Warship of Great Power

Chapter 808: Transformation of the Kirov class?

  Chapter 808 Transformation of the Kirov class?

"This time, your Mingzhou Group has made a fortune. In addition to expenses, you can earn at least 400 million yuan." In the Mingzhou Group, Wu Shengli, who passed by here to inspect the construction progress of the aircraft carrier, said to Qin Tao with emotion: "Speaking of You guys are really good at making money."

"Dad, why do you only see this little money? For us, the most important thing is to deter many people. In the future, no submarines will dare to come to our place. Be careful that the sea will eat them up." Qin Tao Said.

  Wu Shengli nodded: "Recently, we found that the sea area is very calm, and no one who is not afraid of death comes to make trouble. You really have made great contributions to us."

"This is also for the smoother development of our little horse generation, so as not to be disturbed by them." Qin Tao said: "Dad, I don't know if I can go back during the Chinese New Year this year, and I have to be busy building warships for Lao Maozi recently. "

"I know, this matter is the most important thing. The superior has already spoken, even if we lose money, we will do it. As long as we open this hole, we can gain a huge reputation." Wu Shengli said: "You are in charge of this matter. Don't worry, let's talk about the submarine, they have suffered a lot recently, can you guess what will happen?"

   "They had a stalemate with the Americans, but this is only temporary, and it will be good enough to wear a pair of pants in the future, and the Americans may even provide them with nuclear submarines."

  "Nuclear submarine?" Wu Shengli's expression changed.

Although nuclear weapons can only be owned by the five big hooligans, such as Lao Ba and Ah San have also entered this club. In terms of nuclear submarines, the restrictions are even smaller. For example, Ah San likes to rent the nuclear submarine of Lao Maozi to show his existence feel.

  However, if the country acquires a nuclear submarine, it will still have a great influence on its own side.

   “What do we do about it?”

   "Hmph, if they do it, we can't stop them, but we can also sell the same equipment."

   "The same? We also want to sell nuclear submarines? Isn't this very good?"

"Of course it's not directly selling nuclear submarines. We can modify a 039D." Qin Tao said: "Now we are already developing nuclear power treasures, and the effect of this thing is not bad so far. We can use the AIP cabin of 039 to use nuclear power treasures." replace."

  There is a big difference between conventional submarines and nuclear submarines, from the type of boat to the combat tactics. Therefore, although there were conventional submarines in China back then, when developing nuclear submarines, they still had to buy a nuclear submarine toy from the United States to study.

  However, as long as a nuclear power compartment is added to the conventional submarine, the conventional submarine will be able to have unlimited underwater endurance! Due to other conditions, it cannot stay underwater for several months like a nuclear submarine, but its operational flexibility is far beyond that of conventional submarines.

  The islanders used 18650 batteries, but they failed. If something happened, it would be much safer to use nuclear power treasures.

  Wu Shengli nodded: "If they want to sell it, we will sell it too! That's right, that's what we do. Anyway, it's a conventional submarine with an AIP cabin added. We don't sell nuclear submarines. We don't care about public morals like the Americans."

   "Report, Moscow has sent a telegram that they hope to send a naval investigation team." At this moment, an adjutant came and reported to Wu Shengli.

   "Study team? Why did they send the study team?" Wu Shengli was curious.

   "They want to inspect our No. 138 destroyer."

  No. 138, 10,000-ton large drive? Qin Tao became curious: "The construction of the frigate hasn't started yet, and they are trying to transform the Glory-class cruiser again?"

"With your operations like this, the old man is equivalent to getting a frigate for nothing, so they gritted their teeth and used the funds they originally raised for the frigate to refit the cruiser. After all, the cruiser is already the biggest thing they have on hand." Wu Shengli saw it more clearly: "If you want to say that the most successful modification is of course us, so they came to learn the experience of modification."

   "They really take it for granted, why let them visit our warship." Qin Tao said.

   "Of course it's because of your relationship with Nicholas." Wu Shengli said with a smile.

  What is the relationship, it is not mutual use! Qin Tao was a little helpless: "The navy doesn't care about our relationship, just refuse if it should."

   "Refused? Let them take a look, without losing a piece of meat." Wu Shengli said: "They can look at it if they want. If they look at our No. 138, then we can also look at their warship."

   "Their warships? What's so good about them? They're all old-fashioned. The Kirov class is still under overhaul, and the aircraft carrier is probably about to be overhauled. We don't need to look at their warships at all. We can build what we want."

   "Let's look at their warships, of course it's time for the exercise." Wu Shengli said: "The exercise can also enhance the relationship."

  Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then go and see."

   "You must be with me. It's not far away anyway."

   Three days later.

  Nicolas came to the East with a large group of officers. After getting off the plane, he first communicated with the Eastern Navy. The next day, he went straight to the station of Destroyer No. 138: the military port near Mingzhou.

   Here, Nicholas met his old friend Qin Tao again.

   "Qin, we meet again." Nicholas said excitedly: "I recently heard that you have completed the salvage work. Congratulations."

   "These are trivial things." Qin Tao said: "We are currently improving the design drawings, and it is estimated that we will hand them over to you next week."

"Qin, there are some unexpected changes in this project." Nicholas said: "Our domestic Northern Design Bureau has also designed a set of plans. At that time, you need to bid to see whose plan is more suitable. Of course, the construction is still In your Mingzhou."

   "Northern Design Bureau? Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "If we knew they were going to design, we wouldn't be so busy."

  You guys are not busy, can they design for free? I still don't know how much money it will cost, Nicholas thought in his heart, but he said: "They haven't started construction for ten years. I don't think they can design a more advanced warship. I'm still optimistic about your design. You Experience is the richest, even if it is to refit this Glory-class cruiser, it is so perfect. Now, let's go up and have a look."

  At this time, the big guys were chatting on the pier, and behind Qin Tao was destroyer No. 138.

   For a long time, No. 138 has been the largest warship in China with first-class air defense, anti-submarine and anti-ship performance.

   It's just that after the Aegis battleship was launched continuously, the status of this warship became a little awkward. After all, although it has a large number of missiles, it does not have a four-sided phased array radar, so its omnidirectional air defense capability is not strong.

At the beginning of the transformation, Yang Dawei was very excited, and designed the four-sided phased array radar and the Hongqi-9 missile model. However, this modification was too wasteful, even surpassing the new construction, so Qin Tao rejected it. Second-hand Not worth the remodel like this and can't cost too much.

As a result, the Glory class was transformed into what it is now. It still uses S-300 missiles and a single-sided radar like a tombstone. The orange petal radar on the top of the bridge was removed and replaced with a roof radar and a meter wave antenna. , the original medium-range missile was removed and transformed into a vertical launcher for the Hongqi-16.

   This warship has served in the navy for several years, but it is well maintained. When you step on the warship, you can see that the deck is spotless.

  With Qin Tao's company, the others would have no trouble. Wu Shengli followed with a smile, without saying a word, and gave Qin Tao the task of reception.

   "After refitting, this warship has nearly 200 air defense missiles. Can its air defense system be deployed in a unified manner?" Nicholas asked.

   Sure enough, they came here to investigate because something went wrong on the warship they modified themselves!

"Of course, the long-range air defense depends on the S-300. If the long-range air defense slips through the net, the medium-range Hongqi-16 missile will be fired." Qin Tao said: "If the medium-range missile fails to intercept, then there are still close-range missiles." Cheng’s rapid-fire guns form three fire defense nets, if none of them are intercepted, then it can only be said that luck is too bad.”

   "Can you sell this technology to us?" Nicholas asked.

Qin Tao shook his head: "I'm sorry, Nicholas, although we are good friends, but these involve our national defense secrets, it is impossible to provide them to you, but if you plan to transform them, you can send the warship to us Come to the shipyard, let us upgrade, are you planning to transform the Glory class?"

   "No, we intend to upgrade the Type 1144 cruiser." Nikolay said: "This is related to the future of our navy."

  Type 1144 is the Kirov class, a super warship with a displacement of 25,000 tons. In the era of the Red Empire, every time these warships went to sea, they would cause vibrations.

  However, after the collapse of the Red Empire, these warships quickly withered like flowers.

  The first Kirov, which was later renamed Admiral Ushakov, had a nuclear power plant failure in 1990, struggled back to the home port, and never went out again.

  The second ship, Frunze, was later renamed Admiral Lazaev. It stopped at the port in 1994 and was officially retired in 1997.

The third Kalinin, later named Admiral Nasimov, is a relatively new one. It was launched in 1986 and served in 1988. However, there was a reactor failure in 1997 and it has been docked on the pier. .

   This type of warship, as well as the fourth Peter the Great, entered service in 1998, which is relatively new.

  Now, the Damao Navy is probably planning to refit the third warship.

  The Glorious class can be regarded as a miniature version of the Kirov class, so they came to observe it, intending to learn some experience, especially the experience of the air defense system.

"We will never send this kind of cruiser to you for modification, Qin, you should also know that just because you are asked to help produce frigates, there has been a lot of noise in the country, and the 1144-type cruiser was not built by you. You haven't touched it, so you definitely can't put it in your place for transformation." Nicholas said.

Qin Tao shook his head: "If it is a Type 1144 cruiser, then it should be put on us to transform it. Only we can transform this kind of cruiser. If you come by yourself, there is no hope. Go to shipbuilding The shipyard of the factory must be delayed in the end, until it finally becomes yellow.”


"The biggest problem with the Kirov class is the unreliability of the power system." Qin Tao said: "Air defense and so on are secondary. The reliable nuclear power system is removed and replaced with conventional power."

Lao Maozi seems to know that their nuclear power system is unreliable, so the Kirov class is designed to use a hybrid power system (CONAS) with a nuclear reactor and a boiler. It is equipped with 2 nuclear reactors for It drives two steam turbines and drives two four-blade propellers. (I don’t understand why it’s an even number.) But at the same time, it also added a conventional boiler auxiliary in another compartment. If the nuclear reactor suddenly fails, the boiler can also keep the Kirov class running, but The speed was reduced from 32 knots to 14 knots.

This kind of power system is very complicated and cumbersome, but it has proved to be useful. At the beginning, the nuclear power system of the first ship Kirov was unable to work due to a malfunction. As a result, the boiler was used to drive back to the base slowly, and then the I haven't been out either.

Now, when Qin Tao talked about the power system, Nicholas nodded helplessly: "Yes, its nuclear power system is very unreliable. If we remove the nuclear power system and replace it with a boiler, it should be more suitable for us. .”

   "Boiler? Apart from aircraft carriers, where are boilers?" Qin Tao said, "Nicolas, you should have heard that we have developed a 40-megawatt gas turbine, right?"

  Nicolas nodded: "That's right."

"If the Kirov-class cruiser is handed over to us for refurbishment, we can remove the unreliable nuclear power system inside and replace it with our gas turbine. Only two of them can output more than 100,000 horsepower. It can meet the needs of cruisers. Usually, it is equipped with two diesel engines to form alternating diesel-fuel power. We can even use all-electric drive. Only when the problem of heart disease is solved can the Kirov-class cruiser be used to its full potential. Has fighting power."

  It is not a trivial matter to change the engine of a warship, especially for a nuclear-powered warship to replace a gas turbine. The intake and exhaust are a big problem, but if you want to use all-electric propulsion, there is no problem. The gas turbine is directly arranged under the chimney of the bridge.

   Of course, this is definitely a big project.

  Since Nicholas has this idea, Qin Tao has to provide the most suitable way, after all, Nicholas is his good friend.

  Under Qin Tao's flickering, Nikolai's idea finally shifted from upgrading the air defense system to upgrading the engine!

  Wu Shengli watched from the sidelines, watching how Qin Tao fooled Nicholas step by step.

The combined nuclear power and conventional power of the Kirov-class cruiser have a total output power of 140,000 horsepower, which can make this monster with a displacement of 25,000 tons soar at a speed of 32 knots. Now it is replaced with two gas turbines. The maximum output power is 108,000 horsepower. Although it cannot reach the speed of 32 knots, there is still no problem with 30 knots. (I don’t know if the calculation is correct. Two 40-megawatt gas turbines can make the British 65,000-ton aircraft carrier reach a speed of 26 knots, so it should be possible for a 25,000-ton warship to reach 30 knots.)

For a warship, the speed of 30 knots is already up to the standard. The key is that the power system will be more reliable. This kind of gas turbine power system is much more reliable than the Kirov-class nuclear power system. Look at the old man. The status of the Kilo-class ship is known, and the nuclear power system is a scam.

  Even if the old man still asks to modify it himself, then he can still sell gas turbines!

  Forty-megawatt gas turbines are only owned by our own side, and they were jointly developed with Ermao. Lao Maozi should rest assured.

Nicholas seriously thought about this power system, and then nodded seriously: "Okay, Qin, I hope you can come up with a detailed plan, and when the frigate design bids, hand over this plan to us. Next, Let’s talk about the configuration of the weapon system.”

  Nicolas came here originally to discuss the weapon system. Although he was fooled by the power system, his focus has not changed.

At this time, Qin Tao thought for a while when he heard what Nikola said: "Nikola, if we talk about the weapon system, we plan to use the four-sided phased array radar on the frigate. We can completely transplant this system to the base station. Lord Love."

Dongfang's transformation of the Glory class was successful, and there were many people's painstaking efforts, including Zhao Ling. Of course, Qin Tao would not let these painstaking efforts go abroad. However, the upgrade and transformation of the Kirov class is also completely Other options can be used.

  A warship as big as this doesn’t even have a four-sided phased array radar, which is really too backward.

In fact, after the 22350 frigate, Lao Maozi has an improved version 22350M, which is based on the former, and the displacement is enlarged to more than 8,000 tons. Thanks to Lao Maozi's PPT, the number of missiles carried has doubled several times. It has become the best destroyer, and the radar system on it is also a modification of the 22350 frigate.

   Now, if the Kirov class is to be modified, wouldn't it be faster to directly use the radar system of the frigate under development?

  Nicolas thought about it seriously, then shook his head: "The search range of the radar system on the frigate is too short to meet the needs of the Type 1144 cruiser."

  The frigate has a small displacement, and the number of missiles it carries is also small. It even only needs medium-range air defense. If you put S-300, you really can’t put a few of them, and the launcher they share has not been developed.

  But the Kirov class has a large displacement and uses many weapons. There are nearly a hundred long-range air defense missiles such as the S-300. Can the radar system of a frigate be used?

"Nicolas, you probably don't know enough about active phased array radar. The biggest feature of this radar system is that it can increase the transmission power by increasing the number of T/R components, thereby increasing the search distance. On the Kirov class, the search distance can be doubled, isn’t it not enough? The advantages brought by the four-sided phased array radar are obvious, and the omnidirectional air defense and anti-saturation capabilities will be stronger.”

Nicholas really didn't know much about these advanced technologies. Over the past few years, his main business line was interpersonal relationships. Hearing Qin Tao's words at this time, he thought about it seriously, and then nodded: "Qin, your proposal Yes, we need to go back and negotiate with Fazuron to see how to use their system, if it is feasible, it means that our entire system can be transplanted from the frigate."

   "Of course." Qin Tao nodded: "This method is the safest."

While speaking, everyone had already walked around the warship, and Nicholas finally came to the bridge, looking at the combat command structure composed of modern display screens inside, with envy in his eyes, he knew that Dongfang was very advanced in terms of electronic systems. It is very advanced, but at the same time, he also knows that it is difficult for Da Mao to reach this level for the time being. If it is purchased from the East, it may not be compatible with the previous system. Therefore, these can only be achieved by relying on domestic technological development. .

   There is a long way to go.

  The one-day visit ended like this. In the evening, Qin Tao held a banquet at the Mingzhou Group Guest House to entertain Lao Maozi and his party.

   Looking out from the huge bay window here, you can see the busy scene inside the Mingzhou Shipyard, especially the huge warship under construction in the dock.

   "Over the years, the development of the East has been really fast. Our navy's aircraft carrier has just been equipped with carrier-based aircraft and has not completed a full set of training. You have already started building a second aircraft carrier." Nicholas was very emotional.

"If you want to have a strong national defense, you still need a strong motherland. Only when the economic level is reached, military development will naturally take a fast track." Qin Tao said: "Nicolas, our Mingzhou Group is willing to develop with you More cooperative relationships, through cooperation to develop your economy, so that you have more funds."

  Nicolas nodded: "Yes, Qin, you have helped us a lot. Whether our navy can get more warships depends on you. Do we have more areas of cooperation?"

Over the years, Mingzhou Group and Da Mao have mainly cooperated in the energy field, importing a large amount of oil and natural gas. Mingzhou Group has also helped to open up the Arctic route, allowing Lao Maozi to play an increasingly important role in the world economy. However, these Obviously not enough.

   If Da Mao wants to develop the economy, he needs to have more cooperation projects.

  Qin Tao thought for a while: "Of course, there is a lot of wood in your Far East. How about we cooperate to develop the wood business?"

As the shackles of environmental protection become tighter and tighter, the trees planted by oneself do not have the right to cut them down, but foreign trees are different. Imported wood can be used freely without any restrictions, so in later generations, many furniture advertised A wood such as shaggy larch is used. It is because the cost of importing foreign trees is cheaper than self-use.

  Although Mingzhou Group does not produce furniture now, it can definitely help domestic furniture factories import wood.

  (end of this chapter)

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