Warship of Great Power

Chapter 843: Are you afraid that you will even beat your own people when you become ruthless?

   Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

  The red empire has always been very restrained in its confrontation with the United States, because they know that if the gun goes off, the world may be destroyed. However, it doesn't matter to a small country.

  So, it is enough for the five big gangsters to have nuclear bombs, so that they can check and balance each other, but if some small countries have nuclear bombs, they might really dare to use them.

  Anxi is one of them. When they found that someone dared to ignore their exercise ban, they were not polite, and opened fire after warning.

  The British and American formations are a little confused.

  The missiles didn’t fly towards them, they could watch the fun, but they were surprised by the determination of the Parthian people to shoot missiles if they didn’t agree with each other? Can this exercise become actual combat at any time?

  The dozens of missile speedboats are nothing. They are sure to kill the opponent before they rush over, and they can also intercept the missiles launched by the opponent. The two Aegis warships are no joke. But what next?

  They have already entered Anxi Bay, which is not very wide. Even if they hide in the western port, they are still within the range of the anti-ship missiles on the eastern shore. If they want to go out, they have to pass through that long and narrow strait. If there is a fight, will they still be able to get out?

  They suddenly realized that they came in too hastily, and Anxi Kingdom was still as fierce as before!

  At the same time, they still have a question in their minds: Which country does the attacked warship belong to? Or is it just an ordinary freighter? After this incident, how should they make use of the problem?

   Just in their doubts, the anti-ship missile continued to fly forward, and the white smoke continued to extend forward, flying towards the attacked ship.

  The camera on the helicopter also turned the telephoto lens to the past.

  The target is indeed a warship, because the anti-ship missile launcher at the tail of the target can be clearly identified. However, those square launch boxes made them feel a wave of doubts. This thing is obviously in the oriental style!

  The shape of this warship is also very special. It has a quadruple launcher at the rear and a single cannon in front, but it has no other weapons, not even a high mast, and no radar device on it.

  The hull is not large, and the visual displacement will not exceed 500 tons.

  What exactly is this nondescript warship?

   "It seems to be a transport support ship refitted by the Anxi Kingdom itself." An intelligence officer said.

   As soon as the voice fell, the missile had already flown to the side of the transport support ship, and hit it hard!


  The fireball exploded in the center of the hull. The warship couldn't withstand the anti-ship missile attack. The explosion that happened directly from the middle made it break into two sections, the front and back, and sank after persisting on the sea for less than a minute.

   Some sailors jumped into the sea before the warship sank. Looking at their clothes, they are even more certain: this warship belongs to Parthia!

  Three minutes later, the results of the intelligence analysis were displayed on the bridge of the Anglo-American Combined Fleet.

   "Konarak? A transport and support ship of Parthia?" Philip laughed loudly: "It turns out that they made a big mess and sunk their own warship as if it were our naval formation! Haha, it's so funny. How many years have there been no such jokes in the navies of the world!"

  At this time, Philip completely regarded this as a joke, and the other sailors on the warship were also in the same mood. In their eyes, this was definitely the funniest thing, but some people didn't think it was funny.

   Wilbur No.

   "That's right, they sank their own warship, but you should have heard the whole process. When they opened fire, they didn't hesitate at all. The unlucky warship just approached 15 nautical miles from their formation, and they fired missiles. You say, if it was us at that time...would they dare to do it?"

   "Of course, they thought it was us." The first officer said, "Unfortunately, they made a mistake."

   "I feel fortunate that they made a mistake. If we thought they didn't dare to fire and entered a distance of fifteen nautical miles, then we would also be attacked. They still have so many missile boats, and any one is enough for us." Paul said: "Thank God, we didn't approach them brazenly."

  The captain actually said such a thing?

   "Their Nuer anti-ship missile is imitated by Dongfang's C802, and it also increases the capacity of the fuel tank and improves the range. Think about it, can our warships stop it?" Paul said.

   Everyone was silent.

  This missile has a 165 kg semi-armor-piercing warhead, which can definitely tear apart the hull of the Burke class, and at close range, there is still fuel left to enhance the combustion effect. Needless to say, this kind of professional anti-ship missile, even a speedboat full of explosives, can blow it up.

   "No, we have standard missiles. If they launch anti-ship missiles against us, we can also use the Aegis system to deal with them!" said the first officer.

  He didn't know what the captain was worried about, but he felt that he was almost being led into a ditch. What anti-ship missiles are you afraid of? Isn't our Aegis system designed to prevent the saturation attack of Da Mao's anti-ship missiles?

   "What if they also fire anti-ship ballistic missiles?" Paul asked.

   This sentence immediately silenced everyone, and they felt sweat on their foreheads and backs.

  If only anti-ship ballistic missiles are coming, they can turn off the radar and dodge with full rudder. If only anti-ship cruise missiles are coming, they can use the Aegis system to intercept an incoming missile. But what if the two missiles come together?

  When the radar is turned on, it will be hit by anti-ship ballistic missiles, and when the radar is turned off, it will be hit by anti-ship cruise missiles again!

  This is the worst situation.

  Being a captain has to see farther than ordinary people. Paul has already seen the real killer of the opponent. After using it in combination, their Aegis system can't hold it. Moreover, if it really reaches that point, their lie that the Aegis system can intercept anti-ship ballistic missiles will also be exposed!

what to do?

   "Dare they?" someone murmured.

   "They even dared to sink their own warships, what else would they dare to do? This time, they really made up their minds!" Paul said.

   Is it a joke to sink your own warship? No! From this incident, Paul saw how terrible the Parthians were! The opponent has made up his mind, as long as his side crosses the opponent's bottom line, the opponent will fight this battle at all costs!

  Others may not dare, but Parthia is not afraid. After all, it is not the first time they have stood against the United States. They have had many conflicts with the United States. Regardless of whether they win or lose, Parthia has never been afraid.

  This incident was still caused by the bombing of the Cole, but it is still unknown who bombed the Cole. Even if the Americans swear that it is related to the Parthian State, there is no key evidence.

   Now, they actually broke in during the Parthia naval exercise, and they were beaten by the Parthian state, and there was no reason to reason. Do they really want to launch an attack on the Parthian state with great fanfare?

  They don't have this ability, their main force is still in the Imperial Cemetery.

  If Anxi really intends to bet on the nation's fortunes and fight the Americans, will the Americans be willing?

  Paul has seen through all of this, and now, with his explanation, the faces of other people present also became serious.

   "Full left rudder, leave their exercise area!" Paul gave the order.

   "What? Leave the opponent's exercise area?" On D97, Philips was extremely surprised after receiving the order.

   "No, we can't do this! We have come all the way, and it has become a joke. Now that we have American warships, how can we be afraid of them?" Philip couldn't believe his ears: "What do the Americans think?"

   "I don't know. Your Excellency Paul's order is to let us take the left rudder. If we refuse to keep up, we will separate from them."


  Of course they can’t be separated. Now they belong to foxes and tigers, relying on the U.S. Navy’s Aegis warships to provide defense. If they are left alone, they will never be able to intercept the attacks of the dozen missile speedboats with sea javelins!

   "Okay, let's follow!"

   Seeing the American warship start to turn full rudder, although Philip was very dissatisfied, he had no other choice but to follow.

   This confrontation looked menacing, but in the end it died down strangely. The US-UK naval wing left without approaching the exercise area of ​​​​the Parthian navy.

  During this exercise, the Parthian Navy fired missiles and sank an American warship!

  When Paul heard the news, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

  Damn it, what a joke! Will our naval warship be sunk by Parthia? If this kind of thing really happens, then we have to fight back with all our strength? We will sink all the warships of the Parthian Navy and let them know how powerful we are!

  That night, the U.S. Navy issued a statement to the outside world: All the warships of our navy are intact, and no accidents have occurred. The warship sunk on the spot is not ours!

  The on-site video was released, especially the image of the sunken warship also appeared in front of the TV. Looking at the crude warship, people have to believe that this thing is indeed not from the US Navy, it is too Low!

   Some people also discerned: This warship looks like the Parthian Navy's own warship?

   Zhang Zhong said the show.

  This program has been talking about hot issues, so this time when Cole was bombed, Zhang Zhong said that the program did not pursue this hot topic, which made many people feel curious. Now, Zhang Zhong said that the show finally got down to business!

  "Hello, everyone in front of the TV. Our program this time is called Zhang Zhong said the confrontation in the sea exercise. We know that in the era of the Red Empire, the participation of NATO was indispensable for every exercise of the Red Navy. There was an exciting scene, but nothing was found. When the naval formations of the United States and the United Kingdom were 30 nautical miles away from the Parthia naval exercise area, they turned and left. What happened? Let’s take a look at the announcement of the US Navy.”

  “There were rumors that one of the U.S. Navy’s warships was sunk, but the U.S. Navy refuted it later. They released evidence to prove that it was not their warship that was sunk. So, what kind of warship is it? We invited the famous international observer Robert to give us an analysis.”

  Zhang Zhong said that this program has a great influence, so some famous scholars are often invited. I don’t know if they are famous, but in Zhang Zhong’s mouth, every guest is famous.

   "Hi everyone, I'm Robert, and I know all about the equipment of the navies of various countries. After analysis, we believe that this warship is not a warship of the US Navy, but a warship of Parthia itself. Come on, let's make a calculation based on the figure of a diving sailor at the scene."

  The screen freezes, and then begins to add a scale on it.

   "The length of this warship is about 47 meters, the width is about 8 meters to 9 meters, and the displacement should be within 500 tons. Coupled with its configuration, we can be sure that this is a transport support ship."

   "Transport support ship? This type of ship should be rare, right?"

   "That's right, we often see destroyers and frigates, and even missile boats. Transport support ships are not part of the front-line combat force, and are often seen in some second-rate navies."

   "Then can you tell us what kind of ship this is?"

   "To put it simply, it is an armed transport ship. It usually undertakes transportation tasks. For some weak countries, it is also hoped that it can perform some combat tasks, so some weapons and equipment are added to it, such as machine guns. However, there are very few anti-ship missiles installed. After all, missiles still need the cooperation of various fire control systems."

   "So, how did the Parthian nation sink its own warship?"

   "This is the most confusing part of the whole incident. Now we can be sure that Parthia is ready for battle. The missiles they launched are live ammunition with warheads. They should want to teach the U.S. Navy a lesson at a critical time, but for some reason, this unlucky transport support ship actually entered the training sea area, and the radio has not been turned on for communication, so this kind of misfire occurred."

   "That is to say, this is an unexpected result caused by the Parthian Navy's own mistakes? Then, since they did it themselves, why did the United States leave the exercise area? Even if they confronted the Red Navy at the beginning, they were not afraid."

   "Yes, this is what makes us most curious, but we can be sure that this kind of thing happened, and the Parthians did not do it on purpose. This is not good for them. After all, what they lost was a transport support ship of real value, and there were a group of poor sailors on it. This huge loss will damage their reputation. They will become a joke for a long time." Robert said: "However, we can also see from this incident that the Parthians have made up their minds and they will not be afraid to go to war. , if the U.S. Navy dares to cross the line, they dare to fight."

   "Yes, they are old enemies, but do they have the capital to fight against the United States?"


   "We know that Parthia has recently tested anti-ship ballistic missiles, but we also know that the United States has experimented with the TMD system earlier and successfully intercepted ballistic missiles. Therefore, the U.S. Navy is not afraid of Parthian ballistic missiles. As for anti-ship cruise missiles, the U.S. Navy is even less afraid. The Aegis system is originally designed to resist the saturation attack of anti-ship cruise missiles."

   "That's right, this time we saw that the United States shrank and did not dare to continue to fight. There are many things worthy of our attention, but here, we think the most reasonable explanation is that there is a problem with the Aegis system."

   "What's the problem? This is the most powerful air defense combat system in the United States."

  "No one knows the specific situation, so we can only guess. When the Aegis system wants to intercept anti-ship ballistic missiles flying from high altitudes, it needs to point all the electromagnetic waves at space. If it wants to intercept cruise missiles, it has to aim at low altitudes. Then, is the Aegis system unable to take care of these two modes? If it is intercepting high-altitude ballistic missiles and suddenly a large group of ordinary missiles flies in, will they be unable to take care of them? As long as one missile slips through the net, it will bring them catastrophic consequences."

   "Didn't they come with two Aegis warships?"

   "That's right, there are two ships, but the Aegis warship is not omnipotent. We speculate that it can only intercept one missile at a time when performing anti-missile missions, and we know that over the years, the total number of Meteor-3 missiles produced by Anxi has exceeded 50."

  In short, after talking for a long time, I came to a conclusion: Americans are afraid!

   "Damn it, they are talking nonsense, our Aegis system can intercept four at the same time, if in four different directions!" Paul said angrily.

  The fleet has arrived at the port of Gou Dahu. They discussed countermeasures in the conference room of the port, and they also listened to the Zhang Zhongshuo program, which made them very dissatisfied.

   Four bombs in four directions, so can only intercept one? Philip secretly thought in his heart, of course, this can only be slanderous, and it must not be said.

   "That is to say, considering that we will be attacked by space and sea at the same time, so we dare not get closer?" Philip said.

   "What does it mean not to approach? We just have to take these unexpected factors into consideration, and we have to protect our warship. After all, it was bought with taxpayers' money." Paul said.

   "Now? They have completed the exercise. Shall we hold an exercise in Anxi Bay? We also stipulate the sea area of ​​​​the exercise. If they dare to approach, we will open fire! Our Harpoon missiles are not vegetarian." Philip said.


   If there is an exercise next, won't there still be conflicts? It's so easy to fool me this time, if I continue to toss around, won't the whole world see through them? Are they afraid?

   "Next, we need to wait for orders from our superiors."

  A superior order? Isn't your superior's order to cooperate with us to show off our force here? Are you shrinking now? What shall we do then? The whole world is watching our jokes!

   "Unexpectedly, the U.S. Navy, the number one in the world, is actually scared!" The captain of the British Navy frigate who came here couldn't help it anymore: "If you are afraid, forget it, we will do it ourselves!"

  You guys come by yourself? Paul gave him a blank look: "Okay, then come on your own, and we will cheer for you!"

   Come by yourself? See what you can do, without our US Navy, you have been wandering in the Arabian Sea all the time, or dare not come over? Now you are getting more stubborn, go on your own!

   "George, don't destroy our friendship with the U.S. Navy." Philip hurriedly dissuaded him. It's useless for us to worry about this kind of thing. We have to send a telegram back to let the superior coordinate.

   After all, they are not a leader.

  Because of being a coward again, the British can't get down, and in the East, someone is finally happy.

   "Come on, Mr. Qin, I have to offer you a toast!" Kasim said to Qin Tao with a drink in his hand, "Thanks to the idea you gave us, we finally contained Satan's threat to us."

   "Well, Kasim, are your people not injured?"

   "We have already prepared in advance. When the missile hit, there were only two people on the Konarak, and they were still on the back of the warship under attack. They were also ready to sacrifice themselves. We also prepared more than a dozen human props on it. Those who were drowned looked miserable, but they were actually fake."

   "Really? That was really lucky, but a warship was still lost."

   "This is also necessary." Kasim said: "Just an ordinary transport support ship is nothing to us. We have our own shipyard, and now we have built a large number of missile boats, which can supplement our losses at any time. Even if there is a real fight, our missile boats will definitely be able to destroy a large number of enemy warships. However, Mr. Qin, we think that only missile boats are not enough."

   "Not enough? In Anxi Bay, the missile boat is the best choice. If the displacement is large, it will only become the target of the enemy."

   "Yes, if it is in a war situation, it will definitely become a target, but in normal times, if there are a few warships with a larger displacement, we can also go out to suppress the situation." Kasim said.

  The navy of any country has no choice at the beginning, but can only use empty submarines to go fast. Later, when the country becomes stronger, it will develop warships with larger and larger displacements.

  Anxi already wants bigger warships to come to town.

   "I still don't think your warships need to be too big. If you think the current ones are not enough, how about building a few ships with a displacement of 1,500 tons? We can help design them."

  PS: I just learned how to use error correction. Readers, you can see where there is a clerical error, so please correct it for me, and I will correct it.

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