Warship of Great Power

Chapter 852: Asan aircraft carrier launched

Chapter 852 The Asan aircraft carrier is launched

“Through the measurement of satellite images, we believe that the orbit length of their catapult is about 110 meters.” On the other side of the ocean, a group of people were analyzing satellite photos.

"These work sheds have been covered up to the flame deflector, but we know that the catapult will not extend to the flame deflector. After all, the catapult hooks the front wheel of the fighter plane. We have to subtract the length of the fighter plane. If Counting the total length of the catapult system, it has reached more than 130 meters."

“Our catapult is only a hundred meters long. It seems that the technology of the Easterners is much behind ours.”

"No, the Easterners should be using electromagnetic catapults. Their technology is an era ahead of ours." Swift put down his cigar and looked at these technicians solemnly: "We are still using backward steam catapults, so this is It’s like the difference between an ancient steam locomotive and a modern electric locomotive!”

"Sir Swift, we still can't tell what's inside. After all, they built a shed to cover the contents."

"We have photos of Wasteland Village. They frequently conduct electromagnetic ejections there. We have never seen their catapults emitting white smoke. By the way, there was originally a catapult emitting white smoke next to it, but it has long since disappeared. Work." Swift said: "You are all the smartest intelligence analysts, can't you combine this intelligence?"

"Yes, we are the best intelligence analysts, so we cannot draw conclusions prematurely, because the Orientals always like to play all kinds of tricks, and what we saw is probably their deception. After all, the Orientals have specialized The strategic deception bureau is designed to confuse us."

 Swift nodded, that’s true.

"Moreover, we unanimously believe that if the Orientals are deceiving us, it is for the best. After all, it is still in the construction stage. This aircraft carrier has never been launched. If they install a catapult at this time, the stress will be increased after the aircraft carrier is launched. If released, their catapult will bend and their efforts will likely be wasted.”

 Swift’s eyes lit up.

The Orientals built this aircraft carrier at such a fast pace that it was hard for them to believe it. The segmented construction technology was so perfect that they now wanted to see the Orientals fail.

"In this way, even if their aircraft carrier is launched, it will continue to undergo many repeated modifications, and it is still far away from being officially commissioned. After all, they have not mastered the construction method of a real super aircraft carrier." Swift said: "Look It’s not too early for us to worry.”

"Yes, we don't need to worry. We believe that within five years, or even within ten years, this aircraft carrier will not be capable of combat. Although the Mingzhou Group has built aircraft carriers, they are all small aircraft carriers of 20,000 to 30,000 tons. They I don’t even know the difference between a super aircraft carrier and a small and medium-sized aircraft carrier.”

"That's right, we don't have to worry. This Mingzhou Group is causing trouble for us everywhere, and they will suffer a big loss!" Swift took a puff of his cigar, and then said: "What's the situation over there in Siam? Are they still working on the canal?”

The intelligence officer shook his head: "No, according to the information we have now, the Siam side has not continued to blast the canal, but the construction team has always existed along the canal."

“Don’t worry, these people are just pretending.” Swift said confidently: “Last time, the Singaporeans have already reminded them that we in the United States do not allow them to build the canal. If they dare to do it, they are going against us!”

Swift is very confident. Of course he will not know that the construction team has always been there to bury explosives, but the detonation of the explosives still needs to wait until all the explosives are almost buried and then detonated together.

This is of course Qin Tao's idea, to build the plank road openly and covertly to paralyze these people, and finally blow up the entire canal to see who else can block the start of the canal!

At this time, Swift finally felt relieved. He took the photo of the aircraft carrier taken by the satellite: "This photo must be shown to the guys in charge of money. Tell them that if we don't allocate more funds, our Navy will have to We’re falling behind! Humph, what’s the use of allocating funds to NASA? There won’t be a war on the moon within a hundred years.”


 The one-day inspection is finally over, and everyone is very satisfied with the progress.

“Every time I come to Mingzhou Group, I feel very shocked.”

“Yes, it is both expected and unexpected. Mr. Qin, your Mingzhou Group will always create surprises for us.”

“Everyone, please don’t put your hat on us. I don’t promise to go into the water before the National Day.” Qin Tao said.

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang came to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, we just received news that Asan's aircraft carrier is about to be launched!"

“Launching? Their aircraft carrier just built a shell, right?”

“It seems like not many shells have been made, right?”

 Everyone suddenly became excited.

“Ah San is so anxious. Could it be that he knows that our aircraft carrier is about to be launched? They are competing with us everywhere and must be ahead of us?”

Qin Tao smiled: "Everyone must have guessed wrong. They are going to launch. The most likely reason is that the construction period of the aircraft carrier is seriously delayed. They have to build other warships in the dry dock. Without any other option, they can only Let’s launch the aircraft carrier into the water first. However, it’s not easy for them to launch the aircraft carrier into the water, so we’ll just wait and watch the excitement.”

 Asan Cochin Shipyard.

This is the largest shipyard in Asan, so their Blue Sky Guardian was also built here. In the largest dry dock, a semi-finished product is standing there, waiting for the moment to be launched.

This semi-finished product is painted light gray, with the waterline below in red and black. It looks like a completed warship, but from above, you can see its semi-finished state.

The construction of the bow part has been completed, and the jump deck has a graceful arc, which seems to show the progress of Asan's shipbuilding industry. However, the rear hull deck is as wide as the bow, and there is no angled deck, nor There are two large pits in the center of the ship island, and several work sheds are covered on the sides. The deck does not extend to the stern of the ship. A huge step is directly formed at the stern of the ship. This semi-finished product still looks different.

Because the launching ceremony was to be held, a circle of colorful flags was hung around the outside of the deck, and Asan’s unique hanging tassels were hung on the jump deck at the bow of the ship. It looked a bit festive, but the whole scene looked a bit nondescript. .

Is this an aircraft carrier, or is it something different?

Sunil stood on a platform set up outside the dry dock and delivered a passionate speech.

"Today, I am very happy. Our Blue Sky Guardian is about to be launched. This is an important moment for us!" Sunil's eyes were bright: "The existing aircraft carriers in our navy are all Second-hand, this is the first time we have started building a brand new aircraft carrier! This is our first domestically produced aircraft carrier!"

If the reporter's camera is farther away, he can see a lone aircraft carrier docked on the other side of the pier. That aircraft carrier looks very powerful, but it cannot be put into service because its strength is too poor and it cannot withstand it. Storm at Sea was a failed outsourcing product. It was precisely because of the stimulation of that failed product that Ah San decided to take the road of independent construction.

Although they also encountered many problems during the construction. For example, they did not have qualified steel and had to bite the bullet and purchase it from Da Mao. For example, their lack of construction experience caused serious delays, but no matter what difficulties they encountered, they would be determined Keep going until this aircraft carrier is completed! This is their mission!

"Now, when we look back on the entire construction process, we still feel embarrassed. When we first started construction, we had no relevant technology, so we had to purchase steel materials such as bulb steel and flight deck from Damao. However, their asking price was too high. It’s expensive! It’s definitely not what we can afford! So, we later learned from the pain and decided to build steel for aircraft carriers ourselves. We manufactured a giant rolling mill with a width of five meters, and our Essar Steel Group independently smelted advanced steel for aircraft carriers. !Through the construction of this aircraft carrier, our national defense technology has been further enhanced and can also be used in our other industrial fields!"

This is indeed true. Ah San was fed up with the big-haired lion’s wide opening, so he fiddled with it on his own. In their mouths, Essar Steel Group independently produced high-yield products similar to the American HY80 and HY-100 series. High-yield special steel, in this way, they became the fourth country in the world to master high-yield special steel for aircraft carriers.

 However, this is just their own statement. No one knows what the facts are.

"Now, let me introduce to you the detailed data of our Blue Sky Guardian. Our aircraft carrier is 252 meters long, 60 meters wide, and has a full load displacement of more than 40,000 tons. Currently, we plan to use the MiG-29K as the main carrier. Carrier aircraft, coupled with our Sea King helicopters and Ka-31 helicopters, allow our aircraft carrier to exert huge combat effectiveness, far exceeding the 001 aircraft carrier in the East."

 Sure enough, no matter what Asan does, he will always compare with Dongfang!

This warship with a displacement of 40,000 tons is said to be more powerful than the first 60,000-ton aircraft carrier in the East. Only they have the ability to tell lies with their eyes open, and they do not blush at all.

Countless cheers thundered below, and applause echoed in the sky throughout the shipyard.

“Now, I declare that the Blue Sky Guardian is launched!”

Outside the dry dock, the water inlet slowly opened. When it opened, seawater poured into the dock, but a worker in charge of releasing water from the shipyard nearby frowned.

When did there be so much silt outside this dock?

The dock is divided into a floating dock and a dry dock. The floating dock can rise and dive, move back and forth, and is very flexible. If a ship is unable to move at sea, it can also move directly over to lift the ship up, so it is the best repair facility. boat tools.

However, a floating dock cannot be built too big. A dock with hundreds of thousands of tons can only be a dry dock. A dry dock is to dig a huge pit on the seaside, install a sluice and a water inlet on the outside, and open the water inlet to allow seawater to come in. The ship floats, and the launching work is completed. When the lock is opened, the ship can drive out under its own power or be towed out. In turn, the ship that needs repair can also drive in, close the lock, pump water, and put the water out. After being drained, the ship is exposed, which makes it easier to repair the outside of the hull, especially the propeller, drive shaft and other parts.

 The construction of the Blue Sky Guardian inside took too long! Over the past few years, the sea water outside has continuously impacted and accumulated sediment, and a large area of ​​silt has appeared outside the dock!

At this time, others didn’t know it yet. Everyone was standing outside the dock, watching the sea water flowing in, watching the Blue Sky Guardian being surrounded by sea water, and dancing with excitement.

(There are many theories that there were more than 300 cracks in the first launch, but the Hero of East China feels it is impossible. If there were really so many, it would have sunk long ago. Can it still serve in the end? It should be a mouth-opening.)

There was more and more sea water, and the draft of the Blue Sky Guardian increased little by little. Finally, when it was about to flood the red part, the entire Blue Sky Guardian floated up.

 “It’s floating, our warships are built without any problems!” Many people became excited.

The first step in launching the warship is to float it. If it does not float or even floods, it will be a big trouble.

 The Blue Sky Guardian got higher and higher, higher and higher, and finally, the water inside was level with the outside.

“Okay, let’s open the lock and undocking. Where is our tugboat?” Sunil said excitedly.

 Actually, if the gate is opened directly, sea water can pour in all at once, but then there is no way to control it. If an unexpected situation occurs, such as a water leakage from a ship, there will be no time to react.

 The tugboat is outside, but it has no intention of coming in!

Sunil was a little unhappy: "Bring the tugboat over here! What are you doing with our grand ceremony?"

 “Report, our tugboat can’t get through.”

 “Why?” Sunil’s face turned dark immediately.

"Because the mud outside is too thick, we have to find a way to clean up the mud first."

The mud is too thick?

Sunil looked over, but unfortunately he didn't have clairvoyance, so he couldn't see what was going on below.

“Before tonight, the mud must be cleared away. We can’t let the whole world see my joke at this grand moment!”

“Report, this is a bit difficult. Depending on the degree of silt, I estimate it will take a month.”

 He has said less in a month, but looking at Sunil's face now, he can't say much.

"A month? What are you doing? We can't get the ship out of the dock at such a grand launch moment?"

“Yes, today is the grand launch of the water, but haven’t we already launched the water?”

 What is going into the water? As long as the ship is immersed in sea water, it is called launching. We just say launching. Did we say dock? Let's go into the water and try to see if the aircraft carrier can float. Why not?

Sunil gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, our launching ceremony has come to a successful conclusion today!"

The reporters were stunned. Is it over?

 Is this the end? Your aircraft carrier is still in the dock.

 It’s weird enough that it was launched in the middle of construction, but it’s not even out of the dock yet? Why did you go into the water? Isn't it just to free up the dock for other things?

Some people also noticed that there were ships operating at the dock. I guess there was an accident there, right? For Ah San, the biggest surprise is the absence of accidents, and it is not unusual for any accidents to occur.


“Ah San’s launching ceremony was too funny, wasn’t it? He didn’t even leave the dock?” Everyone was shocked.

"If I guessed correctly, there should be too much mud at the entrance of the dry dock, and the ship cannot get out." Qin Tao said.

 It’s blocked by the mud and can’t get out! This reason shocked everyone.

"I didn't expect that Ah San actually created another miracle in the history of shipbuilding. I really don't know what Ah San was thinking. Wouldn't you check it in advance? Mr. Qin, what would you do if such an accident happened? ?”

"We have a dredger. It took only a few seconds to open the gate. However, I guess Ah San must be reluctant to hire our dredger." Qin Tao said, "They are just slow. After digging slowly, the ship should be able to leave in three months."

 Three months! The precious construction time of the dock was wasted in this way, and only Asan in the world could do it.

“However, this aircraft carrier still looks decent. Ah San has worked hard, but it’s a pity that there is nothing to do on this aircraft carrier.” Qin Tao felt a little regretful.

The Chaori King purchased by Asan before was horribly screwed up by Qin Tao. It cost several billion and could not be used in the end.

If the Super Sun King sails normally, Ah San will now be a dual-carrier formation, and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. However, now, Ah San can still only use that old second-hand aircraft carrier. When the Blue Sky Guardian is put into service, that ship will be overdue. The second-hand aircraft carriers in service will definitely have to be decommissioned, so Asan will still only have the size of one aircraft carrier.

“I heard that the British are tricking Ah San into purchasing their Queen-class aircraft carrier.” Someone said.

"The British definitely want to sell, so that they can share their construction costs, but Ah San has the experience of being cheated by Lao Maozi, so how can he easily fall for it." Qin Tao said: "Besides, British aircraft carriers are super expensive. Alas, it’s a pity that Asan can’t save face, otherwise it would be most suitable to order from our Mingzhou Group.”

 Mingzhou Group orders? How can it be? Ah San is not blind yet, everyone thought in their hearts, but no one dared to say it out loud, Mr. Qin was really good at cheating! It would be best if Asan's navy never expanded in size.

“Speaking of the British aircraft carrier, have they started construction now?”

“Yes, construction has already started. The British aircraft carrier uses a segmented construction plan or is built in different shipyards. It is said that this construction speed is the fastest.”

"Yes, it is the fastest, but I don't know if they can guarantee the construction accuracy. If after building it, they find that the two giant sections are not aligned when they are closed, it will be a big joke." Qin Tao said.

Everyone was suddenly surprised and all looked at Qin Tao: Mr. Qin, have you done anything?

Seeing the meaning in the other person's eyes, Qin Tao quickly waved his hand: "What are you thinking about? My hands can't be stretched that long. Well, I also visited the nuclear reactor assembly factory in Dalieshan today. You guys have eaten. It’s lunch, is it time to go back?”

Originally, these senior officials of the Navy were talking about a one-day inspection, but one day later, and another day added, they suddenly remembered that there is a nuclear reactor assembly factory here in Dalieshan, and the nuclear reactor of the 095 nuclear submarine was assembled here. They had to take a look. .

So, Qin Tao could only bring them here, spent the morning watching the Dalieshan, and continued to eat at the Mingzhou Group Guest House at noon. During the meal, he received the news of the launch of the Asan aircraft carrier, and they started chatting.

Now, it’s time for the big guys to leave, right? We can't live here forever. Our Mingzhou Group doesn't need a few meals, but you still have your own jobs.

“Yes, it’s time to go back. Let’s come back in a few days.” Wu Shengli said.

Qin Tao frowned, what are you doing? Do you want to stay here to exert pressure so that the Navy's aircraft carrier can be launched before the National Day?

“Dad, why don’t I pack up an office here for you? Let the capital send you the documents you want to process here?”


“If the superior leaders want to see you, please also ask the superior leaders to fly over?”

Wu Shengli stopped talking. Okay, your son-in-law has stiff wings. Do you dare to fight against your father-in-law?

However, Qin Tao is right. Although everyone is worried about the aircraft carrier, they can't stay here forever. After all, we still have important things to do!

"Then let's go back. The National Day is coming soon, and there are still many things waiting for us." Wu Shengli said: "We in the capital are waiting for the good news from Mingzhou Group. Taozi, are you staying here?" Here or back?"


Of course I'm going back to the capital. I have nothing to do if I stay in the shipyard, and it's not good to point fingers all day long.

Just when Qin Tao was about to answer this, Xu Zhengyang walked in: "Mr. Qin, there is good news from Siam, and the explosives have been laid in place!"

"So fast?"

“Yes, with the participation of our Mingzhou Group, can we not hurry up?”

"It seems that I have to go there again. I have to see such a spectacular scene." Qin Tao found a new mission.

“Taozi, you’re doing a great job.” Wu Shengli suddenly sighed with emotion.

 “Why are you so beautiful?”

“You have successfully diverted the attention of many people!” Wu Shengli said: “The flash point of this recent series of events is still in the Middle East, but after your troubles, the whole world is looking at Siam.”

The bombing of the USS Cole angered the Parthian Empire, which triggered a series of events. But now, with this turmoil, everyone is paying attention to the Siamese canal, and seems to have forgotten the bombed USS Cole. .

"Dad, what does this have to do with me? I didn't want to get involved in the canal. It was you who had to give me this glorious and arduous task." Qin Tao said, "I was originally a shipbuilder, but in the end I had to Building airplanes, rockets, and infrastructure, oh, I’m so busy every day that I don’t have any free time.”

you busy? In the entire Mingzhou Group, you seem to be the most relaxed!

 (End of this chapter)

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