Warship of Great Power

Chapter 790: Eating Guadalcanal with smoke

  Chapter 790 Eating Guadalcanal while smoking

   "Sister-in-law, what does it feel like to eat sausages... ouch!" A veteran was just about to ask, when Xu Zhengyang slapped him on the head.

   "You guys, if anyone dares to continue to make trouble, see how I will deal with you!"

   "Who messed up, this is a normal wedding project."

   "That's right, if there is no fun, wouldn't the wedding be too boring?"

   "It's okay, brother Zhengyang, I'll eat." He Qian looked at Xu Zhengyang and smiled: "We're getting married, just to make fun of it. Do you want to take a few bites of this sausage first?"

   "That's right, sister-in-law, it's very particular about eating this." The veterans were happy again.

   "Is this noodle to be eaten together?" Xu Zhengyang said, "I will eat it with you."

   "Wait, we haven't reached the step yet." The veterans stopped Xu Zhengyang again.

   When He Qian finished eating the sausage and eggs, and then went to eat noodles, her brows frowned even deeper.

   "Sister-in-law, how are you doing, are you going to give birth?"


   He Qian frowned.

   "What happened?"

   "Did you give birth to a fat boy?"

Hearing the excited shouts of the veterans, Xu Zhengyang finally showed a smile on his face. It turns out that this is the official program. Since it is this, let them play. It's a pity that these guys are all married, otherwise, what are they doing now? If you torment yourself, you will inevitably torment them in the same way.

  Qin Tao stood outside, waiting for the show of eating raw noodles to pass, and then walked in slowly.

   "It's very lively." Qin Tao said: "You veterans' programs are really exciting, but I remind you, don't make too much noise."

   "Mr. Qin, is there any show that is more extreme?"

  “I heard that when getting married in some places, they like to lift the groom up and tie him to a tree, and paint the groom’s face with ink.”

  As soon as Qin Tao's voice fell, the faces of the veterans became excited, and they looked at Xu Zhengyang eagerly.

  Xu Zhengyang's face immediately changed: "Hey, what do you want to do? You have to be honest with me! After leaving the army for a few years, I haven't let go of my skills. Do you want to try?"

   "That kind of vulgar atmosphere can't be passed on to us." Qin Tao is also righteous: "If you are making trouble like this now, isn't it my order? Hey, hey!"

  Four veterans worked together, each grabbed one of Xu Zhengyang's limbs, then put him down and lifted him up!

   "You, you." Xu Zhengyang began to struggle, but these little **** are really strong in their hands!

  Four veterans carried Xu Zhengyang happily, planning to engage in the next entertainment project. Zhao Ling had already appeared at the door: "Hey, what are you doing? Stop!"

"Why, don't you listen to me? Do you still want to go back?" Zhao Ling blocked the door: "If you dare to make another fool, then don't even think about taking a boat or a ground-effect aircraft, you are going to swim to Shuangsha Island Go, I heard that all of you are very capable, and you can swim hundreds of kilometers with arms without any problem."

"no no."

   "Let's take the boat."

   "We listen to you."

  Xu Zhengyang was finally let go. He had a complex expression on his face. Marriage is really difficult. In the future, you must not invite these comrades in arms. However, marriage is only once in a lifetime, so how can you wait until the next time!

  After a lot of tossing, the time is almost up.

   "Bride and groom, are you ready? If you are ready, then let's start." The wedding host said beside him.

The shot of eating sausage just now is really classic. Unfortunately, his professionalism prevents him from recording such vulgar things, which will make him, a famous TV host, seem to be worthless. However, This operation is really smooth!

  He was still thinking just now, when he got married, he would also encourage his friends to play like this. Weddings are meant to be lively.


   "Let's go to the scene."

  After meeting the bride, go to the bridal chamber first. After entering the bridal chamber, do some projects, and then go to the wedding scene. All relatives and friends can participate, or the wedding show.

  The host took the microphone and walked onto the rostrum.

"Dear friends and relatives who came from afar, today we are here to solemnly celebrate the wedding of Mr. Xu Zhengyang and Ms. He Qian. Now, we invite two newcomers to the stage! We can see that Ms. He Qian is so beautiful in military uniform , she is heroic, she is Hua Mulan in the modern army, Hua Mulan also has love, and her husband is the secretary next to President Qin of our famous Mingzhou Group!"

  Everyone looked in the direction of the two of them. After an introduction by the host, the two held hands and walked over happily.

   Bang Bang!

  The confetti sticks exploded, and colorful confetti swirled on the heads of the two, just like snowflakes, which looked very spectacular.

   "Now, let's ask the bride and groom to introduce their love experience. Let's ask the groom first. Mr. Xu, is it Ms. He Qian that you actively pursued? How did you get together?"

  Xu Zhengyang blushed. He was really embarrassed to say such things.

  The veterans below started to make noise again.

"Say it!"

"speak out!"

"I took the initiative." He Qian said generously: "Brother Zhengyang used to be a soldier guarding the island. I was very moved when I heard him talk about the difficult years. At the beginning, I wanted to be with Brother Zhengyang. Now, finally, I have this opportunity."

   "A romantic island love really moved us. Soldiers who guard the motherland also need love. Now, let us applaud this great love!"

  Everyone applauded one after another, and the applause echoed over the island, resounding through the sky.

   Faint white smoke came out of the lighthouse.

   "Everything in the system is normal!" In the control room, a student next to Wang Dazhong said: "Our nuclear reactor is running smoothly! The current output power is three megawatts!"

   "Up to five megawatts!"

  Although the design power is 10 megawatts, this needs to be done slowly and little by little, and there should be no rush.

   Anyway, the generator does not need to be networked, just use it directly.

  Just three megawatts, just to supply power to Chigua Island. Now, with the further increase in power, other islands and reefs can also get sufficient power supply.

   "Notify Shuangsha Island, the power on the island is ready to switch!"


A second later, the power of Shuangsha Island was interrupted for a moment, and then recovered. On the surface, it seemed nothing, but if you observe carefully, you can find that their power is more sufficient, and the air conditioner starts to run happily. The sound of the engine disappeared.

   "Seawater desalination equipment started!"

  Electricity is not only for daily use, but also for other items, such as the most important seawater desalination equipment. People cannot live without water. Although the sea is full of water, it cannot be drunk.

  Now, as the order is issued, the desalination equipment is also activated.

The easiest way to turn seawater into freshwater is the ancient distillation method, but in the past, the distillation method mainly burned the water and left the salt in it, but now it is to evaporate it The water is condensed again, and the distilled water that comes out is the cleanest. Although people cannot replenish minerals if they drink distilled water for a long time, it is better than drinking sea water.

  Distillation consumes a lot of energy. After all, the water needs to be boiled. Therefore, the fresh water obtained by distillation can be used for drinking, but if this water is also used for bathing and watering, it will be too wasteful.

  Manufacturing large quantities of fresh water at low cost is mainly the reverse osmosis method. When seawater passes through the reverse osmosis membrane, the fresh water passes through and the salt remains, so that fresh water can be separated.

The quality of fresh water produced by reverse osmosis can be better than tap water, but it cannot be compared with distilled water. Although the production method is more energy-efficient than distillation, the pipes through which seawater flows will be corroded during the production process, so this The equipment is also very complicated.

The reverse osmosis membrane is only the most important step, but there are still steps such as pretreatment, sterilization, coagulation and filtration. The reverse osmosis method can be regarded as a relatively large water purifier. , You need to clean and replace the filter element and the like.

  Now, the seawater desalination equipment used on Chigua Island is divided into these two types. Distilled water is used for eating and drinking, and other water is used for daily life. The two equipments are activated at the same time, and the problem of fresh water supply in the southern sea area has been solved in this way.

  Of course, some of the water will also be separated and sent to the lighthouse.

This lighthouse is not only a lighthouse, but also a chimney. Of course, a nuclear power plant does not need a chimney. Its scientific name is called a cooling tower. Generally speaking, ordinary nuclear power plants are built with hyperbolic cooling towers, and the one built in the shape of a lighthouse is the first one. .

  The function of this kind of cooling tower is to exchange heat. After the hot gas in the primary and secondary circuits of the nuclear power plant returns, it needs to be turned into water, which requires cooling.

Many nuclear power plants built along the coast do not have cooling towers and do not emit smoke at all. Typical nuclear power plants in island countries pump seawater directly into the nuclear power plant to cool them, so they do not emit smoke. This method is very simple, but there are many Great danger: Once there is any leakage, the radioactive material will be taken away by sea water.

  Mingzhou Group will not do this. The Dalieshan Nuclear Power Plant does not use river water, and the nuclear power plant here still does not use seawater for cooling.

   "Nuclear reactor running smoothly, continues to increase output to eight megawatts!"

  The white smoke coming out of the chimney is bigger.

   At this time, many people have also paid attention to this scene. White smoke is actually emitting from the 50-meter-high lighthouse. What's going on?

  Nearby, on islands and reefs controlled by monkeys.

   "What's going on, there's smoke coming out of Guadalcanal Island?"

   "What's so strange about it, they held a wedding there, and they set off fireworks before dawn. It's really beautiful, and there are Chinese characters on it. If you don't know Chinese characters, of course you don't know what they are doing."


  Monkey’s eyes are full of envy. Is someone holding a wedding, or is it on an island?

  Why doesn't your side have this kind of treatment?

  They were only envious and jealous. As for the smoke on the lighthouse, they also temporarily ignored it.

   "Kiss, kiss!"

  At this time, Guajima Island was in full swing, and the veterans were chanting slogans, wanting to see Xu Zhengyang kiss his wife, doing such a thing in public, Xu Zhengyang felt his old face flush.

  Seeing Xu Zhengyang like this, He Qian was full of smiles, and suddenly brought her head closer, and poked Xu Zhengyang on the cheek.

   "Kissing the face doesn't count, kissing the mouth, kissing the mouth!"

   Xu Zhengyang felt his lips moisten.

   "Tongue kiss, tongue kiss! Ouch!"

   The veteran who yelled this slogan was hit **** the head by something. He turned his head and saw that it was Zhao Ling holding a folding fan in his hand.

  So, I dare not say anything.

   "If you continue to make trouble, after the wedding banquet, I will send you off the island."

   "Don't, there is still a show in the bridal chamber tonight."

   "Okay, I have decided, I must send you away."

  It was played like this during the day, and if it was night, it might not be a new trick. She absolutely didn't want Xu Zhengyang's oriental candle night to have any bad memories.

   "Don't, sister-in-law, we don't do anything, we just listen outside."

   "That's right, we promise to do nothing, we just listen."

   "Listen and don't listen!"

   "Okay, okay, if we don't listen, we'll have one more dinner, isn't that okay?"

  After the lively wedding ceremony, it is the wedding banquet. Because the materials are local, there are not many beef and mutton commonly found on land, but there are quite a lot of seafood, such as various fish, shrimp, crabs and so on.

   "We collected local materials and made this wedding banquet for everyone. I hope everyone will eat and drink well. Drinks are open and you can drink as much as you want."

  Qin Tao and Zhao Ling sat at the first table. Xu Zhengyang and He Qian came over to toast the crowd first. After drinking the wedding wine, Qin Tao said, "Stay here. I'll go over there and have a look."

  Zhao Ling glanced at the direction of the lighthouse: "I'll go there, it's more conspicuous for you to leave here."

   Just when Zhao Ling was about to stand up, several men in suits quickly finished the wedding banquet and left the dining table. Wang Dazhong came out and walked excitedly to Qin Tao's table and sat down.

   "Old Wang, are you so happy today?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Yes, the system is running smoothly, and the output has reached eight megawatts." Wang Dazhong said: "After a few days of operation at this power, we can further increase to the full power of ten megawatts. Our nuclear power plant very successful."

  Wang Dazhong has seen the prospect of the future.

   While he was speaking, Qin Tao had already poured a glass of wine: "Come on, Mr. Wang, let's drink to our high-temperature air-cooled pile!"


  Old Wang originally said that he would not drink alcohol, but now he was excited, touched the glass with Qin Tao, and drank it down.

  After one glass of wine, Qin Tao poured a second glass for Mr. Wang.

When he drank the third cup, Mr. Wang turned the cup upside down: "Okay, up to three cups, I can't drink any more. I'm going to stay here for a while and get a lot of data for our next commercial use." Lay the groundwork."

  This 10-megawatt reactor is only an experimental reactor. After a large amount of data is obtained from this experimental reactor, a new generation of formal nuclear reactors can be designed.

  This is the fourth-generation nuclear reactor, ahead of the entire era!

  Laughter came from the other side, and Xu Zhengyang's old comrades in arms started acting like monsters again.

   Xu Zhengyang will never forget this wedding in his life.

  Because it was too hot, everyone had to go back indoors after eating, and in the room, the air conditioner had been turned on, and it was full of air conditioning.

   "There was not so much power supply last night, how can it be turned on now?" A guest asked curiously.

   “Last night we found out that there wasn’t enough electricity, so we increased the power supply.”


   No one doubts anymore.

  After the sun set and cooled off, most of the guests began to leave, and only some people who were waiting for the bridal chamber remained here.

   "Come on, let's have another toast to the groom!"

   "No way, if you get the groom drunk, how can you still do the wedding?"

Amid the chatter of the big guys, Xu Zhengyang picked up the wine glass: "Okay, this is the last glass of wine. We old comrades-in-arms are separated from each other, and we rarely have the opportunity to get together. This time we finally have a chance. It's a pity that Liu can't be with us."

   "Yes, let's toast Liu together."

   When it came to this, the mood of the people changed a little. They defended the country and fought for the country. The old comrade named Liu would never be able to sit here and drink with them.

"I'll be with you too." He Qian picked up the wine glass: "I heard Brother Zhengyang tell the story of Brother Liu. in my heart."

  Some people are willing to sacrifice their lives for the stability and peace of the motherland. Such people will always live in our hearts.

  The night was getting darker and darker, everyone finally dispersed, only He Qian and Xu Zhengyang were left in the room.

   "Brother Zhengyang, it's getting late, we..." He Qian looked at Xu Zhengyang affectionately, but seeing Xu Zhengyang's serious face, she shouted loudly: "Get out yet?"

get out?

  Under the bed, two people rolled and crawled: "Okay, okay, we're out."

   "The ones on the roof, get lost too."

  There are still people on the roof?

   "Outside the window, you two bushes are hiding too badly!"

  Why are there eyes everywhere?

  He Qian completely admired these people's hide-and-seek skills.

  Finally, everything returned to normal.

   "Brother Zhengyang, let's rest."

   "Wait." After Xu Zhengyang finished speaking, he picked up something and searched the whole room. After a while, a beeping sound came out.


  Dididi! the second time.


  Looking at these things, He Qian was speechless for a while, unexpectedly, there were so many!

   "Brother Zhengyang, is it okay now?"

   "Xiaoqian, wait for me, I still need to deal with it."

  People outside are getting more and more frustrated.

  Is it so difficult to listen to a bridal chamber?

   "San'er, what are you holding in your hand?"

   "Infrared imager, military? Okay, come on, let's see."

   "Wait a minute, it hasn't started yet."

   "Have you started yet?"

"Not yet."

   "Have you started yet?"

   "Huh, it seems like it's over?"

   "How can it be so fast?"

  Below the lighthouse, the control room.

   "The power is 80%, very stable, now, the first cycle of charging!"

In order to make the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor use spherical fuel better, the burned pellets are not directly discarded, but flow out from the unloading device below, and then continue to be sent to the top of the core and re-enter The core is recycled in this way.

  Pressed water reactors will make you cry with envy. Replacing fuel in a pressurized water reactor is very complicated and costly, and in a spherical high-temperature air-cooled nuclear reactor, loading and unloading is as common as eating and drinking.

Now, the spherical fuel inside is actually not yet ready for unloading. However, this reactor is originally an experimental one. It can be said that power generation is incidental, and the experiment is the main thing. Now that the nuclear reactor has been running smoothly, of course the next step of the operation.

  The unloading device started, and the bottom of the high-temperature air-cooled pile made a rattling sound, and the first pellets that were put in began to fall.

"This reminds me of an earthen stove." Qin Tao was a little moved by the scene: "Put coal on the top, and cinders from the bottom, but there are some unburned ashes in the cinders. When pouring the ashes, pick them out from the inside. unfinished coals, which are then put into the furnace to burn.”

   "Yeah. It really sounds like that." Wang Dazhong said: "Essentially, a nuclear reactor is a furnace, but our high-temperature gas-cooled reactor is more like a furnace."

   While the two were chatting, one-tenth of the **** in the stove were released.

   "Caution, check and sort, then re-delivery."

This kind of inspection is definitely not manual, but fully automatic. The **** pass through the detection device one by one, and by observing the radiation of the balls, you can know how the internal nuclear raw materials are consumed. The spent fuel tank on one side is transported away after it is full, and the small **** that can continue to burn will be sent back to the top of the core and stuffed into the nuclear reactor to continue burning. As much as it is consumed, new ones will be added, and this cycle continues.

"We are just a simulation experiment this time. The small **** that have not been consumed yet, all the small **** will go in and continue to burn after being tested." Wang Dazhong continued: "President Qin, the whole process will last for several hours. Do you still want to watch it?"

  Qin Tao just came here to join in the fun, and now he can only shake his head when he heard Wang Dazhong say the time: "Let's forget it, you should pay attention to rest, and don't cause accidents due to overwork."

  This accident is multi-faceted, including the accident of the human body itself and the accident of the nuclear power plant. He doesn't want any problems here.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, we are sure that nothing will happen." Wang Dazhong replied.

  Seeing that everyone seemed to have been beaten to death, Qin Tao knew that he couldn't interfere with these people's actions. Forget it, they can do whatever they want.

  Qin Tao glanced at the control room for the last time, wanting to remember everything here. Next, he will not come here again for a long time.

   After all, he still has a lot to do.

  (end of this chapter)

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