Warship of Great Power

Chapter 825: Now that you're here, you can't come in vain

  Chapter 825 Now that you are here, you can’t come in vain

  When he walked out of the shipyard, Boulter was still a little excited. Mr. Qin is really a character, and he is also principled when doing international business.

  His hand touched the pen, it was very warm.

  However, when I got in the car, I saw the driver was a little anxious: "Mr. Poulter, I heard that the Navy has organized an investigation team to study carefully the design flaws of our MEKOA200 frigate."

"Design flaws? How could our design be flawed?" Boulter shook his head. He didn't worry about this. He felt that the people in the Rainbow Kingdom were a little more sensitive. Even if they deliberately found fault, he was not afraid, because he believed in his own side There is nothing wrong with the design.

  However, in the afternoon of that day, he was called to the relevant department of the Navy.

   Anderson personally received him.

   "Mr. Poulter, I called you over this time because something happened to our contract."

   "Accident? What accident?" Boulter became vigilant.

   "We found a major flaw in your frigate design," Anderson said.

   "What defect?" Boulter was still calm at this time. If the other party mentioned other things, such as the price is too expensive, he admitted that, but if you talk about design defects, just kidding, the German design is world-class, how can there be defects?

   "This is our detailed analysis." Anderson took out a document: "You can read it now, and if you can't decide, you can take it back and ask other engineers to read it."

   Boulter took a look, the document was more than 20 sheets thick, what does this mean?

   It is definitely not an ordinary defect, but a serious defect, and it will be analyzed clearly. This is made by a professional team!

   Boulter had an ominous premonition in his heart. He took it over, and after just looking at it for the first time, he felt his heart beating.

  Analysis of the water inflow problem of the exhaust pipe cooling system that was neglected due to excessive consideration of stealth.

  Water entering the exhaust pipe cooling system? That's a big question, isn't it?

  He read page by page, and his heart became more and more nervous. There were many pictures drawn, various detailed discussions, and a lot of formulas in it. It should be correct in all likelihood.

   "How about it, do you agree?"

"No, no, our German design is the most advanced, and there will never be such a problem. The conclusion of this document is wrong." Boulter shook his head again and again: "Please allow me to send this document back, and our How about a warship designer to point out the mistakes here?"

   "Okay, then I'll give you one day."

   "One day? I'm afraid it's not enough?"

   "After one day, if you can't give a reasonable explanation, then, our contract..."

"Okay, we will, we will find someone to analyze the problem of this document immediately." After Boulter finished speaking, he looked at Anderson: "Mr. Anderson, this matter needs your help, and we will thank you when it is done of."

   "This is for our navy, I don't dare to take advantage of it." Anderson shook his head: "Let's do business."

  Business? When you bid, you didn't take less advantage! However, if you use money to do things, and now the other party doesn't take money, could it be that this matter can't be done? Who is behind it? President Qin? Ordinarily it shouldn't be, Qin is always a very just person.

   Anderson's mind was full of doubts.

   But now, if the design of the warship is flawed, it is really a big problem, so he has to hurry up.

   Turn on the computer again, log in to ICQ, and connect to China. Anderson explained the matter again, and then scanned and sent the documents. This is much more efficient than the telephone network.

  The other side also immediately became busy.

  Boulter waited and waited in front of the computer, waited and waited, and finally got an answer.

   "This document is correct. Under severe conditions, the cooling system of the exhaust pipe may indeed cause water to enter and damage the engine." The person in the computer replied.

   "How is that possible? Our designers would make such a mistake?"

"We have just started designing stealth warships. It is inevitable to make mistakes. It is said that such mistakes will only be discovered during the sea trial. I really did not expect that someone would actually see it on the design drawings. This person is very skilled. If If possible, recruit him to our group!"

  Bolter was embarrassed for a while, how do I know who found it? Besides, this is not the point now.

   "Then how do we explain to the Rainbow Nation's navy?"

   "Tell them we're revising the blueprints, we'll be done soon, and the problem is the chimney, it won't affect their frigate production. We'll deliver on time."

  The video is over, and Boulter still hasn't recovered from the shock. There is actually something wrong with his own design! Is it okay to say a few perfunctory words like this?

He thought for a while, and then asked his subordinates to withdraw a large amount of activity funds from the bank, and visit them one by one tonight, trying to get those people to speak for him. This matter can still be passed, after all, it has not yet been delivered. It should be no problem to cause such a major event as engine damage.

  These guys have too much appetite, this is trying to find a way to benefit from their side.

  With the activity funds, Boulter went out, but when he came back late at night, he found nothing because he didn't see anyone! This gave him an ominous premonition.

  One day, Boulter came to Anderson with a heavy heart.

   "Your Excellency Anderson, I visited your house last night..."

   "We had dinner together last night and the big guys weren't home."

   "Dinner? Where?"

After Boulter asked, he felt that it was inappropriate. He had no right to ask such a question. Fortunately, the other party did not have any dissatisfaction, so he just smiled: "Of course it is on a yacht, okay, let's not talk about this, let's get down to business, you guys Have researched it and think we've found the correct flaw?"

"Yes, we think you have indeed found a defect." Boulter nodded: "In bad weather, the cooling system of the exhaust pipe may indeed leak, but this is not a big problem, we will modify the design, Guaranteed that there will be no such accidents after delivery."

   "That is to say, you admit it?"

   "Yes, this is our negligence, please trust us, we will never make similar mistakes, we..." He was interrupted by Anderson before he finished speaking.

"Since you have admitted that you have made major mistakes in design, you should be able to accept our return agreement. Fortunately, you have not started work and have not invested any money. Therefore, we hope that you can give us all of our deposit. Refund, terminate the project."

   Anderson took out an agreement as he spoke.

   Boulter was dumbfounded.

What? return the goods? Want a deposit?

   "Mr. Anderson, this is not a big problem at all. We can solve the problem as long as we modify it. You can't terminate the cooperation because of such a small defect!"

"Small flaws? If we hadn't discovered them in advance, seawater would pour into the engine after it was built for sea trials, causing the entire engine to be scrapped! If it was a war, the warship sailed in bad weather and had not yet reached the combat sea area. The loss of the power system will lead to the failure of our combat. Is this a small defect? ​​Is this your spirit of excellence?" Anderson said aggressively: "Since your design has major problems, our project must Terminate! You have to return all the deposits, otherwise, we will go to the international court and let the whole world know that the warships designed by your Germans are defective!"

  Speaking of these, Anderson has entered the role, with an attitude for the rainbow country's navy, and in his mind, he is still thinking about the scene last night.

A new catamaran luxury yacht built by the Glory Years Shipyard has just been completed. Qin Tao invited these high-ranking naval officials to attend the completion ceremony, that is, the people on the bridge that day. They all came to cheer happily. Later the yacht arrived Out on the sea, they ate and drank on the yacht, and even some women accompanied them to have fun. Just when he was enjoying himself, Qin Tao asked everyone, do you want this kind of yacht?

   Needless to say, of course I want to!

  Qin Tao told them that as long as they can order four 054 frigates, he will give each of them a yacht of the same type!

  Thinking of the beautiful yacht and the happy time spent on the yacht, Anderson was very excited. What else can I say? Give the project to Mr. Qin! Anyway, now the Germans also recognize that their warship design is flawed, and the termination of the contract is a matter of course.

   As for betraying information before, wanting to cheat Mr. Qin? That's all in the past tense. At least Mr. Qin is here, and there are new projects. Mr. Qin should thank himself.

   Anderson is at ease.

   At this moment, Boulter was dumbfounded. He recovered from the huge shock: "Your Excellency Anderson, please don't treat us like this. Our personal relationship is still good. You must help."

"Well, I also want to help, but you should also know that I am not the only one who has the final say on the navy, because the flaws were found out, all the people who agreed to this project were implicated, and some even lost their jobs "Anderson said: "Even if you want to help now, no one dares to help."

   "We, we can lower the price..." Boulter gritted his teeth, earning less is better than not earning at all, right?

   "Can each ship be reduced by 100 million US dollars?" Anderson asked. If the price is reduced to the same price as Dongfang, there may be a turnaround. Dongfang is in a hurry, and Mr. Qin has to give his side more benefits, which seems to be good.

   "100 million? How is it possible? The four ships will drop at most 50 million."

No matter what you do in Europe, the cost cannot be reduced, and the labor cost occupies a large part. Their workers’ wages are very high, and they will make a lot of demands at every turn. If they reduce it by 50 million, it is already considered Cut the flesh.

However, in the eyes of customers, it doesn’t matter whether you are really sincere or not. In short, your price is too high. I used to think that your price is high, but the quality is good. Now I suddenly find that there are such big defects. Of course, customers To break the contract.

  Anderson shook his head: "This price is too insincere, let's forget it."

   "We are not sincere? Is there a lower offer than ours?" Poulter suddenly realized that this could not be a conspiracy by Mr. Qin, right?

Anderson also realized that something was wrong, and he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said, but now, of course, he shook his head: "Of course not, our Rainbow Nation's navy will never just look at the price when purchasing weapons. You should go back and discuss it, hurry up Return our deposit, so as not to cause trouble in the international community, and let everyone know that you don't even have the ability to design warships."

This sentence is very lethal. Now if the Germans accept the result and return the deposit honestly, they can still save their faces. If it goes to the court, the whole world will know that the German-designed warship is out. Serious flaws, when the time comes, their reputation will really suffer a serious blow.

  They can't deny it, after all, there is really a problem with the design.

  Boulter's face is ugly, and his head is also in a mess. After he came out, he was still in a state of confusion, and a familiar melody floated into his ears.

  The glory days.

  Orientals, it must be the Orientals playing tricks!

  It was a good thing to say, and you accepted such a precious gift from yourself, but it was a fake. That President Qin is too hateful, right?

   "Go to the glory days shipyard!" Boulter said to his driver.

   "Mr. Qin, you lied to me. You came here just to order warships from the Rainbow Nation Navy, right?" Boulter was furious after seeing Qin Tao.

   "Cheating?" Qin Tao shook his head: "Mr. Poulter, our Mingzhou Group has always been upright and upright, how could we deceive you? I think there must be a misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? How could there be a misunderstanding? Because of a small defect of ours, the Navy of the Rainbow Country wants to break the contract with us. They must order other warships. You must have done it. You found the defect of our warship and told us. The Rainbow Nation’s navy, fooled them into giving up purchasing our warships, didn’t they?”

  It’s a pity that I treated you as good people some time ago, and after a long time, it was you who were doing tricks behind the scenes.

Boulter made up these things in his head, and he was really inseparable. Qin Tao was very angry there: "Mr. Boulter, you are completely out of thin air. Our Mingzhou Group simply doesn't have the energy to build more warships. I also don’t have the ability to take orders from the Rainbow Nation’s navy!”

   "You have a glorious time shipyard, you can start construction here!"

  Boulter suddenly realized that he had deduced all of this. The last time President Qin fooled himself, it didn't hold water at all.

Hearing what he said, Qin Tao's eyes suddenly brightened: "Yes, we can definitely start construction here! I never thought that this would also drive local employment, and the Rainbow Kingdom will definitely support it! Mr. Poulter , you just said that Rainbow Nation wants to break the contract with you?"

   "That's right, what's wrong?"

   "Since they broke the contract, they must have to purchase warships, right?"

   "That's right, that's it."

   "Since they have given up on you, then if we go to bid again, shouldn't it be regarded as stealing your business?"


  Boulter became more startled the more he listened: "Mr. Qin, you really don't know?"

   "Of course we don't know, but now we know, Boulter, thank you, if we can win this contract, you will be the biggest contributor, and I will give you a benefit fee at that time."

  What did I do!

   Originally, the Orientals didn’t know anything, and they could use various means to resolve the crisis. Now they came here and told Mr. Qin to grab the contract!

   Boulter felt a burst of annoyance, what a stupid thing he did!

  It's a pity that there is no regret medicine.

Qin Tao couldn't wait to stand up: "Mr. Poulter, you are free, I will visit the high-level navy of the rainbow country and sell our frigates to them. By the way, if the GFC Group troubles you, you will be in trouble." Resign, join us in the future, and help build these four warships together in the glorious years shipyard, thank you!"

  Qin Tao swaggered out, Boulter was trembling all over, and sat back on the sofa.

   It's over, it's all over now!

  Rainbow Nation Naval Command.

   "Mr. Qin, your solution is really great! In this way, the Germans can't say anything, and they have to obediently return the deposit to us."

   "Yes, after refunding the deposit, we can save 400 million yuan by purchasing four more powerful warships!"

   Everyone is very excited when you say something to me.

   "Everyone, do you have any use for the saved 400 million?"

   Everyone was stunned again.

   The saved money has not been paid, and it is considered to be non-existent now. What is Mr. Qin thinking about this money for?

"The last time we were doing exercises at sea, we suddenly encountered a mysterious underwater force. Up to now, we can't be sure what it is underwater. We can only guess that it is a sea wolf class." Qin Tao said: "If we meet again in the future How are you going to deal with this kind of thing?"

   "Of course we use our frigates. After the frigates you produce are delivered, we will have advanced anti-submarine weapons." Anderson said.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Frigates are not enough, everyone, just like tanks are the best anti-tank weapons, the best anti-submarine weapons are submarines. You must have heard of it, right?"

  Hearing Qin Tao's suggestion, everyone became thoughtful.

  In the past, they only had missile speedboats, so they had no idea, and there was no strong naval power nearby, and they were not on a strategic location. Since the opening of the Suez Canal, there have been fewer and fewer cargo ships around the Cape of Good Hope at their southern end. But now, since there are surface ships, of course we have to consider underwater power.

   There were many legends during the Cold War. The story of the underwater confrontation between Lao Maozi’s submarine and the American submarine is even more fascinating. If you want to protect the country’s territorial waters, you must have a strong submarine force.

"Yes, we need submarines. Some time ago, you seem to have launched a nuclear power treasure. That thing should be able to be used on submarines, right? In this way, the conventional diesel-electric submarines you produce can also reach the level of nuclear submarines. ’” Long Wayne said.

  Qin Tao was very curious. He didn't expect that this matter had spread all over the world, even the high-ranking navy officials of Rainbow Country knew about it! It seems that they are also concerned about submarines.

"Yes, that kind of nuclear power treasure can be used on submarines, but if you use this method, it is inconsistent with your strategic vision. After all, you are a free and peaceful country, so you should not touch things like atomic energy. , so as not to be suspected."

  Nuclear weapons are powerful, and many countries are trying to possess such weapons, but this is not easy. In addition to the five major countries, two countries have crossed the nuclear threshold in recent years.

  However, there are still many countries that are working hard in this direction. The rainbow country has also made efforts in this area, but now they have given up. Now that they have given up, they should simply not touch nuclear reactors except for nuclear weapons.

   "That's right, we still don't want to touch it, let's use conventional diesel-electric submarines. The diesel-electric submarines produced by Mingzhou Group are of good quality and are well-known all over the world. We hope to order from the East." Long Wayne said.

"Let's invite bids. After all, this is a big project. If you give us the project directly, it will be easy to be gossiped." Qin Tao said: "Besides, if you open the tender, the Germans will definitely return the deposit to you. "

  Everyone's eyes brightened.

  Now they have caught the Germans. If the Germans don’t want to lose their reputation, they have to refund the deposit, but how to be willing to spit out what they eat will definitely take a long time.

  Now, the Rainbow Country is planning to purchase submarines again. The Germans are familiar with this aspect.

   They have just started designing the stealth frigate. It is normal to have problems, but submarines are the Germans' specialty project. As early as World War II, the German submarine force was famous all over the world. When it comes to wolves in the Atlantic Ocean, who is not afraid?

During the Cold War, the Germans did not lose their housekeeping skills, and the submarine technology continued to develop. The 209 submarine is an evergreen tree in the international market. Therefore, if the Rainbow Country wants to invite bids for submarines, the possibility of winning the bid for German submarines is quite high. .

  If they want to participate in the bidding, they have to refund the deposit, otherwise can they have the face to come over?

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right, Mr. Qin is really our good friend!" Long Wayne said with a smile: "Please rest assured, the result of the bidding is unique. We are very interested in the 039 submarine, and the whole world knows it. The performance of this kind of submarine far exceeds that of the 209 submarine!"

   "That's right, the money that belongs to our navy now belongs to our navy!"

   The agreed 1.2 billion has now become 800 million. What about the remaining money? Can it get into the pockets of their navy? Of course not, the rest of the money will definitely not be allocated. Only when they continue to purchase projects can they get the money.

  The navy has to spend the remaining 400 million! Mr. Qin gave them the best suggestion.

  Qin Tao smiled. This time, someone else tried to trick him into coming. However, since he came, he has to gain something, and he can't come in vain.

  (end of this chapter)

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