Warship of Great Power

Chapter 459: The Poorest Country in Europe (Tenth)

  Chapter 459 The poorest country in Europe (tenth more)

   "Even if we can't get these planes, we can at least buy a batch of missiles stored in their warehouse." On the way to Moldova, Qin Tao continued to discuss with Kassim.

The aircraft is just a carrier, and it needs missiles to be capable of combat. The Tomcat fighter plane used by the Anxi Kingdom is a perfect match for the Phoenix missile, but in that eight-year war, the Phoenix missile was almost consumed Well, the technicians of the Parthian country simply got on the horse, and hung the surface-to-air Hawk missile on the Tomcat fighter, and used it as a substitute for the phoenix.

As for the batch of MiG-29s, they mainly rely on smuggled missiles. The smuggled ones are too expensive, and the quality cannot be guaranteed. It would definitely be a good thing for them if they could buy a batch at once. .

   "Missiles? How many do they have?" Kasim was very excited.

   "There should be about 500 pieces." Qin Tao said.

   Five hundred pieces! If these missiles are brought back, as long as their Parthian country does not face the threat of a large-scale war, they will no longer have to worry about missiles within ten years!

Qin Tao knows the exact figures, and he has investigated them all long ago. Moldova's inventory of missiles includes 344 infrared-guided R-60 short-range air-to-air missiles and 112 infrared-guided R-73 short-range air-to-air missiles. And 51 R-27R medium-range air-to-air missiles with radar semi-active guidance.

Among them, R-60 and R-27 are relatively old, and R-73 is a modern missile. For fighter jets like MiG-29, using R-73 with helmet sights is definitely a bull Forced combination.

  Walking in the middle of the night, at dawn, everyone finally came to the border.

   On the long border line, it is no problem to find a path that can pass, because the entire Moldova is almost in the mountains.

The morning sun shone softly on the Decebal Air Force Base, and the shadows of fighter jets were stretched very long. The air inlets and engine nozzles of these fighter jets were covered with red protective covers, and even the cockpit was covered with red protective covers. Covered by canvas, it looks like it has been carefully maintained. In fact, if you look closely at the color of the skin of these aircraft, you can know that these aircraft have become very old after being exposed to the sun and rain.

  The predecessor of Moldova's air force was the 86th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet Aviation. This regiment is equipped with all MiG-29 fighter jets and also includes the 275th Guards Air Defense Rocket Brigade. When the Red Empire collapsed, most of the non-Moldovan personnel of this aviation regiment, including all its pilots and commanders, set off to return to their home country after the transfer, leaving only the equipment.

  The same Moldovans who served in other armed forces of the Red Empire also returned to their homeland, but there are not many pilots among them, and even fewer pilots who can fly MiG 29. So, most of these planes are in the embarrassing situation of flying without people.

  It is unrealistic to let a poor country like Moldova train pilots.

  So, for them, these planes are tasteless.

  On the outskirts of the base, there are lazy infantry guards. During the civil war in 1992, these armed men were known as funny.

   "There are two pickup trucks over there!" An armed man on guard looked curiously at the road in the distance and said to the people around him.

   "Yeah, they are coming to us." Another armed man said.

   "Quick, quick, gather and notify the commander of our base!"

  All the armed personnel became tense, watching the two pickup trucks approaching from a distance and driving towards them.

   "Hey, stop moving forward, what are you doing here?"

  Hearing this question, Qin Tao, who just got out of the car, said with a smile, "Zhengyang, tell them that we are here to send warmth."

  Send warmth?

  Xu Zhengyang knows that Qin Tao likes to play this kind of trick. In the back of their two pickup trucks, there are a lot of food, sausage, ham, bread, milk, instant noodles...

  While speaking, the people on the opposite side had already come over. After hearing Xu Zhengyang's explanation, and looking at the things inside the truck, their eyes immediately lit up.

   "These are all for us?"

   "Yes, you can move them all down now and put them in your warehouse." Qin Tao replied.

  Thus, countless people became excited. They carried their fire sticks behind their backs, held boxes in both hands, and happily walked into the base.

  They will not move these things into the warehouse, but directly into their own dormitory, where they can eat them anytime, isn’t it better?

   Someone even opened the box immediately after receiving it, stuffed a sausage into his mouth, and walked inside with the sausage in his mouth.

  This scene is the same as if you haven't eaten anything.

  Xu Zhengyang was a little emotional.

   "This is one of the poorest countries in Europe, as long as they have a bite to eat, they can be happy like this."

  Although Lao Maozi also lacks food, they look forward to fine wine even more. They are addicted to alcohol, and these people in front of them can be so happy as long as they have food, which is really impressive.

While these people were carrying the food, Prokchuk, the person in charge of the base, also came out. He received the news that two unidentified pickup trucks were approaching. When he came out, the two pickup trucks The people above have become good friends with his base guards.

  The situation changed a little quickly, and when he saw the goods being carried, he couldn't help frowning.

   "Who are you guys? What are you doing at our base?" Prokchuk shouted to the opposite person, "Do you want to bribe us with these foods?"

   "Of course not, we are just here to send warmth." Qin Tao went up to greet him: "We are here to make friends."

   "What are your identities and where are you from?"

   "Here is a letter of introduction from us." Qin Tao handed over an envelope.

   Prokchuk took the envelope suspiciously, squeezed it with his hand, this letter of introduction is a bit thick, do we need to write so much? And when he opened it, he was even more surprised, there were green coins inside!

  He immediately stuffed the envelope into his pocket: "Everyone, please go to our base."

   It is the first time for everyone to meet, so use money to open the way, and it will always be beneficial, especially for these poor countries, it is the most suitable way of communication.

  Everyone came to the office of the base, and Prokchuk warmly greeted everyone to sit down: "Everyone, do you need any help?"

"We are here to solve the problem for you." Qin Tao said: "The batch of MiG-29 fighter jets on the runway of your base have been worrying about buyers, right? All Ge-29 fighter jets were bought, whether they could fly or not."

  Kasim frowned slightly, is this appropriate?

  If our side buys all these planes, then the Moldovan Air Force will have no jets!

The air force of this country has no background. They have no trainer planes, no old aircraft like the MiG-21. They only have the MiG-29. If all these aircraft are sold, they will only have helicopters .

   Can these people agree?

   Just as Kasim was worried, Prokchuk on the opposite side showed excitement: "Are you going to buy all these planes?"

  The other party is still very happy? Why?

  Of course it is because of being poor.

  For a country that can't afford food, they don't have the funds to maintain the operation of the MiG-29. One round trip of this kind of aircraft may consume the food supply of the base for a year.

   During the civil war in 92, their MiG-29 also took off, but there was only one actual combat example: bombing a bridge, and it didn't hit it yet.

  Afterwards, the planes in the base have been on the ground.

  As for the sale of fighter jets, it is not without precedent. In 1992, they first sold a MiG-29 to neighboring Romania.

  Last year, when a civil war broke out in Yemen, Moldova provided 12 MiG-29s to North Yemen on a lease basis. Four of the planes were eventually sold to Yemen, while the rest were returned at the end of their leases.

  Why didn’t you buy all of them?

   It must be because the state of the fighter planes is not good. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, these fighter planes have not flown much, and the Moldovan Air Force has no ability to maintain the integrity of this force. Therefore, many aircraft are in poor condition.

  Yemen bought them in good condition, and returned the ones in bad condition.

For Moldova, they have long wanted to sell these hot potatoes, but it is not easy to get rid of them. Those potential customers don't like it at all. They are afraid that they will not fly for two days because of a malfunction. And fell.

   Now, a buyer finally came to the door, and Prokchuk was very happy. Besides, before the business started, he received a thousand dollars as a favor. Of course, he had to serve these people well.

   "Yes, all the planes are bought, no matter good or bad, let's determine a suitable price, how about three million dollars a plane?" Qin Tao asked.

  Kasim felt his heart beating. Isn't this price too childish?

  In the international market, the MiG-29 can sell for 10 to 20 million US dollars. Even if the maintenance here is not in place, it will be worth at least 5 million US dollars. Qin Tao actually wants 3 million US dollars?

   "However, we asked to take all the accessories away." Qin Tao said: "After we go back, if there is something that cannot fly, we can use these accessories to repair it."

   Want to take away all the accessories for free?

  Kasim's outlook on life has been completely refreshed. They have also dealt with many arms dealers, and they were slaughtered by these arms dealers every time. They have never bought things so confidently.

   This President Qin is really amazing!

  Can the other party agree?

"If you take it away, regardless of whether it's good or bad, the price of three million US dollars is acceptable. Currently, we have 21 planes in our base, so the total is 63 million US dollars." Major Prokchuk actually agreed. !

  Kasim's eyes widened. He didn't know why the other party agreed. Could it be that these planes are in poor condition and can no longer take off?

  However, even if you buy it back as an organ donation, three million dollars a piece is not expensive!

The ground crews of Parthia are the most capable in the world. After being blocked for more than ten years, they can still maintain the operation of the Tomcat fighter jets. Of course, the MiG-29 is no exception. When these planes are bought back, their ground crews It's worth it even if only half of it can fly under the control of the machine!

  Kasim's heart became excited.

   "I need to report this matter to my superiors, and the superiors have to discuss it before making a decision." Prokchuk said: "I can contact my superiors now."

   "Wait!" Qin Tao stopped him again.

   "Anything else?"

   "We know that your base still has a batch of missiles in stock. Please pack and sell these missiles to us. In this way, if you add the missiles, the price will be 80 million U.S. dollars, how about it?"

  According to Qin Tao's calculations, there are a total of 500 missiles in stock here, and they were bought at a price of 17 million US dollars, which means that one missile is equivalent to more than 30,000 US dollars, which is definitely the price of cabbage!

   This kind of money is enough to buy a shell or a missile seeker.

  Kasim was extremely excited.

  The other party nodded again: "Of course, but we don't guarantee the integrity of these missiles."

   "We know." Qin Tao nodded.

   So what if it's not perfect? At worst, go back and check it out, pick up a good one and use it, a missile worth more than 30,000 dollars, what else is there to ask for?

   Prokchuk stood up again, trying to contact his superior, but was stopped by Qin Tao again.

   "Please wait a moment."

   Prokchuk looked at Qin Tao curiously, and saw Qin Tao take out a handful of bank cards.

"I have ten bank cards of the Moscow International Commercial Bank. Each bank card has two million dollars in it. It can be withdrawn directly without a password." Qin Tao said: "Please take these bank cards , as the funding for this event, we only have one request, to finalize this project within one day today. During the day today, ask the technicians here to remove the wings of the MiG-29. Tonight, we will All these planes were taken away."

  Ten cards, each 2 million, that is 20 million!

  Prokchuk was shocked. He took the bank card carefully, for fear of damaging the magnetic strip on it.

   "If you don't believe it, you can call the Moscow International Commercial Bank." Qin Tao said: "If we use cash, we are afraid of problems at the border, so we bring a bank card."

There was a smile on Prokchuk's face: "No, I believe you. Please rest assured that my relationship with my superiors is very good, and the price you gave is also very good. I believe that there will be no problems with this transaction. "

   "Then we will wait here." Qin Tao said with a smile.

   Prokchuk left, leaving his adjutant to entertain Qin Tao and others, and at the same time began to call on the ground crew to dismantle the wings of the plane.

  All of this feels like a dream, and Kasim's heart is still full of shock.

   "Qin, that's it?"

   "That's right, it feels good to be rich, just use the money to open the way." Qin Tao said.

   "How did they get it so cheap?"

  “For them, these planes don’t make any sense. They can sell these planes and get a lot of money. Of course, it’s very appropriate.”

   "Qin, you are our true friend!" Kasim said, "If you didn't bring us here and you came here to purchase by yourself, then even if you make a difference of 200 million yuan, we can accept it."

  Arms dealers are the most profitable. Similar to Qin Tao, they directly lead customers to find sellers for transactions. This kind of thing has never been seen before. How can middlemen earn the difference?

  Qin Tao is their true friend!

  Qin Tao smiled: "Of course, we have been best friends since the first cooperation, and I don't need to take your money."

   "Boss Qin, we can't let you suffer. If this deal can be concluded, we will give you a commission of 100 million US dollars!"

  Kasim was very excited. In his eyes, Qin Tao was already their best friend, and they must not let their friends suffer!

   "No, no." Qin Tao waved his hands repeatedly.

   "No, it has to be."

   "If you insist, then the 100 million U.S. dollars will be converted into funds for purchasing oil, and we will buy oil from you at international prices."

  Kasim nodded: "Of course."

  Qin Tao easily bought the millions of tons of oil needed by the domestic underground oil depot, and also made the people of Anxi grateful. Qin is always their good friend!

  What did Qin Tao pay? It's just talking and running for a while, anyway, idle is idle.

  All the expenses are from the Anxi people. Whether it is the money in the envelope or the money in the bank card, it is all given by the Anxi nation, and he just follows it around.

  Of course, his existence is also very necessary. If he hadn’t cut through the mess so quickly, then Yankee would come out to stop him after hearing the news. Moreover, Yankee would use their most usual method: buying first.

   This transaction was rumored to be very evil. Some people said that Yankee spent 40 million to buy back all the aircraft, including missiles. No one knows exactly how much it cost, but Yan Kee really bought it, and he didn't fool anyone.

Yankee bought these planes back and formed a special blue army unit for their pilots to study and find the weaknesses of the MiG-29. Therefore, in future wars, the Yankee Air Force will no longer be afraid of the MiG-29. They have already studied this aircraft thoroughly.

  Now, of course, Qin Tao can't let Yang Ji get these planes, and quietly, before Yan Ji has reacted, he got these planes!

   In this way, it can be regarded as adding trouble to Yan Kee.

   Moreover, they can't take care of it.

   After all, Moldova is too small, they are not active here, their staff in Ukraine are responsible for monitoring the movements of Moldova, and now, those people are being tormented by Qin Tao's new problems.

   "What do we spend 500 million dollars to buy this broken ship and go back?" Rubell roared angrily: "We can only dismantle scrap iron when we go back!"

   "We don't need 500 million dollars for the time being, but only 100 million dollars for the time being." Robert said, his voice was relatively low.

   "Yeah, just spend 100 million dollars for the time being, only 100 million dollars, this 100 million dollars is taxpayer's money! We can't waste taxpayer's money like this! The White House won't give us this budget!"

  When Robert made the suggestion, they all thought the suggestion was very good, but unexpectedly, things changed suddenly.

  They actually want to sell this kind of thing to them!

  How is this possible?

  They were just planning to talk, and now, the other party asks them to pay a deposit, a deposit of 100 million US dollars!

"If we don't do this, Ermao will definitely think that we are deceiving them, and they will be more determined to sell that warship to Dongfang. We can't let this happen. It is a 10,000-ton cruiser !"

"Yes, a 10,000-ton cruiser, but so what? The most powerful anti-ship missile on it is not there, it is a toothless tiger. As for the anti-aircraft missile on it, anyway, the two anti-aircraft destroyers of the Orientals are on board. They already have it! They want to refit it into an arsenal ship, let them do it, and we can see if there is a market for this kind of warship."

  When he heard this, Robert stood up in surprise: "No, no, we can't let the Orientals succeed, they shouldn't have such a powerful warship!"

  Robert couldn't believe it, everyone was giving up?

   "Robert, how about finding us 100 million dollars and handing it over to Ermao?"

   "What do the people in the White House think? This 100 million U.S. dollars is very important. We can reduce the debts of Ermao, and we can reduce their 100 million U.S. dollars in debt, isn't it enough?" Robert was very excited.

  However, no one listened to his words.

   "We can stall for time too, stall for time! Tell them we're raising money and we'll find a way to get it!"

   "They gave us a deadline, within three days, today is the second day!"

   "Let's go to ***, he listens to us the most!"

"You don't even know how Ermao commented on this matter. They said that this matter is the same as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that used to be. We, the West, lied to them, so they don't want to believe us at all. Even if there are people on our side, we can't change this situation, unless we really spend money to prove it. Damn, how did those two hairs suddenly become smart!"

These people are in a state of desperation. They originally planned to fool Ermao. What 500 million is nothing, and they have not reported it to the country. Now, Ermao has questioned it and asked for proof. A deposit of $100 million?

  Robert's mind was spinning rapidly, and suddenly, an idea entered his brain: "Everyone, I have a way, which can save money and prevent that warship from being driven away by the Orientals!"

   PS: The ten bursts are completed, and there will be another explosion tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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