Warship of Great Power

Chapter 965: Progress of Red Flag 19

 Qin Tao's words left Wu Shengli speechless.

At present, there are Hongqi-9 missiles in China. The performance of this missile is constantly improving, and the range is also increasing. The range of two hundred kilometers is enough to provide a strong protective umbrella for the entire formation. However, if you want to use Hongqi-9 to intercept ballistics Missiles, that's pretty difficult.

Short-range Scuds and the like can already intercept, but extending to medium-range will not work, because medium-range missiles are already flying outside the atmosphere. If you don't plan to intercept the opponent when they are about to smash down, you want better protection. For our own country, we have to intercept it in the middle, which requires an extra-atmospheric kinetic energy interceptor.

Without this, let alone the anti-missile capabilities, it is better to study how to attack the opponent. Although it cannot intercept the opponent's missiles, it can easily destroy the opponent. At that time, the opponent will have to consider whether it dares to fire the first shot. .

 The warships built by the Navy have always attached great importance to anti-missile, but what about missiles? Do you have the missiles?

“Tomorrow, we will go to the aerospace department to have a look.” Wu Shengli said.

The Hongqi Nineteen project was carried out at the suggestion of Qin Tao. At that time, the Mingzhou Group also undertook the electromagnetic gun project. This electromagnetic gun was also a kinetic energy interceptor and was also used to attack missiles. Multiple projects went hand in hand to improve the success rate.

However, Qin Tao has not paid attention to this project since then, so he really doesn’t know how far the project has progressed.

Take this opportunity to visit the aerospace department!

The next day, Qin Tao and his father-in-law came to the aerospace department. As for Sun Xuewen, he did not follow him and went directly to China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation for investigation.

“Leader Wu, Mr. Qin, welcome to our aerospace department.” Mr. Shen already knew in advance that the two of them were coming, so he waited directly at the gate.

"Mr. Shen, we meet again." Qin Tao looked at Mr. Shen: "You are still at the forefront of scientific research at such an old age. It is really admirable."

"Mr. Qin, what you said has a different meaning in my ears. Are you saying that I, an old guy, should have retired long ago and given up my position to young people?" Mr. Shen asked.

Qin Tao quickly shook his head.

"I will be seventy years old soon. Now I have retired from the front line. I am just a technical consultant." Mr. Shen said: "Lao Wang is the real owner you are looking for, but he has no time and is engaged in scientific research. Lao Wang is a few years younger than me, but he also said that as long as this model is successful in shooting, he will step down and give up our position to the younger people."

Wang Xiangguo, born in 1940, has been engaged in the development of missile weapons and equipment for a long time. He is an outstanding expert in missile system engineering and model development management. He participated in the development of many key models. In 2000, he was appointed as the chief engineer of the Hongqi-19 missile. , he was very proud and worked hard to get this task when he retired. In this way, he worked on the front line every day. Even if Qin Tao, Wu Shengli and others came over, they would not go out to greet them.

“Well, let’s go over and see to what extent our key models have been developed?”

"Thanks to our breakthroughs in material technology, the performance of our missiles has been greatly improved." Shen said: "We used a new carbon fiber composite material on the shell of this missile to reduce its weight. "

 In the past, missile casings were made of steel and were heavy. Later, they were changed to glass fiber composite materials. Now they are further upgraded to carbon fiber composite materials, and the technology is becoming more and more advanced.

"At the same time, in terms of fuel, we have also upgraded from the previous HTPB solid propellant to N15 solid propellant." Mr. Shen said: "These improvements make our missiles lighter and faster. In accordance with the Navy's The projectile body built in the standard size of a vertical hair can already reach a shutdown speed of four thousand meters per second."

When the missile is launched, it relies on the engine to push it, but the engine always burns out. After it burns out, it can only rely on its own inertia to move forward. The speed when it burns out is the shutdown speed of the missile. The greater the speed, the The farther the missile flies, the higher it hits.

Ordinary anti-aircraft missiles can only hit about 1,000 meters per second. The Hongqi-9 missile can only hit about 1,800 meters per second with its two-stage rocket. However, when it comes to the Hongqi-9B, with the improvement of technology, the power is shut down. The speed has been greatly increased, and the missile range has also been increased to 400 kilometers.

 Now, relying on large size and advanced materials, the speed of missiles has been further improved, making everyone very happy.

 “How does it translate into intercepting ballistic missiles?” Wu Shengli asked.

“The maximum shooting height can reach 150 kilometers.” Mr. Shen said: “If the shooting height reaches 100 kilometers, the shooting range will be about 200 kilometers.”

For anti-aircraft missiles, range and shooting height are two mutually restrictive factors. After all, if you want to achieve the maximum shooting height, you need to launch the missile vertically into the sky, all the way to the highest point, and the longest range does not take into account air resistance. In this case, the inclination angle is forty-five degrees.

How high a ballistic missile can fly is a metaphysical question. Take a look at the Kimchi Country. When launching ballistic missiles, they can often reach an altitude of four to five thousand kilometers, but the range is only more than a thousand kilometers. This is of course because they have not updated the ballistic missiles. For distant shooting ranges, you can shoot higher and lower the range index, so as to save the Yankees from being anxious. If they follow the normal trajectory, they may hit the United States, and the Yankees must not be scared to death.

Under normal circumstances, except for the apex and highest point of a ballistic missile's flight, most of the other ballistic trajectories are within an altitude of one hundred kilometers. Even intercontinental ballistic missiles can be fired while they are in the descent phase, and can still ensure that they are launched within 100 kilometers. Maritime area. Therefore, this anti-missile missile is enough.

"It seems that only the kinetic energy warhead is left." Qin Tao said: "As long as we complete the research and development of this thing, we will have the technology. We have to work harder and strive to finalize and enter service earlier than the Yankees' THAAD .”

Yanks are also researching related technologies, and the speed is not slow. THAAD started comprehensive testing in 2004, completed flight testing in 2005, came to the shooting range in 2006, completed three interception experiments in 2007, and was officially installed in 2008. The speed is extremely fast.

Now, we cannot be slow. We must also develop an advanced anti-missile system, and we must be ahead of this system. In the future, if some idiot neighbor does it, then we will do it opposite them. The radar of everyone Radar, missile versus missile, see who is afraid of whom.

“This kinetic warhead is run by young people in our system.”

 Young people? Qin Tao smiled: "How old are you young? Fifty or sixty?"

"Mr. Qin, you still joke with us about this." Mr. Shen said helplessly: "Of course the young people we are talking about must be in their forties."

“Well, for a young man in his forties, he’s pretty good.”

While they were talking, several people had already walked to the R&D department. After entering, you could see many people in white coats busy inside. Some of them were busy in front of the computer, and some were assembling various components on the experimental bench. One of them among them There is also a prototype machine on the large test bench, with several gas bottles below and a cylinder above.

These people are busy and pay no attention to the guests arriving from outside. They are focused on their work.

At this time, a gray-haired old man and a middle-aged man were standing next to the prototype, not knowing what they were discussing.

 “Old Wang!” Mr. Shen shouted.

Mr. Wang turned around and saw Qin Tao and Wu Shengli. He smiled and waved: "You two, welcome to our Red Flag 19 project team. Sorry, we are very busy and don't have time to greet you outside."

“No, is this a kinetic energy interceptor? Why is it different from the previous plan?” Qin Tao opened his eyes wide and looked at the thing in front of him.

According to the original plan, the kinetic energy interceptor was copied from the American Patriot-3 technology. The characteristic of this technology is the use of 180 attitude control engines, each of which is only eight centimeters in length, loaded with 28 grams of solid thrusters, and has a working time of only 24 milliseconds, but the thrust can reach 6,000 N, each one has an opportunity for adjustment. 180 engines are enough for a kinetic energy interceptor missile to adjust its attitude and intercept the target.

But the kinetic energy interceptor in front of me has turned into a gas engine. I don’t know whether it wants to burn or just spray. It has a gas bottle to provide energy and four nozzles to provide posture adjustment in four directions. Which technical route is better? ?

"We have been conducting demonstrations for a period of time, and we feel that it is inappropriate to use small-thrust engines. The more such engines, the greater the chance of failure. If one of them has a problem and it happens to be needed to work, it will It missed the target. Therefore, it is more appropriate for us to use this solution."

The person who spoke was the middle-aged man. He was not tall and his skin looked a little white because he had been working in the laboratory all year round. However, he was still in good spirits and seemed to be full of energy at all times.

“What is the cylinder in the front?” “The high-sensitivity detector will accurately measure the target, transmit it to the rear, and then control the attitude adjustment to complete the final impact.”

Missiles guided by radar cannot achieve precise collision and rely on fragments to kill. Command-guided missiles will also reduce accuracy as the distance increases.

Therefore, if an exoatmospheric interceptor wants to accurately impact, it does not rely on radar, but on a specialized optical sensor. This lens looks the same as the Hubble Space Telescope, but the size is different, not only visible light, but also infrared. Ultraviolet, etc., are all optical systems in short.

“Has this system been developed?”

"No, the structural composition has just been determined." The middle-aged man continued: "We still have a lot of technical problems to overcome. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than five years. We also ask the army to give us enough time, and we will Try your best."

 More than five years, or a conservative estimate. What if five years is not enough? Maybe it will take ten years.

As for the construction of 055, it is very fast. After all, Mingzhou Group has the strongest design and construction team. This year, the Navy passed the approval and construction started. It will be launched next year and enter service the year after that.

By that time, there will be no kinetic interceptors in the warships, so why are they still carrying a big pie antenna?

 How about keeping it reserved? Wait until Hongqi 19 matures before installing it? In five or ten years, there will definitely be more advanced meter-wave radars in China.

 Wu Shengli began to think about it.

"However, as long as this technology is solved, then we will have a bright day, and we can kick back. What the hell, let us CTMD." When the middle-aged man talked about this, he was also very excited: "We can not only It can be installed on anti-aircraft missiles, or it can be installed on larger missile bodies, and CNMD can be developed to benchmark it with the Americans."

  The U.S. Navy and Air Force do not get along, and they have to develop their own projects. TMD and NMD are separate, and NMD is stronger. The interceptor missile is the same size as the ballistic missile. The body is very large, but the warheads are similar.

Once our kinetic energy interceptor is ready, it can be transplanted to other missiles to form a huge anti-missile family.

“Back then, we launched rockets into the Pacific Ocean and achieved a technological breakthrough. Now, if you come up with this, you will achieve another technological take-off.” Qin Tao said with admiration.

"Mr. Qin, do you also know about launching rockets to the Pacific Ocean?" The middle-aged man was very excited: "It was because of the movie "Flying to the Pacific" that I chose the aerospace industry."

 “This movie was made in 1982, right?”

“Yes, I was in high school at the time.” The middle-aged man was filled with emotion when he thought of his experience.

In 1982, Shanghai Film Studio released a movie based on the launch of a carrier rocket to the Pacific Ocean in 1980. It told the story of aerospace personnel who worked hard for long-range rockets and were not afraid of sacrifice. At that time, Chen Mingde was in high school and watched With this movie, he finally determined his ambition: to engage in the aerospace industry!

After graduation, he was admitted to the Aerospace Dynamics major of the National University of Defense Technology with excellent results and studied hard. After graduation, his tutor wanted him to stay at the school to teach, but he declined his tutor's invitation and resolutely devoted himself to the aerospace industry of the motherland. Come in career.

"I want to contribute my youth to our country's national defense. In the face of global military competition, missile defense and counterattack work cannot be delayed. This is not only related to the life safety of tens of millions of people in our country, but also related to our country's military security environment." He told The mentor firmly explained his determination to serve the country and his future work goals. After that, he was assigned to the Northwest to engage in missile research.

The institute was very difficult. Dozens of people used simple slide rules to calculate various data. There was only one old computer in the entire unit. However, he was not afraid of the difficult conditions and stayed bravely, working there for more than ten years.

 Later transferred back to the capital, he still devoted himself to the missile cause, especially anti-missile.

 When he was still in the desert, he realized the importance of anti-missile.

“Anti-missile defense is a strong shield for strategic defense and an important bargaining chip in the game between great powers. It is completely different whether it has it or not.”

At that time, he could only think that now, he could finally devote himself to this work wholeheartedly. He was very happy and worked very hard.

The Mr. Qin in front of me is the one who proposed this project. Of course, he admires Mr. Qin very much.

“In 1982, I had just entered high school.” Qin Tao said, “It seems that we are about the same age.”

"Well, we are of the same age, but Mr. Qin, your achievements are much greater than mine." Chen Mingde said: "Your Mingzhou Group is the largest military industrial enterprise in our country and in the world."

"No, we are not a military industry company, we are a shipbuilding company." Qin Tao said.

“Shipbuilding company? You can even build spaceships. Your shipbuilding company is really powerful.”

"Well, since our comrades are busy at work, we won't interrupt you. You continue to work." Wu Shengli said from the side. They came here just to see the progress of the research and development of this missile. Now they have seen it. People are so busy and there is no time to give them a special report, so they just go back.

“Well, we’ll go back. If you have any difficulties here, please tell us at any time. We will try to help as much as we can.” Qin Tao said.

This was originally just a polite word, but after hearing this, Chen Mingde immediately said: "Mr. Qin, we really need your help."

 "Xiao Chen!" Mr. Shen called Chen Mingde, "You are speaking loudly. People are being polite, do you take it seriously?" Mingzhou Group is a private enterprise and we belong to the state, so why bother asking for help?

"It's okay, Mr. Shen. If you need anything, just ask."

Chen Mingde glanced at Mr. Shen and Mr. Wang who were present, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Qin, if you want to accurately intercept the target, you need a lot of calculation work and advanced computers. Our institute does not have the ability to purchase computers at the moment. Funding…”

“That’s easy to say. I’ll tell Loongson Company and ask them to provide you with a batch of advanced computers. What models do you want?”

 “Loongson-5 computer.”

"Xiao Chen, don't make such excessive demands to Mr. Qin!" Mr. Shen said.

"It doesn't matter, there's nothing excessive about this. I'll say hello and have a batch sent over there. But, Godson No. 5? I don't think I've heard of it."

Qin Tao attended the press conference a few years ago. It was the Loongson 4 computer with a 90-nanometer process and a starting frequency of 1.7G Hz. When this processor came out, Intel completely fell behind. With this chip, Loongson Company It also launched matching memory models, thoroughly confirming its status as a voice, and later tinkered with graphics cards, hard drives, etc., becoming the leader in this field.

According to Moore's Law, more advanced chips should appear. Maybe I don't know it.

"Loongson-5 is so advanced that it has not been put on the market for the time being. It is only provided to some motherboard supporting manufacturers for testing." Chen Mingde said: "This chip has the potential of 5G Hertz, and such powerful computing power is just suitable for our use. "

Mr. Shen is very embarrassed. There are no chips on the market yet. Some of them have been circulated on the black market. A processor costs tens of thousands. Are you embarrassed to ask Mr. Qin for it?

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