Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 100 Almighty Martial God, you've been fooled!

Everyone looked at this scene, and their expressions became a little dull.

Bartley's extremely difficult close-range explosions have now become long-range explosions? This kind of power... He has hidden it really well. He has been fighting in the Brave Stage for so long, but he has never used it once.

People's eyes turned from Bartley, whose hands were inserted into the earth, to the flames that had just swallowed Sugu.

What about the Almighty God of War?

call out!

A vigorous figure of the flames galloped out, and Sugu stepped on the splashing rocks and walked out of the center of the explosion. His skin seemed to be covered with a layer of black paint due to the explosion just now, making him look a little embarrassed.

But now the Almighty God of War has no time to take care of his image.

Before he could fall from the sky, three bubbles once again appeared at the place where he was about to land.

Looking at the crimson bubbles that were about to explode under his feet, Sugu's eyes shone with light, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc out of excitement. This was interesting enough!

C-level combat skill, Thousand Jin Fall!

C-level combat skill, Borrowing Wind Palm!

Sugu accelerated his fall, and when he was about to hit the ground, he swung out a palm and used the recoil of the palm to move diagonally.


As soon as he completed the displacement, a sky-high fire broke out from where he was, and the hot wind generated by the explosion slapped Sugu's excited face like a wave.

"Isn't this interesting?" He licked his lips and said cheerfully.

Bartlett, who had his hands on the ground, looked at Sugu with red eyes. No one knows whether this is due to the provocation of his opponent or the pain caused by his supernatural powers.

"You like to play, don't you? Your Martian grandpa lets you have as much fun as you want!"

Bartlett let out a desperate roar, and then the ground where Sugu was located expanded again, and five crimson bubbles surrounded him.

"An explosion that is so powerful and can directly change the landscape can be precisely controlled from a long distance? And is there no limit on the number of uses?"

Schiller said a little speechlessly.

This kind of powerful long-distance blast is beyond the reach of many long-range warriors. For a heavy equipment to be able to do this kind of thing is a bit beyond the norm.

"The power is indeed good, but the price of this move is obviously not small." Keyu Ya looked at the situation on the field and commented:

"Since Bartlett used this move, his vitality has begun to decrease rapidly. I'm afraid that he can only use this move in the conscious state of the martial arts dojo. If he wants to use it in reality, the price will be so high that he has to pay I'm sorry." Ke Youya saw the key point at a glance and commented calmly:

"If the Almighty Martial God is bent on winning, he only needs to delay for five minutes, and Bartlett himself will die of exhaustion."

After hearing this, Schiller frowned.

He looked at the field, amidst Bartlett's violent bombing that changed the landscape of the earth, the Almighty God of War was still roaming around like a leisurely stroll.

"Look at it this way, doesn't the Almighty Martial God definitely win?" He murmured.

"The Almighty Martial God cannot win through a protracted battle." Anderson shook his head and said with great certainty.

After hearing this, Keyuya and Schiller turned to look at him at the same time. As the only one among the three who has faced off against the Almighty Martial God, he naturally has the most say in this matter.

I saw Anderson saying with a faint look:

"The Almighty Martial God is different from any warrior I have met. He seems to have a game mentality when fighting. He will increase the fun through random weapons, and will also give the opponent time to adjust to increase the difficulty of the game. "

"But it's not that he doesn't care about winning or losing, it's that he seems to have extremely strong confidence that he can achieve the final victory, as if he thinks this is the fruit he is destined to pick. So rather than winning quickly, he hopes The battle process can bring him more surprises.”

"A protracted battle is too boring for an all-powerful Martial God."

Listening to Anderson's words, Keyuya and Schiller set their sights on the field again.

Sure enough, Sugu had already begun to advance!

Hot wind that was enough to burn the lungs roared around the entire site, and the flying rocks produced after the blast of a huge rock weighing hundreds of kilograms splashed on the site, creating an effect like a hail of bullets. The entire battle field was burned dark red by the high temperature, and it was shaking like an earthquake.

The battle field generated by the martial arts dojo seemed to have been turned into a scorching hell by Bartlett's superpower.

And in this scene of hell, Sugu's face was calm.

His internal organs were protected by static blood clothing, and the heat wave could not damage them at all. The flying rocks that were as dense as bullets were easily dodged by him, unable to stop his progress. On the trembling dark red ground, he quickly drove the Mercedes in the direction of Bartlett.

Boom, boom, boom...boom!

"Ah, ah!"

Bartley seemed to be going crazy, blasting crazily around Sugu.

But no matter what he did, he couldn't have any impact on Sugu. Relying on his superb body and combat skills, Sugu wandered around the battlefield like a leisurely stroll. In just such a short period of time, he had already adapted to the supernatural attack he had developed by burning out his life!

"Is it about to end already..." Sao Rui sighed softly.

Bartlett blasted frantically on the field, but the red ground beneath his feet did not produce a single explosion. Everyone can see that this is the safe zone he has designated for himself.

"Just like a storm at sea, the most central area is often the safest. Challenge the storm when it is at its biggest, charge forward and stand in the eye of the storm to win. This is the way of the Almighty God of War." Anderson said softly.

Schiller looked at the figure of the Almighty God of War on the field, and a trace of respect appeared in his eyes. He somewhat understood why the other party could have so many fans even without deliberate operation.

"Bartelle, don't lose!"

Bartelle's fans saw that their idol had been fighting so hard, but they couldn't stop the Almighty God of War from moving forward, and they felt a pain in their hearts.

But they couldn't do anything, so they could only stand in the audience and roar desperately. But Bartelle seemed to have run out of fuel. After several explosions failed to stop Su Gu's footsteps, the frequency of explosions began to decrease. He stayed there blankly, as if waiting for the sentence of a death row prisoner.

Su Gu's footsteps stepped into the safe zone he had designated. He looked at his opponent in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sao Rui sighed softly, just as he was about to say something to make a conclusion for the two warriors. Batelle's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes, which seemed to be exhausted just now, now flashed with brilliance.

"Almighty Martial God, you've been fooled!"

As soon as Batelle finished speaking, the safe zone kept flashing like a broken light bulb.

Su Gu's eyes condensed, and he was just about to retreat, but it was too late.

Boom! !

The most powerful and terrifying explosion in the entire battle broke out under the feet of the two! Hot steam with the breath of death gathered into a hot tornado in the sky.

Su Gu's body was rolled up directly like a balloon out of control.

But Batelle was well prepared, he held the ground tightly to prevent his body from being blown up.

B-level combat skills, immovable as a mountain!

Batelle stood up from the ground trembling, and every bone in his body felt a piercing pain. His skin had been completely torn off by the hot steam, and his appearance was extremely creepy.

The most serious injuries were his hands, which had been deformed and twisted under the side effects of his superpowers.

But even in this state, Batelle's eyes were filled with the joy of victory!

From the beginning, he only used the red bubbles that changed the ground to mislead the judgment of the Almighty Martial God. Until now, the bomb that has been accumulating energy underground has blown the Martial God away. Everything is perfect.

"I know that this alone will not kill you!" Batelle said coldly.

In the last collision, he had already understood the strength of his opponent. Therefore, he was naturally not naive enough to rely on this explosion to end the Almighty Martial God.

This explosion was only to blow the Almighty Martial God up, making him lose the relay point in the sky and unable to use combat skills such as borrowing wind palm to move.

"The next is the fatal killing move!"

Batler endured the severe pain, and his hands, which had been completely festering, once again activated his supernatural power.

Thunder and Fire Explosion Fist!

"Without the fire-resistant armor, the Thunder and Fire Explosion Fist will be several times more powerful under close-range explosions!"

"You are completely unable to use the force in the sky, and you can't complete basic evasive actions. Next, you will be my target!"

The power of the hot tornado gradually dissipated, and Su Gu in the sky began to fall. He looked at the ground he was about to fall on with a calm face.

And Batler said with red eyes:

"Come on, Almighty God of War, the victory of this battle will eventually belong to me, Batler!"

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