Warship of Great Power

Chapter 892: Layout Coco Island

A few days later.

"Mr. Qin, I heard that you want to invest in Myanmar. We welcome it very much. We believe that with your financial support, our country will be able to develop. May I ask, where do you want to invest?" An Guang Wen looked at Qin Tao with a smile on his face.

Hearing that Mingzhou Group wanted to invest, they were very excited and came over immediately.

Mingzhou Group invested in building canals in Siam, which allowed them to see the strength of the East. It must be said that they were envious. Siam now had a stable source of income, and they could make money just lying down.

They also want to know that Myanmar is a country that doesn’t want anything, but is rich in warlords. They have almost no modern weapons, only some ordinary guns and ammunition.

 “We want to develop your tourism industry.”

"Tourism? That's great!" An Guangwen was even more excited. Look at Siam. Before there was a canal, it relied on tourism to become the Four Asian Tigers. They are neighboring countries to Siam, but there is no way. developed.

“Mr. Qin, where do you want to develop tourism? We will definitely cooperate vigorously.”

"Coco Island." Qin Tao said: "We hope to rent this island for fifty years temporarily, develop tourism on this island, and transfer our development experience on Shuangsha Island to make it a The Hawaii of the East.”

  Coco Island?

An Guangwen's face showed a look of disappointment: "Mr. Qin, it's just a small island with nothing worth developing. Our land is very large. Do you want to consider tourism on our land?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "I have no idea yet. How about we rent this island and give you a rent of US$100,000 per year?"

 A small, dilapidated island is worthless. The rent of one hundred thousand dollars is already a lot. For their government, this is also a windfall.

 As for their country? Qin Tao said that he would not consider it at all. After all, Myanmar is not a good place. If you really travel in their land, it is not necessarily tourism, and you might be cheated.

Coco Island is a small island far away from the mainland. After it is developed for tourism, there is no need to go through Myanmar, just go directly from Siam. Anyway, you have the final say on the island you rent.

An Guangwen's face was even more disappointed: "Only a hundred thousand US dollars in rent? What is this enough for?"

“Yes, it’s a hundred thousand U.S. dollars in rent, but we can directly pay twenty years’ rent as a down payment in one go, which is two million U.S. dollars. To you, this is not a small amount of money.”

 Two million?

 An Guangwen suddenly became excited.

He looked down on one hundred thousand dollars and thought it was too little, but two million dollars was definitely a lot. Regardless of whether he could get the money in the next nineteen years, he should get the two million dollars first.

"You want to lease Coco Island, of course, no problem." An Guangwen nodded: "How do you plan to develop this island?"

"Didn't I say that? According to our development plan on Shuangsha Island, in order to allow tourists to enter the island more conveniently, we need to build a long enough airstrip on the island, and also need to build a deep-water pier, and then Develop a special resort on the island." Qin Tao said: "We expect to invest tens of millions of dollars. After the development, this island will have a large number of tourists. Although the island is independently operated by us, in the future We will pay taxes according to your regulations. I believe that these taxes will soon exceed the rent. However, we hope that you will not send any official personnel to the island, so that all the income on our island is likely to be paid by the official People are being embezzled, and we don’t trust your officials.”

An Guangwen was a little embarrassed, but he nodded: "Okay, we will consider it. Now, can we talk about the details of the contract?"

"Let my secretary discuss the details with you." Qin Tao said, "I'm very busy, so I won't accompany you."

"Mr. Qin, wait!" An Guangwen quickly stopped him: "Mr. Qin, we have another unkind request."

 “What’s the unkind invitation?”

"We see that your electronic equipment and communication technology are also very developed. We hope that you can help us change the backward situation of our domestic network communications. If you can help us build a national Internet, it will definitely be It will greatly change our domestic backwardness and bring us into line with the world."

In the 1990s, all countries began to build the Internet, especially the United States, which proposed an information highway plan. With this plan, their economy developed significantly and even rarely ran a fiscal deficit.

Although Myanmar is lagging behind, it also wants to catch up with this trend.

Hearing this, Qin Tao felt happy. Building the Internet? This is of course no problem, but isn’t the aid and construction nonsense?

"Mr. An, it is impossible to assist in construction." Qin Tao said: "If you want to build the Internet, you need to discuss with our relevant domestic departments to reach cooperation conditions. We have many domestic communication companies. I think They are willing to do business in your country. If you want to get the Internet for free, there is no problem. You can open this market to our domestic companies. They will build the Internet for free and then offset the construction costs through operating income. "

"Mr. Qin, you are the largest company, and we only believe in you." An Guangwen was a little anxious.

“However, we only produce equipment. We have no experience in construction and operation. We should leave professional matters to professionals.”

An Guangwen nodded helplessly: "Okay."

"Secretary Xu, please talk to Mr. An next." Qin Tao left Xu Zhengyang to talk to him, while he walked out and went to the next room, where he saw Wu Shengli smiling. Waiting for yourself.

Zhao Ling was also sitting next to her, still holding Qin Xue in her arms. At this time, Qin Xue was looking at this new world with two shiny black eyes.

 “Come, Xue’er, let dad hold you.” Qin Tao opened his arms.

Qin Xue was very well-behaved and continued to look at the world here in Qin Tao's arms. She was not like her brother who liked to reach out and pinch Qin Tao's cheeks.

 “Taozi, it’s really yours. It’s so easy to break the situation.” Wu Shengli said from the side.

 Didn’t Asan want to focus on the construction of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? Then we will build Coco Island to the north of them. The distance will be closer and the effect will be more significant!

Qin Tao smiled: "If they want to change from Lookeast to Acteast, they have to see if they have the ability. We have completed the layout. We can take the land route or the Arctic route. The Kra Canal is just the icing on the cake. Our transportation route Safety must not be affected. When Secretary Xu negotiates an agreement with the other party, there will be many implicit conditions, such as opening a special route from our country to Coco Island and building a radar for civil aviation on Coco Island. "

Wu Shengli smiled: "Is this radar used for civil aviation a phased array?"

“It is necessary. Phased array radar has advanced performance, can penetrate rain and fog, and can navigate more accurately. Civil aviation must popularize this kind of radar.”

Put a radar on Coco Island and you will have a panoramic view of every move on the southern archipelago.

"Moreover, we have a high degree of autonomy on the island. If tourists want to watch an air show, we can also fly a few fighter planes over and hold an air show for them on site. In the same way, if you want to If we visit our warships, we can also drive them over for tourists to visit, and these will become implicit conditions in our agreement."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Your Mingzhou Group is really good at engaging in tourism. By the way, what do you think of the development of the Internet proposed by the other party?"

Qin Tao's face became serious: "I think this will be more important to us."

Wu Shengli was immediately puzzled, what could be so important about this?

“In the past few years, their traditional business in the north has been shrinking rapidly, so they have to look for new businesses. What business do you think is more profitable?”

  Is there any better way to make money than those people’s traditional business?

Wu Shengli began to think deeply.

Zhao Ling smiled: "Brother Tao, just tell me directly, and we won't guess."

 “Dad should be able to guess it.”

"That is definitely a business without capital." Wu Shengli said: "Burning, killing, looting, deception and abduction."

"Yes, the last word Dad said is right, lie." Qin Tao said: "They provide shelter and provide a living environment for some scammers, and those scammers give them the money they defrauded as protection fees. , thus forming a chain of interests.”

“But who are they trying to deceive?” Zhao Ling frowned: “It’s a poor place. They don’t do traditional business, so they have no money to deceive.”

“Xiao Ling, you are so smart, of course you can think of it.”

Zhao Ling’s face changed: “People who lied to our country?”

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, the victims in this interest chain are our domestic people. Scammers will use various arguments to deceive people, such as going abroad to make money, and then restrict their personal freedom to allow them to deceive more If people don't do this, they will be punched and kicked, or their kidneys will be sold for sale. In short, the scammers must squeeze out all the value."

Wu Shengli's face became serious: "Taozi, the method you mentioned is really possible to develop there, but what does this have to do with the Internet?"

"How can they deceive others across thousands of mountains and rivers? It must be through the Internet." Qin Tao said: "As long as we block this road, they will not be able to develop this industry. Now, they only have telephones. , or landline phones, these have long fallen behind. The future era belongs to the Internet. They will defraud on the Internet. Even if they make phone calls, they will make calls through the computer network. As long as we manipulate the Internet, we can Filter out their fraudulent information so they have no way to start.”

The fight against crime must start from the source, just like fighting overloading. It is useless to only target truck owners. Other owners will continue to overload. The only way is to attack the loading units from the source. Where are the goods loaded? Where to impose severe fines to see who dares to overload.

The same is true for fraud. It is impossible for scammers to run up to the victim and talk eloquently. They must be on the phone, sending text messages, or chatting online. As long as this road is blocked, the scammers will have nothing to do.

“From a technical point of view, is this easy?” Wu Shengli asked.

"Then we have to talk about the seven-layer protocol of TCP/IP. The physical layer and data link layer at the bottom definitely don't have this function, but when you get to the network layer, you can find out some when you check the data packets. When you get to the top , continue to assemble..."

What is transmitted in the communication medium must be signals of 0s and 1s. When it reaches the user, it has to be transformed into images, text, audio and video, etc. These need to be continuously assembled and the data slowly combined. During the transmission At that time, it was broken up layer by layer, and finally it was broken down into 0 and 1.

Anyone who has studied network knowledge will know this, but Wu Shengli was confused.

Seeing the confused look in his father-in-law's eyes, Qin Tao could only briefly summarize: "In short, the scammer's fraud information needs to be transmitted through the network. When we build the network for Myanmar, we can build in some programs to transfer this fraud information Filter them out to prevent their fraudulent activities from happening and eliminate them from the root."

It is better to start from the source than to do more publicity or to freeze funds quickly. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity in my time and space. Now that I have encountered it, of course I have to help.

The other party requires establishing a network, of course no problem! We can help. After it is completed, we will operate it. Of course, if you want to get some benefits, you can do it. We do these things during the operation process for your own good, so as to avoid too much pressure from the international community. .

Qin Tao will not directly intervene in this matter. When a domestic communications company does it, they only need to provide some help.

“Don’t they have other options?” Wu Shengli was still a little confused.

"What's the solution? They build their own network? Where do they connect it? Asan or Siam? Even if they do connect it, the worst we can do is cut it off for them accidentally and bury it, and they won't know where it was broken. Satellite Telephone? The cost of that thing is not very high, they don’t have the capital.” Qin Tao smiled: “In addition to these, if we need to, we can also prevent them from transferring money in their bank accounts at any time.”

Zhao Ling was a little curious: "Network operators don't have this power, right?"

Network operators provide network services. Even if banks have their own dedicated networks, they will still access the Internet for the convenience of customers and provide customers with transfer and other platforms. Network operators only help deliver information. When can they interfere? Bank customer's operation?

Qin Tao smiled: "We can't do anything else, but we can unplug the network cable."

Once the scammer succeeds, he will quickly transfer the money through the purchased bank cards. After several changes of hands, the money will completely disappear from the data.

 So those who sell cards are objectively accomplices of scammers.

The scammer is definitely still in the same place, wearing handcuffs and typing on the keyboard to transfer the funds. As long as the network cable is unplugged at this time, the money cannot be transferred.

This matter has nothing to do with Qin Tao, but since it has happened, of course I have to intervene, and it can be regarded as doing some help for the families who were deceived.

Wu Shengli nodded. In fact, his mind was still a little confused, but as long as he knew that Qin Tao was doing this to prevent problems before they happened, that was enough, and he continued to talk about his own affairs.

“The military of Siam officially proposed to us that it wants to purchase Red Flag 9 missiles.” Wu Shengli said: “Taozi, you have created a problem for everyone.”

"What's wrong?" Qin Tao was curious: "We already have Hongqi-9A, and Hongqi-9B is also under development. The performance of our original Hongqi-9 has lagged behind. Can't we export it to earn foreign exchange?"

 Qin Tao feels that there is no problem at all!

"Yes, we have more advanced models, but there are still many prototype missiles equipped in the army. If they are exported, the secrets will inevitably be leaked. When we face a war, our existing anti-aircraft missiles may be known to the enemy. All parameters are met and the defense is made.”

"How is this possible? For our own use and export, the parameters must be adjusted. Those people in the country are not thinking of selling them directly, right?" Qin Tao said: "Export is necessary, and the Hongqi-9 missile will become ours." A trump card that competes with Patriot missiles and S300 missiles in the international market is a trump card for our military industry. Our domestic military industry research and development costs a lot, and only by selling it can we form a virtuous cycle."

 The exported version must be a low-end version, and when exporting, key information must be changed, such as radar frequency, command frequency band, etc., so that the export will not affect the data for personal use.

 The domestic aerospace sector should know this truth.

"In addition to Siam, Lao Ba and even big dog owners will be customers of our anti-aircraft missiles in the future. If we don't sell them, then they will have no choice but to buy Patriot missiles." Qin Tao continued to analyze: "Also With the Kaishan missile, this missile will continue to improve in the future, and maybe it will have more customers."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Okay, I will talk to them after I go back."

 At this point, the door outside opened, and Xu Zhengyang came back with excitement on his face.

“Mr. Qin, the deal is settled,” Xu Zhengyang said, “It’s in full accordance with the terms we drafted. As long as An Guangwen goes back and asks their leader to sign and seal the matter, it will be done.”

“Well, the sooner this happens, the better. If necessary, you can give their leaders a sum of money.” Qin Tao said, if time goes by, there may be some changes. For example, if Asan heard about it, he might spend more money to **** the island from Dongfang.

“Well, I understand. Don’t worry, no one can take anything away from our Mingzhou Group.”

 Asan, the capital.

"When we purchase French aircraft carriers, we will have a two-carrier formation again. When our Blue Sky Guardian is completed, we will have a three-carrier formation. Our naval strength will still be the strongest here!" Sunil said excitedly.

There are no additional conditions to buy an aircraft carrier specifically, and the catapult of the French aircraft carrier can still be used. It can be said that it will be able to have combat effectiveness without modification when it comes back. This kind of good thing makes the Asan navy very happy, and they are waiting for the stars and the moon. .

"That's right, when we develop the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the aircraft carriers will be stationed there and can control the shipping there at any time. Humph, the Easterners think that by digging the Kra Canal, they can avoid the fate of being choked. Really?" The adjutant was also very excited.

“It’s a pity that we don’t have advanced carrier-based aircraft.” Someone else said: “The MiG-29K is too backward, especially the electronic equipment. It would be great if we could have advanced Western fighters!”

"We first purchased a French aircraft carrier and will conduct a trial flight after returning. If there is no problem, we can purchase Rafale fighter jets from France. This type of fighter jet is one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world, and its performance is much higher than that of the MiG-29K." Sunil said.

At this moment, a voice came from outside: "Report! Mr. Swift is here."

 In recent times, Swift has come over often to mingle with the Asan Navy. They are also happy to see this kind of thing.

"Okay, invite him over." Sunil said and stood up again: "I'd better go out to greet him."

Swift held his cigarette holder in his mouth and entered the conference room with Sunil with a smile. After sitting down, he spoke: "Regarding the development of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, when do you plan to start? This is an important project. , can’t delay.”

"Of course we know that construction will start within half a year and will be completed within five years." Sunil said: "We, Asan, are the fastest."

 Fastest? With the help of Mingzhou Group, the canal was excavated in half a year. You built a base, started construction in half a year, and completed it in five years. Is this the fastest?

Swift was dissatisfied. If he knew, this was still the most ideal situation, and he didn't know what to think.

“I heard that you purchased the USS Foch from France?” Swift continued to ask.

“That’s right, we purchased this aircraft carrier and will be back soon.”

“So, have you purchased carrier-based aircraft?”

“We plan to use the existing MiG-29K, which should be able to operate on that aircraft carrier. However, the performance of this fighter is too lagging behind, and we are worried.” Sunil said.

"This is easy. If you have ideas, we can sell you the F/A-18 Hornet, and we can also export it to your most advanced E/F type. Although this aircraft is not a stealth type, it is It has undergone stealth modification and has strong combat capabilities."

"Really? That's great!" Sunil suddenly became excited: "When can you fly one, just in time to test it on the aircraft carrier Foch."

 Their existing aircraft carrier operates vertical take-off and landing aircraft. It has no catapults and no arresting cables, so it cannot operate the Hornet at all. The arrival of the French aircraft carrier just gave them this capability.

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