Warship of Great Power

Chapter 834: What is the concept of a thrust-to-weight ratio of 14?

  Chapter 834 What is the concept of a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1.4?

  320 factory is a typical example of foreign trade. After the development of K-8, it successfully opened the road to foreign trade, and even exported the entire production line. However, after the development of L-15, the export road was not smooth. Although it appeared in air shows several times, it was not sold.

  The reason is also very simple: too expensive!

  K-8 is an intermediate-level trainer aircraft that is cheap, costing several million a piece, and even exporting a production line is only about 100 million. Many countries can afford it, but the L-15 is different. The price of this aircraft is 8 million U.S. dollars. At such a high price, second-hand MiG-29s and the like can already be bought in the international arms market.

   Therefore, many countries are reluctant to purchase even if they lack higher education aircraft. At present, only the domestic air force has purchased a batch. After all, JJ7 cannot simulate various maneuvers of third-generation aircraft.

  This is also the reason why they work hard to develop the attack aircraft. Only by increasing its multi-tasking performance can it be favored by users.

  At this time, they were of course very excited when they heard Qin Tao say that he would help them attract foreign customers.

   "Thank you, Mr. Qin! As long as customers are not very sensitive to prices, they will definitely fall in love with our aircraft." Elder Shi said excitedly.

   This is enough to make everyone speechless. Our aircraft is brand new and can fly for 30 years, but customers always compare our aircraft with second-hand aircraft. Is our aircraft only worthy of competing with second-hand aircraft?

   "Well, even if they are price-sensitive, we have a solution." Qin Tao nodded.

   "By the way, Mr. Qin, we also plan to improve the carrier-based aircraft on this aircraft." Everyone was very excited, and simply told Mr. Qin about the next project.

  The current trainer used by the carrier aircraft is the T-45 acquired by Wild Dog. The 320 factory used its own experience on the K-8 to conduct some reverse mapping. Now this improved trainer is already the best trainer for the navy to train pilots.

  After flying the carrier-based K-8, the pilots will fly the corresponding two-seater aircraft. Of course, there is an advanced trainer aircraft in between. They have to conduct a lot of training on the basis of the two-seater carrier-based aircraft, wasting time and money.

  With the foundation of the carrier-based K-8, everyone is full of confidence in the improvement of the L-15 carrier-based model. However, because their technical strength is not strong, it is impossible to carry out several modifications at the same time. So until now, it can only be an idea, giving priority to modifying the attack aircraft.

   "Of course. Didn't you say that this aircraft can also simulate the flight characteristics of our fourth-generation aircraft? It is inevitable to convert it into a carrier-based trainer aircraft. In the future, our naval aircraft carrier training will require this advanced trainer aircraft, and it can also be used as an attack aircraft. The trainer aircraft carried by our navy aircraft carrier can also be used as an attack aircraft when needed, especially in front of some weak opponents. We don't need to dispatch J-15 or J-32. This type of aircraft used to be enough."

  Everyone was overjoyed: "Okay, Mr. Qin, when the mission of this attack aircraft is completed, we will modify the carrier-based trainer aircraft!"

  L-15 has the ability to board the ship, which is indeed very important. After all, this trainer has advanced performance and can save the precious life of the two-seater fighter. We can't let J-15 and J-32 waste their precious life in squatting undercarriage, right? Besides, the engine used by this trainer is still Genghis Khan Aviation. Expanding the range of users of this aircraft is also good for Genghis Khan Aviation.

   Moreover, this aircraft uses under-rib air intake, and the nose landing gear is also connected to the girder, so that not only landing, but also take-off can be done with a catapult. It only needs to be strengthened, and the L-15 is born with the ability to board the ship.

   "Boss Qin, we have another idea." The big guys continued their efforts.

   "What assumption?"

   "We want to modify the shape of this trainer to make it have a certain stealth capability."

   Stealth is a trend. Take a look at the Mingzhou Group’s fourth-generation aircraft. It is because of its stealth ability that it is sold at a high price. They also want to make their trainer aircraft have stealth capabilities, so that it will be easier to carry out attack missions.

   "The nose and air inlet are easy to modify. It is enough to improve according to the standards of the American F-18 fighter jet. The main thing is the vertical tail. We have to change the single vertical tail into two outwardly inclined double vertical tails. This workload is a bit heavy, but we should be able to complete it. Applying a layer of stealth paint can reduce the radar reflection area of ​​our fighter jet by an order of magnitude, making it easier to carry out attack missions."

  Qin Tao smiled: "This kind of improvement, you can figure it out for yourself, I won't say anything."

  If the L-15 sells well, they will be able to carry out the stealth modification by raising their own funds. If they do not sell, then the funds for the improvement cannot be raised.

  So, it still depends on them.

  In Qin Tao’s time and space, L-15 said that it was going to be improved in stealth, but there was no movement, and it was not even as fast as Xiaolong, so Qin Tao didn’t know if this improvement would be possible, so he didn’t make any comments.

  Qin Tao inspected the 320 factory for two days, and on the third day, the customer came to the door.

   "Boss Qin, the guests from Cuba are here." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao.

   "Well, let's go, let's meet on the runway."

   It is the easiest for the guests to come to the aircraft factory. The planes taken by the guests can land directly at the airport. This time, the people from Cuba first arrived in the capital of the East, and then they were taken to the 320 factory by a special plane.

   This is a regional airliner, MA 60, which is a civil aviation airliner modified on the basis of Y7. It is the most suitable propeller airliner for underdeveloped countries. Obviously, XAC also has ideas. It hopes to sell this airliner to Cuban customers.

  The cabin door opened slowly, and a group of people came out, some were white, some were black, some were chocolate, but there were still more white people.

  The leader is a white man in his forties. He is not tall, but he has a unique military aura in every gesture.

  "Hello, Mr. Pinault, I have known you for a long time." Qin Tao went up to meet him, and stretched out his right hand: "I never thought that the Cuban Air Force would send you, a veteran who is capable of recruiting and fighting."

  Rafael Del Pino is a real combat faction in the Cuban Air Force. In 1973, Cuba began to intervene in the Angola civil war. A large number of Cuban pilots flew over Angola, fighting with the opponent’s phantom fleet. At that time, Pino was already the squadron leader of a MiG-21. -8 helicopter successfully rescued the patrol. Although Pino was dismissed because of this rescue, he became famous.

   In 1977, after returning to China, a MiG-21MF squadron commanded by Pino flew over Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic, asking the country to release the previously detained Cuban merchant ship Capitán Leo. This merchant ship was originally intended to support Angola, but accidentally entered Dominican waters and was detained by others.

  Cuba didn't say anything else, and immediately sent a plane to show off its force. If the other party didn't release the ship, they would bomb Puerto Plata and Santiago de los Caballeros the next day, so the other party compromised.

   These things will surprise people, Cuba is so awesome?

  Yes, in the previous era, Cuba was so awesome! They are definitely the number one leader in Latin America, and other countries have to go around. Even the United States suffered a loss in the Bay of Pigs, and they dare not easily provoke them in the future, let alone other countries. It’s good that Cuba doesn’t bully others. They also walk sideways on the African continent. In Ethiopia, they beat the Somalis to the ground.

  The Cuban Air Force is also quite powerful. In 1990, the Cuban Air Force had 230 fighter jets and the most advanced MiG-29. Needless to say, this kind of combat power ranked first in Latin America, even if you look at the world, it is enough to be among the top.

  However, the 1990s was also their brightest time. With the collapse of the Red Empire, the Cuban Air Force lost its strongest backing. They simply had no strength to maintain a large fleet. A large number of aircraft were transferred to inventory or retired. For now, their total number of aircraft has dropped to about 100, and they are all old aircraft. In the past ten years, they have never updated their fleet.

  Even if they wanted to buy it, they couldn’t find a suitable one in the international market, so they could only make do with it. This time, when they heard that Dongfang had advanced aircraft and invited them to visit, they were immediately tempted.

  Pino came here in person, which is enough to see how much the Cubans attach importance to it. At this time, looking at Qin Tao in front of him, Pino also admired him: "Mr. Qin, when the head of your starship company was detained in the United States, we also sweated a lot. We thought that the unlucky guy would have to stay in the United States as a prisoner in the future. Unexpectedly, you only used the No. 4 ship for less than a month to rescue him. We admire you!"

  Cuba has always been anti-American, and of course it also admires anti-American heroes the most. What the Mingzhou Group did last time is definitely the most exciting thing for them. The Yankee plot failed, and the Yankee suffered a loss!

   President Qin is mighty!

  "Those are what we should do. We are not wrong, and of course we will not bow our heads under the pressure of the outside world."

   "President Qin, you also produce advanced fourth-generation stealth aircraft, can we purchase that kind of fighter?" Pino continued to ask.

  This sentence stunned the people behind Qin Tao.

What? Purchasing the fourth generation stealth machine? Aren't you here to purchase our L-15?

  The big guy looked at Qin Tao with puzzled eyes.

   "Our fourth-generation stealth machine is expensive, with a unit price of over 100 million. I'm afraid you don't have enough funds to purchase it." Qin Tao said.

   One sentence pushed the other party back. What is there in Cuba? cigar? brown sugar? Even if these things are famous all over the world, it is absolutely impossible to support the Cuban Air Force to purchase the most advanced stealth fighter.

  Pino had a disappointed expression on his face.

   "Besides, the order for our fourth-generation stealth aircraft has been scheduled for ten years. Even if you place an order now, it will take ten years to get the fighter. Can you wait that long?"

  Pino sighed: "What a pity."

  When they received the invitation from Dongfang, they came immediately. In fact, they came for the fourth-generation stealth machine. After they came, they realized that this machine could not be bought. Of course, their interest was greatly reduced.

   "We have an aircraft that is most suitable for you. It can simulate many characteristics of the fourth-generation aircraft. In our country, it is actually used to train the pilots of the fourth-generation aircraft. You purchase this aircraft first, complete a full set of training on this aircraft, and have actual combat capabilities. When you have sufficient funds in the future, you can buy the fourth-generation aircraft and directly form combat capabilities. Wouldn't it be better?"

   "Boss Qin, you mean the trainer?"

   "That's right, it's a trainer. Don't underestimate this kind of trainer. Its performance is not weak at all." Qin Tao said, "Let's go and have a look together?"

   "Okay." Pino nodded. Although his interest had been greatly reduced, he still could only suppress his patience. Since he came, he couldn't turn around and go back. Let's wait and see.

   "Everyone, come to the stands, and our plane will give you a wonderful air show." Shi Lao greeted everyone.

  It didn’t rain today, which is really rare. Taking this opportunity, let the guests have a look at the performance of our own plane. Mr. Shi believes that after seeing these people, they will definitely be interested in the plane.

   Everyone sat down, and the roar of the engine sounded in the distance. When they looked towards the end of the runway, many people were stunned.

   "The shape of that plane is very strange."

   "That's right, isn't it just a trainer plane? Why does it have side wings?"

   "Why is the engine so loud? Does it have two? Is this too extravagant for a trainer?"

   Under the amazed eyes of everyone, the plane completed the preparations before takeoff. When the brakes were released, the plane began to taxi quickly.

   Fast, this is too fast, too fast to believe!

   Fifty, one hundred, one hundred and fifty!

   The fighter plane had just rolled 150 meters when the front landing gear was raised! Now, everyone was not calm anymore, and stood up from their actions with a clatter.

   "Impossible!" Before Pino finished speaking, the rear landing gear was raised.

  How far did you slide in total?

   Two hundred meters!

   It is simply at the level of the era of propeller fighters, and it can fly up to 200 meters, which is unbelievable!

  Even the MiG-29 can’t do it, and the normal third-generation aircraft also need a runway of about 500 meters. The aircraft in front of them has completely subverted their cognition.

  Qin Tao was also a little surprised. He was a shipbuilder, not an aircraft builder. Although Mingzhou Group owns the aviation industry, Qin Tao didn't know much about it. He never expected that the L-15 would take off so quickly.

   It seemed that he knew what he was thinking, and the old Shi beside him said with emotion: "Li Da Feizhu, Mr. Qin, thank you so much..."

  Thanks to Genghis Khan for the engine!

  Even if it is improved from the technology of the Yak-130, the Yak-130 can't do it so fast, because the Yak-130 uses a non-afterburning engine, and the thrust is far less than that of the L-15.

  When the afterburner is turned on, a single engine can provide 4.7 tons of thrust, and two engines can provide 9.4 tons. The normal takeoff weight of the L-15 is only eight tons, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is close to 1.2. During the performance, the take-off weight is only 6.7 tons. Even with a maximum take-off weight of 11 tons, the performance of this fighter is still good.

  Under the sky-defying thrust-to-weight ratio, the performance of the L-15 will of course be extremely good. Of course, this must also be matched with the advanced aerodynamic shape. If the shape design is not good, then it will not be able to exert its power advantage.

   At this time, before Mr. Shi finished speaking, the Cubans cheered loudly.

  I saw the nose of the beautiful plane rising, and the angle of attack was constantly expanding, thirty degrees, sixty degrees, ninety degrees?

   Maybe there is no ninety degrees, that is, more than eighty degrees, but what it means to do this kind of action just after takeoff, the elites present all know: you are looking for death, you will definitely stall and crash if you do this!

  However, the plane in front of me did not stall. With the excellent performance brought by the side wings, it can pull the angle of attack to more than 80 degrees. With the thrust of the powerful engine, it pulls green onions on dry land and continues to accelerate upwards!

   As long as the thrust-to-weight ratio exceeds 1, it has this ability, but in fact, many pilots dare not fly this kind of maneuver. Now, with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1.4, pilots can play this maneuver with ease.

  Just this one action conquered all Cubans.

  Pino swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "If there is this plane, I dare to fight with F-16!"

  When flying the MiG-21 before, Pino felt that the performance was too poor, and he could only run when he met the F-16, but if he had the plane in front of him, he would definitely not run again, and he must stay and fight! This mobility is definitely stronger than that of the MiG-29.

  The plane climbed up to 500 meters, then turned off the afterburner, adjusted to the idle state, and the fighter plane began to decelerate upward until the speed reached zero. Then, the nose continued to be on top, the tail was down, and the whole plane began to fall down.

   "Tail thrust! This plane can actually perform a tail thrust, it's amazing!" Pino became excited. This maneuver tested the aircraft's high angle of attack performance and control performance. Ordinary aircraft simply can't handle it. Even Pino has never flown this kind of maneuver.

  The plane fell down tens of meters before leveling off, and then the whistling sound of the engine came again, and it began to accelerate in the horizontal direction, followed by horizontal hovering, extreme speed climb, figure-eight circle, continuous roll, inverted flight, etc. The 15-minute flight performance fully demonstrated the performance of this plane.

  The voices of the audience were also wave after wave. Until the plane landed, everyone was still immersed in the flight performance just now.

   "The maneuverability of this aircraft is a feast for our eyes. In our hands, only the MiG-29 can do similar actions." Pino said: "We are very interested in this aircraft. Now, can we watch it up close?"

   "Of course, you can still step into the cockpit to have a look."

  This plane was originally intended for sale, and now these people are the first foreign customers. Not to mention looking at the plane, even if we want to disassemble the plane, we can agree.

  So, everyone swarmed towards the tarmac.

  This is a two-seater trainer aircraft, but due to its small size and side wings, the pilots in the rear cockpit cannot enjoy the treatment of a separate gangway. The canopy canopy is turned to the right, and a step is placed in the middle of the front and rear cockpit on the left side. There is a tall handrail on the right side of the gangway in the front cockpit, so that the pilot can step on the pedal and hold the handrail to get up and down the gangway in the front cabin.

   This is just a small detail, but it also reflects the meticulousness of the designer.

   When the two pilots came down, Pino climbed up without saying anything. When he looked down at the cockpit, he sighed with emotion: "One level and three times?"

   "Yes, this trainer aircraft is mainly used to train the pilots of the third-generation and fourth-generation aircraft. Of course, it needs a glass cockpit. After you buy it back, you can train pilots who adapt to the new glass cockpit. Moreover, this method is convenient for human-machine interaction, and it is easier for the pilot to maintain energy in the ever-changing air battle. Would you like to try it?"

  Pino was sitting in the glass cockpit for the first time. Seeing that there was no instrument in front of him, and the switch panel was much less than before, he was even a little at a loss. How should this kind of aircraft fly?

   "If you plan to purchase our fourth-generation stealth aircraft in the future, you must adapt to this method of operation. The cockpit interface is no different from our fourth-generation stealth aircraft, and the flight control laws are also very similar. When you change the flight, you will find that it can be seamlessly connected." Qin Tao continued to flicker.

   Others are below, touching various parts of the plane.

  In recent years, the industry in the east has developed rapidly, and many aspects have moved closer to the west. The skin on the surface of the aircraft no longer has exposed rivets, and the surface is extremely smooth.

   Some people touched the brake pads. They saw that the plane stopped directly without a parachute. When they touched them, they were not hot at all. These are the most advanced composite brake pads!

   More people looked at the engine.

   "Did you produce this engine yourself?"

   "That's right, it is produced by Genghis Khan Aviation in China. Compared with Lao Maozi's original AI-222 afterburning turbofan engine, its lifespan has been extended to 1,000 hours. After two overhauls, the engine's total lifespan is 3,000 hours. In this way, it only needs to replace the engine twice during the entire lifespan."

   Change twice?

   "The life of this aircraft is nine thousand hours?" The Cubans were stunned.

  The MiG aircraft they often use has a service life of only 1,200 hours. The MiG-29, a third-generation aircraft, has a body life of less than 3,000 hours. I just heard people here introduce that the lifespan of the engine is 3,000 hours, and I thought it had the same lifespan as the body, but I didn't expect the lifespan of the body to be 9,000 hours?

  What is this concept?

  Currently the most advanced F-22, the body life is only 10,000 hours!

   "Our airframe life is designed to be 10,000 hours, but considering the life of the engine, it would be a waste to change the engine at 9,000 hours, so it is temporarily limited to 9,000 hours." Shi Lao said: "Our aircraft costs 10 million US dollars. Although it doesn't sound cheap, our lifespan is long. In its entire lifespan, it is equivalent to three brand-new MiG-29s.

   "Yes, you are right!"

  (end of this chapter)

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