Warship of Great Power

Chapter 936: Develop Damao's industry

Chapter 936 Developing Da Mao’s Industry

 Time has reached the end of the year, 2001 is about to pass, and the better 2003 is about to come. At this time of transition between the old and the new, Nikolai came to the East.

“Qin, the recent experience is really hard to describe, but the final outcome is still good.” After seeing Qin Tao, Nicholas was full of emotions.

He was originally so proud, but he didn't expect that so many political opponents would suddenly attack him, which made him feel like he was being pushed down by a wall. However, he survived in the end, and those political opponents who besieged him were all thrown into prison.

Although Nicholas's hands and feet were not clean, he did not receive much money from the West. This is the difference between him and others. Compared with the West, the East is obviously more trustworthy.

“Well, Nicholas, congratulations on defeating those visible and invisible enemies.” Qin Tao said: “This is a great victory. You will become purer and more effective.”

"The human factor is on the one hand, and the factor of weapons and equipment is even more." Nikolai said: "Now, our superiors have agreed to ask you to help build the four-sided phased array radar on the front mast, and integrate the air defense system into Together, we can provide whatever technical information you need."

"Okay, of course there is no problem, we are willing to help." Qin Tao said: "As for the required information, I will also list a form for you to provide."

“Yeah.” Nicholas nodded: “At the same time, we will also send some technical personnel to work with you on research and development, so that the integration can be completed faster.”

Qin Tao gave Nicholas a meaningful look, so Nicholas was also a little embarrassed.

There must be an ulterior motive for sending technicians together. Of course, they still want to learn technology from Dongfang. Now, being stared at by Qin Tao like this, Nicholas also felt a little embarrassed.

"Nikolai, my friend, what if your technicians like our place after doing research and development with us, and then don't go back? By that time, the boss will probably be very dissatisfied, right? "

Nicholas was stunned for a moment, yes, why didn’t he think of this?

"Qin, I will tell the boss about your concerns. I hope this can be taken into consideration."

The boss’s consideration is to learn technology secretly. However, given Da Mao’s current conditions, he came to learn technology all the time. What if he saw the good treatment and development prospects in Dongfang and then stopped leaving? This is If you steal the chicken, you will lose the rice.

"We will definitely not do anything, but if they want to stay, we have no choice. Then you will be unhappy, so in order to avoid this kind of thing, I suggest that you don't send anyone. Come here, we have these anti-aircraft missiles on hand, and as long as the data is correct, they can be modified."

Nicholas nodded: "I will report these situations clearly."

“By the way, do you have any ideas about the vertical launcher? Do you want to use our hair to transform it?”

Other anti-aircraft missiles will be removed, mainly relying on the S-300 and Shikili missiles. Among them, Lao Maozi originally had the S-300 vertical launch system, and the Shikili missile was obtained from Lao Maozi when Qin Tao was engaged in foreign trade. There is coordination there, and Lao Maozi also has a hair hanging system, which is also a thermal emission.

Now, Qin Tao said this, Zhao Ling frowned on the side, what does Brother Tao mean?

The vertical launch system with hot and cold racks is our unique skill. Now you want to install this kind of launch device on Lao Maozi?

Of course Qin Tao has his own considerations.

If Damao and its own side coordinate on the vertical launch system, it means that the weapon system is compatible. Although those vertical launch devices are used to launch S-300, they can also launch Red Flag IX as long as the program is modified in the future. The compatibility of hair hanging devices means that the steps will be the same in the future.

Look at the United States. They have exported their Aegis systems to many allies. Of course, these allies have to listen to them. The MK41 vertical launch system has almost become common in the West. If Europe had not developed the Aster missile, it would probably be all the same. Use MK41.

Our own hot and cold co-mounted launchers are good things, but if you want to have more and more allies in the future, you have to export them. Anyway, they are just vertical launchers, not specific missiles.

 It is also a common practice to use arms sales to tie up some allies.

Nikolai shook his head: "No, we are also developing the vertical launch system domestically. We plan to stuff various long-range attack weapons into the same launcher. When it is developed, we can put it on the Type 1144 cruiser. The P-700 anti-ship missiles will be replaced with more diverse long-range attack systems."

Lao Maozi has always advocated offense. The most powerful weapon on the Type 1144 cruiser is twenty P-700 missiles. These missiles are arranged in four rows, five in each row, and are pierced in front of the bridge, which is the widest part of the warship. The deepest place can fully accommodate these missiles.

  This kind of missile has been Lao Maozi’s trump card for a long time, but as time goes by, this kind of missile will one day become obsolete.

 First of all, the most powerful ones are ground attack missiles. Lao Maozi is also developing a new long-range supersonic anti-ship missile, so they also have to have a new vertical launch system.

In history, Lao Maozi invented the 3S14 vertical launch system. In addition to being unable to load anti-aircraft missiles, this system can almost be filled with various other ship-based missiles, such as the 3M54T Yachao combined anti-ship missile, 3M14T land attack cruise missiles, 91R1, 91RT2 anti-submarine missiles, etc., as well as the famous P-800, and 3M22 Zircon hypersonic missiles, etc., can be stuffed in. It can be said that Lao Maozi has the highest degree of generalization. Vertical launch system.

They have already made plans to use this advanced vertical launch system to replace the P-700 launcher, so that the Kirov-class has stronger combat effectiveness. However, what does this have to do with air defense missiles?

In front of the P-700 anti-ship missile, there are 12 B-203AS-300F3M41 fortress long-range ship-to-air missile launch systems, revolver mode, each unit has eight missiles, so there are a total of 96 ship-to-air missiles. These are Qin Tao said the key.

 Lao Maozi is actually reluctant to change his clothes?

“What about the air defense missile system?” Qin Tao asked.

 Could it be that they plan to use their own 3S97 Ludot? For the 22350 frigate, Lao Maozi specially developed the Rudot vertical launch system. The launch tube of this vertical launch system can be loaded with one 48N6 long-range air defense missile, four 9M96E medium-range air defense missiles, or four 9M100 short-range air defense missiles. missiles, but the latter are all modifications of air-to-air missiles, namely the modifications of R77 and R73. This shows how declining Lao Maozi is. He no longer has the ability to develop self-developed ship-to-air missiles, and the air-to-air missiles must be improved.

"As for the air defense missile system, we currently plan to use S-300 and Shikili. We will remove the device used to launch Knife missiles in front of the S-300 missile and replace it with our 3S90M vertical launch system. This will cause minimal changes. "Nicholas said.

The four Kirov-class warships have different configurations. The first Kirov has two large barrels in front of the S-300 missile, which are equipped with anti-ship and anti-submarine missile launchers. Later, the second Kirov On the ship, this device was removed and the Dagger missile, the short-range 3K95, was installed.

 (The model number is a bit confusing, Shijili is actually 3K97, these are just old names.)

Originally, the Kirov-class did not have Shikili missiles, but if you want Dongfang to help open up the 3K95 launcher, you need to hand over the technology of this short-range air defense missile to Dongfang. It is better to engage in Shikili missiles. Anyway, With the modern class sold to the East, the Shkili missile is no secret.

“Well, since you insist, let’s make relevant changes so that the number of each missile is determined.” Qin Tao said: “The execution of the task is not flexible.”

“Yes, this is only temporary. After our universal air defense vertical launcher 3S97 is developed in the future, it can be installed.” Nikola said.

 As expected, they are waiting for their own universal hair extensions!

Lao Maozi's universal hanging hair is not universal. Long-range attack weapons and anti-aircraft weapons are separate. I don't know if this 3S97 is compatible with Shijili, but since Lao Maozi insists, Qin Tao won't say anything. Dongfang's cold Re Gongjia is so good, but they don't use it and want to fiddle with it themselves, so let them hit a wall.

"Qin, there is still a cost issue. At present, the superiors do not plan to allocate funds, so you can only continue to cut down our Far East timber for modification costs." Nicholas said: "I hope you can understand."

“Of course there is no problem.” Qin Tao nodded.

The army of mechanized operations has long passed. Now it is winter, the weather is freezing, and the ground there is frozen hard. It is also very easy to transport. You can just use tracked vehicles to drag the wood, and it can be dragged directly to the port on the snow. , this efficiency is excellent.

 Hundreds of millions of dollars in modification costs can be mined in one winter.

“If there are no problems with this modification, the subsequent modification projects of several Type 1144 cruisers will be handed over to you.” Nikolai said.

“Yes, we are willing to make our own contribution in order for our friends to become stronger quickly.” Qin Tao said.

 A powerful Lao Maozi is beneficial to the East. It can attract the attention of Westerners and save them from staring at the East all day long. Lao Maozi is your biggest opponent.

"Qin, I have actually suggested it to my superiors. If we want to restore a strong military, we need advanced weapons. The revival of our navy depends on you Mingzhou Group. Our air force should also put our hope in you. , you are already developing the White Swan, and the best choice for our Air Force is to purchase it from you."

"White swan? What white swan?" Qin Tao was very curious.

“Strategic bomber, your aircraft factory has built a prototype, which was photographed by an American satellite. It has been hot news around the world these days. You don’t say you don’t know about it, do you?”

"Oh, you are talking about our H-6N." Qin Tao said: "You are talking about White Swan, how do I know what this is? The H-6N is the H-6K and H-6J developed by our domestic technical staff. The newly developed bomber has four engines instead of two, the aerodynamic layout has also been greatly adjusted, and its performance is more advanced."

“Yes, the appearance of this bomber is exactly the same as our White Swan. We all thought it was a replica of the White Swan.”

 “This is an insult to us.”

Nicholas sighed: "Qin, you are really too strong! In the past ten years, we have been retreating, but you are making great strides forward. We also plan to produce white swans in China, but after many years of preparation, we still cannot produce them. One comes, but you can change Hong Liu into this."

Since Qin Tao doesn’t admit it, then he shouldn’t admit it, but the industrial development in the East is really enviable.

"The development of our East comes from our economic development. As long as the economy is strong, all industries will naturally grow rapidly." Qin Tao introduced: "This is a mutually reinforcing process, and your current domestic economy mainly relies on energy. Exports cannot form a healthy development."

"Yes." Nicholas sighed: "Currently, all walks of life in our country are facing big problems. There is a shortage of talents and the interruption of the industrial chain. It is too difficult to develop. Qin, do you have any suggestions? ?”

Qin Tao thought for a while: "Your automobile industry is too backward. If you want to develop your country's economy, you can actually start by developing the automobile industry."

Looking at the East, every time the economy is in recession, cars are brought to the countryside and the purchase tax is halved, hoping to develop the economy in this way. If Lao Maozi wants to develop the economy and get rid of the energy dilemma, he can also take the road of developing the automobile industry. “Automotive industry? We have it,” Nikola said.

Lao Maozi does have an automobile industry. The Volga back then was a car used by cadres in the East. The four major vehicles in Eastern Europe at that time, namely Muscovite, Lada, Gas and Polonaise, were introduced to the country and became a street car. Taxi in the alley.

 One of the great characteristics of Lao Maozi's automobile industry is that it never considers the market. They are just a product of the planned economy. They only produce cars according to the production plan.

Take Muscovites, for example. This automobile factory is highly concentrated. Unlike domestic automobile factories that have a large number of downstream supporting manufacturers, they will not ask for help from others for what they can produce themselves. Production is highly concentrated. In the early days, such production could improve efficiency and reduce costs. The cost, however, also means that it cannot be optimized from a simple step, modification is extremely difficult, and quality control is even more difficult.

 So, in the past ten years, their car factories have declined rapidly, and all the cars in Damao's land are foreign cars.

“Then is your automobile industry competitive in the market?” Qin Tao asked rhetorically.

Nicholas pondered, and then nodded: "Qin, you are right, we want to develop our own automobile industry and build a strong country, then we must have an advanced automobile industry! Qin, you Mingzhou Group has For specialized electric vehicles, can we introduce your electric vehicle production line and then overtake them in a corner?”

Qin Tao was stunned: “Nicholas, your land is not suitable for electric cars.”

 Electric vehicles are a trend, but this does not mean that they are practical everywhere. Even in the East, they are only suitable south of the Yangtze River. In the North, the cruising range in winter is directly halved.

When I arrived at Lao Maozi’s place, it was freezing cold, so the battery probably wouldn’t be able to discharge any electricity. A real example of this is the iPhone. When taken out in a cold area, when it was fully charged, it immediately lost power and then shut down.

 A battery is a chemical device, and the speed of chemical reactions is affected by temperature.

 Electric vehicles are popular in Europe because Europe has a warm Mediterranean current and it is not very cold throughout the winter. Although it will be exported to Europe in the future, there is no need to build a factory from Lao Maozi. It is more suitable to export directly from the East.

 “Then what are we suitable for?” Nicholas asked.

"For you, traditional fuel vehicles are more suitable." Qin Tao said: "Although our relationship is very good, I can't joke about this. If you want to produce our electric vehicles, you can only It becomes a rich man’s toy and cannot become a real national car.”

“Okay. Then we want to develop an advanced automobile industry. What suggestions do you have?”

“Joint venture, introduce advanced technology from the East, jointly build a car factory, and produce cars with world-leading standards.”

Zhao Ling on the side was a little curious. Introducing technology from the East? We in the East don’t have advanced automobile technology now, do we? Regardless of Volkswagen or Toyota, we are still joint ventures.

“Will that have an impact on our domestic automobiles? Should we find a domestic automobile factory to form a joint venture?”

"Nikola, is it more convenient for you to find your domestic car factory?" Qin Tao said: "Although you can't stand in front, you can push your family or relatives out, and we can start a joint venture together. Car companies, wouldn’t it be great if you produce a popular advanced car in your country and we can make money together?”

Nikolai's eyes lit up. Just now, he was thinking about finding a Volga or a Lada. Now Qin Tao reminded him, why let others make money if you have money? Isn't it good to make money yourself?

“That’s right, let’s fund it together!” Nicholas said, “Qin, I just don’t know what kind of car we want to introduce? What suitable cars do you have in the East?”

“For your domestic road conditions, cars are not suitable. After all, many places have dirt roads, and they must be strong and durable. You need a CUV.”

 “What is CUV?”

"It's a **** multi-purpose vehicle. This kind of vehicle uses a non-load-bearing body, which can adapt to the bumps on the road. It also has wide tires, which is easy to overcome various obstacles. As for the fuel consumption, it must be higher, but you are an oil exporting country. , and don’t care about fuel consumption, what you need is a car that is durable and durable.”

 In this era, the concept of SUV has not yet become popular. Even CRV was originally called CUV, but this CUV means crossover utility vehicle.

 No matter what, as long as the shell is big enough.

 “Can I go and have a look?” Nicholas was very excited.

“There’s no need to go there for the time being. Let’s make a call and ask them to drive over in a car. You can take it back to the country and try it out. If there’s no problem, contact them again.”

 “That’s right.”

“Xiao Ling, call the dealer of Changqiang Automobile in the capital and ask them to drive a Seve over.”

 Qin Tao's idea was completely impromptu. As his secretary, Zhao Ling was caught off guard and hurriedly made arrangements.

Changqiang Automobile is located in Zhili, one or two hundred kilometers south of the capital. It was originally a car repair shop. Later, it was not managed well and was about to close down. Then it was taken over by Lao Wei, who was playing racing at the time. From then on, it began a legendary life and entered the 90s. In the 1990s, it began to produce cars, but it did not have the production qualifications and was quickly abandoned. It could only take the road of pickup trucks, but it did not expect to break into another world.

After the launch of the Isuzu-imitation pickup truck Changwall Deere, it quickly became popular across the country due to its strong durability and low price. It became the main source of profit for Changwall Motors and was even exported to overseas markets. However, Wei was still thinking about taking advantage of it. As for the car, this year, they replaced the shell on their pickup truck chassis and launched the first CUV long-wall Safer. Since then, their glorious era of shell replacement has begun.

  The local dealer was shocked when he learned that Mr. Qin wanted a car. While calling the car factory, he personally drove the car to Nikolai's hotel and waited respectfully.

When Qin Tao, Nicholas and others came out, they saw this tall car.

This Seve can also see the shadow of a pickup truck. To put it simply, it is equivalent to shortening the rear bucket of a pickup truck and then closing the lid to become a CUV. However, it still has a solid and durable chassis. recognized by many customers.

 This is a maroon red car. The grille, reflectors, and door handles on the front of the car are all decorated with chrome. It looks shiny. The four tires are thick and the suspension is high.

The moment he saw this car, Nicholas nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, yes, this car is suitable for our Da Mao environment. When we build a factory there in the future, it will definitely sell well."

 Want to build a factory in Damao? Local dealers are even more excited.

 “Nicholas, how many laps can you try?”

 Nicolas sat in.

 This is a high-end version, with leather seats, a sunroof, a tape player, and air conditioning. Looking at these layouts, Nikolai was even more happy: "This car is good!"

  Nicola expertly turned the key to start, then stepped on the clutch and put the car into gear, and the car started to drive in the hotel grounds.

"How much does this car cost?" Qin Tao looked at the dealer and saw a respectful look on the other person's face: "Mr. Qin, if you want this car, we won't pay any money and will give it to you directly."

 “No, I mean the selling price.”

“The current price of this car is 130,000.”

“Well, in the big Mao market, it will have to be doubled, which is equivalent to our RMB 260,000. In order to show that it is more high-end, let’s set a starting price of 300,000 yuan.”

The dealer opened his eyes wide: "Mr. Qin, can you sell it?"

 “You still don’t believe what I say?”

"I believe, of course I believe, that the electric vehicles owned by Mingzhou Group are leading the entire era, and our fuel vehicles will be eliminated. If we can purchase electric vehicle parts from Mingzhou Group and assemble our electric long wall vehicles, That would be better, but unfortunately, the West is starting to take the hydrogen energy route."

“What?” Qin Tao was surprised.

 (End of this chapter)

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