Warship of Great Power

Chapter 830: Xuelong II nuclear powered icebreaker

  Chapter 830 Snow Dragon II Nuclear Powered Icebreaker

  Yellow Building, conference room.

"Over the years, our Mingzhou Group has built many different types of ships. Although this icebreaker is the first time, we also have sufficient design experience to ensure the maturity and reliability of the project." Qin Tao said to the leaders: "Now, I will personally introduce our design plan to you.”

   In this world, Qin Tao is indeed building for the first time, but before the crossing, when the motherland is building an aircraft carrier and preparing for the next generation of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the motherland has also started planning nuclear-powered icebreakers.

Around 2015, Dongfang Nuclear Industry Group Corporation established a subsidiary company: Eastern Nuclear Group Marine Nuclear Power Development Company, which aims to promote the development of "nuclear energy in surface warships, offshore platforms and other engineering fields" and "support Civil-Military Fusion of Nuclear Powered Ships".

   Of course, the final design was handed over to the 701 Institute. After all, this institute has designed nuclear submarines and is the only unit with a mature nuclear power system design and shipment. Of course, this project has to be handed over to them.

  Qin Tao has not been in touch with this project in detail, but he has never seen a pig run, so he has always eaten pork, right? Coupled with some references to Lao Maozi's nuclear-powered icebreaker, Qin Tao made this design plan, and after reporting it to the naval leaders, the Mingzhou Group's aircraft carrier design office refined the plan.

"We know that the largest nuclear-powered icebreaker in Damao currently has a capacity of 25,000 tons. After our icebreaker is built, it will become the largest icebreaker in the world, which will have a profound impact on the Arctic route. We set the tonnage of the icebreaker at 50,000 tons tons, which is also determined by the power of our nuclear reactors."

Lao Maozi’s largest nuclear-powered icebreaker is the 10510 leader-class icebreaker. The first one is the Da Mao. The displacement of this icebreaker exceeds 70,000 tons. Although Lao Maozi is not capable of building an aircraft carrier, he still builds nuclear ships one after another. The power icebreaker shows the important role of this kind of ship to Lao Maozi.

  However, the keel of this ship will be laid in 2020. Later, for some reasons, there is no movement after just laying the keel. It is not known whether it will be completed.

  One level below it is the 22220 nuclear-powered icebreaker, with a full-load displacement of 33,000 tons. This icebreaker was also delivered after the 21st century, and it is still missing.

  Currently, Lao Maozi is currently using the Arctic-class icebreaker, which was built in 1975 and has a full-load displacement of 25,000 tons. It is also the world's first water ship to reach the North Pole. The icebreaker is still under construction, and the latest one, the 50 Years of Victory, was launched in 2007.

  So, now Dongfang wants to build an icebreaker with a displacement of 50,000 tons, which will definitely become the largest icebreaker in the world.

   As for this displacement, it is only because its nuclear reactor is too big!

There is a big difference in power between nuclear reactors used on aircraft carriers and nuclear reactors used on submarines. The 150-megawatt nuclear reactor used by domestic submarines is already very strong, enough to reach the world-class underwater speed of domestic nuclear submarines, but if it is used on an aircraft carrier , it will be the same as the Charles de Gaulle, underpowered and slow in action.

Therefore, under the leadership of Krasnopolsky, Mingzhou Group is studying a brand-new nuclear reactor for aircraft carriers. Its maximum thermal power has reached 700 megawatts. Even if the output power is reduced for insurance, it can also have With a thermal power of 550 megawatts, one is equivalent to four nuclear reactors for submarines.

In the end, it can be converted into a steam turbine, or even turned into electricity, which can produce 120 megawatts, fully twice that of Lao Maozi’s Arctic-class nuclear-powered icebreaker. Of course, the displacement can also be doubled, reaching a terrifying figure of 50,000 tons, the number one in the world. .

   "We plan to use the Linglong No. 1 nuclear reactor and directly adopt the electric propulsion scheme, which can output 120 megawatts of electricity. At the same time, we also plan to use a 40 megawatt gas turbine as an auxiliary engine."

  When they heard this, everyone was stunned.

   "Boss Qin, do our auxiliary machines need such a large power?"

   "Yeah, it's just an auxiliary engine. A diesel engine will do."

"Of course this is for the sake of safety. We don't know if there will be any problems with the use of nuclear reactors in high-intensity collision situations. If there is an accident, then we can still have gas turbines as power to bring our nuclear-powered icebreakers back. After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at the crowd: "Don't worry, the navy's funds only need to cover the nuclear reactor, and we will pay for the gas turbine."

   The big guy immediately felt relieved.

Lao Maozi's nuclear-powered icebreakers all have two nuclear reactors, mainly because their nuclear reactors are not powerful enough, but at the same time, this forms a backup. In case one of them fails, there is another one. break down? The chances of that are too low.

  However, Dongfang only uses one nuclear reactor, and one has excess power, and there is no need to use two at all. So, what should we do if something goes wrong?

  If only a 1 megawatt diesel engine is installed, it is no problem to supply power to the ship at ordinary times, but if there is a problem with the nuclear power system, it will be completely discontinued.

  If this happens, the 40-megawatt gas turbine can come in handy. Although it is only one-third of the output power of the nuclear reactor, it is definitely enough for a huge nuclear-powered icebreaker to get out of trouble.

  The only problem is that this thing is expensive!

  Of course, expensive is for outsiders. For Mingzhou Group itself, it is an internal purchase, and of course it is an internal price.

  Actually, this is also a test for the gas turbine to see if the gas turbine can remain intact in the event of multiple collisions.

   "If the power output of the gas turbine and the nuclear reactor is shared, will the speed of our nuclear-powered icebreaker be faster?" Someone wondered.

"If all of it is used, the speed of the nuclear-powered icebreaker will exceed 30 knots, but it is not necessary. For an icebreaker, a speed of 20 knots is already very good. The design speed of our nuclear-powered icebreaker is 21 knots, but walking on ice, it can also reach a maximum speed of 18 knots, which is where it shines the most.”

  If the power of the icebreaker is low, it can only reverse, speed up and hit the ice, and then reverse, and so on.

  However, if the icebreaker has a large power and a large displacement, then turn on the full horsepower and keep moving forward. In this way, the icebreaker can continue to break the ice and reach a very high speed.

  The task of the icebreaker is to open a passage for the cargo ship, and the speed of the cargo ship is generally not fast, a dozen knots is normal, and it is rare to exceed 20 knots, so the speed of a nuclear-powered icebreaker is 21 knots. There is no need for a gas turbine to work together.

   "The gas turbine is only used as a backup, and we hope that we will never use it." Qin Tao said: "When the icebreaker is decommissioned, the gas turbine can be removed and used on other warships."

  Everyone nodded.

Once the nuclear reactor is started, it has to run non-stop. Even if it is docked, the heat of the nuclear reactor is enough to drive the auxiliary engine to run, providing a stable power supply for the entire ship, so there is no need for an auxiliary power system at all. When you wake up, it needs to consume fuel. Of course, it is best not to use it.

   "Boss Qin is very considerate!" The people present began to agree, the Navy doesn't spend money, so you can pretend to be whatever you want!

"For the 120 megawatts of power, only 100 megawatts output to the propeller is enough, so we plan to use two propellers, which are arranged on both sides of the tail. The stern of our ship is the same as the bow. It is a V-shaped structure, so that it can break the ice not only in front, but also in reverse." Qin Tao talked about the comprehensive design of the hull from the power system.

   “At the same time, in order to increase the safety of the icebreaker, we adopt a double-layer hull structure.”

Speaking of the double-layer structure, the most likely thing to think of is the submarine. In order to be able to float on the ice of the North Pole, Lao Maozi's nuclear submarine all adopts a double-hull structure, so that even if the outer shell is damaged, the internal pressure-resistant shell will not There will be problems.

In fact, not only submarines, but also many surface vessels will adopt double-hull structures, especially oil tankers. After the Exxon-Valdez oil tanker accident in 1989, the International Maritime Organization stipulated that all oil tankers with a capacity of more than 5,000 tons built after 1996 Must have a double shell structure. After another tanker accident in 2001, the International Maritime Organization decided that only double-hull tankers could operate on the ocean from 2015. In this way, in case of an accident, the outer shell of the tanker is damaged, but the interior is still intact, and no oil leakage will be caused.

  As for the icebreaker, a ship that works exclusively by collision, the double hull can guarantee its safety even more.

"In order to improve the anti-collision ability, we will make the bow and stern of the ship with high-strength steel. At the same time, the partition between the double hulls will be denser and filled with ballast water, which can better improve the icebreaker. The impact force can also improve the safety of the hull." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he added: "These design experiences come from the mature old Maozi's icebreaker."

   There are a large number of Lao Maozi technicians in the Mingzhou Group, and some of them are familiar with the construction of nuclear-powered icebreakers, which is also normal.

  Of course, the blue is better than the blue, and the eastern construction is more advanced, and the use of all-electric propulsion is one of them. Otherwise, once the nuclear reactor goes on strike, how the gas turbine will take over the work is really a big problem.

   "Okay, let's go on to talk about other designs of the hull, which are all for increasing the icebreaking capability." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "First of all, what we want to introduce is the rotary icebreaker."

  Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide. When he talked to Qin Tao, he was refuted by Qin Tao, but now, he obviously accepted it.

   "This device is equipped on both sides of the bow. It has two large rotating blades. When needed, it can clear the ice on both sides of the front of the ship."

   "Why isn't it arranged directly in front?"

   "Is it because of fear of causing sailing resistance?"

  Listening to these questions, Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. We will install a throwing icebreaker at the bow of the ship. You can think of it as a pile driver."

  Since we want to build a professional icebreaker, of course we need to install some professional equipment. What Qin Tao said is not a brainstorming, but something that is actually equipped on the icebreaker of later generations.

There are reamers on both sides of the bow of the icebreaker, which can rotate and cut the ice surface. An icebreaker hammer is installed in front of the bow. Break open!

   "Well, this design is good. By the way, didn't you still say that you want to use jet engines to grill the ice surface?" Wu Shengli asked with a smile. You didn't take my plan seriously at the time, don't you still use it now?

   What about your own solution? Why not?

   "Well, I think the plan of directly using jet engines is not very good, so I modified it." Qin Tao said.

   "How did you modify it?"

   "Our icebreaker will store a certain amount of explosives. If we encounter difficult ice, we can directly throw explosives and blast the ice!"

  The front is all physical methods, which will not cause environmental pollution, but if the icebreaker is really trapped inside, who cares whether it will pollute the environment! The last resort is to use explosives!

  When the Yellow River froze, the Air Force would take off bombers and drop bombs to blow up the ice. Now that the icebreaker has arrived at the North Pole, once it encounters ice that is difficult to break, of course it will use explosives in the end.

  The shock wave generated by the explosion can directly shatter the ice surface, no matter how thick the ice surface is, it will not block its impact.

   "By the way, after talking for a long time, we still don't know the icebreaking capability of this icebreaker." A leader said.

   "The icebreaker we designed has a maximum icebreaking capacity of four meters, and can continue to advance at a speed of 18 knots on three-meter-thick ice." Qin Tao said.

  Everyone's eyes widened, what?

At present, the most advanced icebreaker in China is a semi-finished product purchased by Qin Tao from the shipyard when he went to Lao Maozi to pick up rags. The speed continuously broke through the 1.2-meter-thick ice layer. Relying on its strong ice-breaking ability, it became the most advanced polar research ship in China and was named Xuelong.

What now? The nuclear-powered icebreaker built by our own side already has this kind of ice-breaking capability. The thickest ice in the North Pole is only three or four meters. That is to say, it can sail freely on the North Pole!

   Not in Antarctica, because there is a convention that nuclear-powered icebreakers cannot be used in Antarctica.

  The icebreaker with the largest tonnage in the world must of course have the strongest icebreaking capability in the world. Qin Tao looked at everyone's surprised eyes. Is there anything strange about this? Produced by Mingzhou Group, it must be a high-quality product.

"We've finished talking about the hull, and finally let's talk about the top." Qin Tao continued: "The main task of the icebreaker is to break through the ice and open the way for our cargo ships, but at the same time, it must also have other capabilities, such as scientific investigations. , such as sightseeing, so an icebreaker needs to carry enough passengers. Its upper deck is similar to a cruise ship, with multiple cabins, which can meet the living needs of hundreds of people. It has a large-capacity cold storage for food and a restaurant. , there is an activity area."

  Ordinary icebreakers are also designed in this way. The front is a living area, and the rear has a helideck for helicopters to take off and land.

   "That's right. The overall design of this nuclear-powered icebreaker is very good. Our navy has no objections. We just wait for Mingzhou Group to start construction. By the way, what's the name of this icebreaker?"

  The last item: naming, it is not easy to name, and many people will have a headache.

  However, it is very simple for Qin Tao.

   "How about Xuelong II?"


   Xuelong No. 2?

   The big guy is staring at each other, isn't this too straightforward?

   "Our icebreakers will be called Xuelong in the future, and we will build Xuelong 3 and Xuelong 4 next." Wu Shengli waved his hand: "Just do it like this!"

  Thus, the name of the ship was determined, and the name of the ship in the future was also available. After the decision was made, the project was officially on the right track!

  East started to build a nuclear-powered icebreaker, this is a new signal! The whole world knows that the East has paid more attention to the Arctic route!

   Just as the news spread around the world, the formation heading to Europe for investigation also sailed through the Arctic waters and appeared in the Barents Sea.

  For Lao Maozi, he has always regarded this sea area as his own territorial waters, so when the formation appeared, it was normal for Lao Maozi to be accompanied by a modern-class destroyer.

  Destroyer No. 167 is sailing at the front, with a beautiful hull and an inwardly inclined upper deck. The four-sided phased array radar on the top of the main mast is particularly dazzling. Above the hangar behind it, the flat-panel long-range radar is still rotating to search the sky for normal alert.

   On its port side, the rusty Hyundai class is like a product of the last era, with thick black smoke rising from the chimney, as if it is struggling to start.

  Its starboard side is the huge nanny-like comprehensive supply ship No. 615. Three warships form a formation, which is full of sense of disobedience.

A helicopter appeared in the sky ahead. In the cockpit, the camera pointed down, and a voice was a little excited: "Everyone, our Norwegian national TV station has captured a warship from the East for the first time. This is the first time that a warship from the East has appeared in Europe. , The last time Dongfang purchased ironclad warships from Germany was considered to be here! We can see that Dongfang warships are full of modernity, especially the four-sided phased array radar on the top of its bridge mast. It is the symbol of a modern warship!"

  Through radio waves, the image was transmitted throughout Europe.

  Eastern warships are too strong!

  The four-sided phased array radar on the top mast has attracted countless people's eyes.

  Germany, somewhere.

   "This warship belongs to our motherland?" A voice said excitedly.

   "Yes, Dad, this is from our country."

   "Are you going to visit Germany?"

   "Yes, it is planned to call in Wilhelmshaven."

"take me."

   "Dad, you are already 80 years old, and you can't stand the bumps of the journey." The 60-year-old son looked at his father Zhong Chuhua and said helplessly, "I'll see it for you, how about it?"

"No, I want to go in person." Zhong Chuhua said: "When I was a teenager, I traveled across the ocean and came to Europe. I never went back. Over the years, I have been thinking about my motherland day and night. Now, The warship of the motherland is back, of course I want to see it in person! Even though we have joined the German nationality, we are still orientals with yellow skin and black eyes, and the blood of the descendants of Chinese people is still flowing in our bodies! I must To see the warships of the motherland!"

   "Okay, Dad, I'll take you there."

   "Grandpa, I want to go too!"

  A family of young and old, more than a dozen people, embarked on the road to Wilhelmshaven, hundreds of kilometers, just to witness the elegance of the warships of the motherland!

   and Zhong Chuhua, there are still many old overseas Chinese in Europe. The arrival of the Eastern warship has brought a huge shock to the overseas Chinese living in Europe. I don’t know how many people are full of expectations.

  But there are also many people who are upset.

   "Hmph, why are they here to visit us in Europe? They were delayed for a long time along the way. They came to find Da Mao to connect with each other and visit us by the way." Schroeder said angrily.

"Yes, the Orientals are too much, but we still have to receive them, and we have to welcome them warmly, otherwise, we will definitely be criticized. Now, we have to send warships to meet them. Which warship should we send? ?”

  Da Mao was escorted by a modern-class ship for the whole journey. This kind of warship has a displacement of seven to eight thousand tons, which is larger than No. 167. Although it is old, it is still not inferior. But, what about Germany?

Germany's most advanced frigate is the Brandenburg class, which is the F123 class. The full-load displacement of this frigate is less than 5,000 tons, which is one size smaller than that of Dongfang. It also has no stealth layout and no four-sided phased array radar. , put it together, it must be shameless.

   It's all due to the **** NFR-90 project, it turned out to be a mess, and it seriously delayed the German Navy's changeover!

In 1985, Germany participated in this cheating NFR-90 plan. It originally planned to buy eight ships, but who would have thought that this plan would become a mess. Therefore, in 1989, they couldn't bear to withdraw from this plan, and together with the Netherlands Developed, built the F-123.

   However, although this NFR-90 has deceived everyone, after all, countries already have a certain research and development foundation, so their respective progress is not slow. Germany even skipped the design stage and directly entered the construction of F-123.

  Eight ships were reduced to four ships, and all were delivered in 1996. This is the most modern frigate in Germany.

"Send the Mecklenburg there." Schroeder said: "We must show the demeanor of our German Navy. It cannot be compared. We will welcome them in the northern part of the North Sea. As for the road ahead, let the Norwegian Navy visit it." Bar."

   Mecklenburg is the last of the four F-123s, and this frigate is in the best condition and most suitable for the reception task.

   After finishing speaking, Schroeder continued to glance at the photos taken in the air. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the No. 168 warship was beautiful. When his own F124 frigate entered service, it would definitely be more beautiful than this warship! Hmph, the four-sided phased array of the mainmast, and the phased array of the mizzen mast are clearly imitating ours!

  (end of this chapter)

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