Warship of Great Power

Chapter 904: Go out of your way to save your friends

Chapter 904: Struggling for a friend

"Mr. Qin, isn't this bad?" Liu Dashan on the side said: "I heard that those people are extremely vicious guys who kill people if they disagree with you. You are the backbone of our Mingzhou Group, so you don't need to worry about such a trivial matter. Take the risk?”

Originally, Davidson was very happy to hear that Qin Tao was going to help, but now, after hearing Liu Dashan's words, he became worried again. Yes, Mr. Qin's identity is important. If anything goes wrong here, the Oriental people will definitely come looking for him. Troublesome. Is Mr. Qin worth risking his life for such a trivial matter?

Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, I am the backbone of the Mingzhou Group, but I am also a friend of the Rainbow Country, and a friend of billions of brothers in Africa. Our relationship with Mo Country is already very good. This is The friendship we built back then, and now there is an accident in Mo Country, can I not help? My personal safety is nothing, as long as it can help our friends, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth it."

"Mr. Qin!" Liu Dashan wanted to say something else, but was rejected by Qin Tao: "We in the East have always advocated the spirit of sacrificing oneself to save others. Now that our friends are in trouble, how can we not extend a hand of friendship? ? I’ve decided to help you with this, so don’t say anything else.”

Davidson was moved to tears.

"Mr. Qin, you are really our good friend and brother in Africa! I will contact the people in Mo and tell them about your most precious friendship!"

 One day later, Mo Country.

Africa is divided in half by the equator. There are many desert areas in the north. The latitude in the south is not high, but desertification is not serious. More than 50% of Mozambique's land is covered with lush forests, so, The desertification of North Africa can be blamed on the loggers of the Sahara forest.

A Jaguar helicopter flew through the lush woods and finally landed in a certain troop camp. After landing, a group of Mozambican officers wearing camouflage uniforms and berets warmly greeted them.

"Mr. Qin, welcome to Mo Country." One of the people spoke first: "My name is Felipe, and I am responsible for handling this incident. It would be great if this matter can be resolved peacefully."

Although the other party's accent is weird, he can communicate normally without translation. Qin Tao looked at him curiously: "Can you speak Eastern languages?"

"Yes, I have received training at your Army Command College, where I learned the Oriental dialect." Speaking of this, Felipe was very proud: "I have read many books in the East. I know, The East is a very philanthropic country. You never take the initiative to invade others, and you are very sincere to your friends. To use an idiom, you are willing to go out of your way to help your friends."

"Yes, we have a very good relationship with Mo Country, so after hearing about this incident, we took the initiative to come over." Qin Tao said: "We are willing to help you resolve this matter as peacefully as possible. By the way, you and Have those old guys ever fought against each other?"

"Sent over." Felipe's face looked a little gloomy: "We sent a battalion to try to go through the woods to eliminate them, but only less than a hundred people came back, and the others were all eliminated. Inside, we estimate that the organization called Wana has at least a thousand people."

 Thousands of people? This Vitalia gets bigger and bigger the more she plays with it! Qin Tao felt a little emotional. She is a tycoon and will show up no matter where she goes. She has inherited her father's boss style and has taken advantage of the situation.

Her father gave up his glorious life and came to the East to protect himself. Now it seems that this choice is very correct. However, the boss is the boss, so how can he be willing to be mediocre? Now, they have discovered that Africa is their stage. They can bring over all the old men who are unhappy in life, and at the same time they can get a large number of weapons and equipment. They use the advantages of equipment and strictly trained soldiers to form an absolute advantage here.

Although the officers here have gone to the East for training, the ordinary soldiers here are still too poor.

Even if there are frequent riots, they are just fighting at the level of ordinary street gangsters. They kill civilians and give up when facing well-trained troops. They can't beat them, so they call Rainbow Nation for help. After all, they once The Rainbow Nation intends to be the leader of Africa, and it still has a lot of elite equipment on hand. However, in fact, the Rainbow Nation has been declining in the past ten years. If the Rainbow Nation troops come over, they may still be beaten to pieces.

 If you can negotiate peacefully, that is naturally the best choice.

"Their equipment is very sophisticated, including wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, several armed helicopters, and even tanks." Felipe said: "When their transport fleet is transporting supplies now, it is not just wheeled infantry fighting vehicles. We have car protection, and helicopters often fly overhead.”

You can't afford to offend him. The other party is no longer an ordinary security company, but a real army.

Qin Tao nodded: "A peaceful solution is the best. I'll give it a try. I'm familiar with many people in Lao Maozi, and maybe I can get in touch with them. Do you have any requirements for the terms of negotiation?"

"Mr. Qin, let's try our best to achieve whatever conditions you can give us." Felipe said.

"According to your regulations, the corporate income tax is 35%, and a reduction of half of the corporate income tax is allowed within 10 years from the date of production. This is 17.5%, and precious metals, gems, The royalties for diamonds and other minerals are 5%, 6%, 10% and 3% respectively. Gold is a precious metal, so an additional 5% royalties have to be added. In this way, they should I’ll give you a tax of 22.5%. I’ll try my best to negotiate with them and let them become a legal enterprise that pays taxes on time. How about that?”

 Felipe opened his eyes wide: "Really? That's really great!"

They have nothing to do with this company called Wana. They say it is a mining company, but in fact it is an armed group. Their force is rapidly expanding, even stronger than their military's strength. They have nothing to do if people insist on leaving.

Now, if the other party is willing to pay taxes, of course they will welcome it.

As for Africa, everyone knows that you can sit when you can, and don't do anything if you can. Now, sitting and doing nothing, and still collecting taxes, of course it is the best.

"If you have no objection, then I will go over and have a talk. Do you want to send someone to go with me?"

Felipe looked at the people around him and muttered a few words in Portuguese. These people immediately took a few steps back. What a joke. The bodies of the people who entered last time were not recovered. Now if they dare to do it again If you go in, what if you can't come back?

Qin Tao smiled: "Then please prepare a car for me and I will go there by myself. Also, prepare a white flag for me."

"Mr. Qin, how many soldiers should we send to follow you in?" Felipe suggested with some embarrassment.

“Can you guarantee that these soldiers will not abandon their vehicles and flee after seeing the enemy?” Qin Tao asked.

Felipe was even more embarrassed.

These people always lose the battle, not to mention fighting with Lao Maozi. Even in ordinary bandit suppression tasks, they may be beaten and run away in embarrassment. Even if they are commanded by officers who have been trained in the East, the reason is very Simple, these soldiers have no faith and don't know why they are fighting. Of course they will not fight desperately and will give in when they are in danger.

“We have an armored vehicle here, please drive it over.” Felipe pointed to a WZ551 armored vehicle not far away. This six-wheeled armored vehicle is the main wheeled armored vehicle in the East and has also been exported to Mozambique.

Qin Tao shook his head: "This thing is conspicuous and easy to be attacked. It can be protected against only one bullet at most. An RPG can wipe it out. We can just drive an ordinary car."

 A pickup truck drove into the jungle.

The double-cab pickup truck can seat four people. Xu Zhengyang is driving, Qin Tao is sitting on the passenger seat, and Zhao Ling is sitting in the center of the back seat. Two bodyguards are protecting them on both sides. The group of five people looks like moths flying into a flame. .

However, few people were not worried. After all, for them, this was just an activity to visit old friends.

Looking at the scene outside the car window, Zhao Ling frowned. Vitalia is a rich second generation. She has lived in a superior environment since she was a child. She has high-end food, clothing, housing and transportation. Places like Africa are too backward. Can she bear it here?

I wonder what Vitalia has become now? Got a tan? Are you old? Are there more black uncles around for her to play with?

The woods in front shook, and some Lao Maozi mercenaries appeared. Although they carried guns, they all raised their muzzles to the sky for fear of accidental injury. One of the leaders shouted loudly: "The king of heaven covers the tigers of the earth!"

 Zhao Ling laughed again, this Vitalia always likes to do some tricks!

 “The pagoda suppresses the river demon!”

 The code is connected here.

In fact, even without this code, the other party did not dare to shoot. After the car approached, the other party already spoke in Russian with a smile: "Mr. Qin, Your Excellency Vitalia has been waiting for you for a long time. It's been a hard journey here. .”

“Well, Ivan, you’ve worked hard too, get in the car.”

So, these strong old men got into the back of the pickup truck, and the car continued to move forward, out of the woods, and towards the gold mine in the distance.

There are more and more armed men patrolling around, with murderous eyes. How can such an elite army be compared to the rabble outside.

However, such an empty place should be easily discovered by aircraft in the sky, right? Didn't those government troops think of bombing directly from the air?

Just when he thought of this, he saw people guarding anti-aircraft missiles in the distance, and he was stunned. How many good things did Vitalia get? Needless to say, these shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, Shikalhe self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and even field anti-aircraft missiles are probably all available.

Zhao Ling was also looking at the surrounding scene, and then she saw several containers in the distance. There was a buzzing sound inside. There should be a diesel generator set. There was an air conditioner hanging outside the container. It seemed that it was A place for people to live.

 It’s really uncomfortable to be in a place like this without air conditioning or anything.

Seeing the pickup truck coming, the door of the container room opened and a person came out. She was wearing the same camouflage uniform and beret. She looked heroic. Zhao Ling recognized her after just one glance.


Vitalia waited at the door with a smile, watching the car drive over, a smile on her face.

The car stopped and Qin Tao got out, looking at the woman in front of him as if he didn't recognize her.

 “Vina, you want to break the truth.”

“The sky is falling, and there is a taller person holding it up.” Vitalia replied, and then she turned to look at Zhao Ling and gave her a hug.

 “Zhao, I really didn’t expect that you would come too.”

"The conditions here are very poor, so I was very worried when I heard you came here, so I came over to take a look." Zhao Ling said, "How is it, have you endured hardship here?"

 “Efforts of hardship? Others are the ones suffering. Go ahead and go in and say something.”

 As soon as Zhao Ling entered the container, she knew that Vitalia was right.

You can see the furnishings inside at a glance. There is a corridor at the door, separated by a glass partition. Inside is a bathroom, which not only has a shower, but also a bathtub where you can take a comfortable bath. Inside is a sofa, bed, and desk. As for the furnishings, it goes without saying that these are wrapped in leather. Even the inner walls of the room are wrapped in leather, which looks very comfortable.

 “Come, sit down, do you want coffee or tea?”

“Tea will do, Wei Na, you have become the native emperor of Africa.” Qin Tao also sighed with emotion.

“What a native emperor, I’ve been worried all day long. I have two thousand people under my command, and my monthly expenses are a big one. Don’t look at me running such a big mine. In fact, all my family’s money is invested in it.”

“Two thousand people?” Qin Tao asked in surprise: “Isn’t it a thousand people?”

"Last month, there was a battle with outsiders. At that time, there were a thousand people. Later, my father felt that these people were not enough, so he went back to recruit a group, so there were more than 2,000 people. When this group of people came, I spend money like water. You should also know that mercenaries only use money to do things. If I can't provide the money, these people may tie me up and send me to the hands of those outside. "

 “Then what are you going to do?”

“What else can we do? We can only continue to develop. Africa is full of gold and there are too many resources. As long as the transportation problem can be solved, I can make money.”

“You didn’t consider how the government would react?”

“Government? I don’t even know when the government will be overthrown by the military. They fight on their own. It’s none of my business.”

"No, Wei Na, your idea is inappropriate." Qin Tao said: "If you, the Vana Group, want to develop, you must develop a good relationship with the government. I am here to help you. .”

Vitalia nodded: "Yes, I heard that you are coming, and I am also looking forward to it. You can bring Mingzhou Group into such a huge business group, and you will definitely help our Vana Group develop. What do you think? ,Tell me."

As she spoke, she made tea and placed it in front of the two of them.

“If you want to develop, you must abide by the law, be a good citizen, and pay taxes in accordance with the law.”

"What?" Vitalia was stunned: "Pay taxes according to the law? I have more than two thousand people in my hands. Even if I drive into the capital and overthrow the current leader, I still have to pay taxes according to the law?"

"You can't do that. This kind of rough old man's behavior will not end well. You have force in your hands and can be the boss here, but there are many people outside who won't want to see it. You have to If you really do that, many people will come to fight you. Your Varna Group is developing very fast, but don’t forget that there is also a very powerful Blackwater Company.”

Vitalia's face became serious. She originally thought Qin Tao was joking, but now she knew that what Qin Tao said was true.

“Qin, do you really want me to pay taxes?”

"Yes, I have already discussed it with the outside world. According to their government regulations, you have to pay tax at 22.5% of your turnover." Qin Tao said.

"What? So high? Then what do I earn? The average grade of the gold mine here is only 9.9 grams per ton. My 60-ton truck can produce less than 600 grams of gold. Now one gram of gold is not enough At eight dollars, this truckload of gold mine can only be sold for four to five thousand dollars. My current mechanized operation can produce about fifty trucks a day, which is only about two hundred thousand dollars, which is not enough to make money from my previous work. If it’s too much, if I pay taxes again, I’ll have to pay to death.”

  In recent years, when the global gold price was at its lowest, the timing for Vitalia to enter the market was really inappropriate.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, your profit here is indeed not high. If this continues, you will have to lose all your capital."

“Yes, so I need more people and expand the scale so that I can make more money.”

“Have you ever thought about what is the main factor restricting your expansion? Is it lack of manpower?”

“What is that?” Vitalia looked at Qin Tao curiously: “You know this place better than me?”

“I don’t understand. I’m just guessing. I think your biggest problem here is transportation.”

"Transportation? I have armed escort, transportation is no problem."

"Why is it okay? You have to always be on guard against someone who is doing harm to you. You even have to use armed helicopters for protection. Isn't this a waste of money? If you pay taxes to the government in accordance with the law, then you can enjoy the relevant rights and interests, and you can be generous. For local transportation, there is no need to go through the Rainbow Country. From here, we can go directly eastward, reach the port in the shortest distance, and then ship it away. This cost can be reduced by at least half compared to the current cost."

Vitalia thought seriously.

"At the same time, you can also quickly expand the scale. Fifty cars a day is not enough, but you can have hundreds of cars a day. If necessary, you can also build a railway. The transportation efficiency is definitely not what it is now. There are also many rivers here. , you can also find a ship in a suitable place and transport it directly east to the port."

 “Are they willing to let us go east to sea?”

"Of course, you pay taxes according to the law, why don't they allow it? The more you mine, the more taxes they collect. If there are some short-sighted people who want to take advantage of the oil, the guns in your hands are not fire sticks."

"Furthermore, with your legal status, you can diversify your operations. Think about it, when you came here to mine, didn't you just think that this is a three-nothing zone? However, there are not many such zones, and Mo Country still has There are many other mineral resources, don’t you want to expand the scale? What’s the point of fighting against a gold mine here? You can exploit other resources openly.”

 “Are there other mines?” Vitalia’s eyes sparkled.

"Yes, despite being one of the least developed countries here, the per capita GDP is only 220 US dollars. But there are too many minerals here. For example, tantalum ore reserves rank first in the world, about 7.5 million tons, and titanium ore reserves exceed 6 million. tons, there are also rare earth minerals here, if you are recruited, these can be mined, and we can also cooperate, and the minerals you mine will be handed over to our Mingzhou Group for processing."

Even without Vitalia, Qin Tao still plans to spread out in Africa and capture all the minerals here, using a package of projects to strengthen weak countries and strengthen their armies. However, some countries are not interested in developing navies, so this is a bit difficult.

 Now that Vitalia's Vana Group is here, of course they can make use of it, let them mine it with great fanfare, and then sell it to themselves.

Other than that, it is easy to say that this rare earth mine must be controlled in our hands. This will be a trump card that can compete with those big countries in the future. As long as we hold the rare earth mines here in our hands, we will have absolute control in the field of rare earths. say.

Titanium ore is also very important. Titanium is the most important metal in aerospace, and its value is definitely higher than gold.

"At the same time, by paying taxes to the government, you can also build a good relationship with this country, and then you can do more things. For example, the troops outside are too weak and have no combat effectiveness. You can send instructors to help them. Train the army. There are many key people who need protection, and you can also provide security. In short, you must learn to package yourself and present yourself as a good friend of the other party. This is much better than going against them. "

Vitalia thought briefly, and then nodded: "Yes, Qin, your method is better. When it comes to strategy, no one can compare with you in the East."

Lao Maozi is quite irritable and likes to take action when they disagree. This has certainly gained him prestige: no one dares not to take them seriously. It is terrible to anger Mao Xiong, but it also prevents Lao Maozi from achieving peaceful development. Opportunities, Lao Maozi doesn't know how to hide one's strength and bide one's time, he only knows how to do it if he doesn't accept it.

Now, Qin Tao has given Vitalia a gentler and more acceptable way to develop rapidly. The country of Mo is just the beginning. Once they conquer here, they will continue to expand and eventually expand to the entire Africa.

“Okay, then write down all your requirements, and I will discuss with people outside to get the best conditions for you.”

"No, this kind of thing is too troublesome. Qin, you should do it. I'll leave it to you. How about leaving Zhao here with me for a few days?"

Qin Tao was dumbfounded: "Can I understand that you want to keep hostages?"

"How could it be?" Vitalia quickly shook her head: "Qin, I don't mean that. If Zhao doesn't want to, he can leave at any time. We have been old friends for many years, and you are still here to help me. How can I I'm trying to trick you, I just want to catch up with Zhao Xu."

Zhao Ling smiled: "That's right, Brother Tao, I haven't talked to Wei Na for a while. We lived together for a few days. However, when you went outside, you could say that I was detained here as a hostage. .”

 (End of this chapter)

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