Warship of Great Power

Chapter 911: Provide technical consultation to Mingzhou Group

Chapter 911 Provide technical consultation to Mingzhou Group

“Haha, it’s so good, it’s so good!” Guan Tong said excitedly: “If these guys want to come and challenge us, we have to see if they have this ability!”

"Yes, we are no longer the era when we were bullied by others." Yang Dawei said: "Only when our technology is powerful can we defeat them. If they want to punish us with unfounded charges, they will find out in the end that we have He who casts a stone at his own feet."

“Humph, they have to repay our debt obediently in the end.” Guan Tong said: “However, they have really declined. They are building in sections, and there are still accuracy problems. What is going on?”

 Speaking of this, Guan Tong’s eyes sparkled.

"I don't know about this." Yang Dawei quickly shook his head: "I don't know what's going on. In short, their segmented construction is carried out in different shipyards. This will inherently cause problems. It's just a matter of probability. "

 Some things cannot be said.

When Lao Maozi's Black Sea Shipyard built aircraft carriers, they used segmented construction. In order to improve the construction quality, they used astronomical tools such as sextants to make the segmented construction quality up to standard. When the British built it , they also use equipment such as GPS to reduce errors. The ones they use are military-grade, and their accuracy is several orders of magnitude higher than civilian ones.

However, they did not know that when the keel was being laid, a professional GPS jammer appeared nearby, which interfered with their measurements. As a result, there was an error in the laying of the keel. Of course, the error was too small, and they did not I noticed that when I continued to build upwards, I didn't care anymore. It wasn't until the sections were joined together that I suddenly discovered the problem. Unfortunately, there was no solution.

 The best way is to rebuild it, but the cost is definitely not something they can accept.

“I’m in a good mood today. I have to have a few drinks. Lao Yang, let’s go to the canteen together!”

Guan Tong invited Yang Dawei for a drink, and Yang Dawei happily accepted. The two drank one drink after another in the cafeteria, and actually got drunk.

Yang Dawei slept until the next morning. When he woke up, he realized that a customer had been waiting for him for several hours. After he washed his face and came to his senses, he received the guests and found that they were actually one of the guests who came to make a claim yesterday.

"Gong Yang, I am Lambert, the person in charge of Rosyth Shipyard." Lambert introduced himself: "We are both in the same industry, and there may be many opportunities for cooperation in the future. Now, I would like to invite you Do yourself a favor and we’ll pay you.”

“Unable to connect due to welding error?” Yang Dawei asked.

“Yes, there is an error and the docking cannot be completed. Is there anything you can do?”

"It depends on what kind of error it is and how big it is. Different errors have different handling methods." Yang Dawei said: "You don't want to show me the design drawings, so I can't give you any advice. .”

"I have a cross-sectional drawing here." Lambert took out the drawing. It was just a cross-sectional drawing anyway. It was shown to the outside world during transportation, so it was not considered a leak.

“Our hull shells are aligned, but the inner keels are ten millimeters off.”

“This can all be related to the lifting problem. What does it have to do with lifting? If the outer shell can be aligned, but the inner part is different, it is obviously a construction problem.”

Lambert looked a little embarrassed: "Gong Yang, this is all caused by Sir Benjamin. We followed him here and were forced. Now, we still have to solve the problem. Can you give us some suggestions? We can pay you for technical consulting.”

Yang Dawei shook his head: "I don't have any good solution. In this case, the only way is to rebuild it."

“Rebuilding it is too wasteful and the superiors will not agree. Is there a low-cost method?”

 Do Orientals give advice? It must be difficult. After all, the construction of this Queen-class aircraft carrier is to compete with the Oriental. Now it comes to the Oriental for technical consultation. Even Lambert feels a little embarrassed.

However, he also knows that the East has the most experience in construction, and only the Orientals have this technology now.

Yang Dawei frowned, thought for a while, and then nodded: "Yes."

"any solution?"

“You can keep the upper part, cut off the lower part, rebuild the lower part, and then assemble and weld the two together, which is equivalent to dismantling this giant segment into two segments.”

Lambert's eyes lit up. Why didn't he think of such a simple plan? In the past, I just thought that if I wanted to replace the keel, I would have to turn this section over, but I never thought of cutting it in half. It will be much easier to replace it like this! Cut as little of the lower part as possible so that the part to be rebuilt will be much smaller!

"However, this also has risks." Yang Dawei continued: "After all, during the design, the entire segments were put together. Now they are cut apart. If the above segments are not distributed reasonably during the lifting process, they may really be damaged. Deformation. This requires a lot of calculations. You probably don’t have this technology, so you might as well hire us. For a technical consulting fee of 10 million pounds, we can provide you with the most reasonable lifting solution to avoid deformation of the upper half.”

It was originally a whole, but now it is cut into two parts. If you want to connect the upper half to the new lower half and weld it, you have to lift it. This is not easy. If you don't make a plan in advance, it is very likely that the upper half will be deformed. , after all, after cutting, the intensity of many places has changed.

"Okay, I will report your request to Sir Benjamin." Lambert said: "Mr. Yang, thank you for providing us with this plan."

Lambert went back with satisfaction. Looking at his leaving figure, Yang Dawei whispered two words in his mouth: "Idiot."

Back at the hotel, Lambert told Yang Dawei's suggestion. Carol thought for a while and then nodded: "Yes, this method is indeed feasible! Let's try to reduce the amount of construction in the lower half, which can greatly reduce the cost of new construction. ."

  Benjamin gritted his teeth: “This is the only thing that can be done now!”

 When I came to the East, although I didn’t succeed, I still found a solution and it was able to reduce a lot of costs.

“Then shall we ask Mingzhou Group to provide us with technical consultation?” Lambert asked.

"Of course not, why do we need their technical consultation." Benjamin said: "Can't we solve these problems ourselves? Ten million pounds is enough for us to complete this **** modification task! How can we directly hand over the money? Give it to Mingzhou Group and let them make our money!"

“But if we improve ourselves, what if something goes wrong again?”

"How is it possible? We have already discovered the problem, how could we make the same mistake?" Benjamin said: "Are we in Great Britain not as good as the Mingzhou Group? Carol, do you have confidence?"

Carol thought for a moment, then nodded: "We will learn from this first closing and avoid similar accidents."

“Okay, let’s go back, modify it quickly, and check the other sections. I hope the same problem won’t happen,” Benjamin said.

The segmented assembly was done with great fanfare this time, and it turned out to be a joke. I don’t know what the media will say, or whether they will be put together with Asan. In short, they have no choice now and must complete it as soon as possible!

Lambert is still a little worried, but he also knows that it is absolutely impossible to make Benjamin bow to the East and ask for help from the East's technical power. Moreover, this would require handing over all the segmented information to Easterners, which would definitely be impossible.

 So, forget it.

Just as Benjamin and his party hurried back, Yang Dawei also returned to the Mingzhou Shipyard.

 During this period of time, Qin Tao has been staying at the Mingzhou Shipyard. After all, once the mooring experiment of the aircraft carrier begins, it will be very close to the first sea trial. During this period, Qin Tao has been busy in the shipyard, preparing for the first sea trial of the 002 aircraft carrier.

When Yang Dawei went to find Qin Tao, he was also on the island of the 002 aircraft carrier. In the newly renovated captain's room, Yang Dawei reported this to Qin Tao.

"The British will definitely not ask us for technical support. Then, when they build the lower half, they find that the upper half has been deformed and cannot be connected, and the upper half has to be rebuilt." Qin Tao said: "Although It cannot stop the Queen-class aircraft carrier plan, but it can greatly delay it."

“Yes, I have videotaped the entire meeting. If they want to claim compensation, we will have more evidence. It is because they are incompetent and it has nothing to do with us.” Yang Dawei said.

“Don’t worry about this matter, let’s wait for it to ferment slowly, and then quickly build our offshore oil and gas aircraft carrier.”


Yang Dawei left, and Qin Tao walked to the navigation bridge with brisk steps. The facilities here have been fully installed, and the first batch of sailors received are adapting to the environment here. One of the middle-aged officers after seeing Qin Tao , immediately greeted him.

“Mr. Qin! Thank you for building this super warship for us!”

“Well, Captain Zhang, congratulations, you stood out from many competitors and became the first captain of this aircraft carrier.”

Li Yan is the captain of the 001 aircraft carrier, and Zhang Zhen became the captain of the 002 aircraft carrier. The two have been good friends for more than ten years. Thinking about this journey, they are also very emotional.

“Yes, I estimate that I am also the only aircraft carrier captain who is not a pilot. When our 003 aircraft carrier is put into service, a professional carrier-based aircraft pilot will definitely become the captain.” Zhang Zhen sighed.

Li Yan came from the pilot captain class, but he flew helicopters, while Zhang Zhen had no flying experience. With the development of the navy's aircraft carrier power, the first batch of carrier-based aircraft pilots have grown up, and outstanding talents such as Wang Wei have emerged. carrier-based aircraft pilots, among them the first true carrier-based fixed-wing pilot captain will definitely be born.

"Yes, our first batch of carrier-based aircraft pilots are all good." Qin Tao said: "When our 002 aircraft carrier enters service, will a large number of pilots also have to transfer to our 002 aircraft carrier?"

"Yes." Zhang Zhen nodded: "Our 001 aircraft carrier has undertaken more carrier-based aircraft pilot training tasks. So far, we have trained three batches, and the number of carrier-based aircraft pilots who can take off and land on the aircraft carrier has reached More than eighty people. When our 002 aircraft carrier is put into service, they will turn over and quickly make our 002 aircraft carrier combat effective. By the way, I have already asked Wang Wei to come over and become our carrier-based air wing captain."

Qin Tao is very happy about Wang Wei's growth. He has always been very optimistic about Wang Wei. Now Wang Wei has not let him down. He has become the captain of the carrier-based air wing. In other words, he is second only to the aircraft carrier captain. In the future, he will definitely be promoted to captain.

However, he remembered another person.

 “Where’s Draenor?”

Under Qin Tao's deception, Delano and others came to Dongfang to help Dongfang train fighter pilots. It can be said that without Delano's help, Dongfang's first aircraft carrier would have to explore independently, and it would probably take many detours. , now that the 002 aircraft carrier is already available, Delano should have a lot of requirements, right?

"We originally wanted to hire Delano as a special adviser to our aircraft carrier, but Delano refused. He insisted on being an ordinary pilot, at most a squad leader. However, considering his style, we finally decided We still agreed to his request." Zhang Zhen said: "We formed a special second aircraft carrier aircraft wing for the 002 aircraft carrier. Delano temporarily served as a squad leader of the J-32 aircraft carrier group. He He has a total of four J-32 carrier-based aircraft."

"You are so bold." Qin Tao said, "Aren't you afraid of him getting into trouble?"

"Delano has officially joined our army, so he must obey our discipline. We have made three agreements. If he dares to violate the orders of his superiors and act without authorization, he will forever lose the opportunity to fly a carrier-based aircraft." Zhang Zhen said "Now, Delano already knows that the J-32 carrier-based aircraft is just a transition. Our aircraft carrier will usher in a heavy-duty fourth-generation stealth aircraft. He will never give up this opportunity just for the sake of speed. Of course, our superiors also take into account our rigid style, and hope that Delano’s joining will make our style more aggressive.”

The West has always emphasized personal heroism, and many officers even take pride in disobeying orders from their superiors. Western pilots are often free and unorganized. However, their approach also has certain positive significance. After all, air combat is changing rapidly, and it is impossible to always listen to guidance from the ground. Yes, we need to delegate power to pilots and make them more proactive. Now, Delano's official joining brings fresh blood to the naval aviation force.

"Well, Delano can really bring out a group of unruly pilots." Qin Tao nodded: "I'm really looking forward to it. After this aircraft carrier is put into service, they will create new things on our aircraft carrier." What a miracle.”

"It's coming soon. As soon as the sea trial begins, they will come as the first batch of carrier-based aircraft pilots to explore the most suitable take-off and landing routes for this aircraft carrier." Zhang Zhen said: "I wonder when the sea trial will start?"

 “Tomorrow.” A voice came from outside.

Makarov's face showed excitement: "The mooring experiment has been completed and the outfitting work has been completed. This aircraft carrier is in full condition and will be ready for sea trials tomorrow."

Through the porthole, Qin Tao looked at the deck below: "Since sea trials are about to begin, when will our sheds be demolished?"

 “Tonight,” Makarov said.

Since the catapult was installed, the shed has been on the deck. When launching the boat, the shed is still with it, and the outfitting is still with it. When the sea trial is completed, the shed will finally be removed!

Qin Tao felt excited for a while. He demolished the shed and let the West look with envy. Our aircraft carrier technology leads the world!

The Yankees' electromagnetic catapult has not yet been developed. Although the Ford-class aircraft carrier has been pre-researched for many years, it has not officially started construction. The first ship has not been named the Ford. The Eastern aircraft carrier must lead the world's trend!

“Okay, then I’m going to come together tonight and help dismantle the shed.” Qin Tao was very excited.

When it was first built, Qin Tao was busy all over the world and did not participate much. Now his freedom is restricted and it is inconvenient to go abroad. He stayed here to watch the progress of the aircraft carrier construction every day and looked forward to the sea trial every day. Finally, he waited for this day.

However, he still did not demolish the shed.

 On this afternoon, Wang Wei, Delano and others came.

“Report, Captain Wang Wei of the Carrier Aircraft Wing reports for duty!”

"Leader of the J-32 Fighter Squadron, Wild Dog, is here to report!" Delano is still not used to saying his name. He usually likes to give his nickname. When it comes to Delano, few people probably know it. After all, Delano Nuo's identity is still sensitive, but when it comes to wild dogs, they are famous and known to the entire aviation force.

 “Welcome, we finally caught up with the first sea trial.”

Qin Tao was confused: "Captain Zhang, our first sea trial mainly tests the performance of the engine and hull. We haven't planned to test the carrier-based aircraft yet. Why are they here so early?"

What else can I do? Of course I can’t wait. Zhang Zhen knew it in his heart, but it was not convenient to say it like this. After thinking about it, he said: "Mr. Qin, they also need to familiarize themselves with the deck in advance, so that it will be easier for them to land in the future. They will participate in the whole process. For the sea trial work, contact the aircraft carrier in advance. When the sea trial is completed and the aircraft is finalized and put into service, our carrier-based aircraft units can come directly."

Qin Tao nodded and agreed with this statement: "Since we are here, we have to have a good chat. We haven't seen each other for a long time. You must be very nervous, right?"

"Qin, our base in Wasteland Village is already equipped with a J-20 flight simulator. Will this aircraft also have a carrier version?" Delano said excitedly to Qin Tao: "I have flown it many times. This fighter is really powerful, our aircraft carrier still needs heavy-duty aircraft, and I am very interested in this aircraft."

“Delano, this aircraft is our top secret. As a trustworthy person, you have access to these things in advance, so you must pay attention to confidentiality discipline.” Qin Tao directly pushed back.

 (End of this chapter)

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