Warship of Great Power

Chapter 484: The best candidate to sell to Ah San

  Chapter 484 The best candidate to sell to Ah San

  Qin Tao just said a few words casually, which can make the people around him admire. Except for Mr. Qin, no one else can think of it at all!

  The big guy is very satisfied with Qin Tao's suggestion.

   After looking at the outer casing, Qin Tao went to look at other equipment, especially the special iron bird test bed, which is a test bed dedicated to the development of flight control. The digital telex system is tested on this.

   A few days later, Yemelyanov returned from Moscow with good news.

"Moscow has agreed to approve the engine you applied for. The Salyut Factory is preparing for production. As long as the agreement is signed, the relevant engine will be produced immediately." Yemelyanov said: "And, in order to make our friendship last forever , we decided that these engines will still be priced at the original price."

  The engines for Sea Flanker are more costly to manufacture. For the first time, Lao Maozi kept the original price. Of course, he was afraid that the turbofan-15 would really be replaced here.

   "Emelyanov, you are really our good friend! On behalf of the relevant departments, I would like to express my gratitude to you!" Li Ming extended his hand and shook hands with the other party warmly.

   "Where is President Qin? Is President Qin still there?" Yemelyanov asked.

  He was a little regretful that he didn't see Qin Tao among the reception crowd.

   "Mr. Qin went to Liming Factory to visit our self-developed turbofan engine." Li Ming said.

   Another self-developed engine! Yemelyanov frowned, not knowing if this was good news or bad news.

   "Then when will he come back?"


  That night, Qin Tao saw Yemelyanov again. The old man came directly to the guest house where Qin Tao lived with two bottles of wine.

"Mr. Qin, I told Moscow exactly what happened at that time. Everyone said that you are really a good friend of ours, which is very interesting!" After sitting down, Yemelyanov opened the bottle and asked Qin Tao spoke.

  Qin Tao smiled bitterly: "Brother, you are trying to harm me. If these news come back, I may be arrested as a traitor!"

   "How could it be? If you do this, it will be good for you! Aren't we all happy in the end? Come, drink!"

Without a wine glass, the two of them directly blew on the bottle and drank a few sips. Yemelyanov put down the bottle and said to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, your country is vast, and there is a long coastline to be Guard, I think you need not only the single-seat Su-27 series, but also the two-seat Su-30 series. This kind of aircraft has powerful attack capabilities, especially it can carry various heavy anti-ship missiles. The best choice for Fang Hai.”

   "Su-30?" Qin Tao looked at Yemelyanov: "I heard that this kind of aircraft is also ill-fated. At the beginning, it was developed as a long-range interceptor, right?"

  Emelyanov nodded: "Yes, unfortunately, it was a mistake!"

Back then, the most important long-range interceptor of the Lao Maozi Homeland Defense Air Force was the MiG-31. However, after summarizing the experience and lessons of previous air battles between Soviet-made fighter jets and Western fighter jets since the 1970s, Lao Maozi came to a consistent conclusion: the current Heavy-duty long-range interceptors can no longer cope with the threats posed by current and future American fighter jets, and a more flexible and maneuverable long-range interceptor fighter must be developed for the Homeland Defense Air Force!

  Although the MiG-31 has excellent interception capabilities, its combat effectiveness is too weak. Once it gets close to the line of sight, it cannot engage other fighters at all.

   In 1986, Sukhoi designers began to develop a new long-range interceptor fighter based on the existing Su-27. It has a range close to the MiG-31 and no less than the maneuverability of the existing Su-27.

If you want to take a long flight over a vast country, this kind of aircraft must be a two-seater, because after refueling in the air, the aircraft may fly for ten hours, the layout of the front and rear seats is exactly the same, and when needed, one of them can Sleep, hand over the plane to another person to drive, as for problems such as peeing, you can use the results of aerospace engineering: diapers. (It is also said that a new excretion system was installed.)

  The prototype code-named Blue 05 completed the entire test flight in 1991. The Military Industry Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Homeland Defense Air Force Command immediately issued it a new number-Su-30.

  This number is of great significance: it is the only one and the last new number given by an official order from the higher authorities in the "Flanker" family besides the Su-27. Others such as Su-35, Su-37, Su-32, and Su-34 are numbers issued by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, and many of them have not been recognized by relevant departments.

   (This is very similar to 601.)

  Looking at these experiences, we can know that when the Su-30 first appeared, not a single gram of its weight was used for ground attacks. This is an out-and-out long-range interceptor.

  However, all of this came to an abrupt end with the collapse of the Red Empire. Except for Lao Maozi, no country needs this kind of long-range interceptor, and it is even impossible to obtain domestic orders for this kind of aircraft.

  In order to sell it, Sukhoi began to convert it into a two-seater ground attack aircraft, and frequently appeared at air shows, looking forward to selling it.

  Actually, the domestic navy and air force all have demand for the Su-30. The problem is that there is no money!

The old man wanted to make the country spend more money to purchase Sukhoi fighters, so he thought of coming here to promote the Su-30. They did not go directly to the army, but to Qin Tao. After all, Qin Tao is very capable, or Their good friend.

  After Qin Tao figured out the other party's thinking, he also felt very funny. The other party actually regarded himself as a good friend? This misunderstanding is a bit big!

"We do need this kind of powerful fighter-bomber in our country, but we have no money!" Qin Tao expressed his opinion to Yemelyanov: "You also know that we are developing the economy and our military expenditure is very low. There is simply not much money to purchase advanced weapons, the Air Force has a single-seat J-11, and the Navy has Leopard fighter-bombers to make do with it, so it is difficult to purchase more Su-30s.”

   If there is no money, there is nothing to say.

   Yemelyanov was a little helpless at this time.

   "However, if you want to sell this kind of aircraft, it is not difficult." Qin Tao said: "Isn't Ah San your traditional customer?"

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Yemelyanov was a little embarrassed: "Yes, they are our traditional customers, but Ah San's favorite is the MiG-29, and it is difficult for them to purchase our Sukhoi Fighter."

  Competition among various companies is still fierce. Mikoyan Design Bureau is a traditional supplier for Asan, a major customer.

In the era of the Red Empire, Ah San purchased a large number of MiG-29s. (It is said that a production line was also introduced, but no specific information was found.) Now, in the era of aircraft carriers, Ah San has used the MiG-29K as their carrier machine.

  So, among the aircraft operated in Ah San, Lao Maozi supplies MiGs, and Sukhoi aircraft have never entered Ah San’s market.

"The decline of the Mikoyan Design Bureau is doomed. Your Sukhoi Design Bureau is the most popular now. How can that kind of airport defender compare with your Sukhoi fighter?" Qin Tao immediately told Ye Meili Yanov encouraged him: "As long as you are willing to work hard and find a way, you will be able to knock on Ah San's door!"

  Knock on Ah San's door?

  Emelyanov opened his eyes wide: "How?"

If Ah San purchases the Su-30, this long-range fighter will pose a great threat to the East. Therefore, from a domestic standpoint, Qin Tao cannot advise Sukhoi, and may even cause trouble This kind of business works.

  However, Qin Tao is helping the other party with ideas at this time, which is enough to show that Qin Tao is a good friend!

   Yemelyanov is very grateful to Qin Tao.

   "Find them an opponent." Qin Tao said, "Have you noticed that Ah San compares with our Dongfang everywhere?"

   This of course found out! Needless to say?

  When they sell Ah San, they often mean that what is in the East, what Ah San wants to have, all the armed forces.

   "So, as long as you fly over a Su-30 and sell it to us, Ah San will definitely be very anxious." Qin Tao began to come up with ideas.

   Fly one over?

   Yemelyanov was a little embarrassed: "Didn't you say that your navy and air force have no money for the time being?"

   "Yes, they don't have any money." Qin Tao said, "However, this has nothing to do with your sales promotion, and Ah San doesn't know."

  Emelyanov immediately realized: That’s right, this is not a real sale, it’s just a show. Through this sale, you can fool Ah San!

"You have to tell Ah San that we are very satisfied with this aircraft and plan to purchase in large quantities." Qin Tao said, "However, because we have no money, we can only purchase the ordinary version. Ah San is different. Ah San has plenty of Money, they can purchase a more advanced version, are you researching thrust vectoring technology? Put your thrust vectoring nozzle on the Su-30, what phased array radar, etc. The technology can be installed, and the Su-30 exported to Ah San is much more advanced than the Su-30 exported to the East. In this way, Ah San will definitely buy it happily."

"Mr. Qin, you probably don't know about thrust vectoring nozzles, phased array radars, and so on. We haven't developed mature ones in China. Take this vectoring nozzle as an example. Its lifespan is less than ten hours." Yemelyanov was a little helpless: "This kind of device is not suitable for use now."

"As long as you are advanced, you can talk about other things." Qin Tao said: "Believe me, Ah San will follow this set. Of course, you have to take care of what you should do. As long as the relevant personnel are in place, selling fighters is absolutely impossible." No problem, your aircraft is second only to the F-22 in the world!"

Ah San has always only looked at the performance, not the price, when purchasing aircraft. Even the performance is not necessarily really good, as long as it blows well, it is enough. Look at the Rafale fighter that Ah San purchased, a non-stealth aircraft, the purchase price It's more expensive than the stealthy F-35, and I don't know if it's because Ah San is too stupid, or because the French are too smart.

   Promote Su-30, you can come to this set!

   "Well, let me contact the country. The plan you proposed, Mr. Qin, must be fine." Yemelyanov nodded.

  Qin Tao smiled: "If you come, I think it's almost a promotion for the navy. Do you want to put it in our Huangdi village simulation base? The most advanced equipment of the navy will be tested there."

After the simulated deck of the aircraft carrier at the Huangdi Village base comes out, it will definitely not be able to hide. I don’t know how many satellites pass over the head every day, and the photos are taken. It’s just generous. This is an advanced base of our navy. Su-30 is here. , also take a test flight here and show it to the navy!

   "Okay, I will apply with my superior."

   "If you can come, it is a two-seater plane anyway, can you let our pilots feel it?"

   "Of course no problem." Yemelyanov nodded.

At this time, he still didn't know that the pilot Qin Tao was talking about was actually a foreigner, or was their opponent. However, when he showed the official certificate of the pilot of the Eastern Navy, Yemelyanov did not stop him. Excuses.

   After fooling Yemelyanov, Qin Tao plans to return to Mingzhou. He has been busy in the aviation industry for so long, and the mess in the shipyard has been left to others to handle.

   Qin Tao doesn’t care about anything else, at least the aircraft carrier and the 10,000-ton destroyer, it’s time to go back and have a look!

  However, he didn't expect that the old man would write back before he got on the plane the next day!

  Moscow has approved this plan, Su-30 will fly over in a few days!

  This news caught Qin Tao by surprise. Doesn't this old man trust Qin Tao too much? Qin Tao was just an unofficial person, and he said a few words casually, which could even be interpreted as a joke, but the old man took it seriously!

  However, since Lao Maozi has decided, Qin Tao has to contact the Navy as soon as possible. Don’t miss it when you pass by. Lao Maozi flew the Su-30 over for free for us to see, so we have to join in the fun!

  The wasteland village base has also been busy since this day.

In order to welcome the arrival of the old Maozi's plane, two J-82s of the navy turned around specially, waiting to meet the old Maozi's Su-30, escorting and guiding them all the way to the base. Officers, they are all here to join in the fun.

   "Dad, you are here." Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli who got out of the car, and said with a smile, "I have caused trouble for the navy."

   "What's the trouble? Our navy has always been very satisfied with the Su-30. We hope to have a chance to get in touch with it. In the end, you were fooled over here. Of course we have to join in the fun."

   "That's right, our air force has to join in the fun. Unfortunately, we don't have enough funds now. Otherwise, we have to introduce a batch of Su-30s. The air force needs ground attack capabilities too much." Elder Lin also got out of the car.

  Mr. Lin has retired, but he is still healthy and strong. When encountering these new things, he always has to join in the fun. Moreover, Mr. Lin is also very yearning for the Su-30.

   "Mr. Lin? You're here too?" Qin Tao was very curious.

   "Well, come and have a look, I heard that you can take a ride on the Su-30."

   "Mr. Lin, there are not many opportunities for this. There are still pilots in our base who want to experience it. If you want to have fun, go to the Air Force to fly a two-seater Su-27 trainer plane!" Qin Tao's expression changed drastically immediately.

   "See if you are in a hurry, well, I can't make do with it, anyway, it's Lao Maozi's plane, you can sit if you want, it's a pity, you can't keep Lao Maozi's plane." Elder Lin said.

  Qin Tao's face also became serious: "There is a way to keep the old Maozi's plane, but..."

   It's just too unethical, is it really okay to cheat the old man like this? After all, the big guys still have to meet in the future.

   "Just what? You boy, full of bad water, there are many ways to do it, just say it! Tell the big guy to give advice!"

  The base was still busy, and a few days passed by.

  All the J-31A fighters were gathered on the side apron, and the airport runway was completely emptied out, fully capable of taking off and landing the Su-30.

  Draenor was lying on the lawn with a blade of grass in his mouth, looking at the sky.

   "Hey, Delano, what are you thinking?" Stroll came over and said to him.

   "This time an old-fashioned Su-30 will fly over. Mr. Qin said, if there is a chance, let me go up and experience it." Stroh said.

   "What, looking forward to it?"

   "I was just thinking, it's not interesting, I just sit in the back cabin and experience the flight. It would be more interesting if I could sit in the front cabin and fly."

   "Don't worry, Mr. Qin said, there will be a special plane for you to fly in a short time, haven't you been practicing that kind of plane simulator every day recently?"

   "Well, I'm looking forward to it too." Delano continued to look at the blue sky and white clouds. It's really good weather for flying. How long has it been since you flew?

  There was a rumbling roar on the runway.

   "J-82, beautiful men in the sky, what do they think, and now they still use this kind of aircraft as the main force!" Delano turned his head and watched the two planes take to the sky, and began to complain.

  The performance of this kind of aircraft is not even comparable to ghosts!

  In the sky, both Wang Wei and Zhao Yu were very excited.

   They have been training here for a while, but they have been training on the ground all the time, and they haven't really taken to the sky yet. Now, they can finally fly to the sky again!

  The fighter plane headed northeast all the way, in the direction of the border, after receiving the two-seater Su-30MK, it flew next to the plane and returned together.

  At the base, Yemelyanov had already arrived with a group of Sukhoi officials, and they expressed great confidence in the plane that was about to fly.

"This fighter is equipped with a brand-new airborne fire control system, which can guide a large number of precision-guided weapons in our country, and can destroy relevant targets on the ground and at sea." In the conference room of the base, Yemelyanov excitedly Introduced: "Its performance is 24 times higher than that of the previous Su-24!"

  Qin Tao was sitting in a corner, not interested in these introductions at all, his mind had drifted back to Huating, did Haiyang grow up again? Long time no see, do you miss your dad? What about Mingzhou Shipyard? What happened to those two ships?

  Qin Tao is really not interested in the matter in front of him, he is just a soy saucer.

  However, the others listened carefully.

"For example, we can use TV-guided Kh-59M long-range air-to-surface missiles, TV-guided Kh-29T short-range air-to-surface missiles, Kh-31A and Kh-31P anti-ship and anti-radiation missiles, KAB-500 and KAB-1500 Guided bombs." Yemelyanov said a lot in one breath: "Moreover, after strengthening, the weapon loading capacity has been increased to eight tons. Moreover, our aircraft can also launch active radar-guided R-77 air-to-air bombs." The missile, even if it is used to fight for air supremacy, is more effective than the Su-27."

   (According to Lao Maozi’s alphabet, this kind of KH-31 should be called X-31 more appropriately, so we will follow the international one. Anyway, Lao Maozi has to be in line with international standards.)

   "This aircraft is equipped with an advanced Zook-27 radar..."

  Looking at the expectant eyes of the people around him, Qin Tao finally couldn't help standing up: "I'll go out and see if the plane is back."

   "Boss Qin, do you dismiss what Lao Maozi said?" After going out, Xu Zhengyang asked Qin Tao curiously.

"Yeah." Qin Tao said: "I taught the old man to fool Ah San, but they are good enough to fool us first! The things they said are all on paper, and some of them have not even been developed. The first two years In 2010, at the air show, the rear seat of the old Maozi Su-30 was always covered, do you know why?"

  Xu Zhengyang shook his head, he really didn't know this.

"That's not the real Su-30MK at all, but an ordinary two-seater aircraft, which has been repainted to show its maneuverability, but if you look at the rear cockpit, you can immediately see the problems inside." Qin Tao Said: "Now, they actually come to fool us!"

   "Then you have to remind the leader!" Xu Zhengyang was very worried.

   "Reminder, don't look at how seriously they listen, in fact, they are smarter than anyone else." Qin Tao said: "Let's go, let's go out and have a look."

  The sky is blue and it is a good weather for flying.

   An hour later, there was a roar in the sky.

The two J-82 fighters landed first. After all, the fuel consumption was almost the same. The Su-30 fighters did not land, but performed a flight performance in the sky and made several famous maneuvers, which made the following NPC After the fun, the plane landed.

   After sliding onto the tarmac, the pilot descended from above.

They are Branov and Maximenkov, the best test pilots of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. They used to fly the Su-30 fighter jets and performed wonderful performances at air shows. For them, the current performance is just It's just a warm-up exercise.

   "The flight performance of this plane is really outstanding!" Wu Shengli said with a smile: "Now, let's take a closer look at this plane!"

   It seemed that he thought of something. The pilot Maximenkov in the back seat had already got off the gangway, but now he stood on the gangway, blocking Wu Shengli from going up to visit.

   "Sorry, our cockpit cannot be visited by outsiders."

   "The cockpit can't be visited? Then according to our original agreement, shouldn't our pilots experience it? If we can't visit the cockpit, do we have to board the plane blindfolded?"

   "Experience flying?" Both pilots were taken aback.

Branov reacted: "Oh, it's like this. The Su-30 we are driving is a performance prototype. The serial number in our place is Su-30K, and it is not the same as the Su-30MK that is going to be exported. batches of aircraft."

   "Yes, everyone, the performance of the aircraft I introduced to you is the latest, and the one that flew over this time is an early version. The one I introduced is still being produced in our factory."

  Hearing Yemelyanov's words, Qin Tao couldn't help feeling that his charm was too great, and he could always infect other people around him, so that they also learned to speak and do things by themselves without knowing it.

  As it is now, Yemelyanov's ability to fool people is getting stronger and stronger!

   "Mr. Yemelyanov, you are the best candidate to sell to Ah San." Qin Tao said with emotion.

   Seemingly hearing the meaning of Qin Tao's words, Yemelyanov blushed a little.

  (end of this chapter)

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