Warship of Great Power

Chapter 922: It turned out to be Peace Dove No. 3

 Fighters should fight under the command of AWACS aircraft! Xiang Jing subconsciously wanted to say this. This Delano acted without permission and should be stopped immediately!

However, when Delano said those words, Xiang Jing felt that it still made sense. There were only two aircraft at present, and the J-32 did not carry weapons. It was just joining in the fun to test the maximum takeoff. Efficiently, the J-15 takes off with a full load. It was originally intended to test the maximum take-off weight and maximum landing weight. Now it is just right to rush up and scare others with its own mounted missiles.

This person is always so reckless!

 It is still in the testing phase now, and he has not officially joined the navy yet. When he joins in the future, he will have to make three rules to prevent him from being so reckless!

 The atmosphere on the ship island also became tense.

 This is the benefit of having a ship-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft. It can easily detect ultra-low-altitude flying targets on the sea four to five hundred kilometers away. It is impossible for the warship's own radar or ship-based early warning helicopters to detect such distant targets.

If it really reaches the battlefield, the existence of early warning aircraft means that the maritime formation will not be threatened by ultra-low-altitude sneak attacks. They can detect it hundreds of kilometers away and then organize carrier-based aircraft to intercept it.

The difference in detection distance means different interception methods. If it is detected hundreds of kilometers away at sea, it can intercept the opponent's aircraft. If the distance shrinks to a hundred kilometers, then the missile has been launched and flew away, and our own side can only Being able to intercept missiles launched by the opponent, the combat effects of these two methods are very different.

Delano is full of excitement. He has long wanted to compete with his peers. What is coming this time? Nine times out of ten, they are big bugs, so just let a plane like yours torture them. Even if you are full of bombs, you will still be absolutely sure to fight the big bugs.

Delano has various data about the big bug in his mind. When it flies over, he uses their different performances to suppress his opponent!

He did not turn on the radar, but various target data clearly appeared on the HUD. This was the credit of the early warning aircraft. The target data was continuously transmitted through the data link. When they were serving in the US Navy, they had long been accustomed to this. This tactic is easy to use now.

 Three hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers, one hundred kilometers!

“Attention, wild dogs, always pay attention to the target and pay attention to the information from the radar warning receiver.” The voice of the commander of the early warning aircraft came from the earphones.

Hearing this clear female voice, Delano was surprised for a moment, and then replied: "Wild Dog received it, continue to engage the enemy silently, activate the photoelectric probe."

After the Su-27 appeared, it caused a sensation in the world. In addition to its maneuverability, it also had its equipment. The IRST probe in front of the cockpit windshield made countless military fans talk about it. This thing is a photoelectric radar, specially used for Detect infrared rays emitted by targets!

In addition to radar, there is also IRST and helmet sights, which make the Su-27 look so awesome.

But in fact, the Tomcat fighter also has a photoelectric detection device, which is installed on the belly of the aircraft. However, the early IRST has limited performance and is inconvenient to use. The pilots of the Tomcat fighter rarely use it, and its use is a matter for the radar officer behind. .

After Dongfang introduced the Su-27 and copied the J-11, of course it also copied this system and made improvements. The IRST system currently used by the J-15 is already the most advanced model that has been improved. .

This kind of detector does not use visible light, but infrared light. Generally speaking, it has two bands: medium wave of 3 to 5 microns and long wave of 8 to 14 microns. The absorption rate of these two bands in the air is very low. , can be detected from a distance.

The Su-27 series aircraft use the medium wave band, and the glass cover outside it is made of sapphire. This kind of thing is relatively wear-resistant. Even if it passes through cyclones of sand and rock particles, it will not be worn. In China, it is very long. This is also what is used in time. With the continuous development of Eastern technology, the domestic IRST system developed has already used long wave. The cover adapted to the long wave infrared sensor cannot be made of sapphire, which is not so wear-resistant, so it is usually closed and is only exposed when in use. , usually seen on the ground, this thing always has its eyes closed.

The reason why long waves are used is naturally because the propagation distance of long waves is longer, more than twice that of medium waves. The Su-27IRST that was once imitated only has a detection range of about 30 kilometers, which is actually a bit useless, because at this distance, the pilot’s eyesight Targets can also be found visually.

But now this improved model is very high and can track targets at a distance of up to 85 kilometers!

At this time, Delano turned on the photoelectric radar and continued to engage the enemy silently. Soon, target information appeared on the HUD.

“The target has been found using the photoelectric system!” Delano said: “The infrared characteristics of the target are very obvious!”

If it is a tail chase, directly facing the chrysanthemum of the fighter in front, the infrared signature will of course be very obvious, but now it is flying head-on. In this case, it can only detect the infrared rays of the opponent's nose and various edges that rub against the air. There won't be such obvious infrared characteristics.

 What is the goal?

Delanor is interested.

For a high-speed fighter plane, the distance of one hundred kilometers is only a matter of minutes. Delano continued to fly forward, and soon he saw a huge thing on the sea in the distance.

“Oh, God, why do I feel like it’s more like a ship than a plane?”

When they heard this voice on the radio, everyone was very curious. Xu Zhengyang suddenly thought of something and whispered a few words to Qin Tao.

“Everyone, this may be a misunderstanding. Our ground-effect aircraft seems to have been tested here recently.”

“Ground effect aircraft?” Everyone reacted: “Peace dove?”

 No wonder flying at low altitude and high speed over the sea. This is the normal flying method of ground-effect aircraft. It turned out to be a false alarm.

Back then, when Qin Tao went shopping for treasures at Lao Maozi, he accidentally discovered Alexeyeva, so he tricked her into coming over. He also set up a special laboratory in China and continued to study it from childhood to adulthood.

Peace Dove 1 is a fifty-ton small ground-effect aircraft. It has currently performed commercial transportation missions, tourism missions, etc. among various islands in the southern seas, and is well known by everyone.

Peace Dove 2 is a 200-ton medium-sized ground-effect aircraft. It can carry six anti-ship missiles on its back and fly at high speed on the sea. It is a weapon for covertly attacking the enemy. Laoba purchased a batch and achieved zero breakthrough.

As for what is currently being tested at sea, it is naturally the Peace Dove 3. This ground-effect aircraft has been enlarged into the Caspian Sea monster it once was.

Delano opened his eyes wide and looked at the monster flying in front of him. He was extremely shocked.

 Its overall fuselage is wide, like a ship, but this ship has two wings on it!

There is also a T-shaped vertical tail at the tail, just like an airplane. However, these are not very weird. The most weird thing is its front. At the nose, there are short wings sticking out. There are four units on each short wing. The engines, eight in total, stared at him like the eyes of eight monsters.

 Monster, absolute monster!

“002 Calling wild dog, please report the specific situation of the target immediately!”

Delano recovered from the shock. At this time, he was roaring over the target. While pulling the stick and turning the rudder to fly back, he said on the radio: "Wild Dog reported that the target has a wide fuselage. There are two wings and a T-shaped vertical tail. There are two engines on the side of the vertical tail, which are running. There are two short wings on the nose, with four engines on each. Those engines are in a stalled state, and no one has been seen. Flames. The target has a cockpit in the front, but very few windows in the back."

Hearing these reports, Qin Tao nodded: "Well, we can be sure now that our Peace Dove 3 is undergoing a trial voyage."

 Dove of Peace No. 3?

Makarov said: "How does it compare with the Caspian Sea Monster?"

“It should be a replica of the Caspian Sea Monster.” After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at Xu Zhengyang: “Zhengyang, please introduce me.”

"This aircraft is 106 meters long, has a wingspan of 50 meters, has a take-off weight of 500 tons, and has a payload of 200 tons. Our 50-ton main battle tank can carry four vehicles. If it is carrying personnel, it can carry a thousand A warrior with a speed of 800 kilometers per hour and a range that can reach any corner of the world."

 Everyone was surprised.

With a payload of two hundred tons and a speed of eight hundred kilometers per hour, only a few transport aircraft in the world can achieve this. However, transport aircraft are too expensive and the flight cost is high. Ground-effect aircraft just make up for these shortcomings.

Although there are eight engines in the front of the ground effect aircraft, those engines are only used to create air cushions when taking off and landing. During normal flight, only the two cruise engines at the tail are turned on, and the wing area is not large. The entire ground-effect aircraft was held up entirely by the hand of God. This makes it much more fuel efficient than a transport aircraft.

 Alexeyeva has been tinkering with this kind of thing over the years, and it has gotten bigger and bigger. This 500-ton ground-effect aircraft has more military uses.

Everyone also lamented that our navy needs another big killer weapon!

“002 Calling wild dog, please return immediately!”

Delano kept following the ground effect aircraft below, sighing as he flew, until he heard the call in the earphones, and then gave up: "Wild dog received, return immediately!"

  If we don't return, the fuel consumption will be too much, and we will not be able to simulate a landing with a weight of 30 tons.

Now running back and forth like this, it has consumed about 2.5 tons of fuel. When flying back, Delano once again formed a formation with the other two aircraft and flew towards the aircraft carrier.

 “The wild dogs landed first, and the sea pan came second.”

Delano did not refuse. Although he was the third one to eject when taking off, he was the first one to land. He operated the J-5 and flew smoothly along the descent route. There was almost no fluctuation in the aircraft, and then it landed steadily. Hit the deck.


Zhang Zhen breathed a long sigh of relief. The maximum weight test of thirty tons is only done once. It will only be used in the future when an accident occurs. It is best not to use it forever. After the weight of 28 tons, it is no longer possible. Smaller.

The J-15 was stable and was dragged to the parking area. The second Haipan fell down equally steadily. Although the carrier-based aviation force of the Eastern Navy has not been established for a long time, they are all elites and very skilled in technology. .

Wang Wei landed third, and this day’s test was a perfect ending.

However, after Wang Wei got off the plane, he still frowned. This time Delano acted without authorization again. I'm afraid there will be another quarrel when they get to the pilot conference room.

 But something happened that surprised him.

In the pilot conference room, Wang Wei first summarized the flight. The takeoff test and landing were all satisfactory. After summarizing, he continued: "Of course, there were some minor incidents during this test flight. If you have any opinions, you can speak freely. .”

“The situation in the air is changing rapidly. There was an accident in the sky today, and the wild dog handled it very promptly.” Xiang Jing was actually praising Delano!

Delano was also a little shocked. He looked at Xiang Jing with incredulous eyes. When he was sure that the other party was really praising him, he felt a little embarrassed: "I acted without permission before I received the order. This is wrong. I am I admit my mistake here, although I think there was nothing wrong with my handling at the time, but after all, I still have to obey the orders of my superiors."

Delano actually started to become humble? Wang Wei looked at the performance of the two people in surprise, and became even more certain: Mr. Qin has a unique vision, and Mr. Qin's handling is very good!

 It’s much more harmonious now.

“Wild dog, do you also think you should listen to the command of the early warning aircraft?” Who would have thought that Xiang Jing would then begin to enter an attack state.

"No, what I just said was to listen to the orders from superiors. This order should come from the ship island and from the flight wing commander. I didn't say the early warning aircraft."

 Okay, let’s start a fight again!

When Wang Wei had a headache, an officer hurried over with information: "Report, the J-15 electronic warfare model has requested a ship landing test!"

"The electronic warfare type is coming?" Wang Wei was surprised: "Isn't this too fast?"

“Yes, they heard that our aircraft carrier was being tested and asked to come over and test it together. The superiors forwarded the application to us and it was up to us to make a decision.”

"What else is there to say? Of course you are welcome." Delano said from the side: "When our carrier-based aircraft attack, they must be accompanied by electronic warfare aircraft. This is safer. The early warning aircraft will provide support for us from behind. , the electronic warfare planes are going to charge into battle with us."

Xiang Jing frowned, but endured it. The AWACS aircraft really couldn't rush forward. They were not a combat force.

“Has the electronic warfare aircraft been tested in Huangdi Village?” Wang Wei didn’t dare to be too adventurous. He remembered that this aircraft was still being tested at the Yanliang Flight Test Institute. Why did it suddenly come here?

“Not recently, but the aircraft body is a two-seater type of our J-15, and the pilots are veteran pilots who have taken off and landed on more than a hundred aircraft carriers.”

Wang Wei frowned.

“The original airframe is used, but it’s just like mounting a few pods. There shouldn’t be any problems. The U.S. Navy often does this,” Delano said.

 Delano has the nickname "Mad Dog", so of course he is not afraid of any risks, but Wang Wei, as the captain of the carrier-based air wing, has to think about it.

 In the ship island, countless personnel are still working.

“Report, the radar is interfered with.” At this moment, the radar officer suddenly reported.

"Interference?" Zhang Zhen's expression changed: "Activate the four-sided phased array radar!"

The four-sided phased array radar consumes a lot of power and has a life limit, so it is not turned on all the time. What is usually turned on is the flat-panel radar on the top of the mast. This set of radars looks very similar to the top-plate radar introduced back then, but it is not a replica. , but an improved model, equipped on many domestic warships.

This radar is responsible for normal search tasks, and the phased array radar will be turned on when needed. At this time, Zhang Zhen heard the news that the radar was jammed, and Zhang Zhen immediately issued the order.

The four-sided phased array radar was turned on. Under the surging power supply, countless radar waves radiated out in all directions, instantly suppressing any sudden interference.

 The interference disappears.

 “Hmph, you are trying to cause trouble for us!”

"There are so many troubles when it is still in the sea trial stage. If it is officially put into service, there will definitely be more harassment."

"What are you afraid of? We will have electronic warfare planes soon. If we come again next time, we can take off the electronic warfare planes, accurately determine the source of interference, and then teach them a lesson!" At this moment, Wang Wei's voice sounded outside: "I have decided Yes, allow our J-15 electronic warfare aircraft to land on the ship and run in with our aircraft carrier as soon as possible!"

Originally, he was still hesitant, but now he only has a sense of urgency. Various threats are everywhere. They must become stronger in order to protect the safety of the aircraft carrier formation.

 The electronic warfare planes are coming too!

 At about four o'clock that afternoon, the electronic warfare J-15 flew directly from Yanliang to the sea, found the aircraft carrier undergoing sea trials, flew around the aircraft carrier several times, and prepared to land.

Most of the J-15s are single-seater, and only a few two-seater models are used to train pilots. They usually fly in wasteland villages and occasionally board ships. However, electronic warfare aircraft must use two-seater models. If there is only one pilot, , simply unable to complete various complex operating tasks.

There is a big difference between the two-seater and the single-seater. It does not add a cockpit directly behind the single-seater. In that case, the pilot behind has no line of sight. Its nose is tilted further downwards, all the way to the two-seater. The rear cockpit of the model begins to tilt downward, so that the rear seat is the highest, much higher than the front seat.

The front is low and the rear is high. The two-seater has a good field of vision and is most suitable for use as a training aircraft. Other fighter-bombers, electronic warfare aircraft, etc. are all modified from the two-seater training aircraft, so this structure is directly used.

Looking at the huge front and rear canopies, you can even feel the hugeness of this kind of fighter. In addition to these, the electronic fighter also has some other things, such as the inner wing pylons and the center of the air inlet. It has a cylinder, and the cylinder at the wing tip is also larger. These are professional electronic warfare equipment.

 Electronic warfare aircraft are finally coming to ships!

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