Warship of Great Power

Chapter 933: You can walk sideways from now on

Chapter 933 You can walk sideways from now on

“We plan to use the most advanced avionics system on it, such as airborne radar, which must be an active phased array radar.” Mao continued to introduce it out of context.

The H-6K and H-6J outside use flat-plate slot radars. After all, the craftsmanship of this antenna has matured. It is completely cheap and the efficiency is pretty good. However, a high-end weapon such as a stealth bomber must use more advanced weapons.

"Moreover, considering the reliability issue, we proposed to the relevant units that the radar used by this bomber uses dual redundancy technology and consists of two complete radars. Each radar has its own independent antenna and transmitter. , receiver, and signal processor, the two radars can work alternately or together, which can greatly ensure the success rate of the mission."

Qin Tao sighed with emotion: "The Air Force has spent a lot of money."

One radar is expensive enough, but two radars are needed, and they can work independently. How much does it cost?

Looking at the bombers outside, one flat-panel slot radar is enough, but here they actually use two phased array radars. It's a luxury. It's a luxury.

"This is also based on the plan of the American B2 bomber." Mr. Lin said: "This is the most elite strategic bombing force of the Air Force. If we fly all the way over and find that the radar is broken, wouldn't it be a delay? There must be something A backup. However, the most expensive thing among them is the radar antenna. Two radar antennas are actually the same as one large radar antenna, so overall, it does not cost much more. If a bomber like ours is equipped with a flat plate gap Radar, that’s not high-end enough.”

Qin Tao did not continue speaking and looked at the cockpit: "How many people are sitting in it."

The bomber outside can seat four people. This is also due to the need to perform the mission. After all, after the bombers have a long range, they need to work with each other. The pilots have to be replaced when they are tired, and the navigators behind them must also be professional. Bombing The hands also have to operate complex electronic equipment. Four people can still be a companion on a long flight.

What now?

How many people are in this more advanced bomber now?

"Two people are enough." Mao said out of context: "In order to meet the needs of long-distance flights, we have left a space behind the pilot's seat, into which a small-sized toilet can be inserted, and there is a small toilet on the other side. A microwave for heating, pilots will love it.”

 Everyone was a little surprised to hear this.

 What should the pilot do if he becomes anxious?

In the past, China would not have encountered this kind of situation, because the domestic fighter planes at that time had short legs and a range of only more than a thousand kilometers. They could fly for an hour or two and then come down. It would be enough to deal with it on the ground. After the Su-27, it never flew for a long time, which even caused the first half of the flight recorder tape to wear abnormally.

  Later, with the shift from homeland air defense to offensive defense, the air force's range became longer and longer, and there was a need to fly in the air for a long time.

 Early warning aircraft like the Air Police 2000 can have a bathroom on a passenger plane, which is very convenient, but it is not available on small aircraft. In a cockpit similar to that of a fighter jet, there is no choice at all. The only choice is to use diapers for long-distance flights. Even when it comes to the H-6K and H-6J outside, there is no choice but to hold it in.

When it comes to the stealth bomber in front of us, it won't work if we hold it in or wet it. According to Mr. Lin's requirements at the time, if the bomber can fly to the opposite side and come back, the round trip would take 20,000 kilometers, and it would not have to rely on aerial refueling. accomplish.

This stealth bomber uses a unique four-engine layout, with four engines used for takeoff and two engines used for cruising in the middle to save fuel. However, missions often take more than ten or even twenty hours, making it inconvenient for the pilots.

 Must have a toilet.

Don't even think about the bathroom, just have a simple toilet. And in order to save weight, it's either a flush toilet or an ordinary bucket with a seat. When you use it, put it in a bag. When you're done, tie the bag up and put it in the cabinet next to it. Come down and take them away together.

“Isn’t this too crude?” Everyone came to the iron shelf and looked down at the bomber and the small toilet inside. Wu Shengli couldn’t help but sigh.

 “Simple? This is much better than B2, which uses a stainless steel bowl.”

 It’s not a stainless steel basin, but a stainless steel bowl! This stainless steel bowl is not a stainless steel basin. You can tell just how small it is just by the name.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, everyone was curious: "Mr. Qin, how did you know?"

 B2 was leaked very early, but it was only the appearance, and no one knew what was going on inside.

 How could Mr. Qin know that the pilots used stainless steel bowls?

"Listen to what others say." Qin Tao's answer is simple. This person can be Delano or someone else. In short, there are many ways for Qin Tao to obtain information. Besides, this will not involve leaking secrets.

“A microwave oven is also necessary. You have to maintain your strength for a long flight.” Old Lin brought the topic back: “It’s been half an hour now. Come on, let’s go eat.”

"Eat? Lao Lin, if you are hungry, go and eat first. We haven't seen enough yet." Wu Shengli waved his hand.

 “Hey, I just made it clear.”

"You said, we didn't refuse you. You go to eat first. By the way, I have asked the secretary to take Maotai to the cafeteria. You can drink as much as you want there. It doesn't matter if you drink it all." Wu Shengli continued: "We've almost seen the above, but we haven't looked inside yet. How much can be packed in this belly? Didn't Lao Lin say that he would hang more than 40 tons of bombs? Can it be hung well?"

 How many tons of bombs can be hung is not only determined by the take-off capability, but also by the capacity of the bomb bay. If the volume of the bomb bay is not enough, you will not be able to hang as many bombs as you want.

"We use the traditional belly bomb bay." Mao introduced in a broken tone: "In order to maximize the loading of more missiles, we extended the length of the bomb bay to 7.5 meters. No longer missiles can be loaded in. It There is a bomb bay on the left and right sides of the belly of the aircraft. When using the revolver pylon, the rotating pylon system placed in each bomb bay can mount 12 missiles, a total of 24 missiles. Active air-launched cruise missiles It can all be stuffed in.”

The bomb bay of the B-2 bomber is only 6.25 meters long, and it also uses a left-right layout. When it was first designed, it was only used to mount the B61 bomb, which is a nuclear bomb weighing more than 300 kilograms. It is continuously adjustable between 3,000 tons and 340,000 tons. It is still a thermonuclear weapon. Each bomb bay of the B-2 can carry eight bombs. Of course, it can also carry a single B83 with an equivalent of 1 million tons. In short, this bomber was just When it appeared, it was for the purpose of fighting a nuclear war.

After it came out, the Red Empire had disintegrated, so the Americans improved the B-2's pylon, which can mount 80 230-kg MK82 unmanned navigation bombs at one time, and can also mount 16 900-kg GBUs. -31 JDAM aerial bomb.

In order to have a longer range, this Dongfang bomber is larger, so the bomb bay is also elongated. The 7.5-meter-long bomb bay can carry more weapons, and there is still enough length and depth inside. .

At this time, after hearing Mao's broken introduction, everyone was envious again. When the internal pylon is mounted, it can carry 24 cruise missiles. This capability is not available to the H-6J. The H-6J can carry cruise missiles. At that time, it was mainly hung outside under the wing.

If 24 anti-ship missiles are stuffed in, it can destroy an aircraft carrier formation. Will the Navy also need a few more?

“You’ve seen everything you need to see, can you go?” Mr. Lin urged again.

“Don’t worry, let’s take a look at the built-in rack…”

Another half an hour passed before everyone left reluctantly. Qin Tao looked at Mao Zhangzhang: "Old Mao, let's go and have a drink together!"

 “No, I still have to keep an eye on the final assembly.”

“Maotai, the most expensive wine, a bottle is 8888, let’s go!”

Mao swallowed his saliva, but still couldn't hold it back: "Okay, I'll go have dinner together and give a report to the leaders by the way."

 Talk about things at the wine table. This is Eastern culture, and Mao was used to it in fragments.

 Qin Tao took Mao Duanzhang and others to the canteen.

The factory of 172 is very large and has several employee canteens, one of which has a private room. At this time, a group of people came to the canteen with a private room and continued to be in high spirits.

 Eating or something is not important, we are still discussing. Fortunately, there are no people in the surrounding private rooms, and there are security guards outside. Even if we talk loudly, no one outside can hear us.

 Qin Tao opened the wine bottle with a smile. Immediately, the fragrance of Maotai filled the whole room. Qin Tao first poured wine for Mr. Lin, then for his father-in-law, and then poured the third glass of wine for Mao Zhangzhang.

“How long did it take to build the prototype of our project?” Qin Tao handed over the wine glass and asked. Mao Zhizhang sniffed it with his nose, good wine!

"It will take more than half a year. Many accessories are not yet in place. When the prototype is built, various rolling experiments will have to be done. If everything goes well, it should be able to fly into the sky in a year." After Mao finished speaking, he still couldn't hold it back. , raised his neck, and drank all the wine in one gulp.

“More than a year? It’s still a long time to wait.” Wu Shengli lamented: “However, the progress is fast enough. The Yankees may not be as fast as us in research and development.”

“Yes, our aviation research and development capabilities have reached the first echelon in the world.”

“Speaking of which, when we try to fly in the future, can we fly farther?” Qin Tao said: “For example, fly to the opposite side, make a circle, and then fly back.”

“Mr. Qin, what you are talking about, we have already flown over with our current stealth aircraft, and the radar over there can’t see anything.” said an officer present.

“The other side I’m talking about is not the other side of the strait, but the other side of the Pacific Ocean.”

 The officer immediately blushed.

  The pattern, this is the pattern. With President Qin's eyes, of course he will directly focus on things thousands of miles away. Matters hundreds of kilometers away have long been out of his sight.

Mr. Lin cheered up and said, "I think it will work. I will fly when the time comes!"

Although Mr. Lin has passed the retirement age for several years, his body is still strong. When he came to take charge of the stealth bomber project, he told his superiors that when it was developed, he would be a test pilot!

 After waiting, use the excuse that the navigation system is out of order and fly over there to have a look and then fly back!

 Mr. Lin's eyes were full of excitement. Mr. Qin was very good and could always say something that interested him.

"Mr. Lin, you have to be careful." Qin Tao said: "This kind of navigation error and then accidentally flying over is a big deal. You may be punished after you come back, and you may never let it fly."

"Even if we are no longer allowed to fly after we come back, it's still worth it!" Mr. Lin was still in high spirits: "You still have to fly when you should. Some things will have serious consequences if you do them, but if you don't do them, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I will At this age, why should I worry about not being allowed to fly in the future?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the people present and said, "I am just joking. If someone passes this on to my superiors, don't blame me for turning my back on them."

“Our navy will not interfere in your air force’s affairs,” Wu Shengli said on the spot.

"That's right, but we need to inform you in advance when the time comes. It's best if our navy's aircraft carrier formation happens to be training in the Pacific Ocean, so that we can still take care of you." Qin Tao said, "Okay, that's it for now. , let us raise a toast together to the progress of strategic bombers!"

 “Here, cheers!”

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

“In the future, if the Air Force has such a powerful weapon, it will be able to move sideways, and our Navy will have to step aside.” Wu Shengli sighed with emotion.

"Our Air Force has strategic bombers, and your Navy also has aircraft carriers." Mr. Lin said: "In comparison, our Air Force saves money. Your one aircraft carrier can build as many bombers. Now, defense funds have been going to your Navy. Inclined, I don’t know how many people have big opinions.”

Wu Shengli smiled. This topic cannot be discussed any further, otherwise it will involve conflicts between the navy and air force. Compared with many countries, the military services in the East are already very harmonious.

“Mr. Qin, after this project is finished, it’s almost time for me to retire.” Mao said in a broken voice: “However, if I don’t touch the airplane for a day, I will feel itchy. Do we have any other projects next?”

Mao Duanzhang has actually passed the retirement age. He has been fighting on the front line just out of love. The project he has developed now makes him very satisfied, but what next? What's the next project?

“Aerospace aircraft.” Qin Tao said: “We need advanced aircraft that can fly out of the atmosphere and reach any place in the world in one hour.”

Everyone is shocked. Mr. Qin, the aircraft you launched at the last air show was clearly designed to deceive the outside world.

“Lao Mao, don’t listen to Mr. Qin’s deception. Without advanced engines, this kind of project would be impossible.” Mr. Lin said: “Let’s talk about the improvements of our H-20.”


"Yes, after it is built, it will definitely need continuous improvement. Do you have any ideas about the improvement of this bomber?"

“The missions carried out by bombers are very dangerous. If there is a chance in the future, it would be nice to change them to drones.”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to build a carrier-based unmanned bomber? One that looks very similar to this one?”

"Yes, when the technology of unmanned bombers matures, it can be transplanted. If the pilot performs this kind of mission, if something goes wrong, he will be in big trouble. It is better to use unmanned aircraft. In the future, our artificial intelligence will continue to develop. This bomber can also be intelligent."

If there are no people, even if the bomber is shot down, it will only be a loss of the bomber. But if there are people, it will face a lot of problems: What if the pilot is caught? The pilot died, what to do with the body? If not handled well, it will affect morale.

 There is no such problem if there is no one.


"Yes, our bombers need to be equipped with artificial intelligence. They are completely different from those model aircraft that require remote control. If they fly to the other side of the earth, it is too late to control them here. They must have autonomy, from predicting combat time, intelligence collection, missions Planning, navigation and site selection, weapons delivery, communication with command organizations, etc., all aspects are intelligent and do not require human intervention at all."

 Speaking of this, of course Mingzhou Group is the strongest, Qin Tao introduced it to everyone.

"The bomber can receive intelligence from various reconnaissance systems before taking off or during cruise. At the same time, it can also use its own various sensors to fuse information through intelligent algorithms to determine the target to be struck, and then based on the target According to the specific situation, the flight route is planned independently. In this process, comprehensive considerations such as distance, meteorological conditions, air defense conditions near the target, etc. must be taken into consideration, and then it will automatically fly over. When the weapon is released, it will also independently select the required weapons. This kind of weapons includes not only conventional bombs, guided bombs and missiles, but also lasers and other weapons in the future. Of course, the final decision-making power still lies with the base, and the base's command system can monitor the entire process and intervene in real time."

“It’s like listening to science fiction.” Mr. Lin gave a summary. Everything is done intelligently. Is this possible? This is not an autonomous driving system. There are too many smart devices involved.

“Yes, if people from a hundred years ago arrived in our era, they would also find that everything here is science fiction.” Qin Tao said: “Our future products will certainly look like science fiction now.”

"Yes, the development of technology is in the shape of a ladder. Our future world will be science fiction from today's perspective!" Mr. Lin raised his glass: "Then I wish all of us here can create more Science fiction, and you can also see more science fiction!”

At this moment, suddenly, someone came over in a hurry.

“Report, our H-20 plan may have been leaked, and foreign media have begun to publish our H-20 development project!”

Everyone was shocked. If they hadn’t just arrived, then these people on our side would also be the target of suspicion! It’s not a good experience to come to see an advanced bomber only to be suspected of leaking secrets.

Over the years, the economy has continued to develop, and more and more people can no longer resist the attack of sugar-coated bullets.

 (End of this chapter)

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