Warship of Great Power

Chapter 595: Hong Liu K and Hong Liu J

  Chapter 595 Hong Liu K and Hong Liu J

  172 factory, production workshop.

  Watching a Frame Tu-22M being dragged into the factory building, many people's bodies were trembling slightly with excitement.

   "Didn't you just go out to put on a show, why did you really get these big guys for us." Elder Lin said, "The performance of this bomber is much better than our bomber!"

In terms of range, the H-6 is about 5,000 kilometers. After the D-30 was replaced, the range of the H-6 was even increased to 7,000 to 8,000 kilometers. However, the bomb capacity of the H-6 is less than ten tons. If it flies for a long distance, it will only carry two or three tons of ammunition. This load is not high, and it is not even as good as a Su-30. Moreover, the H-6 is still a subsonic bomber, and its combat effectiveness is not high.

  Tu-22M can not only carry more than 20 tons of ammunition, but also can penetrate defense at supersonic speed at low altitude. This ability is absolutely incomparable to H-6.

   "Good luck." Qin Tao said with a smile: "The old Maozi mistakenly thought that we were incapable of repairing these planes, so he sold them to us as junk, saving us from going to Ermao to buy Tu-160."

"Tu-160 is a good thing, but Tu-22M is also good. If ten of these planes can be repaired, our navy will have a qualified long-distance attack force at sea." Wu Shengli said .

Hearing what he said, Mr. Lin immediately shook his head: "Old Wu, don't be greedy. We have agreed in advance that the navy and the air force will divide this batch of planes equally. If we can make up ten planes, then we will each have five planes." .”

   "Old Lin, your air force has never operated this kind of aircraft, and it's only in single digits. It's too inconvenient. It's best to let our navy operate it." Wu Shengli still didn't let go.

  Mr. Lin did not go to continue the argument with Wu Shengli, but looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, how do you think these planes will be allocated?"

   "How to allocate is your business, it has nothing to do with me, I just buy the planes." Qin Tao said: "Besides, the modification of these planes is not easy, it may take three to five years."

   "So long?" Wu Shengli and Lin Lao were both stunned. The two Tu-22Ms at the Huangdi Village base didn't take such a long time!

"These planes are all scrapped and need to be dismantled and inspected thoroughly, including whether there are any cracks in the beams of the aircraft. After the inspection is completed, when reinstalling various equipment, a lot of improvements must be made, especially the avionics. It’s a big project to replace all the systems with ours.” Qin Tao introduced: “For example, airborne radar, we don’t have such a large caliber at present, and our relevant units have to develop new ones.”

At present, the largest airborne radar in China is the 1493 radar prepared for J-11. The antenna diameter is 900 mm. The Tu-22M nose is estimated to be able to fit a radar antenna with a diameter of 1.5 meters. Such a radar It must be redesigned.

"Yeah, these have to be re-developed, and it will cost a lot of money." Speaking of these, Wu Shengli frowned. The navy's funds are increasing, but the places where money is spent are also increasing. more and more.

"Yes, it does cost money, but the money will not be wasted. We can use these scientific research results to improve the H-6. Our H-6 should have been upgraded a long time ago." Qin Tao said: "The brand-new H-6 is The transparent window in the nose must be completely closed, and a large radar is inserted inside, which is exactly the same size as the radar we need now."

The H-6 comes from the Tu-16, which belongs to the technology of the World War II era. There is a special bombardier's cockpit in the nose, which is a transparent cover. This thing has long been outdated, and it should be replaced long ago. Radar equipment, much better.

   "H-6? You mean, we don't survey and copy this Tu-22M, but continue to improve our H-6?" Elder Lin asked.

  Now, these twenty Tu-22Ms need to be completely overhauled and disassembled into parts, so of course they can be used for surveying and mapping imitation!

  Countless people already have this kind of thought in their minds. It is time for the domestic bombers to be replaced!

  However, what Qin Tao said made everyone calm down. President Qin does not approve of imitation of surveying and mapping?

"Ahem, this is just my personal opinion." Qin Tao said: "I think we should make do with the existing bombers and keep improving them so that the bombers continue to meet our needs. At the same time, we should develop a new stealth bomber. Of course, if you feel that this Tu-22M has the value of surveying and mapping imitation, you can also conduct relevant research. I am a shipbuilder, and I am a layman in aircraft building.”

  The variable-sweep wing is outdated, and the era of stealth aircraft has arrived. Isn’t it more suitable for future development to develop the stealth H-20?

"At present, we still have a lot of technical problems in the development of stealth aircraft." Tang Changhong said: "Also, even if it is developed, the price of stealth bombers will definitely be very expensive. We not only need stealth bombers, but also a large number of If we can copy the Tu-22M, then our navy and air force will have a powerful bomber!"

  Hearing Tang Changhong's tone, Qin Tao realized that these aircraft experts are full of expectations!

"Our existing engines are only enough to improve single-digit aircraft. Lao Maozi's aircraft engines have always been short-lived. We cannot use the entire life of the aircraft, and it is not convenient to buy them out. Our engine problems must be solved. If it is solved, Then this kind of engine needs to be mass-produced, so in order not to let the engine go to waste, we have to develop more bombers." The gray-haired old designer Chen Jian said.

  Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, you all build bombers and have the most say in this aspect. Now that you have this idea, I also look forward to everyone being able to imitate this powerful bomber."

"Thousands of miles of southern borders are covered with fog, and the homeland is unforgettable. The waves are raging, and defenses are set up in several places. The smoke is everywhere, and we have met each other, and tears are pouring down, filled with anger." Elder Lin suddenly said a poem: "Our Hong Liu , It’s just the technology of the 1960s, no matter how it is improved, it can’t meet the needs of modern warfare. Instead of making further major changes to the H-6, we might as well directly survey and map and imitate the aircraft in front of us.”

   "That's right, Hong Liu is outdated, we are going to enter a new era!" Wu Shengli also nodded, everyone has made a decision, and this project can be finalized!

   "We will have a brand new bomber in the future, should we give this bomber a brand new serial number?" Elder Lin suggested.

   "Everyone, do you know the origin of the name Tu-22M?" Qin Tao said.

"It and the Tu-22 are completely products of two different eras, but Lao Maozi insists that this bomber is an upgraded version of the Tu-22 bomber to avoid arms control treaties." After saying this, Mr. Lin suddenly thought of something : "Boss Qin, what do you mean, our bomber also uses the number of H6?"

"That's right, what the air force uses can be called the H-6 K, and what the navy uses is called the H-6 J. When we showed it to the public, we still used the H-6. It was upgraded by ourselves. It has nothing to do with Lao Maozi's Tu-22M. We After this improvement, the H-6 can fly for another fifty years!"

Speaking of this, Qin Tao also began to reprimand Fang Qiu: "Our bombers are mainly equipped with cruise missiles. The huge air formation that Lao Maozi planned to launch a saturation attack of anti-ship missiles on the aircraft carrier formation at the beginning may not It will come true in our hands!"

  "That's right!" Wu Shengli was also very excited: "This is the mission that history has entrusted to us!"

Speaking of launching anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, the H-6 can also do it. However, because its speed is too slow and the body is bulky, the risk will be greatly increased when performing tasks. The Tu-22M is different. It The performance of the bomber is so advanced that in 2020, Lao Maozi is still upgrading and improving this bomber to make it more powerful.

  The H-20 will definitely be developed, but the price of this stealth bomber may be expensive. In the future, it will be specially used to kick doors, and a large number of H-6s will become the main force of the bombing.

  Thinking of the scene where a large number of H-6Js launched a saturated attack of Eagle-12 anti-ship missiles on the enemy's aircraft carrier formation at sea, Qin Tao was also full of expectations.

   "In this way, we need to imitate the engine. This glorious and arduous task, leave it to our 430 factory!" The person in charge of the 430 factory said.

   "Mr. Jiang, how is the progress of the turbofan 9 in your factory?" Qin Tao asked with some concern.

Factory 430 manufactures aero-engines. In order to support the H-6, it used to mainly produce turbojet-8, and later accepted the task of imitating Spey. However, this task is too difficult, and it has been imitated one after another until now. Qin Tao Very concerned.

   During the development of the Navy's gas turbines, Factory 430 also provided some technical support. In the research and development of turbofan XV, Factory 430 also followed suit. However, these projects are not their main projects after all.

   Now, to imitate the Tu-22M engine, this glorious and arduous task will of course fall on the shoulders of the 430 factory.

Hearing Qin Tao ask this question, Mr. Jiang puffed up his chest: "Mr. Qin, please rest assured that by the end of this year, we will be able to complete 100% localization of Spey. At present, our project has reached 90% eight."

The further you get to the back, the more difficult it is. After all, the technical problems that cannot be overcome in the end must be the most difficult. However, domestic technology is also developing. Using the technical power of the 1990s to solve the engine designed in the 1960s and 1970s should not It's difficult, but it will definitely be overcome in the end.

Qin Tao nodded: "Tu-22M has used many types of engines. The NK-22 engine used in large quantities is a dual-rotor engine, which belongs to the old Maozi's technology in the 1960s and 1970s. It should not be a problem for us to imitate it. The latest model uses It is the NK-32-1 engine, which is an advanced three-rotor engine with 50% lower fuel consumption than the NK-22. It is not only used on the Tu-22M3, but also on the Tu-160. "

   "If we want to imitate, we must imitate the most advanced!" Mr. Jiang is full of confidence: "Over the years, our domestic aviation technology has developed rapidly. We not only want to imitate, but also improve it!"

  Qin Tao frowned and looked at Elder Lin.

  He is just throwing bricks and stones to attract jade, and the specific decision can be made by the leaders of the navy and air force, and it will definitely have to go through repeated consultations.

   NK-22 is indeed backward, but it can temporarily solve the problem of availability. NK-32 is relatively advanced, but there is no three-rotor in China. What if the project is delayed? Look at Spey's imitation, how many years it took before and after!

  Mr. Lin thought for a while, and looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, is there any way to hire a group of engine experts from Lao Maozi? Especially the experts who specialize in the design of NK-32 from the Kuznetsov Design Bureau?"

  Qin Tao had a wry smile on his face: "Old Lin, you are really good at calling people!"

   Qin Tao has done this kind of thing more than once, so now, Mr. Lin immediately thought of this method.

   It is not so easy to imitate Lao Maozi's most advanced bomber engine. After all, only the appearance is surveyed and mapped, and the internal structure and processing technology are unknown. It would be the best if the experts who developed it at that time could be invited!

  After all, NK-22 is too backward!

   So, can the experts and technical data of NK-32 be obtained? In Qin Tao's mind, a legend emerged: aviation archaeology.

In 1977, with the launch of the Tu-160 project, the Kuznetsov Design Bureau also began to design a new three-rotor engine. In 1983, the NK-32 engine began mass production. At that time, a total of 250 engines were manufactured.

  Since there are only 30 Tu-160s, these engines can be used for a long time. Lao Maozi's long-range bomber unit has been using these engines and parts. However, the Tu-22M also started to use this engine, and the Tu-160 started long-distance training and planned to resume production. As a result, the engines in stock were not enough and had to be re-produced.

   When Lao Maozi planned to start production again, he was surprised to find that all the technical information was lost! They spent a full four years excavating the technical documentation of the engine with the spirit of aviation archaeology, and finally recovered most of it, and then improved it with advanced technology to produce a brand new NK-32-2 engine.

   During this period of time, should those technical documents be lost?

   "President Qin should be the most suitable for this kind of thing." Wu Shengli also spoke.

Now that the father-in-law has spoken, Qin Tao has nothing to say: "Okay, I can go there, but it can't be for the NK-32 engine, but for the rocket engine to inspect. Also, we have to send Relevant personnel, go to Ermao."

   "Why are you going to Ermao's?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Old Maozi will definitely be on guard against us. Let's send people to Ermao to discuss the engine and parts of the Tu-22M bomber. It doesn't matter if there is any result, as long as it can catch their attention. Everyone thinks that we will get it from Ermao. Parts, so we can get good stuff from Kuznetsov Design Bureau without anyone noticing."

   Kuznetsov Design Bureau is Lao Maozi's famous aerospace engine research and development institution. They not only produce engines for aircraft, but also engines for rockets! During the last air show, Mingzhou Group bought back all the NK-33 engines in stock of the Kuznetsov Design Bureau.

   Now, the Mingzhou Group is striding forward into space, and it is logical to go to the Kuznetsov Design Bureau for inspection. The Mingzhou Group is still very good at repairing the plank road and darkening Chen Cang's ability.

  At this time, upon hearing this arrangement, both Lin Lao and Wu Shengli were impressed. Qin Tao has this kind of ability. As long as he is arranged to do it, he will do it properly.

  At this time, Qin Tao felt a little helpless in his heart. From the beginning of the year to the present, he was almost busy on the plane. This year, is he going to be idle all the time! However, thinking about the mighty scene of a large number of H-6Js mounted by the naval aviation with Eagle-12 anti-ship missiles, he was a little emotional. Now that he has reached this point, what else can he say, let's do it!

  Since it was under the guise of buying an engine, Qin Tao couldn't go directly to Samara. The first thing he came to was of course the Starship Company in Qiongzhou.

Qin Tao is accustomed to delegating power. As long as someone is used, he will be given a lot of power. In Starship Company, Max is in charge of technology, and Wan Zhenfu is in charge of funds. Work together and work hard for the cause of humans landing on Mars.

  The infrastructure project is progressing very quickly. There are already dedicated R&D and production buildings, a dedicated rocket test workshop, and so on.

  When Qin Tao walked in, he heard Max's roar.

"No, no matter what the reason is, our starship MK1 must all use one engine. If we want to land on Mars, we have to reduce costs. How can we reduce costs? Mass production, generalization! Do you understand generalization? "

   Lao Ma is such a stubborn person! Qin Tao sighed in his heart that he developed by relying on this kind of stubbornness. Of course, his stubbornness was disliked by the people around him. No one wants to deal with a person who is opinionated.

"Our existing Nk-33 engine has a very high specific impulse, ranking first among liquid oxygen kerosene engines, but it still cannot compare with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines. The latter is the only one that can achieve a specific impulse exceeding 400." engine." A technician began to explain: "Our first-stage rocket can use NK-33, but our second-stage rocket must use liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines, which is also an international practice."

"Fuck the **** liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engine!" Max cursed angrily: "We are just experimenting with the early technology, so we have to use the liquid oxygen kerosene engine, and when we actually fly to Mars in the future , we have to develop a brand new liquid oxygen methane engine!"

   "Liquid oxygen methane? It seems that there is no such engine in the world."

"There is no one in the world, so we will make the first one!" Max said: "We can send astronauts to Mars, but we have no way to bring them back. We can only use carbon dioxide and water in the Martian atmosphere to synthesize methane and liquid oxygen." !"

  Max is really thinking about flying to Mars. The choice of rocket fuel is also very particular. It is even more difficult to send people there. If you want to fly back, you must use local materials to make fuel.

  NK-33 is only used now, and a new engine will have to be developed in the future! After all, the project has just started now, and they don't have much funds, so it is impossible to make a new engine with great fanfare. These are all future plans.

  The voices of the on-site communication are all in English. After all, most of Max’s technicians are from NASA.

   Creaked, the door was pushed open.

"Damn it, didn't I already say that irrelevant people should not come in during the meeting?" Max looked at the door angrily, then his expression froze for a moment, then he stood up and walked to the door: "Qin Boss, why are you here?"

  He treats his subordinates very harshly, but he must be polite to Mr. Qin, a big financial backer! After all, Boss Qin is the big boss behind him.

   "I'm free recently, come and see how our starship project is going?" Qin Tao asked with a smile.

"President Qin, we are currently working on the overall design." Max said: "Now, let me introduce our starship to you. According to the original plan, our starship MK1 has a near-earth carrying capacity of 60 tons, which is just right. To undertake the transportation task for the International Space Station. In order to achieve this kind of thrust, we plan to install eighteen NK-33 engines below and six on top.” (The Raptor rocket has a near-earth carrying capacity of 100 tons and a thrust of 200 tons There are 31 engines installed in the first stage. I don’t know how many engines are used in the current NK-33. It is estimated that 18 engines are used.)

"President Qin, this technology is very risky. The original N1 rocket exploded repeatedly because too many engines were connected in parallel. Now we are going to make this kind of rocket, which is very risky. Moreover, our second-stage rocket Not suitable either."

  The technicians couldn't help complaining.

   "Shut up!" Max turned his head and cursed: "You don't need to complain here, you need to bow your head and do things!"

   "It's a good idea to unify one engine." Qin Tao said: "And, as you all know, we only have this engine at present."

   Everyone bowed their heads. Qin is always an outsider, so it is not surprising to say anything. This is the sadness of an outsider leading an insider. What can be done?

   "However, we can improve the existing NK-33 engine and increase the vacuum ratio to facilitate use in outer space."


  The people present are staring at each other, how can we improve? This is not a matter of words!

   "Boss Qin, how can we improve?"

   "I don't know about this either. Let's go to the Kuznetsov Design Bureau, and the designers there may give us some reliable suggestions." Qin Tao said.

  The big guy finally nodded, that’s right, there is no other way but to go to Lao Maozi. In terms of this kind of engine, only Lao Maozi is the best.

   "To the Kuznetsov Design Bureau?" Max frowned: "Will this delay our time? Our schedule is very tight!"

"Sharpening knives is not a mistake in chopping firewood. We may be able to complete the design of our starship faster when we go this time." Qin Tao said: "If we can bring a group of rocket experts along the way, then It's even better."

  Max nodded: "Then let's hurry up and set off now."

   This guy is definitely a workaholic, the kind who can work twenty hours a day!

  (end of this chapter)

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