Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 26: Admissions banquet, big shots flocking in, confused neighbors

Sugu listened to the sound of the radio, and the expression on his face twitched.

Now he is completely famous in the school.

But there was nothing to worry about. He had expected this result when he took the college entrance examination.

Moreover, Ma Mingjie took the initiative to help him take care of the college entrance banquet, which also left a large amount of expenses for the family, which was also a good thing.

So after finishing attending to the principal and teacher's affairs, Sugu said to his classmates who had been standing nearby:

"Remember to come over tomorrow. If you don't know the location, just ask Ma Mingjie in the class group."

Then he turned around and walked towards home.

On the bus home, Sugu was thinking about the exercises and sending messages to his neighbors in the community on his mobile phone.

"Grandpa Liu, I've been admitted to college. There will be a college entrance banquet tomorrow. You must come over."

"Okay, okay, as expected of Xiao Gu, you are so awesome! The prayer talisman grandpa asked for for you in the temple seems to be useful."


"Aunt Sun, thank you for the chicken soup you made for me before the college entrance examination. I am admitted to college today, and you must come to my entrance banquet."

"Sugu is so amazing. Even in the liberal arts class, he was able to pass martial arts into university. I really hope my children can be like you."


"Uncle Li..."

"Grandma Zheng..."


Sugu sent messages and phone calls to the neighbors who had taken care of him one by one.

As an orphan, these are the good people who helped him. Now that my life has changed for the better, I naturally want to invite them to share my happiness.

After returning home, Sugu spent a lot of money and ordered a sumptuous and nutritious meal to celebrate.

After eating the takeaway, he sat on the futon at home as usual and began to review today's battle with the Star Titan, thinking about whether there was anything he could improve on.

The end of the college entrance examination does not mean the end of martial arts. Although martial arts is endless, Sugu enjoys the process of continuous climbing. This feeling of becoming stronger makes him intoxicated.

Early the next morning, Sugu took a shower, put on some casual clothes, went to meet the neighbors, and then took the bus to the restaurant Ma Mingjie booked.

The Tenglong Hotel is located in the city center. It was very inconvenient for people in remote communities like them, but no one complained. Everyone happily gathered around Sugu asking questions.

Aunt Sun said: "I heard that to be admitted to university, a martial artist must score at least three hundred points in the exam. I guess Sugu killed a lot of foreigners in the exam room."

Aunt Sun's child Peipei said: "Brother Sugu is so powerful. Anyone who kills aliens is a hero of mankind."

Grandpa Liu said: "You are promising. The children we are watching grow up are promising."

Uncle Li: "I guess Sugu can go to a good undergraduate school. That's amazing."

Sugu responded to these blessings with a smile, and soon these people arrived at the Tenglong Hotel amid laughter and laughter.

Neighbors who have been living in the suburbs for these years swallowed dryly when they looked at the more than 50-story mountain-like building.

Then they took another look at the splendidly decorated door. Even the security guard at the door looked tall and powerful, standing motionless in a military posture.

Then they looked at the electronic banner scrolling at the hotel entrance, which read:

Warmly celebrate the success of Sugu, a student from Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, in the martial arts examination. Our hotel will only serve one student, Sugu, today.

"This...Tenglong Hotel is so tall."

"Xiao Gu, although it is a good thing to go to college, you should not spend too much money."

"Yes, we can just eat whatever we want. Xiao Gu, you have to go to college next, so you can't spend too much money."

Sugu looked at it and frowned slightly.

He and Ma Mingjie have a close relationship. He will take advantage of Ma Mingjie when it comes to small amounts of money, but when it comes to big money, they both make a clear distinction. This is also the key to maintaining their friendship.

Now Ma Mingjie has taken over the entire restaurant, which is too expensive and does not comply with the principle of the two people's interactions.

He made a phone call and called Ma Mingjie out.

"Sugu, Brother Su, you, the protagonist, have finally arrived."

After Ma Mingjie received the call, he immediately trotted over. After understanding Su Gu's concerns, he smiled proudly and said: "Brother Su, you underestimate your influence now. Spend money? This meal is Hangzhou All the big bosses in the city are invited for free.”

"They say I'm here to book the show, but actually it's me who takes advantage of you."


Sugu was stunned for a moment. Is there such a good thing in the world?

"Su Ge's performance in the martial arts exam can be said to be shocking. Our city has not seen such students for decades, and you are the first."

"And the examiner's evaluation of you at that time was that as long as you grow up normally, there is a high probability that you can physically cross the star sea!"

"Now these bosses in Hangzhou are rushing to help you organize a college entrance banquet to get to know you. They will definitely take the initiative to take pictures with you later. When you become a strong person, these people can still take photos with you. Use photos to do some publicity.”

"When the time comes, you can take a group photo with peace of mind. The bosses who come here are all brothers who have checked for you in advance and will not do anything extraordinary."

Sure enough, as soon as Ma Mingjie finished speaking, a group of bosses in suits and leather shoes trotted over with smiles on their face, rushing to get close to Sugutao.

Seeing this, Sugu responded with a smile. Although martial arts is the most important thing, he is not a person who hides from the world and needs to do some superficial work.

At this moment, the neighbors standing aside immediately became a little restrained when they saw the bosses around Su Gu, all wearing neat suits and combing their hair meticulously.

At this moment, the uncles and aunts among these neighbors, looking at Su Gu who was calmly entertaining the bosses of Hangzhou not far away, felt a little strange for the first time about this child they watched grow up.

"Isn't Su Gu going to take the exam? Why are so many bosses trying to curry favor with him after the college entrance examination?"

"I don't know, do you think our clothes are too casual?"

Looking at the casual clothes they were wearing, these people felt a little regretful in their hearts that they should wear suits.

At this time, an extended black official car stopped at the door of Tenglong Hotel.

Mayor Liu Chenghui and examiner Zhou Zhengsheng pushed the door out, and then walked quickly towards Su Gu. The bosses who were just pulling Su Gu to take a photo gave way.

"Xiao Su, why are you still standing at the door? Go in quickly."

Liu Chenghui patted Su Gu on the back as if he was caring for his beloved junior and said, "This hotel knows that you, the top scholar, are coming to eat, but they didn't charge a penny and took the initiative to take over 300 tables of banquets."

Looking at the scene in front of them and listening to what they said, these neighbors were completely confused.

"This is... the mayor, why is he here at Xiao Su's graduation banquet?"

"And you see, there is a soldier standing next to the mayor. Judging from his rank, he is an officer."

"No... didn't you hear it? What did the mayor just say? Su Gu is the top scholar, he is the top scholar!"

One thing after another made these people stand there in a daze, and for a moment they were a little confused and bewildered.

"Mr. Mayor, my neighbors and I came here early in the morning, but our home is relatively remote, so it is troublesome to come and go." Su Gu said with a smile as he looked at his neighbors.

Liu Chenghui stroked his chin, looked at Su Gu's neighbors, and recalled the family information about Su Gu in his mind.

It seemed that they lived a little remote.

And Su Gu's neighbors were ordinary people. At this moment, they were looked at by the mayor and felt panic.

"Speaking of which, the area over Su Gu's home is going to be developed." Liu Chenghui said to the secretary beside him.

The secretary immediately understood and said, "Yes, there is indeed a plan to build a subway."

After hearing this, the neighbors were ecstatic.

If a subway can really be built at their doorstep, not only will their travel be much more convenient, but even their own houses can be increased in price.

At this moment, they looked at the mayor and Su Gu, their faces full of gratitude.

They looked at Su Gu and felt for the first time that he was not just a child, but also a "person" who could influence some things.

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor!" Su Gu said seriously.

Zhou Zhengsheng saw that Su Gu had become successful, but he still did not forget the people who helped him when he was in a humble situation. He nodded slightly in his heart and was more satisfied with the child in front of him.

He walked up to Su Gu and whispered, "After the graduation banquet, I have something to give you."

After hearing this, Su Gu looked calm and helped several elderly neighbors into the restaurant.

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