Warship of Great Power

Chapter 858: Siam also has an aircraft carrier!

  Chapter 858 Siam also has an aircraft carrier!

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, there is one thing that I must report to you." Rakul stood in Qiu Daxin's office with a serious face, and said to Qiu Daxin who was handling official business.

   "What's the matter?" Qiu Daxin raised his head, his eyes sparkling.

   "About the Kra Isthmus Canal."

Qiu Daxin has been waiting for him for a long time. The project was started by Lacour, but Trasil later intervened. Lacour did not get any benefits from the subsequent projects, so he would definitely feel dissatisfied. He just Unexpectedly, Rakul came to him so late, what was Rakul doing for a whole month? Thought he saw it.


"The construction team invited by Trasil cleared a total of 80 meters of the canal channel in this month. If they follow their progress, it will take about 1,000 months, that is, more than 80 years It takes more time to clean up the canal.”

   "What?" Qiu Daxin stood up: "In one month, they cleared 80 meters?"


   "Come here!" Qiu Daxin yelled: "Arrange a trip for me immediately, and go to the Kra Isthmus Canal for inspection! By the way, call Trashiel too!"

The cost of 80 million U.S. dollars has become 40 million U.S. dollars, and it can also be credited. Therefore, Qiu Daxin gave up Mingzhou Group and switched to a European construction company for the canal project. But now, this construction team is actually doing foreign work. He absolutely cannot allow it. If it took eighty years to clear the canal, then he, Qiu Daxin, would have gone to another world long ago!

  That afternoon, the weather was relatively hot, and the scorching sun shone on the construction site. Qiu Daxin stepped on the construction site with his brand new leather shoes, and saw a few construction machines parked there without moving, and no one could be seen.

   "What's going on?" Qiu Daxin asked.

   "The workers thought it was too hot, so they went to the work shed to escape the heat. They would come here to work for about half an hour before dark."

   "It's too hot, have you gone to escape the summer heat?" Qiu Daxin's face darkened: "How long do they work in a day?"

   "This is not fixed. If the weather is cool, you may be able to work until 10:30 in the morning. Including the time before dark, you can make up two hours. If the weather is hot, you can finish work at 9:30 in the morning and work for an hour all day."

   "Isn't it two and a half hours to work until 10:30 in the morning?" Qiu Daxin's assistant asked.

   "No, they go to work at nine."

   "Damn it, when the Mingzhou Group was constructing for us, it was working day and night. What are these Europeans doing here? Are they traveling?" Qiu Daxin was very angry.

  How did you find a lot of lazy goods from Europe?

   "This work shed is not bad." Qiu Daxin's assistant looked at a row of iron houses not far away. They were neat and orderly. There were still air conditioners hanging outside the houses, and they were whimpering.

   But its sound was silent, but another whining sound was carried far away in the open construction site. This should be a wind instrument with a low voice, which sounded a little out of tune, and then stopped.

"Saxophone?" Qiu Daxin knows the stuff, he quickly walked to the side of the shed, and looked at the situation in each window: a person stood in front of the first window, practicing playing to the music score, next to him There is a table in the window, and a few people are playing bridge. In the third window, it seems that someone is painting in it?

  Is this still a construction site? It's almost like an art academy, isn't it?

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, I'm here." Trasil ran over, and at this moment, sweat was constantly pouring out from his forehead.

   "Who is the person in charge here? Call him here." Qiu Daxin said to him, suppressing his anger.

   "Hans, Hans!" Trashiel called to the saxophonist, "Come out, come out!"

  Hans put down the saxophone and opened the window: "Come in, it's too hot outside."

Hans occupied a work shed by himself, the inside was clean and tidy, he looked at the people entering the room: "I rarely have guests here, I have enough coffee beans, but I only have one cup, so I can't serve you coffee gone."

   These guys really enjoy it!

   "Mr. Hans, when are you going to work?"

   "Wait until the weather cools down." Hans said.

   "Then with your construction progress, how long will it take to dig this canal for us?"

"This is not something we have to consider. We will never work in hot weather. Our union has strict regulations. Once the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, we must stop outdoor work. You see, I hung a Thermometer, we work by that thermometer."

  The thermometer is hung on the external unit of the air conditioner, and the temperature display is of course very high!

   "Aren't you afraid of delaying the construction period?"

   "The delay in the construction period is caused by your hot weather and has nothing to do with us."

   The room was very cool, but the sweat on Trasil's forehead was already gushing out. He didn't expect that such a big problem would happen!

The strength of the European construction company is unquestionable. Therefore, after the contract was signed, Trasil only came to inspect the construction site when the construction started, and then returned to the capital. Who wants to work in this environment all day long? He didn't expect that these workers would actually start working abroad!

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, don't worry, I'll negotiate with them." Trasil said, "Mr. Hans, shall we go to the next room to talk?"

  Chu Daxin's face was livid, and Lacour said: "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, let's go to the car, there is one more thing I want to report to you."

  Qiu Daxin nodded.

   Watching Qiu Daxin, Lakul and others leave, Trasil wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

   "Mr. Hans, this project is a key project in our country, please speed up." Trasil was very nervous: "If you are still so slow, then I will be in big trouble."

   "It's okay to hurry up, then hire more workers and more machinery and equipment, so the price will be higher."

   "How tall?"

   “At least $100 million.”

   100 million!

   Trasil nearly rolled his eyes and passed out.

   "This is not suitable for you, so forget it, please rest assured that although the construction progress is a bit slower, the quality of our project is first-class."

be cheated!

   Trasil has now realized that he seems to have fallen into a pit.

  Here, Lacour and Qiu Daxin started talking in the car.

"Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, I have been investigating for a month. This construction team was established just a month ago. Moreover, the source of the registered capital is also very strange. I bribed the bank's executives to investigate. The registered capital comes from a country we are familiar with."

   "Singapore?" Qiu Daxin's eyelids twitched wildly.

   All this turned out to be a conspiracy!

  Mingzhou Group’s quotation is already the lowest, and the construction period is still guaranteed. What did I think at the beginning, and I adopted the plan with a short construction period?

  Why do Europeans help themselves? And put forward such favorable conditions? This is clearly a conspiracy, I didn't realize it at the beginning!

   Fortunately, Lacourt is secretly investigating, otherwise he will be kept in the dark. This Traciel is really abominable. He actually colluded with the Singaporeans to deceive himself!

"That's right, it's Singapore." Lacour said, "All of this is a conspiracy. They just want to hinder us from building the canal. In order to avoid being influenced by those people, we used a plan to deceive them and proceed secretly. In the end, all The blasting, even if it is like this, is still a trick. They have tampered with the explosives we planted. Fortunately, we are still successful. As long as we continue to dig, who would have thought that they actually organized a construction company to come here. Destroy us!"

   "What should we do now?" Qiu Daxin said: "They delayed our construction period by one month, a month's construction period! Lacourt, I decided to cancel the previous contract, and we will find Mingzhou Group to cooperate next!"

   "Of course the previous contract cannot be voided, it still has great value."

   "What's the use?" Qiu Daxin asked.

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, do you still remember the terms we added later?"

   Subsequent additional clauses? Qiu Daxin had indeed forgotten, and thought carefully in his mind: "You mean those complicated compensation clauses?"

   "That's right, those are the clauses." Lacour said excitedly: "Now that they are delaying the construction period, we can use this clause to seek compensation from them. Our highest claim amount can be as high as 100 million!"

  Chu Daxin's eyes showed surprise.

   At this moment, Trasil came back with an ugly face. He knew that he was in serious trouble, but what could he do? The Germans brought up the trade union and limited the reason to the weather, that is, if they don't work, they will pay more if they want to work!

  Now, how does he explain to Qiu Daxin?

   "Trasil, what did they say?"

   "It's all due to the weather, and we can't help it. If we add more funds, we can speed up their progress."

   "How much to append?"

   "One hundred million."

  Qiu Daxin had a sneer on his face, okay, 100 million? At the beginning, I quoted a low price, but now I continue to increase the price. This trick is very smooth!

   "With a funding of 100 million U.S. dollars, how many tens of millions can you get?"

  Trasil's face changed: "I don't get any points, those are all for digging canals, how can I get them?"

   "You sound very honest."

   "Of course, I am dedicated to the country."

   "Then tell me honestly, how many benefits have you received from Singaporeans to disturb our project?"

"No, I didn't receive any favors. This project is for our country. How could I accept bribes for this project?" Trasil quickly proved his innocence: "Besides, this project was done by a European construction company. With your consent, how could it possibly have anything to do with Singaporeans?"

"This construction company didn't exist in the first place. It was established when we needed it. Moreover, the registered capital is from Singapore. Don't say you don't know about it!" Qiu Daxin said angrily: "I, the last I hate people who cheat me! Trashiel, you can take bribes, but you must have a bottom line. The Kra Canal is for the benefit of our entire country and for our long-term development. You have no bottom line for corruption and bribery on this project. It caused a serious delay in the construction period, even if I let you go, our country and our people will not let you go!"

"I don't!"

   "Still arguing? Wait until you talk to relevant state agencies about your words."

  Trasil's legs gave way, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

In Siam, corruption and bribery have long been the norm, everyone is the same, so usually no one will be investigated because of this matter, after all, it is an official shame for the entire country if the investigation is found out, but if you offend If there is a certain bottom line, then it will be targeted, such as tampering with the Kra Canal. When other corrupt officials hear about this, they will call Trashiel what he deserves. Can you not distinguish between your own interests and the national interests? ?

   "I didn't, I really didn't, Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, you have to trust me."

   "Let's talk about it after the investigation." Qiu Daxin closed the car door: "Now, we have more important things."

   Lacour felt excited.

If you directly find someone to kill Trasil, even if it is disguised as a traffic accident, many people will guess that Lacourt did it, and the most dead is Trasil alone. Now, Trasil Er actually enriched his own pockets on the canal project, causing the project to progress slowly, which will implicate him and many people behind him! In this way, Trasil will be completely dead without a place to bury him, and there is no way to turn things around.

   President Qin is really amazing!

  The people on the canal construction site are just working people, and it is useless to negotiate with them too much. Now, they need to find the people behind them.

"Lacourt, the next project of the canal will be handed over to you. You need to contact Mingzhou Group and ask Mr. Qin to send someone here to continue the construction. At the same time, you also need to be responsible for claiming compensation from the Europeans for all the funds obtained. , you don’t need to enter the account of the relevant department, it’s directly at your disposal.” In the car, Qiu Daxin said to Lacourt.


After a month of waiting, Lacour took over the task again, and at the same time, gained the absolute trust of Qiu Daxin. At this time, he was very happy in his heart: "I will let the Orientals enter the working state as soon as possible, at full speed. Dig our canal and try to make up for this lost month."

"Well, apologize to Mr. Qin for me. We didn't keep our eyes open, and we can't recognize people clearly." Qiu Daxin said: "Westerners don't have a good thing. From now on, we still have to trust the East. They are our real good people." friend!"

Digging a canal is of great benefit to Siam, but it is not in line with the strategy of the Westerners. Therefore, for a long time, once Siam has a sign of building a canal, it will be blocked by various forces, preventing them from start.

  The most important thing for success this time is one word: fast!

By way of explosion, they let the canal basically take shape before the outside world reacted. In this way, it was too late for the outside world to exert resistance. The canal has already been excavated to such a state. Continue to dig until the canal is completed, otherwise, ordinary people will not agree.

   "Yes, the East is our real good friend, and our policy should have been tilted to the East long ago." Lacourt said.

  In the car, the two chatted happily, but just after getting out of the car and returning to the office, before they had time to get into work, an uninvited guest ushered in.

   "Did you go to the construction site to inspect? Is the situation good?" The man came with a cigarette pot in his mouth, and his words were very impolite.

   "Your Excellency Swift, why are you here?" Qiu Daxin was very surprised.

   "Can't I come?" Swift said, "I'm here to convey the meaning of the white house. The white house doesn't want to see a **** Clark Canal, so I hope you can stop."

  Qiu Daxin's face became serious, and the opponent finally had a showdown, which meant that the opponent had decided to tear himself apart!

   "The Kra Canal project is related to the future of our Siamese country, and we can't stop it." Qiu Daxin coldly rejected the other party.

"Can't stop?" Swift said: "Okay, then I solemnly inform you that our U.S. Navy has decided to organize a sea exercise with the Asan Navy in the Bay of Bengal. The troops participating in the exercise will have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Fang had better think about it carefully, I will give you three days, and after three days, we will publicly announce the exercise."

  Qiu Daxin clenched his fists.

   "Your Excellency Qiu Daxin, things are not at their worst yet." Lacour said, "We can go to President Qin, and President Qin will definitely find a solution!"

   "Okay." Qiu Daxin nodded: "We will allocate a special fund to deal with this crisis. In short, we will never compromise!"

   With mixed feelings, Rakul went to the east, and in the evening of the same day, Rakul met Qin Tao.

   "Mr. Qin, we are in big trouble and need your help!" After seeing Qin Tao, Lacour immediately told the story before he had time to greet him.

   "That is to say, they are going to conduct a joint naval exercise at your doorstep?"

"That's right, that's it, they want to use force to deter us!" Rakul was very angry: "We will never compromise under this kind of deterrence, we need countermeasures! His Excellency Qiu Daxin gave We approved a $20 million budget to deal with this incident."

  $20 million? How good it is to directly use it as the funds for digging the canal! Qin Tao was a little emotional, but he didn't say it out loud.

   "President Qin, we need advanced means to fight against them!"

"Twenty million dollars is too little." Qin Tao frowned and said, "It is impossible to purchase our J-31A fighter jets at all, but we can also do something special for urgent matters. The US dollar is considered as the lease fee of the J-31A, we fly two of them and dock on your aircraft carrier, they can perform exercises, can’t you?”

The aircraft carrier formation of the US Navy is not omnipotent. Although they are also developing stealth aircraft, they do not have the ability to intercept stealth aircraft. Therefore, while the aircraft carrier in Siam is still there, they can upgrade it once. An attempt to carry a stealth carrier-based aircraft on a 10,000-ton light aircraft carrier.

  The Siamese Navy has been waiting for this day! Hearing Qin Tao's words, Lacourt immediately became excited: "Mr. Qin, are you going to lend us two stealth planes?"

   "That's right, we will conduct another exercise, and the aircraft carrier equipped with stealth aircraft will attack! Our navy is also capable of protecting our motherland!"

  Siam also has an aircraft carrier!

  Although it is only a 10,000-ton light aircraft carrier, it is also an aircraft carrier. If this type of aircraft carrier is equipped with advanced fighter jets, it still has a certain ability to attack US-made aircraft carriers!

   "Boss Qin, if it is equipped with a stealth aircraft, what means will we use to attack the warship?"

For ordinary fighters, attacking warships is not a problem at all, they can carry a large number of anti-ship missiles, American fighters often carry Harpoons, and Eastern fighters carry a wide variety, from the common C801 to the supersonic YJ-12 and the like can be carried and have comprehensive attack power.

   However, the stealth machine is different.

In order to play the role of stealth, stealth fighters cannot carry missiles externally, otherwise it will destroy its appearance, so stealth fighters can only have built-in weapons. The -35's bomb bay, which is divided into two halves, is much more advanced. However, limited by the size of the body, the length and depth of the bomb bay are limited.

  The most common C801 is more than six meters long, and it simply cannot fit into the bomb bay of the J-31A which is less than four meters!

   It is no problem to mount common guided bombs in the bomb bay, but it is a bit difficult to mount slender anti-ship or ground attack missiles, so what to mount?

   "We use the most advanced anti-ship missiles." Qin Tao said: "We tailor-made a C704 anti-ship missile for the J-31A."

For a long time, the C801 series of anti-ship missiles have been the mainstay of the navy and the main force for export. However, this kind of missile also has many problems. For example, it is heavy and cannot be mounted on a helicopter. When attacking small targets, the It is to kill chickens with a sledgehammer, so the navy also needs a light missile to deal with speedboat targets of several hundred tons, so that there will be more choices when dealing with pirates.

Therefore, the relevant domestic departments have developed the C701 anti-ship missile. This missile is 2.2 meters long, 180 mm in diameter, and weighs 100 kg. There is no problem with a speedboat of several hundred tons, but it will not work against other warships.

Therefore, after the launch of this anti-ship missile, the relevant domestic departments continued their efforts and launched an upgraded C704 anti-ship missile. The weight of the warhead has also been increased to 130 kilograms, which is larger than the weight of the C701 and is enough to deal with a warship with a displacement of 4,000 tons.

   Moreover, the size of this missile is suitable, and it can just be stuffed into the magazine of the J-31A. Therefore, the research and development team integrated this weapon into it, and now it is the first public display.

   "C704? What kind of anti-ship missile is this?" Lacourt immediately became excited.

"This is the latest anti-ship missile developed in our country. In addition to the usual TV seeker, this missile can also use radar, or infrared/ultraviolet imaging seeker. No warship can escape its lock. Its standard The range of the model is 35 kilometers, but the customer can add a single-stage or even a double-stage booster at the back according to the needs, and the maximum range can be increased to 70 kilometers, and even more advanced propellants can be installed in the future. More than 100 kilometers. If the customer needs it and the price is right, the entire production line can be transferred.”

  Lacour was moved. They haven’t introduced the anti-ship missile production line yet. With the opening of the canal in the future, they will need a large number of anti-ship missiles to protect the safety of the canal. Should they consider introducing the production line?

   Let’s talk about it later, after the canal is opened, there will be money.

   PS: My mind is a little messed up today, and I can’t continue coding. That’s all for this chapter, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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