Warship of Great Power

Chapter 930: There is no way out despite the mountains and rivers

Chapter 930: There is no way to regain doubts despite the mountains and rivers

Alexeyeva felt a chill. She had been in the East for many years. Of course, she also knew many habits of the East. Generally speaking, the performance of the East for personal use was lower, and exports must use good products. This is true in almost all walks of life. Only The Mingzhou Group is an exception. No matter what it is, it is much better for personal use than for export.

Perhaps this is the difference between companies with military background and other companies.

Alexeyeva said nothing, just watched silently.

“Then just tinker with it like this first. After selling it, you can also gain some operational experience from customers, continuously accumulate usage data during operation, and then make improvements.”

Zhao Gang nodded: "We think so too. We can only do so much at present. However, what should be allocated will still be provided, especially kinetic energy recovery."

For fuel vehicles, when going downhill or braking, the most important thing is to consume less fuel. The EFI engine can control the fuel injection through the ECU. When encountering a downhill section, it can control the injection of less fuel, or even Without spraying, just use the engine as a reverse brake throughout the process. In this process, fuel consumption will be very small.

 However, this only reduces consumption and cannot save the energy consumed in this process.

 Only electric cars can do it.

For electric vehicles, cruising range is a big indicator. It would be absolutely wonderful if the battery could be charged in reverse while the vehicle was running.

This operation is kinetic energy recovery. As long as the car slows down or goes downhill, the car can drive the motor to rotate. At this time, the motor becomes a generator, which not only provides strong deceleration torque, but also generates electricity. It is passed to the supercapacitor on the car, and then the current is stably charged to the battery through the buffer of the supercapacitor.

  If you go downhill for tens of kilometers, the battery will only be half full. After going down the slope, the battery may be fully charged.

This is a stunt that only electric cars can do.

 For heavy-duty trucks, this kinetic energy recovery is also very important.

"Currently, our heavy-duty truck has three different battery configurations, providing 282kWh, 350kWh, and 423kWh. The endurance reaches 160km, 200km, and 245km respectively. Even the version with the largest battery has a endurance that is not as good as that of a fuel vehicle. Half of that, so the kinetic energy recovery of this kind of heavy truck is even more critical and can significantly increase the cruising range."

The endurance of a normal fuel truck is at least five or six hundred kilometers. If you get a large fuel tank, it can even increase the endurance to more than a thousand kilometers. This gives the fuel truck greater flexibility. When transporting long distances, which province has the best fuel price? At the lowest, just fill up the tank in which province.

Now, after hearing these introductions, Qin Tao nodded frequently, and then he thought of something: "What kind of brakes do electric trucks like ours use?"

Electric vehicles not only need to change the power system, but also many other systems. For example, the air-conditioning system must be changed to an electric air-conditioner. Cooling is easy to say. When heating, the heating plate is directly used to provide heat, which reduces the consumption of electrical energy. Swish, this is not as good as a fuel vehicle. After all, a fuel vehicle uses the waste heat of the engine for heating, so there is no need to consume additional energy at all.

 At the same time, there are also big problems with the brakes.

The brakes of ordinary vehicles use the vacuum generated when the engine takes in air to provide assistance, which can make it easier to brake. Heavy trucks use air pressure brakes. The engine of the car is directly equipped with an air pump, which continuously pumps the brakes. The air pipe of the brake system is pumped, so what about the brakes of the electric truck? Also get an extra electric air pump?

"Currently, we are equipped with an additional electric air pump on the brake system, which constantly monitors the air pressure of the entire brake system. As long as the air pressure is insufficient, the air pump will be started. Since we have kinetic energy recovery, during small-force braking, we completely rely on Our kinetic energy is recovered to decelerate, and only when braking is needed, the driver needs to step on the brake pedal." Zhao Gang continued to introduce: "The same is true for the steering gear. We directly outsourced Bosch's electro-hydraulic steering system, and directly It can be matched to the truck.”

 Not only does braking require an engine, but steering also requires it. The steering system of cars has developed to electronic power assist, which has a more relaxed working environment than hydraulic power assist. The steering torque is large at low speeds and small at high speeds.

Since truck steering systems require high power, hydraulic steering gears are generally used. Bosch first developed electro-hydraulic power steering technology. This was not originally intended to replace hydraulic power steering, but just to complement the hydraulic power steering system. In the event of failure, the torque superposition of the electronic control unit helps the vehicle meet the emergency steering requirements.

Now, this system has matured and can control vehicle steering without hydraulic assistance, so it can be directly transplanted.

“Of course, these are all temporary. When we are free in the future, we will develop our own electronic control system. Whether it is braking or steering, it can be controlled by the electronic system.”

Electromagnetic catapults can be made. As long as the above technology is transplanted, electromagnetic brakes can be made in minutes, but they can't take care of it yet.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, these trucks are also used by black uncles anyway. The technology does not need to be too high, but they must be strong and withstand violent driving."

 After reading about electric trucks, Qin Tao is quite acceptable to this kind of electric trucks that are replaced by oil and electricity. After all, this is just the beginning.

 Qin Tao was still unfinished and wanted to say something, but when he saw Alexeyeva behind him, he suddenly thought of something: "We are here to talk about the electric jet system. Let's go back and continue coordinating this system."

“Mr. Qin, it’s almost time, why don’t we go get something to eat first?” Zhao Gang looked at his watch and said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, let us try the food in your Golden Sun Company cafeteria."

"Go to the canteen? Mr. Qin, our company still has entertainment expenses. Since you are here, let's go to a restaurant outside for a meal together. The canteen is too shabby. When the horse worker comes back, I will take you to the canteen. , I’m afraid I’ll be unhappy.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, I just want to eat something ordinary.”

So, Zhao Gang had no choice but to take the big guys to the canteen.

  It gets dark early in winter, and the lights are already starting to light up outside. Countless people in work clothes flock to the canteen. Qin Tao walks among them, inconspicuously.

As he approached the cafeteria, Qin Tao was surprised to see that these people actually held out their stomachs, bent their waists backwards, and their entire upper bodies were almost flat. They were walking forward like this, which looked very weird.

“What is this for?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Whether everyone is engaged in design or working on the production line, their waists are bent forward. Over time, it may be harmful to the spine. Therefore, we specially arranged this operation. Before going to the cafeteria to eat, everyone You need to pass under those horizontal bar-like railings, so you exercise your body.”

Because it was dark, Qin Tao couldn't see clearly just now. Only when he got closer did he see these poles across the road. Anyone who wanted to eat could only pass through. Although if you wanted to cheat, you could bend forward, but everyone Everyone was watching. No one had the nerve to do this. They just bent backwards and sometimes had to hold their legs with both hands. The posture was very unique, but the effect looked pretty good.

Qin Tao also became interested and decided to try it himself. So he bent his body backwards, looked at the sky, lowered his body as much as possible, and slowly walked towards the first railing. Suddenly his foot slipped, and poof!

"Mr. Qin, are you okay?" Zhao Gang was very worried. There were several female workers who were crawling through the railing next to him, and they were still giggling.

"It's okay." Qin Tao said: "The biggest gain from coming here today is that I know that my body is not as good as these employees. When I go back in the future, I will strengthen my exercise."

 After speaking, Qin Tao looked at Zhao Ling behind him: "Xiao Ling, give me an hour of physical exercise time every day from now on."

"Yes." Zhao Ling nodded. She was also happy to see Qin Tao's request. Exercise was a good habit and it was time to develop it.

“Mr. Qin, I will take you.” Xu Zhengyang said, “Just exercise with me every day.”

Qin Tao doesn’t need to go to a gym, there is a ready-made coach beside him.

 There are many people in the canteen, and they are all queuing up to get their meals in an orderly manner. However, there is still no swipe card system for getting meals here. Everyone gets the meal plate and goes to the front to get their meal, and they all get the same meal.

“The portions are the same, but if you are not full, you can eat again.” Zhao Gang said: “This can also avoid waste. At the same time, there are only a few recipes, and it is easy for the chefs in the canteen to make them.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Your canteen needs to learn from your brother units, but the tricks on the way to the canteen are good and can be promoted. When the group meeting is held at the end of the year, you will report your tricks."

“Yes.” Zhao Gang was also very happy.

One portion of potato stew, one portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, one portion of bean sprouts, and one portion of rice. Overall, the food was acceptable, but the variety was very monotonous.

Several people each took a meal, and then sat down to eat together.

"Mr. Qin, when it comes to this ducted propeller, it is not our company's strength. We are just most familiar with motors. If we want to make it, we have to cooperate with our brother units. However, when we are doing pump injection, Also know some of the benefits of ducted propellers.”

 Pump jet is a ducted propeller, which wraps a cylinder around the outside of the propeller to form a duct. Compared with the previous method, it can not only protect the propeller, but also increase the thrust of the propeller.

"At that time, we also talked about some of the benefits of ducted propellers used in the air." Zhao Gang continued: "The increase in ducts changes the slipstream field of the propeller, reduces the tip loss of the propeller, and improves the efficiency to a certain extent. Regarding the aerodynamic efficiency of propellers, generally speaking, in order to manufacture ducted propellers, the size of the propeller will be reduced as much as possible, the rotation speed of the propeller will be increased, and several propellers can even be superimposed, and the rotational torque can be eliminated by forward and reverse rotation."

There is a terrible problem in the propeller era: when the propeller rotates too fast, the propeller tip will stall. Especially when the speed is close to the speed of sound, the aerodynamic efficiency of the propeller will decrease rapidly. The ducted propeller is wrapped with a layer on the outside, which greatly improves the aerodynamic environment of the propeller tip and increases the aerodynamic efficiency of the propeller.

"At the same time, as long as the design is good, the propeller suction flow can generate flow around the lip of the duct, forming a low-pressure area, causing the duct to generate additional pulling force. This pulling force can be up to more than twice the propeller pulling force. In other words, With the use of ducted propellers, the pulling force can be doubled as before.”

In the era of propeller aircraft, when talking about power, we only talked about the horsepower of the engine, not the thrust of the propeller, because this is a very mysterious thing. When the benefits of ducted propellers were discovered, some aircraft designers designed the fuselage I have a large fan and want to make the most of this design idea.

"At the same time, increasing the speed and reducing the windward area can also reduce drag."    "Well, overall, this method has great benefits. In this case, let's try it." Qin Tao said: "This project is Will your Golden Sun Company take the lead, or will you find another company to take the lead?"

"Water pump factory, the lift fan they make is what you mentioned, but the lift fan uses a drive shaft. Just replace it with our motor. We will make whatever kind of motor they need. .”

Qin Tao's eyes lit up, yes, why did he forget the water pump factory?

The water pump factory is just what everyone calls it privately. It has not only produced water pumps for a long time. They also made various propeller propulsion devices and even the lift fan of the vertical take-off and landing engine. That lift fan and what Qin Tao thought of The power systems of ground effect aircraft are very similar.

 So, if you go to them directly, you can ask them to help you figure it out.

Ground-effect aircraft have already solved the control problem under high sea conditions. As long as the engine is corroded by water vapor and salt at sea and the service life is improved, it will be completely mature.

Thinking of this, Qin Tao became excited: "After dinner, we will go to the water pump factory and call those who make lift fans to study together."

"Mr. Qin, you have been busy all day. Do you want to take a rest and go back tomorrow?" Alexeyeva asked. Although Qin Tao inspected the electric heavy truck midway, he still wanted to help her after all. She saw that Qin Tao had been busy working on his project all day. It was already time to get off work and he was still busy, and she felt a little sorry.

"Today's work is finished today, so we can't delay it." Qin Tao said: "I am usually too busy with work and have no time to take care of your project. Since I have intervened this time, of course I have to make proper arrangements."

 Alexeyeva's heart was filled with emotion.

 Huating Machinery Factory.

 Although it is already after get off work hours, many offices have lights on, and the production lines are also brightly lit, showing how busy the factory is.

“Mr. Qin, why are you here? You didn’t even say hello in advance.” After receiving the news, Zhao Changshui ran over from the workshop with an excited look on his face.

“I just came over casually to take a look.” Qin Tao said, “If I say hello in advance, you who are supposed to get off work won’t dare to get off work and have to wait for me. That won’t waste your time.”

“How could it be? The workers in our factory work three shifts, and the technicians often work overtime.”

“Is it required by the factory?”

"Three shifts are required by the factory, but overtime is voluntary for everyone. Before the work is completed, everyone wants to work overtime. But don't worry, Mr. Qin, we will give full overtime pay to everyone who works overtime. Moreover, at 11 o'clock in the evening, we will forcefully clear the area and let them go back to sleep."

“Voluntary to work overtime? Is there anyone who has nothing to do and comes here to earn overtime pay?”

“Our basic salary is already quite high. If we have nothing to do, of course we have to go back to spend time with our wife and children.” Zhao Changshui introduced.

 “What about the team working on the lift fan? Are they working overtime too?”

"That's right." Zhao Changshui said: "Although the lift fan has been installed on our aircraft and it can fly normally and stably, there are still many areas that need improvement, especially the lift fan clutch. Everyone has worked hard. , want to develop more advanced materials to make this lift fan have a longer life."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, take me to have a look."

  Lift fans are also a key project of the machinery factory. The R&D team formed to develop this project was still working hard. When Qin Tao entered, he saw many people busy there.

 “Wang Gong, Wang Gong! Mr. Qin is here to inspect.” Zhao Changshui shouted.

Wang Jinbao, who was still busy, stood up from his work station and asked, "Is Mr. Qin here?"

Qin Tao was stunned when he saw Wang Jinbao coming over. Is this technician less than forty years old? Now I have a head full of white hair!

 “Wang Gong, you have worked hard.”

Seeing Qin Tao looking at his hair, Wang Jinbao smiled: "Mr. Qin, my family's ancestors all have white heads. Don't worry. If you stay up late or something, you won't have gray hair, but hair loss. My gray hair, It’s better than being naked.”

Qin Tao looked over and found a few bald heads, and they looked young.

“Everyone has worked hard.” Qin Tao said to Zhao Changshui: “Director Zhao, it’s not easy for our technical staff. We should give them more year-end bonuses.”


 “Long live Mr. Qin!” Everyone suddenly became excited.

  No matter what big principles are useless, real bonuses are the best. Spiritual encouragement is never as good as material encouragement. In this regard, Mingzhou Group has never treated everyone badly.

“Mr. Qin, do you have any mission when you come to us?” Wang Jinbao asked.

“There is a project.” Qin Tao glanced at Alexeyeva behind him: “Shall we go to the conference room to talk?”

There was a conference room in the R&D department. After everyone sat down, Alexeyeva said: "We hope to have an electric propulsion system to replace our turbofan 18 engine. This engine has a thrust of 13 tons and a maximum diameter of 1.52 meters, the motor project will be solved by Golden Sun Company, and the ducted fan is expected to be solved by you. I don’t know if you have any problems.”

"No problem." Wang Jinbao immediately patted his chest: "We have already done this kind of project planning. At present, our lift fan has a diameter of 1.27 meters and a thrust of 8 tons. If it is enlarged to 1.52 meters, it can reach a thrust of 13 tons. The goal is to keep the appearance and size consistent, making it easy for you to replace.”

 That’s enough? Alexeyeva was very excited. Mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out, but there is another village with hidden willows and bright flowers!

"Furthermore, the difficulty of our lift fan is not the pair of fans, but the transmission system, including the transmission shaft and clutch. Our transmission shaft processing is finally fine, but the clutch is always a weak point. We have now been able to do it for 200 hours The service life is still not enough. If you want to increase it to four hundred or even more hours, and you plan to use a motor to drive it, there will be no problem. As for the 30,000-horsepower motor, leave it to Golden Sun Motor Company. It’s made.”

Golden Sun Motor Company promised to manufacture related motors and use them to drive, but Qin Tao still frowned when he heard the figure of 30,000 horsepower.

This request seems a bit big.

The peak power density of their best motor is 7 kilowatts per kilogram. If this is 30,000 horsepower, does it mean that this motor needs more than three tons?

This is impossible. Eight motors that create a lifting effect, so that’s more than 20 tons? Sure enough, this thing cannot be considered in terms of electric cars. It is almost as good as the drive motors used to drive warships.

 The weight of a turbofan is only over two tons.

Wang Jinbao said it very easily, we don’t care about the motor, we only need to enlarge the lift fan to meet your needs.

Qin Tao frowned: "What if we use a gas turbine to drive it directly through the transmission shaft?"

“The problem of the transmission shaft can be solved, but the problem of the clutch is difficult to solve. At present, it can only have a lifespan of two hundred hours. Our Golden Sun Company is very good. Maybe it can develop a high-performance motor for us?”

“Well, since they promised to solve the motor problem, let’s leave it to them.” Qin Tao also decided to play ball. Golden Sun Company is the leader in motors, so let them leave such small things to them.

 “Thank you for your hard work, everyone, and thank you for your help.” Alexeyeva said to everyone.

“Yes, this can also expand our lift fan orders and make our factory more efficient.” Zhao Changshui said: “When the meeting is held at the end of the year, we will not be compared with other brother units.”

 They had no technical difficulties, and the technical difficulties returned to Golden Sun Company.

 When we came out, the sky was already full of stars.

"Mr. Qin, the problem with this motor is the big problem." Alexeyeva said: "So, we will not rely entirely on this solution. We will also urge relevant units to improve the existing turbofan engines. Increased resistance to moisture and salt.”

“Well, you can’t hang yourself on this tree. The aircraft you developed is unique in the world. Our group will definitely support it. Profitability will come later. Now we have to solve the technical problems first.”

 Alexeyeva nodded, feeling moved in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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