Warship of Great Power

Chapter 919: Xiang De and Xiang Jing

Chapter 919 Xiang De and Xiang Jing

 “Why didn’t you see Delano?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

 Delano usually likes to walk around on the deck, enjoying himself, but I don’t seem to see him recently.

“I was arguing with Xiang Jing in the flight conference room on the ship island.” Wang Wei had no choice but to say, “I got a headache from hearing it, so I had to come out.”

quarrel? Qin Tao became curious.

He knew Delano's character. He had always been very arrogant. He would curse when he met someone he didn't like, and he looked like a ruffian. However, almost all naval carrier aviation personnel were his students, so he was usually stricter. It is also normal, especially when landing, the pilot who hooks the first blocking rope will be scolded by him, and there is no need to say that.

However, Xiang Jing is not a pilot. When the early warning aircraft took off and landed in Wasteland Village, there was no electronic equipment behind it. Only the pilots received training from Delano. Therefore, Xiang Jing and others were not Delano's apprentices. Naturally, Neither does Draenor.

However, there was actually a quarrel, which made Qin Tao a little curious: "Delano...what are Xiang De and Xiang Jing arguing about?"

He suddenly felt interesting. One was named Xiang De and the other was named Xiang Jing. When these two people argue, will there be sparks?

With this thought in mind, he left the deck. The supply test would be fine anyway, it was just a formality. He had better go and see what the two were arguing about.

If it is an aircraft carrier after delivery, others are not allowed to enter the flight conference room. This is where pilots hold meetings, problems in normal carrier-based aircraft training, the ratings of the landing guidance officer, and various exercises and tactics exchanges, etc. , are all carried out here, and it is also common to argue because of different opinions.

When Qin Tao walked outside, he heard a quarrel inside.

“In modern warfare, AWACS plays a decisive role. Therefore, the pilots in front must obey the commands of AWACS. Only in this way can combat missions be better completed.”

"No, no, the early warning aircraft is only an auxiliary force in the rear to prevent our stealth aircraft from turning on the radar and exposing the target. The role of the stealth aircraft is to provide us with data through the data link. It is a logistics support force. You are not qualified to order the pilots in front of us! "

 In just two sentences, the contradiction is clearly explained.

Eastern aviation forces have always been accustomed to fighting under the guidance of the ground. It can even be said that the pilots in the sky are like puppets, fighting according to the instructions of the ground guidance. Especially during interception operations, every move must be in accordance with the following.

Now that we have early warning aircraft, it is equivalent to moving a radar station into the sky. Of course, we still have to listen to the guidance of the radar station. Of course, the AWACS aircraft has to direct the fighter aircraft to fight.

Delano certainly does not agree with this concept. After all, he came from the West, where freedom is more respected. Pilots are not puppets, but people, and people must exert their own subjective initiative! The early warning aircraft behind them are just substitutes for their airborne radars, helping them to perceive the surrounding airspace conditions, nothing more.

 The two people have different ideas, and quarrels are inevitable.

Where is Wang Wei?

Although Wang Wei is the captain of the carrier-based air wing, he also has his own limitations after all. Listening to the argument between the two, I feel that both sides are reasonable. Whose plan is better? Wang Wei couldn't judge, so he could only start a fight. As a result, he had a headache and had no choice but to go out.

There was no such problem before, because the 001 aircraft carrier only had ordinary ship-based helicopters for early warning, which were only used to supplement low-altitude blind zones. Now it is the first time that the Navy has a professional ship-based early warning aircraft, and it is also the first time that different fighters have been combined to fight together. , who listens to whom has become a big problem.

 Zhang Zhen cannot participate either. After all, although Zhang Zhen is the captain, he cannot fly and cannot provide valuable advice.

 In this way, neither side can convince the other and are in a stalemate stage.

When Qin Tao appeared at the door, Delano immediately waved: "Qin, come and tell them, is it very primitive and backward to still use the conservative command methods of the red empire era? Should pilots use their full capabilities? Subjective initiative?”

Delano has been in the East for many years and can speak these Eastern words very well.

"Mr. Qin, are you also a tactical researcher?" Xiang Jing was a little unconvinced.

"Of course, Zhang Zhong said that the show was planned by President Qin, and he is very knowledgeable about tactics." Delano said, "You can doubt me, but you can't doubt President Qin."

Qin Tao smiled: "I was just passing by."

"No, Mr. Qin, there is no road here. How can you pass by? You came here specially. Tell us who you support." Delano is confident that Mr. Qin will support him.

“I don’t understand this either, but I know that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.”

 “That’s right.”

“So, when the aircraft carrier is put into service, you will definitely participate in various exercises. During the exercises, won’t you be able to get used to it and determine who is right?”

"Drill? How long will it take? We need to determine it now!"

 “Now, there is only one way.”

"any solution?"

 “Throw the dice to see who has the higher number.”

"Mr. Qin, how can this be done? This is not in compliance with the regulations at all. Gambling is also prohibited in the army." Xiang Jing opened his big eyes and looked at Qin Tao angrily.

"No, in many cases, people have to be selected through a similar method." Delano said: "For example, when performing a dangerous mission, everyone is rushing to go. At this time, it is decided through a similar lottery method, isn't it normal? Why is it gambling?”

 “Hmph, that’s a strong argument.” Xiang Jing still refused to admit defeat.


"Ahem." Wang Wei followed Qin Tao back, coughed twice to attract attention, and then said: "Mr. Qin is right. Even during the sea trial stage, we can conduct joint confrontation exercises with our brother units. We run in practice and find the best way. In the end, it is to win the future war. Now, let’s put aside this argument and discuss our next test. After the separate tests are completed, we will use the three catapults at the same time. , test the efficiency of the maximum attack, then, who will use the No. 1 catapult?"



Xiang Jing and Delano are at odds again.

Three airplanes and three catapults are exactly the same, so there is still a dispute over this, just because of the name of the No. 1 catapult? Wang Wei thought of Qin Tao's suggestion just now: "Then draw lots to decide."

The army is not a place where democracy is concerned. Otherwise, if the commander orders his men to charge, they will vote by a show of hands? The people under him will probably all object. If the aircraft carrier has been commissioned and the carrier-based air wing has been fully staffed, then Wang Wei will never tolerate it like this. He can just issue the order directly. But now, he can still be a little bit more Indulge yourself.

"I support it!" Delano was very happy. The use of drawing lots proved the correctness of what he just said.

 The results of the draw will come out soon.

“The Haipan uses ejection position No. 1, the J-32 uses ejection position No. 2, and the J-55 uses ejection position No. 3. Dingo, which plane are you flying?”

“The test of the J-15 fully loaded take-off must be done by me, and the rest doesn’t matter,” Delano said.

Xiang Jing glanced at Delano with complicated eyes. Although the two were arguing just now, Xiang Jing had to admire Delano now. This man was very brave and always charged at the front.

Carrier-based aircraft taking off and landing tests with a full load are risky. If the thrust is insufficient when taking off, it may fall into the sea. If it is not operated properly during landing, it may hit the deck and explode the ammunition carried. Be the first to do this. A test pilot would have to write a suicide note.

"Everyone, the aircraft carrier has been replenished. The captain hopes to start the next round of tests as soon as possible, and also asks the carrier air wing to arrange the latest takeoff and landing plan." At this moment, an officer ran over.

“Let’s test ejection positions No. 1 and 2 recently. After the ejection is simulated, we will test the J-15 and Air Police 600.” Wang Wei said.

Three planes took off at the same time. This was a test that was waited until the end, and it was also the most grand event. Now, the two catapults at the front of the ship were run in first.

“These two catapults haven’t started testing yet. This first test needs some luck.” Delano said, looking down.

Wang Wei immediately became vigilant: "Delano, you can't have any more ideas for me!"

Delano nodded: "Yes, I really can't make any more decisions on you. After all, I only brought two pairs in total."

His eyes continued to scan other people's shoes, and then stopped on a certain pair of little feet. It's you!

Xiang Jing's face looked a little ugly: "Delano, what are you looking at?"

"Delano, you can't do anything outrageous to lesbians, otherwise you will be in big trouble." Wang Wei also quickly dissuaded her.

 “Wang Captain, what are the wild dogs going to do?” Xiang Jing’s face became even more ugly.

“Ahem, I didn’t do anything. I just wanted to hold a regular navy ceremony. When the catapult is used for the first time, it has to eject something special.” Delano said.

 “Something special?”

"That's right, when the No. 3 catapult was used for the first time, the shoes worn by Captain Wang were tied to the catapult by Delano." A pilot next to him said: "This matter has already spread throughout our lives. It has spread among the testing team, but it has not spread within the Navy yet. Our catapult was tested for the first time and ejected a pair of commemorative shoes."

“So? Delano wants to eject my shoe?” Xiang Jing reacted.

“This kind of ceremony only needs to be held once. It’s a tradition, but after all, it’s also a tradition of the U.S. Navy.” Wang Wei said at the side.

"Okay, I can agree to eject my shoes, but Delano's shoes must also be put on it." Xiang Jing said: "Aren't there two ejectors that have not been used? Just one pair of each will be ejected. Delano ,what do you think?"

Although Delano is the teacher of naval carrier-based aircraft pilots, Xiang Jing has not received training from him. Now that he knows what Delano is going to do, he turns against General Yijun. Don't you like to do this kind of thing? Then come too.

 “Xiang Jing, don’t follow this nonsense!” Wang Wei continued to dissuade.

"I think it's feasible." Qin Tao said from the side: "It's also very interesting for two pairs of shoes to fly together. However, we can also add a little bonus. Whoever's shoe flies farther will win, how about?"

Xiang Jing’s face was full of excitement.

Since my shoes are small and have low resistance, my shoes must fly far. I will definitely win this competition!


Wang Wei frowned, and finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, since you all have no objections, I have nothing to say. We have sent two counterweight trucks for this supply, so you can hang your shoes on the counterweight cart. Behind the heavy car."

The No. 3 catapult on the angled deck was tested using a drone. That was just because the test was rushed at that time. If we want to continue the test now, especially the heavy-load test, we need a special counterweight trolley.

 Two hours later, the ejection area at the bow of the ship was busy.

 Two red cars are fixed to the ejection slider in preparation for ejection.

 In fact, the testing of electromagnetic catapults should be a very complex and scientific project.

First of all, after the construction is completed, power-on and no-load tests must be carried out. At this time, it is mainly to verify whether the catapult can work normally. When the Yankee Ford was doing this kind of test without counterweight, they were surprised to find that their The ejection slide actually got stuck because of the slight rocking of the ship!

 As a result, this problem has troubled them for several years.

After these tests are completed, there is a load test, where the counterweight trolley is put on for testing. Only after these tests are completed can the carrier-based aircraft be tested.

 This catapult alone has troubled the Ford-class aircraft carrier for many years.

However, Dongfang's technology is more advanced and the test is easier. During the mooring experiment, the test without counterweight has been completed. When it comes to the sea, the ejection of the UAV is light-loaded, and even the J-32 was later It took off from catapult number three.

However, the J-32 is a medium-sized aircraft after all, and its take-off weight is still far behind the J-5. Direct ejection with a full load is very risky, and an ejection car is still needed to verify it.

"The trolley on the first ejection position is thirty-six tons, and the trolley on the second ejection position is thirty-six tons." Delano said: "I am a man, and I have to show some grace, so I will use the trolley on the first ejection position. Bar."

 Up to now, the two of them are still struggling with No. 1 and No. 2.

Although the maximum take-off weight of the carrier-based aircraft is 33 tons, the catapult needs to have a certain margin, so the maximum ejection weight is set at 36 tons. However, Delano said that using the No. 1 catapult is definitely not Ladies first, show off your grace, just because of the number one.

Xiang Jing glanced at him: "Are you sure?"

 “That’s right, I’m sure.”

On the ship island, Zhang Zhen already knew about the competition between the two sides. However, it was just two pairs of shoes. It was not a big deal and would not interfere with the test, so he acquiesced. It might actually become a tradition in the future.

"Okay, if you lose later, don't admit it. By the way, what are the consequences of losing? Let's make it clear first, I won't gamble."

“Whoever loses will do twenty push-ups on the spot,” Delano said.


“Wait, can I make a suggestion?” Qin Tao suddenly said.

 Everyone looked at him in surprise.

“Doing push-ups alone is too monotonous. The loser not only has to do push-ups, but also has to have another person ride on his back.”

Wang Wei frowned, it doesn't matter if Delano loses, but what if Xiang Jing loses? Can Xiang Jing's small body be able to carry a big man like Delano?

Just when he was hesitating, Xiang Jing had already nodded: "Okay!"

The originally ordinary ejection test became more colorful because of this competition. Anyway, it was not a carrier-based aircraft taking off, so there was no danger. Soon a group of people gathered on the deck, and everyone looked at the shoes hanging on the two red cars. .

They are all high-waisted pilot military boots, with the same style, but different sizes. After being attached, they will move forward with the ejection car and be thrown out at the fastest speed. Who can fly farther next depends on luck. .

Delano tied the boots according to his previous experience, muttered a few words silently, and kissed the shoes as if praying.

After doing this, Delano turned to look at his competitor, and he was immediately happy. Xiang Jing actually put the two soles of the military boots opposite each other and tied them together. What effect could this have? A layman must be a layman!

 “Ready to eject!”

Each catapult is independent and has its own energy storage device. Just now, the aircraft carrier also completed the preparations for energy storage while moving forward.

If it is a catapult aircraft, the two catapults should be released alternately to avoid that the wings of the two aircraft may touch when flying to the front, and at the same time, each other's airflow will disrupt each other's flight, but the catapult car is not needed.

 “Start ejection!”


 Two cars accelerate together.

The thirty-ton and thirty-six-ton ​​trolleys are moving forward at almost the same acceleration. There is not much difference between them. After all, the ejection tonnage is different, and the ejection intensity is adjusted differently. The big guy stared at the two trolleys intently. There are also people counting.

"one hundred!"

 “Two hundred!”

 “Two hundred and six!”

 At this time, the catapult released its true strength!

For a carrier-based aircraft, with its own power and catapult thrust, it can take off from the deck after accelerating to 2,780 kilometers per hour. But now, the carrier-based aircraft does not use its own power, only the catapult You can accelerate the plane to this speed!

This means that the aircraft can eject calmly even if the engine is not turned on. It also means that normal military thrust is enough without using afterburner, which can save a lot of fuel!

 Eastern’s electromagnetic catapult is awesome!

“Oh, no!” At this moment, Delano exclaimed: “How is this done?”

 The flight status of the two pairs of boots is different!

 Delano's boots are already very good, flying out in an arc, further than last time, but what about Xiang Jing's boots? Actually gliding!

 The soles of the high-waisted boots tied together became the fuselage of the aircraft, and the two waists became the wings of the aircraft. Although they are very crude, they can glide, and the flying distance is far longer than Delano's boots!

 (End of this chapter)

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