Warship of Great Power

Chapter 962: To deal with a liar, you must deceive him into bankruptcy.

"Hmph, it's obviously a group of pinkeyes. The Mingzhou Group has just launched a manned spacecraft. This has made some people jealous. Instead of thinking about how hard they work, they resort to this method. Let me investigate thoroughly and find out who it is. Written report letter!”

 After receiving the report letter, a certain leader was very angry.

Report letters should not be taken lightly, especially the content of the report letter in front of you. It can be seen at a glance that it is to stir up trouble and has ulterior motives. It uses various vicious language and unfounded claims to attack the Mingzhou Group. The people behind it The intention is too obvious.

 Must find out who did it.

 “They should not be from our aerospace system.”

 “Who is that person?”

“Recently, Zhang Zhong said that the program exposed a scam in a domestic hydro-hydrogen project, and this report letter was created by them.”

"Instead of reporting Zhang Zhong, you reported the Mingzhou Group? This liar is so brave. Let me investigate. As long as there is solid evidence, arrest him!" The leader was very angry.

“I’m afraid we are not qualified for this. Should we inform Mingzhou Group about the report letter so that they can make preparations in advance?”

"This is not good. This is against the regulations of our department." The leader calmed down and said, "Lao Wu and I will have a meal some other day and give him a secret reminder."

“Report to the leader, the scammer just booked a flight to Ma’ang.”

“Ma Gang, is he trying to escape?”

“That liar just got the 5 million R&D funds allocated to them by the county, and there are still 15 million that haven’t been received, so he shouldn’t run away.”

 “Then why are you going to Ma’ang? Traveling?”

"have no idea."

 The leader's eyes rolled, and then he thought of something: "It seems that we don't have to worry about this liar anymore."

"Fat young man, as an outstanding national entrepreneur like you, you should go out and see more. Ma Hong Kong has returned, and there are advanced Western systems there. You should go and learn more." On the plane, a fat young man said A middle-aged man of about the same age said.

"Yes, Xiaohai, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you would go to Ma Gang to live a life." The fat young man said with emotion.

The county was despised by all parties, but became more determined. After completing the process, the first loan of five million was handed over to the fat young man, hoping that they could put hydro-hydrogen vehicles into practical use and severely beat those who doubted them. A slap in the face.

 The fat young man had just received five million, and Zhao Hai suddenly found him! After not seeing each other for twenty years, Zhao Hai has become rich. He is wearing famous brands and the watch on his hand is worth tens of thousands. He is doing big things in Ma Gang. He invited the fat young man to visit Ma Gang. The fat young man immediately agreed. .

He still wanted to get the remaining fifteen million and run away. He had to find a good route, and leaving through Ma Port was also a good choice.

“It’s just so so. Before Ma Hong Kong returned to China, I often ran there. After Ma Hong Kong returned, it became more convenient. There is gold everywhere there. It depends on whether you can pick it up.”

“Really? Xiaohai, can you teach me?”

"We are good people. If we don't teach you, who can we teach you? I brought you here this time because I want to make you rich together." Zhao Hai said: "When we get off the plane, I will take you to see things."


It is still freezing and snowy in the north. Before boarding the plane, the fat young man was still wearing a down jacket, but after getting off the plane, it was already very warm here, and he could even wear half-sleeves.

He was wearing a half-sleeved shirt, a tie, a pair of trousers, a Montblanc belt, and a pair of shiny leather shoes. He looked like a successful man, but he didn't know that here, Suits and leather shoes are no longer the attire of successful people. Only real estate agents and insurance sellers wear this kind of attire.

Zhao Hai was wearing an ordinary half-sleeved shirt and jeans, looking very casual. The two of them got off the plane and walked through the customs channel. When they came outside, the fat young man took a breath: "Finally here! Ma Hong Kong!”

 “Let’s take a taxi and I’ll take you for a walk.”

Magang is relatively small, and the airport was built out of the sea. Taking a taxi from the airport can quickly get you to the city. There are cars everywhere in the small city, but they all drive on the left, and the steering wheels of the cars are also They are all on the right side. Various buildings and unique signboards on the roadside opened the eyes of the fat young man. This is Ma Gang, a place just like the West. It is really luxurious!

There were many people walking on the road, and the clothes of those modern girls made him look straight and open-minded. They were indeed open-minded!

The fat young man even has a little low self-esteem and feels like a bumpkin.

“Here we are, let’s go to eat in front.” Zhao Hai took the fat young man out of the car, walked forward for a while, bypassed a few green trees, and saw a landmark building in front of him.

"Eiffel Tower?" The fat young man's eyes lit up. He looked at the iron frame that was gradually shrinking upwards, and his eyeballs almost fell off.

"This is a prime location in the entire Ma Gang. It is designed with half the proportion of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Eiffel Tower serves as a landmark. Behind this tower is the Parisian Hotel we are going to. This hotel is almost designed with inspiration from Paris. of."

 The fat young man felt like a country bumpkin who was new to everything.

Continued to walk forward and came to the hotel porch. Zhao Hai continued to introduce: "This porch is designed according to the Paris Gare du Nord. The front door is the same as the Paris Opera House."

 The fat young man finally entered the magnificent lobby of the Parisian Hotel. In front of it was a huge fountain.

“Here is the Poseidon Fountain. It exudes ever-changing luster, reminding everyone who comes here to think of the most famous Place de la Concorde in France on the north bank of the Seine.”

 Parisian is not only a hotel, but also a shopping mall. The entire shopping mall covers an area of ​​28,000 square meters and has more than 170 top luxury brands and exclusive stores, coffee shops and restaurants. Walking here, it is easy to mistakenly think that you are on the streets of Paris.

 The fat young man walked and watched, and then was taken into a fast food restaurant by Zhao Hai.

“Come, let’s have a quick bite, and then I’ll take you to see more interesting things in the evening.”


 Zhao Hai showed a look that only a man can understand.

Darkness enveloped the entire Ma Port, and the fat young man felt that he had not seen enough. He followed Zhao Hai and arrived at the seaside pier. Zhao Hai took two tickets and took him to the front of a large ship.

“Xiaohai, what are we going to do?” When we reached this place, the fat young man suddenly became vigilant.

"Many projects are prohibited on land, but it is much more convenient to go to sea. Many rich people have private yachts and take some beautiful girls out to sea." Zhao Hai said: "We have not reached that level yet, and we have not yet reached that level. I can only take you to this kind of cruise ship, don’t worry, you will definitely have fun when you get there. I’m ready for Viagra.”

 I don't know what the word "Viagra" means, but the fat young man understands it. He nodded immediately: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing those girls on the street during the day already made him feel itchy. Zhao Hai was indeed his good brother. He brought him here to find beautiful girls to discuss the mysteries of life. Sure enough, only in the West can he enjoy real happiness. , there is nothing on my side, and even if I find it, it is all a piece of cake.

The fat young man got on the boat and entered a hall. There was a stage above, and a beautiful girl was dancing on it. Many people were cheering below. The fat young man opened his eyes wide and looked at the performance made by the woman with heavy makeup. This explicit action made me feel a fire burning in my heart.

Suddenly, with a swish, something flew over the stage and landed on the head of the fat young man. He grabbed it curiously. It was something composed of several straps with a belt on it. Feeling a special smell, he raised his head again and glanced at the woman on the stage, his heart beating even more violently.

“Xiaohai, did this woman choose me? How much would it cost to marry this woman?”

“Fat young man, considering your potential, there are still a lot of fun things to do. A person with this kind of appearance is just below average here, not worth mentioning.”

 Is there anything better?

 The fat young man was even more excited.

 “Let’s go, keep walking inside, put this thing in your pocket as a souvenir.”

 The fat young man nodded, holding this thing in his hand, full of expectations for the good life tonight.

"Let's go, the house is downstairs, let's go first..." Before Zhao Hai finished speaking, the fat young man pointed to a certain door and said, "What is there?"

He saw some pot-bellied men, accompanied by beautiful women, walking in through the gate. He didn't know what they were doing.

“Everyone comes here to play two games.” Zhao Hai said: “If you are lucky, you can also go in and play two games.”

He spoke calmly on the surface, but he was extremely nervous in his heart. As long as the fat young man goes in, his mission will be completed, and the debt he owes on this ship will be paid off, and he will never come back again. !

 “Play two? Is the bigger one inside?”

"There are big ones and small ones. The big ones cost millions and tens of millions. The small ones cost tens of thousands of yuan. However, you have to change your chips in advance to enter."

“The money is in a mainland account, can it be exchanged?”

“Of course, no problem. Money from any bank in the world can be exchanged here.”

“Okay, let’s go in and play a few games.” The fat young man said, “As soon as I came in, that woman’s thing flew to my head, which means I’m very lucky tonight.”

His hand touched the things in his pocket again, full of expectation.

After entering, the fat young man was shocked again, and related movies instantly appeared in his mind.

"It's just like the scene in "God of Gamblers"!" said the fat young man.

“Well, when we were filming, many shots were taken from here.” Zhao Hai casually asked: “How many chips do you want to change?”

 “Let’s exchange it for 100,000 yuan for fun first.”

Anyone who walks into a casino starts with the mentality of having fun, and then...

 The beautiful and **** dealer began to deal the cards, and the fat young man gently covered one card with another to look at the cards.

  A!     Another card, another Ace!

The fat young man felt his heart beating violently. He looked at the other people on the card table, all of whom had sad faces. It seemed that they were not as good as his own.

 One more card, it’s still an A!

 The fat young man couldn't bear it any longer and pushed out all his chips: "Open!"

Zhao Hai on the side also showed a surprised expression: "Fat young man, you are amazing, you won millions in just one move!"

A bet of 100,000 yuan turns it into one million. If you play another hand, will it turn into 10 million?

The fat young man in China fought such a big battle and spent so much effort, but he could only defraud 20 million, but here, he won millions in just a few minutes! He originally planned to just sit here and have fun before leaving, but now that he is lucky, there is no way he can leave.

 In the second round, I won another hundreds of thousands, and in the third round, I won another million!

 After half an hour, the fat young man already had more than 5 million in his hands.

“Fat young man, it’s almost done, let’s go?”

"Why are you walking? You haven't seen how lucky I am? I have to play more!" said the fat young man: "Don't affect my fortune!"

 The next hand, they are all Aces again! Four aces, plus a king, isn't that the biggest thing? The fat young man became more courageous and pushed all his chips on the table: "All in, open the cards!"

"Flash?" When he saw the card on the other side, the fat young man was dumbfounded. He bombed, but others had a flush. A flush was bigger than a bomb.

“No, no, no!” Seeing all the chips being taken away, the fat young man became anxious. More than five million were gone in one go. Those were all my money.

Seeing his excited look, two tough men came to him. They were wearing vests and shorts, showing their thick hair and strong muscles. If you go against them, you will only suffer the consequences.

"Fat young man, let's go. Anyway, we only made a capital of 100,000 yuan."

"What's one hundred thousand? That's five million!" The fat young man gritted his teeth: "Hmph, my luck has been very good tonight, and the last one was not bad. I can win it back again! I'll withdraw the money again. !”

Soon, the fat young man came in with one million chips. His luck was not very good this time. In a few minutes, one million was gone.

“Fat young man, let’s go, just have fun.”

The fat young man’s eyes were red: “That’s one million, one million. I lost one million and I have to get it back!”

 Those who win want to win again, and those who lose want to get it back! How could the fat young man listen to Zhao Hai's words at this time? His hand touched the thing in his pocket again. Could it be that he lost because he didn't touch it just now?

This time I felt in my pocket to get the cards!

 Half an hour later.

The fat young man’s bank card was empty. Five million was thrown in all of it. His eyes were as red as a rabbit: “No, I have to make money, Xiaohai, lend me some money!”

 “I don’t have any money. Forget it, let’s go back.”

“My five million is gone, how can I just let it go? I have to win my money back, and I’ll leave as soon as I win it back!”

“Then we can only borrow. Do you have anything to pledge?”

 Mortgage? The fat young man thought for a while and came to the place where the chips were exchanged.

“I am the boss of Youth Auto, and I have the most advanced hydro-hydrogen technology in the world! I will pressure my company to get 10 million chips from you!”

“Then please give us your company’s certificate and the documents on this technology.”

 Documents? The fat young man came out for fun, so how could he bring company documents with him? He only had his ID card with him.

“No? Then please come back. Based on your consumption just now, you will have the opportunity to visit and play for free on our ship.”

 “I don’t want these, I just want to copy the original!” the fat young man shouted.

 Two big men came to him, so he could only change his tone of pleading: "Please lend me some more chips. One hundred thousand is enough. I can put my ID card on it."

 “We don’t want those.”

 “Then put a hand on me!”

“I’m sorry, our hands are of no use, and your hands are not worth a hundred thousand.”

“Then why am I worth one hundred thousand?”

“Your kidney is worth one hundred thousand, but we don’t resell human organs. We are doing a legal business.”

"Please, I beg you, I'll put my money on my back and lend me a hundred thousand."

"Seeing how pitiful he is, I'll lend him a hundred thousand." At this moment, another voice sounded, and a middle-aged man appeared next to the fat young man: "If you lose, you have to follow me."

 The fat young man nodded: "Okay."

Now, as long as you can lend him money to make money, you can let him do anything.

The fat young man went back to make money with a hundred thousand gambling money, and soon lost everything. He looked at the good man, who smiled and gave him another hundred thousand.

 This process was repeated ten times.

Seeing that he had lost again, the fat young man wanted to make up for it, but something came to his mind, and he suddenly became frightened. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him. He wanted to slip away quietly, but he just walked to the door. , he was held up by two sturdy men with their arms!

“Lock him up first and sell him after we get off the boat!” A voice came from behind.

“Xiaohai, Xiaohai, save me!” the fat young man shouted in horror: “You can’t do this, this is a legal society!”

"It is natural to pay back debts. You owe me one million, how are you going to repay it?"

“I will pay you back. I am the best private entrepreneur in mainland China. The hydro-hydrogen patent I hold is worth hundreds of millions!”

“Water hydrogen? It turns out you are a liar! Just spend the rest of your life in the mine!”

The fat young man disappeared like this. No one knew where he went. They only knew that he went to Ma Gang and never came back!

In Yangyang, because of the disappearance of the fat young man, the entire hydrohydrogen project came to a halt. The leader here, with a livid face, led people to the hydrohydrogen car that had been demonstrated and had people dismantle the machine inside.

 Empty shell is an empty shell with a small fuel tank inside!

"The liar is indeed a liar. He defrauded us of five million in funds and then ran away! Issue a wanted warrant nationwide, and also to Interpol!" *Yang's leader said angrily.

Journalists were snapping photos, and soon the news spread across the country: the hydrohydrogen project was a scam, the fat young man absconded with five million yuan, and other accomplices also absconded and disappeared without a trace!

As for the remarks that slandered the Mingzhou Group, they have begun to prove to be the tactics of the fat young man. He actually hired a group of Internet trolls to spread rumors, abuse and attacks!

Anyone who participated, even if they only posted a comment or took 50 cents to buy popsicles, would be arrested and educated. As for those who participated in large numbers and the circumstances were egregious, the Mingzhou Group's legal department would specifically contact them to spread rumors and slander. , malicious defamation, either compensation of one million, or imprisonment for fifty years.

For Qin Tao, this was indeed such a small thing that he forgot about it after arranging it. Only Xu Zhengyang occasionally mentioned it one day that the fat young man had arrived in Africa and was working as a laborer in a dark mine. Qin Tao Tao smiled: "Yes, a person like him should work steadily. Don't let him die. He will have to dig mines for at least fifty years."

"Well, Vitalia will take special care of him." Xu Zhengyang said: "Next, there are some aerospace matters that I want to report to you."

"What's up?"

“The first thing is that NASA officially announced that it will develop a new Orion spacecraft. This spacecraft will fly to the moon and Mars. They have also roped in the European Space Agency to develop it together.”

Stimulated by Starship Company, NASA finally responded: Not only do they want to return to the moon, they also want to fly to Mars, and they want to develop a brand new spacecraft!

“Currently, this project has been contracted to Lockheed Martin. Their spacecraft has not been announced to the public yet, but we guess that it is likely to be a replica of the Apollo spacecraft, and may also refer to some designs of the Dragon spacecraft.”

“Well, you can leave it to Zhang Zhong and let him be a prophet again. Americans no longer have the ability to innovate. Like Lao Maozi, they only know how to rest on their laurels.”

Qin Tao knew that there was an Orion spacecraft in his time and space. It looked very similar to the Apollo spacecraft. He did not dare to use any advanced technology. He used a parachute for landing, and it still splashed into the sea. He still wanted to land. Mars?

 Landing on Mars depends on our Starship Company.

"Okay, we will arrange it. The second thing is that Ah San announces to the outside world that they will also develop manned spaceflight and they will also land on the moon."

"Ah San is also here to join in the fun?" Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, we welcome Ah San to also engage in manned spaceflight and see how they kill people."

“Mr. Qin, the Navy is ready and waiting for us to report.” At this moment, Zhao Ling walked in: “The one bidding for us this time is Bincheng Shipyard.”

“It’s Bincheng Shipyard again. Are they more confident this time?” Qin Tao said, “Do you know their plan?”

“I don’t know. We can’t get information about our opponents before bidding. At present, we only know that their design has a larger displacement than ours.”

“Well, they have to compete with us in a differentiated manner.” Qin Tao said: “I hope they can not only accompany us on the run, but also come up with some tricks, so that there will be no need for someone to get pink eye and cause us trouble.”

“Gong Yang and the others will be here soon, let’s go there now.”

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