Warship of Great Power

Chapter 832: Red Flag Nine and Red Flag Nineteen

  Chapter 832 Red Flag Nine and Red Flag Nineteen

  Although the Patriots were famous for frequently intercepting Scud missiles during the Gulf War ten years ago, the Scud missiles are only short-range missiles with a range of 300 kilometers. This kind of missile has a low speed and low trajectory and is easy to be intercepted.

  Aries, translated as Aries, is a medium-range ballistic missile made by the Yankees. Isn't it according to the INF Treaty that the Yankees cannot manufacture medium-range missiles? To them, these missiles are target missiles, target missiles are not missiles, and the agreement is a piece of paper anyway, and only the incompetent will rely on it.

   Now, the standard 3 missile hits the Aries target missile, which represents the arrival of a new era: TMD is about to mature!

  Using missiles to intercept missiles, and they are ballistic missiles. Lao Maozi was the first to do it. He deployed a rubber-covered anti-missile system around Moscow. However, the way this system is used is too extreme. Nuclear bombs are used to intercept nuclear bombs. Even if they are intercepted, Moscow will suffer a lot of nuclear radiation.

  At the beginning, we could only do this, because the guidance accuracy could not be achieved.

   Entering the 1980s, Reagan put forward a "strategic defense initiative", which is the "Star Wars" plan. According to this plan, a multi-level and multi-method anti-ballistic missile system will be established at an altitude of 200 to 1,000 kilometers, with space-based directed energy weapons as the mainstay, kinetic energy weapons as a supplement, and a combination of space weapons and ground-based weapons.

  Although the facts proved that this was a strategic deception plan, the Americans did not give up their pursuit of unilateral absolute security. After the collapse of the Red Empire, they narrowed down this plan and developed a "global defense system against limited strikes", which includes theater missile defense, national missile defense and global missile defense.

  According to this scaled-down version of the plan, the Americans formulated the "Ballistic Missile Defense Plan", or BMD for short. This plan is divided into two parts, with a range of 3,000 kilometers as the dividing line. Long-range missiles and intercontinental missiles that can hit the mainland of the United States with a range longer than this are the targets of the "National Missile Defense System", referred to as NMD in English. Guides that have a range of less than 3,000 kilometers and pose a threat to US overseas theater troops, garrisons, and military installations are included in the "Theater Missile Defense Program", or TMD for short in English.

  Standard 3 belongs to the project in TMD, mainly belonging to the Navy. This project is improved on the basis of standard 2ERBlock4A. It still uses the original model body and propulsion device, but adds a third-stage rocket engine to make this missile fly farther, and can fly beyond the atmosphere. At the same time, it also adds a light extra-atmospheric kinetic energy interception warhead and supporting guidance software.

  This missile system is installed on the Navy's Aegis warships. When necessary, it can approach dangerous target countries and detect ballistic missiles at any time. Once launched, it can even destroy the missiles directly on the ascent stage, so as to better protect the security of the United States itself.

  Their ultimate goal is of course to keep themselves in absolute safety, so that they can do anything without fear of retaliation from their opponents. In this way, the existing international order and strategic balance will be broken.

   Of course, this is just their unilateral fantasy.

  "The research and development of the opponent's navy is the most urgent. After all, they are facing the threat of our YJ-21 and other hypersonic missiles. This interception experiment has proved that they are capable of intercepting our YJ-21. Simple."

   "Yes, we have the ability to get rid of the interception of this missile, but after all, this is a bad start." Wu Shengli frowned: "We must find a way."

   "What else can we do? Of course it is a protest." Qin Tao said: "We strongly condemn this new space race, and our Zhang Zhong said that the program can also brighten the atmosphere."

   "Protest? Protest is a sign of incompetence!"

   "No, protest is our attitude." Qin Tao explained.

  Wu Shengli seemed to understand something, and nodded. Even if he knew it was meaningless, he had to protest, because it was an attitude.

  Recently, Zhang Zhong said that the program has received additional attention. The recent programs, each of which is quite exciting, but the most exciting is the recent program of the motherland’s warships visiting Europe, which caused a sensation in the whole of Europe.

  However, this episode has just passed, and the new episode has made people feel depressed. The world is not peaceful, and **** stirrers are everywhere.

  "Dear viewers in front of the TV, our program of this episode is called Zhang Zhong said TMD. Just recently, a standard 3 missile successfully hit an Aries missile in outer space. Back then Hexcel said that they shot down a mosquito in space, but it was not a direct hit. The mosquito was blasted down by a shock wave. But now, it is the era of accurately hitting the mosquito. This experiment marks that TMD has begun to be practical. Today, we are fortunate to have Mr. Mashkov, he is The famous aerospace expert in the era of the Red Empire, and the designer of the rubber sleeve system, please come and tell us."

  The camera turned to Mashkov. Zhang Zhong said that some guests are often invited in the studio of the show, and most of the time they are foreign guests. After all, these guests are more convincing.

   "Hi everyone, I'm Mashkov. With the development of technology, some fantasies in Star Wars have finally become a reality." Mashkov said: "Using direct collision to kill to shoot down ballistic missiles was unthinkable before, but now, we see that the Americans have done it. Among this technology, the most difficult thing is how to accurately locate the incoming warhead. For maneuvering in space, we know that there is no air in outer space, so it is necessary for the extra-atmospheric kinetic energy interception warhead to have multiple nozzles and adjust its attitude at any time..."

   "This technology sounds very advanced!"

   "Yes, the biggest feature of this technology is that it is very demanding. After all, the speed in space is very fast. If there is no effective solution, it will be a thousand miles away." This Mashkov doesn't know if he has been in the East for a long time, and he even knows this proverb.

   "So, does it mean that all ballistic missiles are ineffective in front of it?"

  "Of course not. The height of the road is one foot and the height of the devil is ten feet high. There are still many ways to deal with this kind of interceptor." Mashkov introduced: "The first is to change the orbit. After the interceptor is launched, the intercepted ballistic missile can be thrown away by changing the orbit once. After all, if it wants to fly into outer space, it must accurately calculate the orbit. Once the target changes orbit, it will definitely not be able to reach it."

   "That's right, orbit changing is a nightmare for intercepting weapons. Are there other means?"

   "There is also multiple warheads. This precise impact method uses optical aiming. This method is difficult to distinguish between true and false warheads. When an interceptor is found, the ballistic missile undertaking the attack mission may be fooled as long as it releases another fake warhead that looks similar to it. Or release multiple warheads. At that time, this interceptor will fall into difficulty in selection. It can only intercept one warhead at most. If it is unlucky, it will still intercept a fake warhead."

  Even in 2020, the technology is more advanced, and there is even some kind of AI, which is still very poor in optical recognition. Directly recognizing the picture on the road sign as a living person has caused the car to brake suddenly, let alone now.

   "That is to say, even if this technology is successful, unilateral absolute security does not exist, and the attacker can use various methods to penetrate the defense." Zhang Zhong concluded.

   "That's right, that's it. Moreover, this technology will trigger a new round of arms race, which is of no benefit to world peace. After all, unilateral absolute security does not exist, and other countries will definitely find a way to develop the same type of technology. This is like before the World War. All countries tightened their belts and built more and more battleships. Later, countries realized that going on like this has no meaning other than dragging themselves down.

   "Yes, we can see that a new round of military competition is about to begin, so which country will follow this pace first?"

   "Of course it is Da Mao." Mashkov said very positively: "At present, Da Mao is developing the most advanced S-300PMU3 air defense system, which has good anti-missile capabilities. However, I am more optimistic about the S-300V of Antai Design Bureau. After improvement, this air defense missile also has the ability to intercept ballistic missiles. Under the stimulation of this, Da Mao will definitely speed up here."

   Laymen only know about S-300. In fact, this kind of missile is classified. Among them, the Diamond Central Design Bureau poured out the S-300P.

  The Army used the S-300V developed by the Antai Design Bureau. This kind of missile is also developing continuously. The models that have appeared successively include S-300V, S-300V1, S-300VM and S-300VM2. The S-300VM2 was later renamed Antai 2500, which means to intercept missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers.

   Now, since the Yankees have done this, Da Mao must not be outdone. If you do it, I will do it too. If you quit the group, of course I don’t have to abide by the anti-missile treaty.

  Under the guidance of Zhang Zhongshuo's program, the audience once again turned their attention to the confrontation between Da Mao and the United States. As for the attitude of the East, it is meaningless.

  No one knows, because of this anti-missile, many people in the East sat together and held a meeting together.

  The navy, the air force, the aerospace department, and Mr. Qin, the shipbuilder, also joined in the fun.

   "Protests can only be protests. Since the other party is doing it, we have to do it too. We must have the same type of weapons." Liu Lao of the Air Force said: "We gathered here today to study. If we want to have the same type of system, then what should we do. This burden still falls on the shoulders of the comrades in the aerospace department."

   "Currently the most advanced anti-aircraft missile we have is Red Flag IX. We have developed a range-extended model with a range of 200 kilometers. This missile has a high probability of intercepting ballistic missiles. If we improve it, for example, adding a third stage like Standard 3, it should be able to increase its range by a large amount." Shen Lao, the commander-in-chief of the Red Flag IX missile, said: "As far as the existing missiles are concerned, they should be able to intercept ballistic missiles with a range of less than 800 kilometers. After improvement, the 1,500-kilometer missile should have Ability to intercept."

  The Hongqi-9 missile has pinned the hopes of many people. This air defense missile has finally lived up to expectations and has become the most important air defense weapon for the Air Force and Navy. Like Lao Maozi, the domestic anti-missile system also needs to be developed on air defense missiles.

   "The most critical technology is the extra-atmospheric kinetic energy interceptor and the optical system to accurately determine the target position outside the atmosphere." The white-haired old Wu said: "A few years ago, Mr. Qin gave us suggestions, so we also carried out some theoretical research. Now, we need to turn from theory to practice."

   Everyone looked at Qin Tao, but Qin Tao didn't have any proud expression. Unlike the smiles in the past, he was very serious today.

  Today's meeting is high stakes!

   "That's right, we need to turn from theory to practice. No matter how much money we spend, we have to develop this kind of system! Others want absolute security, and we can't fall behind. We also have what others have." Wu Shengli also spoke.

   This is not just a matter of the Air Force. After all, the American Standard 3 is launched from warships, and the Navy also needs similar weapons. Moreover, the Navy has an advantage in anti-missile due to its flexibility.

   Even if you sell everything you want, you have to do it!

   "That's right, we can't wait any longer. Let's use Red Flag IX as the basis to improve our theater anti-missile system!" Mr. Liu nodded: "The navy, the air force, and the aerospace department each share a part of the research and development funds. We must get this project out!"

   After Mr. Liu finished speaking, he glanced at the people present, and finally fixed his eyes on Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, what do you think?"

  Qin Tao does not wear a military uniform, nor is he a member of the country, but he has made great contributions to the motherland. The development of the domestic military industry is inseparable from his promotion. Almost all advanced weapons have his shadow, so everyone attaches great importance to Qin Tao.

   "Red Flag IX must be developed, but just having Red Flag IX is far from enough." Qin Tao said: "Everyone, Mr. Shen also said just now that the Red Flag IX has been improved to the third level, that is, it can intercept ballistic missiles with a range of 1,500 kilometers. What about the Americans? They have already tried to intercept missiles with a range of 3,000 kilometers. We are already behind in this respect!"

   "Yes, Mr. Qin, we are indeed behind in this field, so we have to catch up slowly, step by step, first..."

   "No, one step behind, we will only fall behind step by step, we need to take big steps to catch up now!"

   "Boss Qin, what do you mean?"

   "The navy's new generation of vertical launchers has set the caliber at 850 mm and the length has also been extended to nine meters. I think we can use this as an indicator to develop a brand new missile. After expanding the volume, there should be no problem with doubling the range. In this way, our newly developed missile can easily intercept missiles at about 3,000 kilometers, so that it has mid-range anti-missile capabilities."

  The current Hongqi-9 missile has a length of 6.5 meters and a diameter of about 500 mm. (I'm confused, some say 550mm, some say 560mm, and some say 470mm, let's say about 500mm.) Now, expanding the size of this missile will definitely increase its range by a large margin. This brand new interceptor is entirely for mid-course anti-missile use!

  Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide.

  Qin Tao insisted on enlarging the diameter of the launch tube at the beginning, and made a general-purpose large-scale launcher, not only to insert anti-ship ballistic missiles, but also to insert anti-missile missiles?

   This size standard must meet the navy's. Anyway, for ground air defense, it doesn't matter how big it is. It can be pulled by a car. The navy has size restrictions.

   "Boss Qin, if we want to develop a brand new anti-aircraft missile, we need to spend a lot of money." A leader said: "At present, we can only temporarily use the weapons at hand to change it."

   "This money must be spent. If we don't spend it, we will only be left behind." Qin Tao said: "This project is not only a project of our navy, air force and aerospace department, but also a national-level project. We ask the state to allocate funds for the research and development of this missile. It is not enough for us to have Hongqi 9, we must also have Hongqi 19."

   This sentence came out of my mouth. After saying it, Qin Tao felt that it was a bit early.

  The Hongqi 19 missile has always been shrouded in a veil of mystery. It is the pillar of the Eastern anti-missile system. No one knows when it was developed and what its parameters are. However, it is enough to know that it can provide a protective umbrella for the motherland. It is the only national anti-missile system in the world. Moreover, it maintains a 100% success rate in test launches. In comparison, the success rate of the Americans is only 55%!

   Now, Qin Tao proposed an indicator. Since the navy has it, it should be done according to the size of the navy, so that the navy can carry it in the future.

   "Red Flag Nineteen?"

   "That's right, it's more advanced than Hongqi Nine, so we'll call it Hongqi Nineteen." Qin Tao said, "Their system is called TMD, so our system is called CTMD. Americans have a **** system, so let's **** it!"

  This sentence sounds a little vulgar, but everyone who heard it felt very enjoyable, and the tension suppressed in everyone's hearts was diluted by this sentence.

   Poof! Someone couldn't help laughing.

  Old Wu shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Qin, what you said is really interesting. Sure enough, young people are still open-minded. By the way, does Mingzhou Group want to join such a huge project?"

  Although Mingzhou Group is also engaged in aerospace, it is engaged in liquid rockets with the goal of flying to Mars, so it does not match CTMD’s plan. However, Mingzhou Group is rich, and Mr. Wu’s meaning is very simple. Since Mr. Qin came to the meeting together, he must invest.

  Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we definitely want to participate in this plan, but we are taking another route."

   "What route?"


  Everyone's eyes brightened. That's right, this field is what Mingzhou Group is best at! Mingzhou Group backed Magong to set up Golden Sun Electric Co., Ltd. and developed electromagnetic ejection. Now this technology has matured and is standard equipment for domestic aircraft carriers. The next project is electromagnetic guns!

  In that year, in the Star Wars program, many advanced weapons emerged, such as laser cannons, particle beam cannons and electromagnetic guns.

  Lasers are the most well-known, and are now used in many ways, but if you want to use laser cannons to kill targets, there is still a long way to go, especially if they are deployed on the ground, the process of passing through the atmosphere will quickly decay, and the final effect is not optimistic. The particle beam cannon is vulnerable to the influence of the earth's gravity, causing the trajectory to bend, which requires complex algorithms. In the end, only the railgun was considered the easiest to implement.

  Using electromagnetic force to accelerate the projectile in the gun barrel, when it flies out, the speed is as high as Mach 7, and then it flies to the target and hits it directly. Relying on the huge kinetic energy, the target can be destroyed.

  This is easy to say, but it will encounter difficulties in research and development. The Americans are also working on it, but there are many difficulties. However, the East has its own technical route, and there are talents like Ma Ming, so Qin Tao is the most enthusiastic about this technical route.

   "Ordinary anti-aircraft missiles are too slow, take too long to prepare, and need to go through a long period of acceleration, but our electromagnetic gun can reach the maximum speed the moment it goes out, flies to the target faster, and intercepts it in a shorter time." Qin Tao began to introduce.

  Actually, this theory has been introduced before, but it was only introduced to the Navy at that time, and the Air Force has not heard of it.

  Ordinary missiles accelerate gradually, and eventually reach the maximum speed. Take Hongqi 9 as an example, the maximum terminal speed is only Mach 4.2, but what about the electromagnetic gun? The shell flies out at the maximum speed, and then slowly decelerates due to resistance. Even so, if it flies out to Mach 7, there will be Mach 4 left near the target. In this way, the interception time can be shortened by at least half.

  Of course, in this process, it is difficult for anyone to say whether the target will maneuver and change orbit. Whether the shells fly up will be killed by dense projectiles or by precise impact. That is the route determined by the technicians and has nothing to do with Qin Tao.

  Qin Tao just determines the direction.

  "That's right, the technical route of the electromagnetic gun can be considered. In this way, our navy, air force and aerospace departments will fund and support the improvement of Hongqi IX. We will apply for national funding to support the research and development of Hongqi 19. As for the electromagnetic gun project, Mingzhou Group will be in charge. We have three technical routes in parallel, and we will definitely be able to catch up in this respect!" Wu Shengli finally made a decision.

  As for the funding for the research and development of electromagnetic guns promised by the Navy at the beginning, it has been forgotten by Wu Shengli.

  (end of this chapter)

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