Warship of Great Power

Chapter 877: Qin Tao: I'm sure, the Foch is a trap

  Chapter 877 Qin Tao: I'm sure, Foch is a pit

  One day passed quickly, and the French had no interest in continuing to investigate, and they no longer wanted to be hit again.

  So, on the third day, they left the Mingzhou Group and went to Ah San.

  A San Naval senior officer Sunil warmly received them.

   "Everyone came from afar, what's the matter?" Sunil asked.

"Mr. Sunil, you should also know that our aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is about to enter service, so we need to decommission the aircraft carrier Foch, and we have seen that your aircraft carrier business is not going well, so we want to Let me ask you if you are interested in purchasing our decommissioned aircraft carrier."

Hearing Philip's words, Sunil immediately became vigilant: "I'm sorry, we decided to unswervingly follow the road of self-developed aircraft carrier. Our first domestic aircraft carrier, Blue Sky Guardian, has been launched. At this time, we are We will not continue to purchase aircraft carriers from other countries, especially those that are given to us for free.”

The free stuff is the most expensive, this is already well understood by the Sans, and now, of course, the Sans will not continue to be fooled, and suffered such a big loss on the Chaoriwang, they must use their brains .

   "Mr. Sunil, we are not giving your aircraft carrier for free. We are selling it to you at the scrap iron price. Once it is in your hands, you can dismantle it or refit it. Everything is up to you."

  Buy it back at the scrap iron price? Sunil frowned, did these people have other ideas?

   "What else do you want?"

   "There are no other requirements. We just feel that you need an advanced modern aircraft carrier, so we want to sell our decommissioned aircraft carrier to you. The displacement of 30,000 to 40,000 tons can just meet your operational needs."

   "No other conditions?"


"I do not believe."

   "Well, we have some ideas too."

   Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, Ah San was really scared. Now if the French say they have no other ideas, they really don’t believe it, and the French can only openly say some needs.

"what idea?"

"We believe that the MiG-29K is extremely unqualified as a carrier-based aircraft. You should purchase our Rafale fighter jets as a new generation of carrier-based aircraft. After all, our aircraft is a generation ahead of the MiG-29K." Philip Said: "On our Charles de Gaulle, we plan to use the Rafale fighter as the main carrier-based aircraft. We believe that the Rafale can also be used as the main force on the Foch aircraft carrier, and even on your self-made Blue Sky Guardian. You can purchase our Rafale fighter jets."

"Is this mandatory? If we want to purchase your Foch aircraft carrier at scrap iron prices, we have to purchase a batch of Rafale fighter jets?" Sunil calmed down a lot now, knowing what the other party was thinking, he I have a bottom line in my heart.

"No, of course not." Philip shook his head: "We are just suggesting, we think this is your best choice, only our Rafale can fight against the Eastern J-15 or even J-31A, Mi The G-29K is not qualified."

   "In addition to the MiG-29K, we also have our LCA. We don't think we need to purchase another fighter." Sunil replied cautiously: "I'm afraid your wish will come to nothing."

   Ah San has always been pursuing an independent national defense policy, especially after being tricked, their aircraft carrier must be self-developed, and their fighter planes must also be self-developed.

LCA is a light fighter developed by themselves. This project was launched in 1983. It took until January of this year that this aircraft finally flew into the sky. As an aircraft of the 21st century, it is still only Ordinary tailless delta wing layout, without upper canards, is still a feature of an aircraft in the 1980s, and key components such as engines are all imported.

   Even if this is the case, Ah San is proud enough. They are very satisfied with this aircraft. Of course, they want to expand its use, including boarding the ship.

   This aircraft must have the ability to board the ship, and it will become their main carrier-based fighter in the future, so as not to be controlled by others again. They have suffered from the MiG-29K, and they have increased the price several times in the middle.

   "It is also complicated work to change a fighter from a land-based model to a ship-based model. It is not easy to strengthen the landing gear and increase the landing hook. We hope that we can share some design tasks in it."

  Sunil thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

The French are the most proficient at tailless delta wings in the world, and their Mirage 2000 is the best representative of them. This LCA made by Ah San also has many shadows of Mirage 2000. Now it needs a lot of design to ship. If they can't handle the work, they have to invite foreigners to do it. These are originally for the French, and it doesn't matter if they agree to the French's request.

Here, Philip also breathed a sigh of relief. It was really too difficult to convince Ah San of his sincerity. Ah San would never have thought that the hole he dug was in another direction. The first step now is to fool Ah San. Three purchased the Foch aircraft carrier.

"Okay, then let's talk about the price. The empty weight of the Foch aircraft carrier is 27,000 tons..." Before Philip finished speaking, Sunil opened his eyes wide: "27,000 tons? This is too light, what three A 40,000-ton aircraft carrier, this is clearly a 20,000-30,000-ton aircraft carrier! Can the MiG-29K take off and land on the deck of this aircraft carrier?"

   "We don't know about this. After all, we have never operated the MiG-29K, but we have conducted a take-off and landing test of the Rafale on this aircraft carrier. This is a photo of our test."

  Kadina on the side took out the photo. The Rafale fighter was hooking the arresting wire and landing on the Foch aircraft carrier, looking very chic.

"Yes, since gusts can land, our MiG-29K can also land. After all, they are all medium-sized aircraft. As for the price of scrap iron, the current international price is 70 US dollars per ton, but considering the cost of dismantling, we It needs to be purchased at a price of 50 US dollars per ton, which is 1.35 million US dollars, how about cash on delivery? You will bring us the aircraft carrier, and we will receive it at the port here."

As expected, Ah San has learned a lot and lowered the price to such a bottom line. Philip felt a surge of anger in his chest. He stood up and said politely: "We came here with sincerity. If Fang is so insincere, forget it, we can completely sell this aircraft carrier to Dongfang, Mingzhou Group can simply modify it, and then sell it at a high price."

  Seeing that the French were about to leave, Sunil became anxious and quickly dissuaded him: "Everyone, don't be angry, that is the FOB price, and we will drive it back, but you have to ensure that the power system on it is intact."

   "Of course it is intact. Except for the key device above that will be removed, other devices will be kept. Not only the power system, but also the catapult above it is intact."

   "Catapult?" Sunil's eyes flashed brightly: "Your aircraft carrier still has catapults? Did you also use catapults to take off when you tested the Rafale fighter?"

   "This doesn't seem to be a problem, does it?" Philip didn't answer directly, isn't it obvious? Our fighter planes landed on the aircraft carrier, shouldn't they take off on the aircraft carrier?

"Okay, then we will send someone to receive it immediately, and our navy will quickly report the purchase application and apply for funding in the shortest possible time." Sunil was completely moved, this aircraft carrier can be used when it is brought back, now The progress of their aircraft carrier project is slow, and the problem of no aircraft carrier is finally resolved.

  Philip and Kadina looked at each other, okay, Ah San finally took the bait, next...


   "Ah San has decided to purchase the Foch aircraft carrier, Taozi, are you sure this will not enhance the combat effectiveness of Ah San's navy?" In the small courtyard, Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao.

  Qin Xue was still young, Zhao Ling returned to the capital directly after going out for a trip, Qin Tao also returned to the capital after finishing his busy work, and after the father-in-law came back, he immediately chatted with him about business.

"Of course not. The Ah San Navy has got this aircraft carrier, so it has to be improved. It is impossible to modify it without tens of millions of dollars in modification fees and a few years. This is an old ship. It will have to be scrapped in a few years, and during this process, Ah San will definitely not have the energy to fiddle with the Blue Sky Guardian, which will delay their service of the Blue Sky Guardian by several years."

   "Isn't the aircraft carrier Foch usable? Does it have to be refitted?" Wu Shengli was very curious.

   "If Ah San decides to operate an old fighter, it can indeed be used directly, but if he wants to operate a modern MiG-29K or Rafale, he must modify it."

   "I heard the French tested the Rafale on it?"

   "Yes, it was tested, and the landing was so-so, but the take-off was not good, and the deck scheduling was not convenient, so the follow-up Rafale fighter test was carried out on an American aircraft carrier."

   Can't take off? Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide: "You mean, the catapult on it is no longer usable?"

Qin Tao smiled: "For a big guy like a catapult, it needs to be maintained all the time. Every time it is ejected, it will wear out. The French have used it for decades. If Ah San wants to use it, continue to eject it." A super flag should be fine, but it may be difficult to eject a heavier aircraft."

  If the French didn't find that the performance of the catapult was not ideal, why did they go to the US aircraft carrier to test it? Rent must be cheaper than losing a Rafale, right?

As far as steam catapults are concerned, only the United States and the United Kingdom have produced them in practice. Britain’s first catapult, the BS-4, can only eject ten-ton jets or fifteen-ton propeller aircraft, and its performance is poor. So they made persistent efforts and developed the BS-5 catapult.

The ejection stroke of this catapult has been increased to 46 meters, the installation length has been expanded to 67 meters, the ejection valve has been changed from a rotary type to a rotary type, and a wet steam collector has been applied to reduce the loss of steam energy and pressure drop. Under the same working pressure, the ejection weight of BS5 is said to be double that of BS4 series.

  So, when France was developing the Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier, it directly used doctrine and purchased four sets of catapults from the United Kingdom, which were used on two aircraft carriers.

  At that time, although the C13 series catapults of the United States were more powerful, they were 20 to 30 meters longer than the BS-5, and they were not easy to use on their small aircraft carriers.

  After so many years, Britain no longer produces catapults, and only the United States produces C-13 steam catapults with stronger performance, so the French Charles de Gaulle can only purchase steam catapults from the United States.

   As for the aircraft carrier Foch, want to replace the old catapult? That's not easy, make do with it? Ejecting an empty plane is almost the same, want to be full of fuel and full of ammunition? Then stop dreaming. If you go out, you have to fall into the sea.

  So, after Ah San got it, she had to improve.

Moreover, Qin Tao also has full confidence. After all, in his own time and space, this aircraft carrier fell into the hands of the football country, and it did not start a few times at all. Various problems continued, and in the end it could only be sunk into the sea and terminated hastily. its life.

   In the hands of Ah San, it must be broken every day.

  Wu Shengli thought about it seriously, and finally let go of his worries. His son-in-law has never made a mistake. Since he said it was a trap, it must be a trap.

   "By the way, I heard that Gou Dahu's aircraft carrier is about to launch?" Wu Shengli continued to ask.

   "That's right, it's about to go into the water, and our navy is interested? Dad, we already have an 80,000-ton aircraft carrier. How can we be interested in that 30,000-40,000-ton aircraft carrier?"

   "There is an electric propulsion system on it, we want to see if this thing is reliable or not." Wu Shengli said.

   "Of course it's reliable, what else could go wrong?" Qin Tao was very dissatisfied with the old man's suspicion.

   "By the way, it's just in time for you to come back. There are people from the North Kimchi Country. I have some requests. I think it's good to ask them directly in front of you."

   North kimchi country?

Qin Tao was stunned for a moment: "Could it be Yin Chengze, Cui Zhongkui and the others? These guys have always thought of empty-handed white wolves. I don't have a good impression of them. No see, no see. Every time we meet, nothing good happens. I'm not Leshan Big Buddha, why do you always ask me to give alms."

Seeing Qin Tao like this, Wu Shengli smiled: "Yes, sometimes their demands are a little too much, but you should also know that they have important strategic significance to us, and we must help when we should. "

   "Does the navy pay for it? The navy can pay for them."

  Wu Shengli paused, and continued: "Of course, when it comes to paying money, you still have to figure it out on your own. If you really don't want to, you can refuse. But, we always have to see each other."

   "Okay." Qin Tao nodded.

  What are these people doing here?

   Last time I asked for the prototype of the Stirling engine to go back. I guess it was for research. After imitating it, I found that the power was not up to standard, and then asked my side to send technicians to help troubleshoot the problem?

  If so, yes, but you have to pay! After I went there, I pointed out a few parts. They produced substandard parts and had to import them from the East, so they could still make money.

  Qin Tao made up his mind.

   After returning home, he enjoyed the warmth of the family with his wife and children. It was the next afternoon that Qin Tao took a break from his busy schedule and took some time to meet the guests from the North Kimchi Country.

Cui Zhongkui didn't come, but Yin Chengze led the team. After seeing Qin Tao, Yin Chengze looked excited: "Mr. Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you. You were very generous last time and provided us with a Stirling engine. We are very grateful to our team." The development of the submarine force is of great significance. Our leader told me that after coming here, I must thank you and welcome you to visit our country if you have time."

   "I don't have time." Qin Tao was straightforward.

  The other party was taken aback.

   "So, if you need anything, just say it. There is no need for these pleasantries." Qin Tao said, "I don't like to beat around the bush."

Yin Chengze was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, Mr. Qin still has this temper, the same as last time, so I'll just say it, you are building a 22350 frigate for Da Mao, and the progress is very fast, we want to go and have a look For this frigate, if possible, we hope to introduce technology and produce it ourselves."

  The other party didn't come here because of the Stirling engine? Qin Tao was a little curious.

  However, it depends on the 22350 frigate and hopes to introduce technology for production. What does this have to do with me?

   "This frigate was built for Da Mao. You go directly to Da Mao. As long as Da Mao agrees, you can look at it however you want, and introduce technology if you want to introduce it."

  The expression on Yin Chengze's face froze. The smile was squeezed out, but now it disappeared.

   "Is there anything else?" Qin Tao continued to ask, if there is nothing else, then he will leave.

"President Qin, you should also know that the gap between us and South Kimchi is getting bigger and bigger in terms of surface ships. We must find a way to improve the strength of our surface ships. This is a good opportunity. I hope you can Help us."

South Kimchi has started construction of the KDX-2 destroyer. Although this warship with a displacement of 6,000 tons does not have a four-sided phased array radar, it has a vertical launch system of up to 56 units. It is a luxury version of the South Kimchi Navy. , Moreover, the KDX-3 that is being planned is to be equipped with a four-sided phased array radar.

   Look at North Kimchi Country again, what do they have?

The largest surface ship is the Luojin class. This is a light frigate with a displacement of 1,500 tons. Its design refers to the Type 42 frigate of the Lao Maozi Navy. It was put into construction in the 1970s and is still the North Kimchi Navy. main warship.

Anyway, they don't have the need for ocean-going operations, so this kind of warship is enough to wander around the sea. However, these warships are still too old. Therefore, after entering the 21st century, the North Kimchi Kingdom decided to start construction and build Nanpu-class warships. Frigate, this kind of frigate adopts a stealth design and looks relatively modern, but because the displacement is not high, the types of weapons it carries are limited, mainly anti-submarine and anti-ship. In terms of air defense, there are only needle-type portable air defense missiles. For the North Kimchi Navy, if they really attack, it will be almost like sending them to death. You have to make up your mind to die, and you can't beat four hands with two fists. Even if the task is completed.

   Now counting the time, this kind of frigate is in the preparation stage, so it is normal for the other party to want to refer to the old Maozi frigate. The question is, don’t you know how much rice is in the pot?

"If you want to improve your strength, there are two ways." Although Qin Tao is dissatisfied with these people who always want to take it for nothing, he will still help when he should. After all, the old man said well, you have to follow considered from a strategic point of view.

   "President Qin, please speak."

"First of all, you can purchase the second-hand frigates that our navy has retired and eliminated." Qin Tao said: "Our navy is currently installing a large number of 054, and the original 053 frigates have begun to slowly enter the sequence of elimination. Installing a Haihongqi 7 anti-aircraft missile launcher on it can make this kind of frigate have comprehensive combat capabilities. For you, this should be the most suitable choice."

  Didn’t Laozhang let himself contribute? I simply caused him some trouble. If the people from the North Kimchi Country accepted this proposal, they would definitely come here and ask for it for nothing. Then we will see if the Navy will give it.

  This plan should be the most practical, but the person opposite shook his head directly: "No, no, what we want is an advanced stealth frigate, we don't want second-hand goods."

  Qin Tao sighed, what do these guys think? Is it because you have white thoughts? Don’t you know how expensive professional stealth frigates are?

"Secondly, we have a 056 frigate, which is the one used by the navy when the Pearl of the Orient returned. It has a stealth design and a displacement of more than 1,000 tons. It should be the best choice for you. We can use I will build two ships for you at the cost price, and I can also sell you the design drawings at the cost price."

   "Do you still need money for the drawings?" One of them asked, "Can't you just send it to us?"

   "That's right, the drawings don't cost anything. Now it's still computer graphics. Just give us a USB flash drive to install the data."

  Qin Tao's face darkened. I always know what to ask for, when have you ever seen you give?

Knowing Qin Tao's character, Yin Chengze quickly stopped his subordinates, and continued to say to Qin Tao: "President Qin, the displacement of this kind of warship is too small, and it can't be equipped with four-sided phased array radar, so it can't deal with future maritime threats. , What we want to get is an advanced warship like 22350 with four-sided phased array radar and vertical launching device. Our navy is short of funds, so we have to make good ones, and use quality advantages to offset the gap in quantity.”

   You know you don’t have money, what’s better?

  Qin Tao was also speechless.

"We've been talking for a long time, but it's still in vain. If you want the design drawings and materials of the 22350 frigate, you can go to Da Mao. They may generously give you a USB flash drive, and the problem will be solved." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he stood up: " Well, you go back and think about it, and come to me after you think about it."

  Seeing that Qin Tao was about to leave, Yin Chengze finally stopped hesitating and stood up: "Mr. Qin, please wait. Can we participate in your package plan for a weak country and a strong army?"

  (end of this chapter)

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