dollars?"

   PS: There will be an update at 14:00 today.



  (end of this chapter)

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