Warship of Great Power

Chapter 896: From 346A to 346B

 Zhang Zhong said the program.

"Everyone in front of the TV, welcome to this episode of the program, Zhang Zhong said to block the rope." Zhang Zhong's figure appeared on the TV screen, as usual, capable and confident, speaking calmly: "We all know, There was a tragedy recently. The American Super Hornet wanted to sell it to the Asan Navy, but when it landed at the Asan Navy carrier-based aircraft training base, the blocking cable was hooked, and the thing flew towards the Asan Navy like a whip. He attacked the crowd of visitors and broke everyone’s legs on the spot, causing heavy losses.”

The screen switched to the horrific scene at that time, but Zhang Zhong’s voice continued: “We all know that carrier-based aircraft are different from conventional landing aircraft. If you want to land at a distance of more than 100 meters, you have to use special method, the arresting cable is to use the most extreme method to directly hold the aircraft. This is also the most mature and reliable method at present. So, what is so unique about this seemingly ordinary steel cable? Today, we We invited Wang Dali, an engineer from Juli Group, a domestic manufacturer specializing in the production of blocking ropes, and asked him to introduce it to us."

The camera switched and a weak-looking engineer smiled: "Hello, everyone, my name is Wang Dali. I am currently working as the chief engineer at Juli Group. Our company mainly deals in various steel cables, such as those we export overseas. The gantry crane and the cables used on it are produced by our company. In this field, our group is already the strongest enterprise in China and the strongest enterprise in the world. At the same time, our group has now formed rigging, Liuling drunkenness, new energy , Juli Real Estate, film and television media five major industries..."

"Wang Gong, I told you to block the cable and don't have built-in advertisements." Zhang Zhong quickly interrupted him. If he didn't stop him, this guy would definitely talk about it for half an hour, although by the time of editing, these would definitely be They have to be edited out, but this is also a waste of my time.

Wang Dali nodded and changed the topic: "The arresting cable used by an aircraft carrier is not simple. It has to pull an aircraft of dozens of tons and withstand a huge pulling force in a short period of time, so it must be made of special materials. Xiaoxiao The blocking rope contains the universe. We can take a look at its cross-sectional view. The blocking rope is similar to twist and is made of many strands of material. Speaking of twist, our Juli Group also plans to get involved in the catering industry. Welcome in the future. Everyone supports our Juli Food..."

Zhang Zhong was a little speechless and rolled his eyes at him: "Wang Gong, tell me about the blocking rope."

"Well, currently, there are several countries in the world that have aircraft carriers, but not many countries can produce arresting cables. Even the arresting cables used by the French Navy are purchased from the United States. This time Ah San had an accident. It must also be because of the unqualified arresting cable. We know that the carrier-based aircraft originally used by Asan was the MiG-29K, with a maximum take-off weight of 22 tons and a maximum landing weight of 15 tons. Let’s take a look at the Super Hornet’s maximum take-off weight. 29 tons, and the maximum landing weight is 22 tons. In other words, the maximum take-off weight of the MiG-29K is equivalent to the maximum landing weight of the Super Hornet, and this time the Super Hornet came over, although we don’t know What was its actual landing weight, but it was at least 17 or 8 tons. The arresting cable that could have held the MiG-29K could not hold the Super Hornet, which led to the tragedy."

“Didn’t Boeing engineers or Asan base personnel discover this problem?”

"We have no way of knowing this, but from the current point of view, it is likely that they ignored it because they ignored the weight difference between the two carrier-based aircraft, or that Boeing personnel ignored Asan's industrial base, which led to this After this tragedy, our Juli Group took this opportunity to express that we welcome Asan to our Juli Group to purchase arresting cables. Our arresting cables can easily assist the landing of the J-15, with a maximum landing weight of less than 25 tons. There is no problem with the aircraft, it has a lifting life of one hundred times, and it is cheap. Each blocking cable only costs one million US dollars. Buy ten and get one free. If purchased from the United States, this blocking cable will cost one hundred and fifty. It costs ten thousand dollars a piece, and the quality is not as good as our blocking rope..."

Zhang Zhong was a little helpless. This guy was not a technical person, he was clearly a sales person! There has never been any precedent for advertising placement in my loyalty program. This is an insult to my program! He almost stood up.

These must be cut off. After all, there is no point in advertising here, because it is impossible for Asan to purchase blocking cables from the East. They would rather purchase American goods at high prices than come to the East. Of course, if they buy from the East, It would be okay to change hands there once.

However, this Wang Dali is too ignorant, and Zhang Zhong does not want to do business for him.

Asan, Hanseatic Naval Air Base, Goa.

Sunil has returned and is standing at the place where the accident happened.

People have been sent to the hospital long ago, and the scene has been cleaned, but there is still a smell of blood in the air, and there are still brown things remaining in some invisible places, which are solidified blood, and there are flies flying there. Flying back and forth, the buzzing sound makes people feel irritable.

"In the beginning, we purchased our blocking ropes from Da Mao, but Da Mao's price was too expensive, one million US dollars each. Moreover, this blocking rope is a consumable and needs to be replaced every one hundred times of use. , so we developed our own blocking cable. Although it only has a lifespan of twenty times, it can still be used. The key is that it is cheap. The MiG-29K has landed multiple times without problems. Who would have thought that it could not hold the Super Hornet. "Beside Sunil, Achim, the deputy at the base who narrowly escaped death, said.

When the Super Hornet flew over, he was not at the scene, but was directing from the tower. It was precisely because of this that his legs were intact. At this time, he was very happy, which meant that he could finally continue to fly to the tower. Move up a level and become the person in charge of the base here.

Luck is already lying in the hospital. The doctors tried, but they couldn't reattach his legs at all. Even if they were reattached, there would definitely be no reaction. He would be disabled for the rest of his life, and he would definitely not be able to continue to be the person in charge of the base.

"Our blocking rope is not up to standard, why didn't you discover it earlier?" Sunil was angry. It doesn't matter if a group of domestic people are injured. It's okay if they die. However, several noble Americans are also injured. This is a problem. thing!

 Fortunately, the Americans were not seriously injured, and the carrier-based aircraft was also fine. If the cable is pulled over and damages the aircraft, the loss will be huge.

"You have to ask Mr. Luck about this. I was only responsible for guiding the plane back." Achim immediately dismissed the blame.

“Hmph, let’s talk about responsibility later. What should we do next? Can our domestic companies develop qualified blocking cables?”

"I have already asked. They think it is difficult. It is not easy to make an arresting rope that can help the MiG-29K to land. They have no way to make one with stronger performance. We need to outsource it," Achim said. : "Moreover, it is best to purchase from the United States. This can also appease the hearts of Americans."

This time those Americans were injured for no reason, and they had to give them an explanation. Giving them a batch of orders for blocking ropes could be regarded as compensation in disguise.

 “Buy from the United States?”

"Yes, I have already asked. For two million dollars a stick, we can purchase ten sticks first for a price of 20 million US dollars. With this money, it should give them some psychological balance." Achim said.

Sunil nodded: "Okay, let's go trade."

It doesn’t cost much to buy an aircraft carrier, but the various components on the aircraft carrier are really expensive and not something that most countries can afford. It’s like BBA. Although some people have enough money, the thought is scary. For the maintenance cost, it is better to buy a Volkswagen Honda or the like with the same price. After all, maintenance is cheap.

"Also, although there was a problem during landing this time, the fully automatic landing assist system installed here by the Americans still played a great role. Our future aircraft carriers will also need to install this system. This will not only It’s easy to land during the day and at night.”

 Fully automatic descent assist system? Sunil looked at the equipment aside: "How much does it cost?"

“A set of 50 million US dollars is still very cheap compared to carrier-based aircraft.”

Sunil felt that his eyelids were beating. If this continues, the construction of the aircraft carrier will definitely exceed the budget by a large margin!

However, thinking about the advanced performance of the Super Hornet, he was a little moved. No matter what, as long as it can be better than Dongfang's, it will be worth it.

 He sighed: "Now, let's go see the plane."

Originally, the Super Hornet should have become the focus after it came down. Who would have thought that there would be an accident and a lot of people were injured. Therefore, the plane was all alone and no one went to see it. After the pilot came down, he also went Eat and sleep. Now, except for the soldiers guarding here, there is nothing else.

Achim nodded: "Well, let's go and take a look. This aircraft is still very advanced. We can see the cockpit from the outside. There are no instruments inside, all are LCD screens."

The ramp has been set up next to it. The two of them stepped up the ramp and looked inside through the bubble cockpit. Sunil nodded: "Yes, this aircraft is indeed advanced enough. It is the result of the latest aviation technology in the United States, and it can also Carrying a large number of offensive weapons, it is a combat attack aircraft and can meet our needs."

“Report, someone from the French company Dassault is here and wants to sell Rafale fighter jets to us.” At this moment, an adjutant ran over and shouted from below.


Sunil thought about the other party’s shameless behavior on the aircraft carrier catapult, and immediately shook his head: “We don’t have time to see him now.”

“The other party gave this.” The adjutant picked up a card in his hand. The black magnetic strip on it was very conspicuous. Sunil was immediately happy, then climbed down and picked up the card.

 “How many are in it?”

"one million."

“Invite the French guests to come over and talk in the conference room of the base!” Sunil’s face was full of joy, and the unhappiness just now was forgotten.

 In the conference room, Block, the representative of Dassault Company, was talking.

"For a medium-sized aircraft carrier, using heavy carrier-based aircraft is a very wrong choice. Our Rafale M can also ski-jump and take off with a maximum take-off weight of more than 24 tons. It can carry a lot of weapons and equipment, and its landing weight is the same as that of the MiG- 29K is about the same. Your existing blocking cable is enough, which can save you a lot of money. You must know that the blocking cable needs to be replaced frequently, which will be a huge expense for future operations. "

Sunil nodded.

“As long as you nod, we can fly Rafale fighter jets to you at any time and conduct ski jump takeoff and arrested landing experiments at your base. Use your own arresting cable to ensure that there will be no problems.”

 Learning that the Rafale fighter jets were also coming for testing, Kenneth, who was lying in the hospital, was angry. Boeing was so sincere, but Asan actually had other choices! These guys are really walking around in two different boats. It's too much! It's too much!

He wanted to stand up immediately and run to Sunil to scold him. However, the severe pain in his leg made him realize the reality. Now, it was best for him not to think about anything and heal his injury first. Let’s talk about it later.

The Super Hornet had an accident while landing, the Rafale fighter jets disrupted the situation, and Asan's aircraft carrier-based aircraft faced changes again!

 East, Huanglou.

“No matter which carrier-based aircraft Asan chooses, their strength will be greatly increased!” a leader said.

“Yes, the Rafale and Super Hornet are both excellent, much better than the MiG-29K.” Another leader said.

“Can you think of a way to prevent them from getting this kind of carrier-based aircraft?”

“Why? It’s good news if they get this kind of carrier-based aircraft, especially the Rafale fighter jets. We have to cheer them up and let them strive to purchase Rafale.”

 “Lao Wu, what do you mean?”

 “Is there a hole in it?”

Wu Shengli smiled: "That's right."

 “What’s the trap?”

 “Speak quickly.”

“Dear leaders, experts from the 14th Institute and people from the Mingzhou Group are here and waiting in the conference room.” An adjutant came in to report.

 “Let’s go to the meeting.”

 “Lao Wu, just tell us quickly and don’t keep it secret.”

"Okay, let's talk while walking..."

 In the conference room, experts from the 14th institute were already communicating with people from the Mingzhou Group.

Xing Wenge had a look of helplessness on his face: "Mr. Qin, just take it easy and just use your words. It will tire us out!"

"Exhausted?" Qin Tao smiled: "You should be enjoying it. After you originally developed the 346A radar, there was no follow-up research and development project. If there was no project, your team might even be disbanded. Now, we This proposal gives you a brand new project, and you should welcome this project with both hands."

“Yes, this is true.” Xing Wenge also sighed with emotion.

Since the establishment of the 346 radar project, he has been the person in charge of this project. Over the years, it has gone through countless upgrades. The original 346 radar, because the technology was not up to standard, still used a hybrid device of gallium arsenide and bipolar silicon. The 346A also uses backward air cooling. On the 346A, all low-performance bipolar silicon has been eliminated, and a more advanced liquid cooling system has been used.

How this system will develop in the future is indeed a problem. Now, Qin Tao has provided them with a solution: continue to develop a more advanced 346B radar!

At this moment, the navy leaders came up with smiles. For some reason, Qin Tao felt that many of them looked at him strangely.

"Everyone is here, let's have a meeting. This meeting is mainly about the comprehensive radio frequency technology that Mr. Qin proposed last time. We sent the specific requirements to 14 institutes. This time, everyone is here together, mainly for Let's coordinate." Wu Shengli said: "Now, let's ask the comrades from the 14th Institute to introduce their preliminary research results."

 “Dear leaders.” Xing Wenge stood up, walked to the speaking position aside, connected his notebook, projected it on the big screen, and began to explain.

"After receiving the request from our superiors, we decided to continue upgrading our 346 radar. This model is code-named 346B. According to our plan, we will make it into a dual-band phased array that combines S and X bands. The radar has now completed the programming of data processing."

Qin Tao's eyes lit up. This was more than half done. School 14 was really awesome!

"Same as the plan set by the Navy, this system has four S-band phased array radars. This is also the main radar of our ships. It has the largest array and the most T/R components. According to our current plan , the number of components will be 1.5 times that of the 346A radar, so that it can have a search distance of more than 500 kilometers. As for the X-band radar, it is used for precise tracking. The front area of ​​this radar is not large, and it mainly relies on After receiving the S-band radar, precise positioning is performed. Of course, it can also work alone when needed. After all, our four-sided radar is smaller than the S-band radar array. In fact, it is smaller than some small shield radars in Europe today. The antennas are the same size.”

Some countries in Europe are reluctant to use large shields, so they use small shields. The search distance is only about two hundred kilometers, and the performance is not as good as their own small shields.

"The two sets of radars share the same background data processing system. We will use the latest Loongson processor to complete the data processing work, which can better coordinate and respond faster. At the same time, we have also set it in the program Special anti-interference procedures have been implemented.”

On the modern battlefield, electronic warfare has become more and more common. The Yankees not only have the EA-6B electronic jammer modified from the A-6, but also modified a brand-new electronic jammer based on the Super Hornet. Their fighter jets also Being able to carry specialized electronic jamming pods will bring challenges to our own side.

What should I do if I encounter electromagnetic interference during the mission?

 Although with the power of the 346 radar, it is not easy to interfere with it, but you need to be prepared for everything and take precautions.

"We plan to use the most advanced adaptive side-lobe cancellation technology, code-named ASLC, in the radar. When facing interference, it can adaptively correct the auxiliary antenna weight, so that the interference signal will be output in the receiving channel corresponding to the main antenna of the radar. The power is minimal to prevent the other party from manipulating the side lobes of one's own radar." Xing Wenge continued to introduce.

This is the professional terminology of radar. Radar waves are divided into main lobe and side lobes. With the power of one's own radar, it is impossible for the other party to interfere with the main lobe, so the only way is to play tricks on the side lobes.

 When he heard this, Qin Tao suddenly spoke.

"I have an idea." Qin Tao looked at Xing Wenge: "Our radar is very powerful. Is it capable of burning through the opponent's jammer?"

 Burn through?

Xing Wenge opened his eyes wide: "Mr. Qin, do you mean that a radar like the MiG-25 can burn rabbits to death? That is a rumor."

At that time, Lao Maozi developed the MiG-25 with double three-level capabilities and could mass-produce equipment, which scared the West. At the same time, the radar of the MiG-25 was said to be very powerful. In order to reflect this power, many media They all began to render it, and the main statement was that once this thing is turned on, it can burn the rabbit in front of it.

This is completely nonsense. The electromagnetic waves radiated by radar are different from those of microwave ovens. They have very little thermal effect. How could it burn a rabbit to death? Even though it has high power, its radar antenna is lagging behind and the power it actually radiates is not high at all. It cannot be compared with the AWG-9 radar of the same era.

This is just a legend. Does Mr. Qin take it seriously?

“No, no, that’s not what I meant. If our radar antenna converges all the electromagnetic waves to one point, it will be hundreds of kilowatts. If such a powerful power is irradiated, can the opponent’s jammer still work normally?”

Xing Wenge thought seriously.

“The outer casing of the opponent’s jammer is shielded, so no matter how strong the electromagnetic wave is, it will not work. However, the opponent’s jammer needs outdoor exposure, and it is still possible to burn the opponent’s antenna.”

It doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with high power. There is a simple device called electrostatic shielding. The internal electric field is zero and is dynamically adjusted at all times. The electromagnetic waves will not affect the interior, but can affect their antenna.

Qin Tao smiled: "I think we can give it a try. With such strong power, it might be able to ionize all the air near the opponent's jammer, and even cause lightning. I don't believe it can burn out their equipment. "

 With strong power, you can indeed do whatever you want! If electrostatic shielding doesn’t work, can it protect against lightning strikes?

The power of each component is not high, that is, tens of watts, but there are many. If each component is calculated as 30 watts, six thousand components, that is 180 kilowatts. Moreover, this is only the average power. If not Considering the heat dissipation factor, the power of the component is increased to one hundred watts in a short period of time, which is six hundred kilowatts.

 The power radiated by the four-sided phased array radar antenna is in the megawatt level.

Xing Wenge nodded: "You can indeed try it. Mr. Qin, do you have any other ideas?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "There is nothing else, you can continue the introduction."

Xing Wenge continued to speak.

After introducing the dual-band radar for about half an hour, Xing Wenge closed the lid of his notebook: "Okay, everyone, I'm done."

"It's over? This is a dual-band radar. There is still a long way to our integrated radio frequency mast. Didn't we agree to have a four-band radar?" A leader on the rostrum said.

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