Warship of Great Power

Chapter 959: honor

Chapter 959 Honor

This time the news can finally be released during the prime time in the evening.

"Hello, viewers, welcome to the news. Last night at 21:18, at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Qiongzhou, my country, the Starship Company under the Mingzhou Group successfully launched a Starship MK1, sending the Dragon spacecraft into space. It took 14 hours and 10 minutes to orbit in space. At 12:28 noon today, they accurately landed at the main landing site on my country's grassland. The two astronauts have returned to the ground safely. This marks that our country has become the world's second largest country after the Soviet Union and the United States. The third country has the capability to independently carry out manned missions, now let’s take a look at the details.”

The news at this time is the most important, but this time it took a full five minutes to introduce the manned space flight. From preparation, to ignition and liftoff, to return, precious pictures were played on the TV. , leaving the audience hooked.

The first manned space flight was just like that. The key is that the two astronauts came back successfully!

 Awesome, my country!

 No wonder someone fired off cannons at midnight last night. It turned out to be to celebrate the launch of the rocket. It didn't work yesterday, so we will continue to do so today.



All kinds of firecrackers sounded, and the entire land of China was once again a lively scene.

In the middle of the night, the special plane slowly landed at the Capital Airport. Zhao Dong and Deng Ming glanced outside the porthole, and then looked at Qin Tao and others: "Mr. Qin, will you get off first?"

"No, I can't go down first. You two are the protagonists tonight." Qin Tao said.

After landing from the grassland, the two of them first did various physiological tests. They continued to work until about five o'clock in the afternoon before they completed the operations after returning. The special plane had been waiting in Grassland City, but after flying to the capital, it was already eight or nine o'clock. .

At this time, will there be anyone outside?

 Of course!

Zhao Dong and Deng Ming have put on sky blue training uniforms and are in high spirits. Although it is the coldest winter, there is a fire burning in their hearts. Besides, there is air conditioning on the plane. , there is heating in the pick-up building, everything is warm.

 The two of them stood up and walked resolutely towards the cabin door.

Outside, a large group of people had gathered. Reporters stood on the outside, snapping photos, and in the innermost circle were a group of leaders. At this time, Mr. Cao was introducing a big leader next to him. When he saw When people got off the plane, the big boss immediately cast a kind look.

Zhao Dong and Deng Ming were stunned for a moment. They never imagined that such a leader would greet them. They deserved it.

"Salute!" Zhao Dong shouted after a moment, and Deng Ming and he saluted in unison. They were still soldiers, and at such times, they would greet each other in a military manner.

"You have worked hard, and I welcome you on behalf of..." The big leader stepped forward, reached out enthusiastically, and shook hands with two pairs of hands that were trembling with excitement.

At the back, the military band also started playing.

 The two of them never dreamed that this day would come when they would enjoy such grand treatment! At this time, unconsciously, both of them had tears in their eyes.

Qin Tao stood behind and originally planned to wait until the ceremony was over before going down. However, when Mr. Cao saw it, he immediately shouted: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, come here!"

 Qin Tao had no choice but to walk over.

The big leader looked at Qin Tao with kind eyes: "Mr. Qin, your Mingzhou Group is the best enterprise in the East. You are the best national entrepreneur in the East. You have done many things that our national team has not done. .”

"This is what we should do. In fact, we were very hasty this time. We took risks by launching as many people into space in just the second launch. Our national team takes one step at a time, which is the safest thing to do."

Wu Shengli stood aside, silent, full of pride, look, this is our Lao Wu’s son-in-law, our son-in-law is the most powerful!

“Max, thank you for your hard work. You have the greatest contribution to the successful completion of our manned spaceflight this time.”

Max was rarely humble: “It’s all the result of the cooperation of the entire team.”

 The grand welcome ceremony was over, everyone got in the car and went to eat together. Although Qin Tao often lives in the capital, this is the first time for him to have such a pomp, and the meal he eats is also a state banquet.

 After dinner, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Qin Tao and others were arranged to stay in the most expensive hotel.

The architectural style of the entire hotel is traditional, and the pavilions and buildings all have an oriental classical charm. But after entering, the interior of the hotel is very modern, luxuriously decorated, and there are even golf courses, tennis halls, swimming pools, etc. for entertainment and fitness. To live here, you don’t just have to be rich, you also have to have status and status, and have made outstanding contributions to the country.

Although it is said that this hotel will be open to the public in later generations, and the price per night is as high as 40,000 yuan, it is just a talk, and it cannot be booked at all. It is only for special people.

Qin Tao had no chance to stay here either. Now, it was the first time he stayed in this kind of hotel, and Qin Tao was so excited.

"Xiao Ling, how do you feel here?" Qin Tao looked at his wife: "I dare say that our father has never lived here."

Zhao Ling nodded: "It's true that I haven't lived there before. Our dad will definitely be jealous to death, but we have also benefited from the Starship Company. By the way, Brother Tao, are you still sleeping tonight?"

 What are you doing if you don’t sleep? Qin Tao looked at his wife, his eyes became...

“Since you have stayed in a hotel of this level, of course you have to look around, see the place inside and out, and take some photos as souvenirs.”

 Check in at internet celebrity attractions? Only then did Qin Tao react.

However, just punch in and punch in. I don’t know when the next time will be, or there may be no next time at all.

So, the two of them left the room and wandered around the entire hotel. Although there were some people guarding the place, they were all tenants. If they wanted to visit here, as long as they didn't make too much noise and disturb other guests' sleep, there was no problem. Let someone take care of them.

Time passed quickly, and at dawn, the two returned to the room. Before they slept for long, there was a knock on the door outside.

“Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, the leader invites you to a meeting.”

"A meeting?" Qin Tao frowned: "What kind of meeting are you having? Do you need me to go?"

“You and Max are both invited to the aerospace department working meeting.”

"All right."

 The cannibal has a short mouth and the taker has short hands. Since you have food and shelter, of course you have to go to the meeting.

So, Qin Tao got up, and just like yesterday, he took a bus. There were many people on the bus, and almost everyone who was invited to stay here was taken away.

  Zhao Dong and Deng Ming were also in the car, energetic and radiant.

These honors were given to them by Mingzhou Group and President Qin. Therefore, when they saw Mr. Qin getting on the car, the two of them immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Mr. Qin!"

“Well, I guess this meeting is a commendation meeting for you. You must be prepared. There will definitely be a big red flower hanging on the stage.”

 Speaking of this, both of them were actually a little embarrassed.

 Half an hour later, the meeting scene.

When Qin Tao walked in, he saw hundreds of people sitting in the huge conference hall. Some of these people were wearing military uniforms, some were wearing suits, and some were wearing work clothes of the aerospace department. He also I didn’t expect that the meeting would be so grand!

When everyone came in, everyone at the scene turned their heads, and then there was a round of applause. “Now, let’s invite our space hero to come on stage!”

 At this moment, flowers and applause belong to the warriors who have returned triumphantly!

Zhao Dong and Deng Ming walked onto the stage and were decorated with big red flowers. Mr. Cao personally presided over the ceremony and spoke enthusiastically. There was continuous applause and the two people kept raising their hands in salute.

This commendation meeting lasted for half an hour before the two aerospace heroes came down and sat in the VIP seats in the first row below.

“Next, let us welcome Mr. Qin, the head of Mingzhou Group, and Max, the head of Starship Company, to the stage!”

 Qin Tao was a little confused, what should I do up there?

Max seemed to have thought of something, and his face was a little ugly. He whispered to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, what do they mean by having such a big battle? Do they want to recruit us?"

"How is that possible? The success of our starship company depends on the business model. Now, our national team has also begun to plan to set aside a part to engage in private aerospace companies. How could they absorb us? They have no need and no such ability."

Max then relaxed.

Seeing that the two people did not come on stage, the leader on the rostrum said: "Mr. Qin and Mr. Marx think our applause is not warm enough, so they don't come on stage."

As a result, the applause below became even more enthusiastic. Qin Tao patted Max on the back, indicating that he was fine, and walked up with a confident pace.

 The applause continued until the two of them reached the rostrum.

“Everyone, we are very embarrassed that we have robbed the national team of the honor. To be honest, the two of us are really afraid of throwing shoes down here when we are standing here.” Qin Tao said.

Mr. Qi below smiled, Mr. Qin, he was still making fun of this matter.

"However, although we are a private enterprise, although we recruit talents from all over the world, our group is still oriental, and our honor is not only ours, but also our country's. From yesterday to now, I am still immersed in Among these honors, the country has given us the highest honor and allowed us to stay in a hotel reserved only for presidents. What else can we say? I would like to express my opinion on behalf of Starship Company. Since we have surpassed the national team, then In the future, I will leave the national team far behind!"

"Yes." Max followed up: "Let's introduce our development ambitions here. Within five years, we will land on the moon, and within twenty years, we will land on Mars. The future of our Starship Company is the stars. The sea!”

 How to catch up with the national team? There is simply no way to pursue it. It would be good if the country can complete the preliminary planning of the space station within five years. The construction of the space station will also have to wait for the next five years. As for landing on the moon or Mars? It’s too far away and I haven’t thought about it yet.

"Mr. Qin said it well, and Mr. Max said it well. Their private aerospace industry has given us a challenge. Our aerospace system must also be reformed and we must learn from them!" Mr. Cao said: "In the following meeting, we want to I want to listen to Starship Company’s report and see how dynamic Starship Company is. I also hope that Mr. Qin and Mr. Max will not be too self-conscious and let us learn from your good stuff.”

Qin Tao understood that on the one hand, this meeting was a commendation meeting, and on the other hand, it was an experience introduction meeting. These meetings were held naturally. After all, the Starship Company was first praised for its launch, and then the people who were praised were invited to introduce their experiences. This is of course a matter of course.

Is Max willing?

"Since everyone is so interested, let me introduce to you the operating model of our Starship Company. We know that it costs money to engage in aerospace, even burning money. Originally, only national units could afford it. The country Under the system, we can concentrate our efforts on big things, but the state also has shortcomings. For example, in this way, the approval fees and the launch of projects need to be demonstrated at all levels and go through a lot of procedures, which invisibly reduces flexibility. Oriental's manned spaceflight The project was launched in 1992, and we are still preparing for the first manned launch. We completed these tasks in less than five years. The flexibility of our private space industry played a big role in this. , the approval process for our various projects is very simple, and the responsibilities and division of labor of each of us are also clear.”

Max has been in the East for many years, and he has clearly seen some of its shortcomings. Some leaders hold great power, but they do not seek merit but seek no faults. They are pressing ahead with various projects, fearing that if something goes wrong, they themselves will be held responsible. , if there is such a leader, it will obviously delay the progress greatly. Dongfang has built four unmanned ships before it dares to prepare for the fifth manned ship. It is to pursue safety, and the Starship Company will not be afraid. , as long as Max makes the decision, the big guys will bite the bullet, and even if they fail, Max will shoulder the responsibility.

 In this way, we have enough enthusiasm and motivation. This is the advantage of private aerospace.

"Moreover, we can also pay our own wages. We have the final say on how much we pay. When we see a good expert, we can spend huge sums of money to bring him over. Everyone here, if you want to go to our Starship Company, we promise , the salary will be increased five times!”

Qin Tao frowned. It’s not good for Max to say such things in a place like this, right?

However, in this situation, it was not convenient to pull Max down. Max continued to talk endlessly, so the topic of the entire meeting changed. It was originally to introduce the experience of Starship Company, but now it became Max's show off. The ship company is so great. Who of you is willing to come? You can not only realize your ideals, but also have a good material life guarantee.

"Mr. Max spoke well. We applaud and thank you. Next, please ask Mr. Qin to tell us a few more words." Mr. Cao found that there was no point in letting Max talk anymore, so he could only interrupt him.

"Whether it is private aerospace or the national team, they are the aerospace force of our motherland. Our development is the development of our motherland's aerospace force and the development of the aerospace industry of all mankind." Qin Tao also concluded: "We It does not constitute a competitive relationship, and we still cooperate with each other. We already have many cooperation intentions in future projects. I believe that with the joint efforts of both of us, our aerospace industry will continue to make great strides and reach and surpass the world Top notch!”

 There was applause below, and the meeting was considered to be over.

Qin Tao felt that, apart from the usefulness of the initial commendation meeting, the rest was a waste.

However, it’s not okay if you don’t come.

 After the meeting, it was time for everyone to go back to their homes and find their own mothers.

“Mr. Max, your Dragon spacecraft hopes to continue to be displayed at our place for three days. Many leaders want to come and have a look. After three days, we will send it back to you.”

"Of course you can, but we need to be sent to the Friendship Hotel in the afternoon. We will hold a press conference there. We hope to use the Dragon spacecraft as the background."

 “Of course, no problem, we will coordinate it for you.”


While they were talking, Max and Qin Tao walked to the door. Before they even got in the car, a large group of reporters who had been waiting outside ran up to them one after another. The cameras were clicking, and those with microphones were running the fastest. In the blink of an eye, Just arrived.

“Mr. Marks, how do you feel about the successful launch of your Dragon spacecraft?”

“What are you going to do next? Is it going to land on the moon?”

“Mr. Qin, Mingzhou Group wants to develop in many aspects, right?”

Facing so many eager faces, Max had a smile on his face: "Everyone, it's too cold outside, please go back. This afternoon, we will hold a press conference at the Friendship Hotel. Dear journalists, if you don't have a car, If so, you can still ask us for reimbursement with the taxi receipt, but forget it now, we have to go back."

Although they didn't ask anything, these reporters were very happy. Max was so generous that he actually wanted to reimburse them for their travel expenses. Just this action moved everyone.

They didn't catch up. They watched the car leave. After a few seconds, they realized what they were doing and hurried to the Friendship Hotel. They were going there to get the best seats. They were going to hold a press conference!

The hotel Qin Tao and the others stayed in yesterday was the tallest, but other hotels were not inferior. The Friendship Hotel is also a well-known high-end hotel in the capital. It has also hosted palmists from the island country. This time, Starship Company’s press conference was held To hold it there, the quality is definitely high enough.

However, even if it was an ordinary place, the reporters did not dare to look down upon it. When they waited patiently outside until two o'clock before being allowed to enter, they saw at first sight the man on the rostrum of the press conference who was wrapped in thick protective clothing. A cone-shaped thing that covers the hood.

They became excited immediately. Could this be the returning Dragon spacecraft?

 Isn’t it said that the spacecraft requires a very precise environment? Can the spacecraft be kept intact here until the next flight?

 Click, click! They started filming first.

 (End of this chapter)

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