Warship of Great Power

Chapter 979: Got the duck

  Chapter 979 The duck obtained

Daniel shook his head: "How is it possible? The big dogs guard those fighter planes very tightly and don't let our people get close at all. Now, our sense of presence there has become less and less. The big dogs would rather believe in the Easterners than the us."

 Originally, the weapons and equipment of the big dog owners were all Western products, especially those made in the United States. What about now?

Goudahu's fighter planes have begun to use Dongfang's stealth aircraft, Goudahu's warships have also begun to use Dongfang's foreign trade warships, and even Goudahu's aircraft carriers are built by Dongfang. They will soon become an army. Goudahu's early warning aircraft are all I purchased one from Dongfang, but the **** thing is, it still uses C-130.

 The big dogs guard the Eastern equipment very tightly and separate it from the Western equipment. There is no possibility for them to come into contact with this equipment!

“What if there is an accident and the plane crashes?”

"You have to send people there to cause an accident. Our people can't get close to it at all. In the past few years, the CIA has been trying to penetrate there, but they have never had the ability." Daniel said: "Don't even think about it. Besides, if If the accident completely burns it down, we won’t be able to get valuable information.”

Stanley nodded: "Okay, let's change the target. Siam has also purchased a batch of J-31A. We should have a chance to do it, right?"

Siam has dug a canal and its relations with the East are getting better and better. They also purchased a batch of J-31A fighters and equipped them on their world's smallest aircraft carrier. Siam is a tourist country, and domestic penetration is relatively easy.

Hearing Stanley's words, Daniel thought for a moment: "This is really possible."

"As long as you instigate a pilot to secretly fly one of the J-31A fighters to take off, relying on the excellent stealth capabilities of this aircraft, you can completely avoid everyone's surveillance. Even Siam will not know where the aircraft is flying. The place has gone." Stanley continued: "The pilot can fly the fighter plane to Changi Air Force Base. There, we will disassemble the wings of the plane and stuff it into the transport plane, and then transport it to us. When the time comes, we will We will master all the technologies of this advanced aircraft from Dongfang.”

Daniel nodded: "This is really feasible. I have a good relationship with the CIA. I will coordinate it immediately."

Siam Kingdom, Sattahip Naval Base.

This naval base is newly built. It dug deep into the seabed and became an important deep-water port base. The main warships of the Siamese Navy are stationed here, including the 10,000-ton aircraft carrier.

At the same time, in order to provide services for the carrier-based aircraft supporting the aircraft carrier, a new runway was built inside the port.

Although it operates a vertical take-off and landing fighter, it still has a runway of more than 3,000 meters, which can take off and land various large aircraft. However, there is a small runway on one side of this large runway, and there is a small runway at the end of the runway. There is a jump deck, which undertakes the training mission of Siamese Navy carrier-based fighter jets.

On the other side of the runway is the apron, where several old J-31 fighters are parked in the open air, while in the hangar on the side, there are several more advanced black J-31As parked.

These are the most advanced fighter jets of the Siamese Navy. With these fighter jets, they can dominate the region!

They will not forget that when they were digging the canal, they encountered interference from certain forces. The J-31A flew from the east and flexed its muscles here before scaring the enemy away. Later, that plane Staying here, later, they purchased a few more, and it has begun to take shape.

Those who can fly these are of course the elite among pilots, and Pallavi is one of them.

He once flew more than 300 hours on the J-31, and was among the first to fly the J-31A fighter. He has more than 50 hours of flying experience, and is considered one of the few veterans.

Wearing a full flight suit and carrying a flight hat, he walked vigorously to the hangar and said to the ground crew who was refueling: "Fill up the tank for me."

"Fill up the fuel? The order we received was to fill it up half way." The ground crew held the order note in his hand, a little curious.

"The mission has changed. You will receive the order soon. Please fill it up first."

Although the ground crew were curious, Pallavi was an experienced veteran and a backbone of the base, so they had no suspicion and quickly filled up the plane.

Pallavi stepped on the gangway and got on the plane. As the canopy was slowly closed, he suddenly took a deep breath and looked around. This was the last time. He would never take off this time. Will be back!

The roar of the engine sounded, and the fighter plane slid out of the hangar and slid along the passage to the runway for ski jump takeoff. According to the training arrangement, today is still a routine ski jump takeoff training.

The ground crew continued to be busy, making various preparations before takeoff. In the tower, Commander Atapeng was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, drinking it while looking outside.

“These fighter planes are so beautiful. I really hope that the next batch of aircraft will come over and replace all our old J-31s.”

“Yeah, if it weren’t for Dongfang, we would never have the chance to obtain such an advanced aircraft.”

While a few people were chatting, the phone rang, and Atapeng picked up the phone: "Hey, what? Pallavi asked to fill up the plane with fuel, and you did it?"

 Suddenly, a feeling of uneasiness surged into Atapeng's heart, and he shouted loudly: "Call Pallavi immediately and stop taking off!"

“The base is calling pheasant, stop taking off immediately, stop taking off immediately!”

The radio operator called anxiously, but there was no response from Pallavi. Everyone could only see the blazing flames spraying from the tail of the plane, and the cover of the lift fan on the back of the plane was also open. Then the plane started to Rush to the ski jump runway.

"Quick, take off the backup plane immediately and catch up with him!" Atapeng shouted loudly.

 Damn it, I never thought that a veteran pilot like Pallavi would have problems. How could he betray the Kingdom of Siam?

Pallavi didn’t want to either, but he had no choice.

 Flying life is boring, and flying is also dangerous, so Pallavi needs a channel to vent. Some people can drink, some can play ball, but Pallavi chooses to find a woman.

He has found many women. As for when he started the recording process, he no longer knows. He just recorded it for himself to enjoy and relieve his emotions. However, when someone came up to him and opened a certain website in front of him, At that time, he suddenly discovered that all his videos had been stolen and posted on the Internet.

If he doesn’t do what the visitor asks, then he will be completely famous and will no longer have a place in Siam. If he does, he will get 10 million US dollars and a new identity.

 He had no choice.

Feeling the impact of takeoff, Pallavi glanced at the base during the overload, saying goodbye!

  Retract the lift fan cover and retract the landing gear! When he completed preparations for takeoff, his plane immediately disappeared from the radar screen. Then, he turned off the data link, so that the base completely lost track of him.

"The target has disappeared." In the tower, the radar soldier's voice said urgently: "Pheasant has closed the data link!"

“Immediately report to your superiors that Pheasant defected in our most advanced J-31A fighter plane!” Atapeng said anxiously: “Has the pursuing fighter plane taken off?”

“Report, fighter engine failure on duty!”

Like other bases, they have a combat-ready fighter plane here to respond to emergencies at any time. This fighter plane should be well maintained and will not cause any problems normally. However, when Atapeng ordered the backup plane to be activated, At that time, the backup aircraft suddenly suffered an engine failure. It was obviously caused by Pallavi. This guy was determined to defect!

In previous eras, defections were common. Belenko flew a MiG-25 to the island country, and Yilak pilots even defected to Parthia as part of an organic formation, allowing Parthia to set up a dedicated squadron.

 But in recent years, defections have become increasingly rare.

 The international community has no place for defections to survive, especially after the disappearance of the Red Empire, defections have become rare.

This time, something extremely bad happened again.

Who is behind this? It must be the Americans, they want to steal the secrets of this fighter plane! Thinking of the possible consequences, sweat broke out on Atapeng's back, and his hands began to tremble involuntarily.

 My career may be over too!

 The advantage of a stealth machine is that it cannot be detected! This has been verified by many experiments. As long as Pallavi leaves the base and is still full of fuel, he will never be afraid of anything. He knows that he has succeeded.

Just for safety reasons, he did not do any other action. He just pulled the operating lever and let the fighter plane fly to an altitude of 15,000 meters, using the most economical flight method to fly to the southeast.

He flew across the sea, over busy canals, and across the peninsula. With the advanced satellite navigation system, it was his first time to fly this route without making any mistakes.

The end of the long peninsula is the destination he wants to go to!

 There are still three hundred kilometers to go!

Pallavi glanced at the various data on the HUD and realized that he was overthinking it. This aircraft had advanced performance and was currently flying in the most economical way. It flew all the way here without even using half of its fuel!

If he hadn't had to fill up half a tank of more fuel, he wouldn't have been exposed. He was thinking secretly in his heart. According to the original plan, after taking off, he would make an emergency call saying that he was going to crash, and wait until the height dropped to sea level. , he turned off the data link and flew over again, then no one would notice, just like what Belenko did at that time. However, he didn't dare. If he made such an action, maybe half a tank of fuel would not be enough?

With this thought in mind, Pallavi turned on the radio.

“The pheasant is calling Changi Air Base and is expected to land in twenty minutes.”

“Changi Air Force Base has received it, would you like to send fighter planes to respond?”

"No, you can't find me." Pallavi was very confident: "Just clear the runway."

With the construction of the canal by Siam, Singapore has completely declined. They have no choice but to continue to cling to the thigh of the United States. They allow the United States to station troops. Changi, created by land reclamation, not only has the navy berthed The base has also built a special aviation base on land. Whether it is a Navy carrier-based aircraft or an Air Force strategic bomber, it can take off from here.

 In order to control the situation here, the United States is also paying close attention to this side and has deployed a lot of power. At this time, Commander Bankero of Changi Air Force Base looked anxious: "Didn't our radar detect it?"

“Nothing, including the search radar of the Patriot missiles we have deployed here, has not detected it.”

"Damn it, I really don't know how the Orientals did it! They actually developed such an advanced stealth machine, which is a huge threat to us!" After finishing speaking, Banqueiro breathed a sigh of relief again: "Okay This time we will be able to get such an aircraft, we will thoroughly study its secrets, and then formulate a plan to deal with it, just like how we dealt with the MiG-25."

At that time, the Americans were very afraid when facing the Soviet MiG-25. They could only produce Blackbirds sporadically, but the Soviets could produce MiG-25s in large quantities. They fell behind!

 When the MiG-25 appeared in front of them, they realized that this thing was just a stainless steel fighter.

Now, when they get the J-31A fighter jet and dissect it carefully, they can let go of their fear of this kind of aircraft. Maybe this aircraft is also very backward and there is nothing to be afraid of.

He looked outside. A C-5 transport plane was parked on the tarmac. As long as the plane landed, he could be stuffed into the plane within ten minutes. Everything was secret. No one would You know, when this plane arrives at our side, there will be suspicion at best, and there will definitely be no evidence.

Stanley stood on the runway of the airport, looking forward to it.

Yes, he is here too. He followed this transport plane. He needs to get involved. After all, the J-31A needs to be dismantled from the wings, which requires professional personnel. Moreover, he is also looking forward to it. I can see and touch this aircraft for the first time.

Time passed little by little, and the radar still found nothing. Suddenly, someone shouted: "I saw it!"

 A black spot appeared in the distant sky!

This black spot is getting bigger and bigger, revealing its outline. The diamond-shaped nose, parallelogram inlet, butterfly-shaped wings, and tilted vertical tail are exactly the J-30 they have been dreaming about. One A!

Watching the plane approaching, Stanley also became excited. He took big steps and headed towards the runway.

"Changi Air Force Base is calling pheasant, we have seen it, the runway is clear, you can roll to land or you can land vertically."

“Vertical landing, I will land directly next to the transport plane.” Pallavi said.

Stanley had already run to the side of the runway at this time, and found that he was running in the wrong direction. Then he remembered that what was coming was a vertical landing fighter jet, and there was no need for a runway at all.

 He then ran towards the tarmac again.

In the sky, Pallavi was also trying to control his excitement. He was finally about to land. A wonderful new life was waving to him. With so much money, he could have as many women as he wanted for the rest of his life!

 Start the landing procedure!

 Pallavi’s hand began to touch the screen, set the landing position, and then started the program!

 Wait, what’s going on?

 A red warning suddenly popped up on the cockpit display. The text was in oriental language and he couldn't understand it.

  Warning, warning, the system determines that the fighter plane has defected, and emergency procedures will now be initiated!

Although Pallavi did not know what the Chinese characters meant, he knew that the situation was not good. He shouted loudly: "Pheasants are calling, pheasants are calling, the plane is malfunctioning! I request a parachute!"


Benqueiro's face changed: "No, we need a complete fighter plane. If there is a failure in vertical landing, then try to land normally!"

“Pheasant received.” Pallavi said, pushing the control lever, and the fighter plane obeyed his operation and began to turn. However, he was surprised to find that the fighter plane was actually climbing!

 “Damn it, the telex is out of order, it doesn’t listen to my instructions!”

Pallavi’s voice was panicked: “I’m going to parachute, now, right now!”

 After saying that, he closed his eyes and pulled the ejection tab between his legs.

 In his life, he once had an experience of ejection parachuting. At that time, he fainted under the huge overload. When he woke up, the parachute had been opened and he slowly landed.

This time, I hope everything goes well!

 He closed his eyes and waited for the huge overload to arrive.

 One second, two seconds, three seconds…

 No response at all! An angry voice came from the headphones.

“Pheasant, why did you get up and fly away again?”

"Pheasant, you are teasing us, aren't you afraid that your things will be made public?"

 “Pheasant, come back here!”

Pallavi looked at the LCD monitor in front of him. The navigation map on the right showed that he had returned according to the original route!

what happened?

how so?

Pallavi raised his fist and hit the LCD screen.

Snapped! Bang, bang!

The LCD screen cracked, but the image inside was still displayed, as if it was mocking him.

 “Damn it, you **** system!” Pallavi was angry and took out his gun and pointed it at the LCD screen.

 But he didn't pull the trigger.

The numbers on the HUD showed that the fighter plane had climbed to three thousand meters. At this altitude, if he damaged the plane, he would probably be dead.

 He doesn’t want to die yet!

Down below, at Changi Air Force Base, countless people looked at the direction the plane was leaving, and they were even more angry.

“Let our fighters catch up immediately, lock it, and shoot it down!” Stanley shouted loudly.

"Our fighter plane has already gone up, but... it flew into Malaysian airspace. If we had known this would happen, we should have flown beside it when it landed!"

In order to allow the plane to land safely, they cleared the entire airspace. Although there were fighter planes in the air, they were cruising in circles. When they found the plane flickering on the water and then flying away, they immediately flew over to catch up, but it was already too late. Got it!

That is a stealth aircraft. Even if it flies through the airspace of Malaysia, it will not be detected. But if other aircraft enter, there will definitely be a misunderstanding. If reported first, it will be a waste of time, which is enough for that aircraft to escape!

 (End of this chapter)

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