Warship of Great Power

Chapter 820: Sinpo-class submarine nuclear power treasure

  Chapter 820 Xinpu-class submarine + nuclear power treasure

   Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Center.

"The design concept of the nuclear power treasure is very advanced. The reactor, steam turbine and generator are packaged together to form a module." Looking at the introduction on the TV, an engineer said: "However, none of the key technologies are mentioned. For example, they talked about liquid metal as a coolant for a long time, what kind of liquid metal is this, or is it the lead-based air conditioner that had frequent failures back then?"

"Yes, liquid metal does have many advantages when used as a coolant, but it also has many disadvantages. Once the reactor stops operating or the pipeline is damaged, the entire coolant pipeline may stop running and then solidify, and the reactor will be completely damaged. What confidence do the Easterners have in guaranteeing the safety of this nuclear reactor?"

Nuclear power technology has been developed for several generations, and the most mature one is still the most common pressurized water reactor. This is of course because human beings have studied water for hundreds of years, and thoroughly studied its properties. After all, water originated from the era of steam engines. Just start using something.

   Now, when it comes to this liquid metal reactor, many people are skeptical, and some people already believe it.

"It can be seen that Mingzhou Group has been researching advanced technologies over the years. It has surpassed us in the field of chips, and it is also a leader in the field of electric vehicles. Now, it has also developed advanced technologies in the field of nuclear power systems. , It is understandable, look at the speaker at the scene, he is Lao Maozi's most famous nuclear power expert, this person used to work on Lao Maozi's nuclear reactor, so he used the advanced technology of the East to mature this kind of nuclear reactor. It's not incomprehensible."

If there are only Orientals, then definitely not. However, Mingzhou Group still has a large number of old men. These old men are the most professional. It is also possible to create a mature product with the help of the advanced technology of the East for the incredible nuclear submarine.

   "However, what is this thing used for? It doesn't look like a vehicle, let alone put it on land."

   "This thing is a round cake, and it's still standing upright. Looking at it this way, it looks like..."

   "Is it used on submarines?"

   "Look at the size, a regular diesel-electric submarine can carry it!"

   "What? Doesn't this mean that the diesel-electric submarines produced by the East can be transformed into nuclear submarines?"

   "It should be used on submarines. There is a passage in the middle of the upper layer, which is obviously for submarine soldiers to pass back and forth. This module is most suitable for the original AIP compartment of the submarine."

"That's right, it just replaced the original AIP compartment, so the displacement will remain the same, but the durability of underwater navigation will be greatly increased!" Now they understood: "The submarines of the Orientals were originally very powerful, and now there are With this cabin section that can last infinitely underwater, the performance can keep up with a higher level!"

  Orient does not export nuclear submarines, but they can export cabins carrying nuclear treasures!

   "Look, another old man is coming up!"

   "This old man seems familiar."

   "You don't know him? Nicholas, the old Maozi's navy leader!"

  Since Nicholas came to participate in this ceremony, of course he had to say a few words to cheer him up.

"Today, I am very happy to come to the nuclear reactor production base and see the small nuclear power plant produced by Dongfang. I think this device is very good and of great significance to us." Nicholas said: "After all, we seriously lack related Technology, we are also looking forward to introducing it to our country to make up for our gap.”

  When did Lao Maozi actually need to introduce Eastern technology?

   "The old man has really declined completely. The new generation of frigates is handed over to Dongfang to build, and the AIP system used on submarines has to import Dongfang's products!"

  Although Nicholas is still holding the pipa half-hidden, the people in front of the TV are all professionals, and they can quickly guess what Nicholas is thinking.

  When the Red Empire collapsed, Lao Maozi's shipbuilding industry was still very developed. Dongfang purchased Lao Maozi's Kilo-class submarines to expand its underwater power.

  The Kilo-class submarine has a displacement of more than 3,000 tons, which is actually the most suitable for the Kangaroo Country. Unfortunately, the position of the Kangaroo Country's buttocks determines that he cannot go to Lao Maozi to buy a submarine.

  The model of the Kilo class is also changing, from the initial 877 to the later 636, and the performance has been continuously improved. However, Lao Maozi's submarine has a weakness that can never be made up for: there is no AIP system.

In fact, in the era of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi was studying related routes, and at the time he did not hesitate to take two routes at the same time. After decades of tinkering with closed-cycle diesel engines, there was no progress, so he gave up. Now they are the only ones left Yes, fuel cell technology.

   This thing is simple to say, it uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, enters the battery to directly generate electricity, and the working principle is also very simple: the hydrogen electrode obtains hydrogen, and the oxygen electrode obtains oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen generate water under the action of catalysts on the electrodes. The hydrogen electrode is negatively charged due to excess electrons, and the oxygen electrode is positively charged due to the lack of electrons. This forms the battery.

   This thing was first used in aerospace systems, and later used on the ground. The hydrogen energy vehicles that the islanders have been developing are actually based on this principle. To put it bluntly, it is just a fuel cell. It’s just that because hydrogen energy vehicles run on the ground, they only need to add hydrogen. Oxygen can be obtained through the atmosphere. The islanders say this thing is tall, but it’s actually farting and taking off their pants: hydrogen energy vehicles don’t use hydrogen either. Direct combustion to drive vehicles still needs to be converted into electricity, and motors are still used to drive vehicles, so it is not as straightforward as directly using batteries to store electricity.

   Moreover, the key to this thing is danger.

  The storage of hydrogen is a big problem. There are many technical problems in gaseous or liquid storage. When it is used in a car, a bomb can be carried on the back at any time. When it is used in a submarine, it is even more troublesome. After all, the submarine is airtight!

  So, apart from the Germans playing with fuel cells, there is no other company in the world. The Lada-class submarines of later generations use fuel cells, but they are extremely immature, and the old Maozi himself dare not use them. In contrast, the Stirling engine is more mature. After all, the Stirling engine only needs liquid oxygen. The storage of liquid oxygen is more convenient than liquid hydrogen, and there is no need to consider the curse of hydrogen embrittlement.

  As for now, in the new millennium, Lao Maozi does not yet have an AIP system on submarines. Since the East already has a mature nuclear power treasure, it is also possible to directly introduce it.

  Nicolas did not say it clearly, but it is equivalent to having said it clearly.

  The nuclear power treasure that Dongfang announced to the outside world is used on diesel-electric submarines.

   "Damn Orientals, how could they do this, they are proliferating nuclear submarines!" Swift said angrily, pulling the cigar out of his mouth.

   "Yeah, what they're doing is abominable!" The person on the opposite side said, "We must not let them spread this technology to the whole world, otherwise our fleet will encounter serious threats!"

   "However, what should we do? If we directly protest, the Mingzhou Group will not listen, they will only think that we are farting!"

  Mingzhou Group does not take hard and soft.


   It's not like they haven't done tricks before, and the result? The reaction of the Mingzhou Group was so strong that they could not step down. Now if they continue to play tricks, the Mingzhou Group will definitely be tough.

   "Everyone, you still haven't seen the essence clearly. Recently we proposed to provide nuclear submarines to the Kangaroo Country, so the Orientals threw out nuclear power treasures. This is to disgust us."

  This analysis is on point.

   "So what? What else can we do? Are we going to give up this project because they have thrown out a nuclear power plant? We do things by ourselves, and it is not up to the Orientals to dictate!" Swift was very annoyed.

"Everyone, I have thought of a way." Another person said: "Think about it, after the nuclear power treasure project is thrown out, there will definitely be many customers who are interested. Let's just hire a group of people and pretend to be customers. Then invite Mr. Qin to a certain country, we can start to arrest Mr. Qin, as long as he is caught, Mingzhou Group will have to give in!"

  Yes, this is a way.

  Everyone became excited and began to discuss the specific situation.

   "I think Rainbow Country is pretty good. Mingzhou Group also has a shipyard in Rainbow Country, so we won't be suspicious. As long as we put pressure on Rainbow Country, they can arrest and extradite Mr. Qin."

   "A small country in Southeast Asia is fine too."

   While they were discussing, an intelligence officer quickly walked in with the information: "Everyone, I just received the latest news that the North Kimchi Country has sent a delegation to negotiate with the Mingzhou Group."

"What?" The cigar in Swift's hand fell to the ground: "Northern Kimchi Country? They're going to purchase nuclear power treasures? Damn it, if they buy it, it will definitely be installed on their old Romeo submarines ! No, they should still develop submarine-launched ballistic missiles! The Orientals must not do this, we must stop this transaction!"

   They no longer had the calmness they had just now.

  Mingzhou Shipyard.

  Qin Tao did not expect that after he announced the nuclear power treasure project, the North Kimchi Congress would be so interested and immediately send a delegation. However, it is understandable to think about the situation of the North Kimchi Country.

"President Qin, I'm glad we meet again." A member of the delegation stretched out his hand and said to Qin Tao: "We came here last time and didn't reach any agreement, this time we hope we can get what we want. "

  A few years ago, Qin Tao had received people from the North Kimchi Country, but they still held on to the old idea, and they wanted Dongfang to help them, so they had the cheek to ask for it. How could Qin Tao accept it?

Qin Tao sent them away with a few words, but still pointed out a way for them to cooperate with a certain countryman in the field of ballistic missiles. This time, when these people come here, they will not continue to hold the idea of ​​asking for things Bar?

"Our Mingzhou Group is a private group. As long as it is in our interests, we can reach an agreement." Qin Tao first vaccinated, so as to save the other party from talking about military aid and the like. That kind of beauty?

"Mr. Qin, we watched Zhang Zhongshuo's program, and we know that you have developed a new nuclear power treasure here. I don't know where this nuclear power treasure can be used?" Yin Chengze didn't answer Qin Tao's question, but Talk about specific content.

   "It can be used by sea, land and air, and it can even be launched to the moon." Qin Tao said, "I don't know what you plan to use it for?"

   "We want to install it on our Sinpo-class submarine, wondering if it will work?"

   "Xinpu class?" Qin Tao became curious: "Is it a submarine developed by you?"

  The North Kimchi Country has always been isolated, so the military technology of the North Kimchi Country also has a lot of mystery. It is difficult for the outside world to know how far their military technology has developed. They can only guess based on some satellite pictures.

  Northern Kimchi has a large number of submarines. Although the land area is small, there are a total of 80 submarines, but most of them are small submarines of hundreds or even tens of tons. After all, they are very close to their deadly enemies.

The 033 submarines they are equipped with are relatively large. After receiving assistance in 1971, they began to introduce related technologies and crafts, and built them themselves. It is said that they are still in production. The exact number is a mystery, but it is estimated that there should be twenty more than one ship.

The technology of the 033 submarine is old, but it can still play a certain role in the shallow sea area. However, the North Kimchi country still has to continue to develop their submarine technology, especially after the collapse of the Red Empire, they obtained Lao Maozi's submarine-launched missiles Of course, we have to develop related submarines.

They only announced one 8-24 hero ship. The appearance of this submarine is somewhat different from that of 033, so the relevant foreign intelligence agencies named the submarine the "Xinpu" class submarine, thinking that the submarine was derived from the Yugoslav "Hero" class and the 033. The "Sava" class submarine was manufactured as a blueprint.

   Now, when it comes to this submarine, Yin Chengze is still very cautious. Even the class of the submarine is a name that is speculated externally. He will not say what the internal code name is, so that it can be kept secret to the greatest extent.

   "Boss Qin, the specific details of this submarine are a secret." Yin Chengze said.

"Secret? If you don't say anything, how do I know if it can be installed on your submarine?" Qin Tao said: "For example, what is the diameter of your submarine? Single hull or double hull? What kind of steel is used for the hull of the submarine? Can’t be welded together with our cabin? If you don’t say these things, how can I answer your question?”

  Yin Chengze was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Qin, I hope you can provide us with these technical details, and our technicians will analyze and judge to see if they can be docked to our submarine."

"Your technicians? Do you have the ability?" Qin Tao said: "You have never designed a brand new submarine until now. The technology is still at the first level of our 033 submarine. If you rashly increased the displacement, you will not be afraid. Affect the silent ability of the submarine? Are you afraid that the buoyancy of the submarine will not be enough?"

  Yin Chengze found out that it seems to be true. If you don't say anything, then you may not be able to use it if you take it back.

   "Mr. Qin, please don't worry about this, as long as you can provide these technical materials." Cui Zhongkui who is beside Yin Chengze said: "Our submarine experts can solve these problems."

   "Okay, you can take away our materials after you pay a data fee of one million." Qin Tao said.

   "One million?" The visitor was surprised.

   "Yes, knowledge is wealth. If you want technical information, of course you have to spend money to buy it."

   "Okay, this is the result of your reforms. Everything is based on money. The friendship in the past is gone, and even reading materials has to be spent!" Cui Zhongkui gritted his teeth.

"Everyone, what you want to see is the technical data of the most advanced nuclear power treasure in the world. These technical data are very precious. Believe it or not, if this data is put on the international market, there will be a large number of buyers with a hundred Wanlai took the initiative to buy from us? Friendship is friendship, business is business, and our Mingzhou Group has developed to the present, and we have not received any help from you. Now to talk about friendship, you can go to the capital to find someone to talk to, but with our Mingzhou The group can't talk about it."

   "Boss Qin, this price is a bit high, is one hundred thousand okay?" Yin Chengze began to bargain.

"900,000, I'll give you a 10% discount, just for the sake of friendship." Qin Tao said, "We can give you the most detailed information. By the way, when you pay, we will Every green coin is checked, please prepare the appropriate money."

  900,000, this is not cheap! Moreover, Qin Tao also made it clear, don't fool people with the counterfeit money you printed yourself, we have to check them one by one.

   "The technical information alone costs 900,000 yuan, so wouldn't this nuclear power plant cost 9 million yuan?" Cui Zhongkui said angrily.

"This one is more expensive. Our scheduled price is 29.9 million. Everyone, this is a nuclear power treasure. Can it be cheaper? Don't compare it with ordinary diesel generator sets." Qin Tao said: " If you want to buy it for a few million, I still recommend you to buy our Stirling engine system, which is also a separate compartment."

  Of course Qin Tao knows the intention of these people to buy nuclear power treasures. What is the Xinpu-class submarine? That's a ballistic missile submarine!

The submarine developed by the North Kimchi Country is very distinctive. Its hull pressure hull is not big enough, but it can’t make a turtle back out, so it simply enlarged the conning tower. The front is still an ordinary conning tower, and the rear is used to store Ballistic missiles, poked from the top of the conning tower to the bottom of the conning tower, so that the long missiles can be inserted.

But at the same time, this also leads to a disadvantage, that is, the number of ballistic missiles that can be accommodated is very small. A general ballistic missile submarine can hold more than a dozen ballistic missiles, and one salvo is enough to threaten a country. The layout can only be stuffed into single digits. Sinpo Class B has one or two, and Sinpo Class C has expanded to three.

  However, for the North Kimchi Country, what they have to solve is whether there is a problem. Even if there is only one pickle, it is enough to deter many people.

  Now, what they have to solve is the power system problem. After all, for them, there is no advanced power system at all. They still use conventional diesel engines, or 033 submarine-level diesel engines, which are noisy and vibrate.

  If there is a nuclear power treasure, their submarines can sail underwater at low speed for a long time, relying on the power of the nuclear power treasure, they can even not float up for several months, becoming a hidden killer.

  However, the North Kimchi Country has this kind of weapon, what if one day the brain starts to find fault? Qin Tao admires a sentence: There are no eternal friends, and there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests! He does not want neighboring countries to obtain such things as nuclear power treasures.

  So, he has to set the threshold so that the other party can't afford it, and then sell the Stirling engine.

The nuclear power bank can be used for ten years. The underwater time of the submarine depends on the food and the endurance of the crew. After all, with sufficient power, fresh water and oxygen can solve the problem, but the Stirling engine does not have this ability. It depends on The size of the oxygen tank, generally speaking, is only a dozen days of low-speed underwater navigation.

   "Stirling engine?"

"Yes, it is the equipment installed on our 039C submarine. This equipment can provide enough power for the submarine to sail at a low speed underwater for many days without needing to float up to the state of the inflatable tube. With this advanced performance, our AIP submarines are known as the nuclear submarines of poor countries." Qin Tao said: "If you need it, we can export this cabin to you as a whole."

   "Mr. Qin, we hope to obtain the production technology of the Stirling engine." Cui Zhongkui spoke again, it seems that he is also a person who can make a decision.

"Production technology?" Qin Tao shook his head: "The production of this kind of machine is very precise, and you have no processing ability at all. If the Stirling engine we produce can output 500 horsepower, your own products can only be produced Two to three hundred horsepower, if the life of our production can last several thousand hours, your product may only have dozens of hours. Therefore, it is more cost-effective for you to purchase directly from here.”

   "No, we want access to technology."

   "This is also possible. However, if you want technology, you must have a full set of processing equipment. If this is the case, it is estimated that the entire project will cost hundreds of millions of dollars."

   "Hundreds of millions? Then how many submarines do we have to build to spread the cost?"

   "That's right, so you can purchase directly, there is really no need to import technology."

   "Okay, then we hope to purchase a Stirling engine first, this should not be expensive?"

   "Of course it's not expensive. A Stirling engine only costs three million dollars." Qin Tao said: "You can buy it at any time as long as you pay."

   "Okay, then let's make this deal first!"

  The other party’s visit this time finally paid off. They spent 3 million to buy a Stirling engine to study and copy it, so that they can also have advanced underwater power!

  (end of this chapter)

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